South Carolina Democratic Primary: February 27, 2016

Bernie gets the anti-establishment vote. They will go to Trump, not Hillary.
just more of the same old yea i guess America is ready....

70% of the country said they'd never vote for a socialist. i always said they wouldn't vote for a jew. i still think that's true
Jill with all the Democrat politicians in this Country i just find it amazing that those 2 are the best they could come up old woman that is not that well liked with a ton of baggage dragging behind her and an even older guy who wants to do good but is promising stuff that wont happen....and that party knew that from day one.....and dont even get me started on the other party...
which part did find humorous lakota?...

Have you not noticed it is the new tactic of the left wing. Anything that disagrees they rate as funny. I think they think they are making a statement or they are really really smart. The statement they are making is, they are not that bright.
lots of righties here do the same thing.....will give a perfectly serious comment by a lefty a laugh....i know lakota has had quite a

i find it funny that he's whining about it. i only started doing it to people who think it's amusing to read a serious comment and laugh.

and the person who was whining isn't worth responding to anyway.
After Adolf Trump tanks - Hillary will probably face Rubio in the General Election.
BHO has been ordering the FBI to back off, until he saw if the filthy DemWitt voters were disturbed by HER criminaility. Now BHO will order the investigation to be labeled RW hysteria and give her a pass in exchange for not exposing his own sleaze and "carrying on" in a manner to make him look good. IMVHO

blah blah blah blah
Hillary Clinton aiming for rout in South Carolina

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to just beat Bernie Sanders in South Carolina’s Saturday primary.

She wants to pummel him.

More: Hillary Clinton aiming for rout in South Carolina

I expect Hillary will win in South Carolina - hopefully by a wide margin. We'll see...
She's supposed to win handily in all of the Southern states on March 1. I hope she does pummel him. He's a good Democrat but she's going to make the better president.

I agree! America is NOT ready for Bernie - but IS ready for Hillary!
just more of the same old yea i guess America is ready....

70% of the country said they'd never vote for a socialist. i always said they wouldn't vote for a jew. i still think that's true

No. Bernie lost it right when he exposed being 1 of her 7 dwarfs. Which were her "competition". Guess Saunders pretty much isn't.

what on earth are you blathering about.

his name is sanders, btw... not saunders. :rolleyes:
Hillary Clinton aiming for rout in South Carolina

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to just beat Bernie Sanders in South Carolina’s Saturday primary.

She wants to pummel him.

More: Hillary Clinton aiming for rout in South Carolina

I expect Hillary will win in South Carolina - hopefully by a wide margin. We'll see...
She's supposed to win handily in all of the Southern states on March 1. I hope she does pummel him. He's a good Democrat but she's going to make the better president.

I agree! America is NOT ready for Bernie - but IS ready for Hillary!
just more of the same old yea i guess America is ready....

70% of the country said they'd never vote for a socialist. i always said they wouldn't vote for a jew. i still think that's true
Jill with all the Democrat politicians in this Country i just find it amazing that those 2 are the best they could come up old woman that is not that well liked with a ton of baggage dragging behind her and an even older guy who wants to do good but is promising stuff that wont happen....and that party knew that from day one.....and dont even get me started on the other party...

hillary wanted it in 2008. she should have had it in 2008. he numbers were rock solid going in and it would have been silly for anyone serious to take her on. she also has more experience than anyone running. you can like her or not, but no one has been through what she has.
From what I've seen most Democrats like both candidates.

Bernie has a lot of independent supporters that would take Trump over Clinton. Also a lot of young Democrats will be upset by Bernie's loss and not vote.

Says who?

Reminds me of 2008 when Clinton supporters were not going to show up for Obama, my, how wrong that turned out to be.
Clinton's supporters were pretty negligible.

How so? More than likely there will have been more people who voted for Clinton in 2008 than Sanders in 2016.
She's supposed to win handily in all of the Southern states on March 1. I hope she does pummel him. He's a good Democrat but she's going to make the better president.

I agree! America is NOT ready for Bernie - but IS ready for Hillary!
just more of the same old yea i guess America is ready....

70% of the country said they'd never vote for a socialist. i always said they wouldn't vote for a jew. i still think that's true
Jill with all the Democrat politicians in this Country i just find it amazing that those 2 are the best they could come up old woman that is not that well liked with a ton of baggage dragging behind her and an even older guy who wants to do good but is promising stuff that wont happen....and that party knew that from day one.....and dont even get me started on the other party...

hillary wanted it in 2008. she should have had it in 2008. he numbers were rock solid going in and it would have been silly for anyone serious to take her on. she also has more experience than anyone running. you can like her or not, but no one has been through what she has.
She has been through a lot...fucked up most of it and lied about the rest. Bring her on!
Bernie gets the anti-establishment vote. They will go to Trump, not Hillary.

a sizable number of republican voters are going to run to hillary.

no dems are voting for trump and he has no appeal with independent voters.

buh bye
Apparently, Hillary cleaned up with the negro vote, winning the category 80-20. Communists Sanders supporters are baffled.

Clinton thunders to big win over Sanders in South Carolina

It's more like 87 to 13 of the black vote and she is also winning the white vote.
Never underestimate the stupidity of white liberals.

Don't you mean conservatives who votes for a Republican that holds some liberal views?
The sig line is on the bottom of all posts. All you need do is click any one of the three that appear in all my posts. Any one of them are great reading/videos. The particular one I was referring to is this one:

must be some setting? or this latop is bad? I don't see nuttin at bottom of any? but next post? maybe someday......
I agree! America is NOT ready for Bernie - but IS ready for Hillary!
just more of the same old yea i guess America is ready....

70% of the country said they'd never vote for a socialist. i always said they wouldn't vote for a jew. i still think that's true
Jill with all the Democrat politicians in this Country i just find it amazing that those 2 are the best they could come up old woman that is not that well liked with a ton of baggage dragging behind her and an even older guy who wants to do good but is promising stuff that wont happen....and that party knew that from day one.....and dont even get me started on the other party...

hillary wanted it in 2008. she should have had it in 2008. he numbers were rock solid going in and it would have been silly for anyone serious to take her on. she also has more experience than anyone running. you can like her or not, but no one has been through what she has.
She has been through a lot...fucked up most of it and lied about the rest. Bring her on!

that's funny given that no matter how much you wingers lie about her, you've never gotten her on anything.

now go whine in a corner.

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