South Carolina Sees Earliest Snow Fall in 100 Years

87% of the earth has BELOW NORMAL TEMPS and some how its magically the hottest eve'a.... Snow and ice are already taking their toll on the great lakes with lake temps already 12 degrees F below normal it wont take much cooling to being the freeze. The warmist morons just cant get things straight.. Siberia is a full 9 deg F below normal and already has over 2 feet of snow a full two months early. But hey... they got one small area of warmth..

Proves global warming, the warming is driving the cold to places it never went before.


God I love this forum!!!
It's not snowing in the deep ocean

However, the cold surface temps will now allow faster cooling of the land mass. I fully expect to see rapid ice growth in the arctic and a fridgide mid western states. By Jan 1 I expect a 100% freeze of t he great lakes.

While it may not be snowing in the deep ocean, the surface of much of it could very well freeze over above 80 Lat.

NOAA reports that global land and sea temperatures are up slightly. Climate at a Glance National Climatic Data Center NCDC
Billy, even Watts is reporting that the Unisys maps are totally botched.

On The Recent Unisys Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Maps and Cooling of Northern Hemisphere Ocean Surfaces Watts Up With That

This should lead to some interesting cognitive dissonance from Billy. His cult leader told him he's totally wrong, but Billy is a squeaking manchild who can't ever admit being wrong.

We'll remember in a few days, when it warms up again, to remind Billy how he told us the whole northern hemisphere was immediately going into a deep freeze. That should be good for more laughs.


Given the 2- 4Deg C Drop in Northern hemisphere oceans over the last few weeks the cooling is headed in hard and fast. The major drop will kill any chance of El Nino even occurring. It is now officially dead. Here comes the snow and ice... hope your ready. We no longer have Buffering heat in the northern hemisphere...

Record Ice growth in the arctic already noted and its only Nov 1 2014. Looks like things are going to be significantly colder as the Polar Low is massive and stable.

What record?

As crick is incapable of seeing the massive increase of ice happening right before his eyes.. By January the level of ice will be at or above the 2000 base line. I can see the slope change without my glasses..
Billy, even Watts is reporting that the Unisys maps are totally botched.

On The Recent Unisys Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Maps and Cooling of Northern Hemisphere Ocean Surfaces Watts Up With That

This should lead to some interesting cognitive dissonance from Billy. His cult leader told him he's totally wrong, but Billy is a squeaking manchild who can't ever admit being wrong.

We'll remember in a few days, when it warms up again, to remind Billy how he told us the whole northern hemisphere was immediately going into a deep freeze. That should be good for more laughs.


Given the 2- 4Deg C Drop in Northern hemisphere oceans over the last few weeks the cooling is headed in hard and fast. The major drop will kill any chance of El Nino even occurring. It is now officially dead. Here comes the snow and ice... hope your ready. We no longer have Buffering heat in the northern hemisphere...
The color schemes are botched... but then if you had read it you would have found that out. When the color schemes are corrected the amount of cooling is massive. I posted a corrected graph.
No, the whole thing is totally wrong. Watts showed an actual sea surface temp anomaly chart. Here it is. Maybe you should read the work of DearLeaderWatts more closely next time.

We will, of course, be returning to this thread Jan. 1, to review if all the great lakes have frozen solid.

By the way, in your fantasy world, what physical process caused most of the oceans in the northern hemisphere to plunge in temp by about 10F over a single month? Where did that energy go?
Last edited:

Record Ice growth in the arctic already noted and its only Nov 1 2014. Looks like things are going to be significantly colder as the Polar Low is massive and stable.

What record?

As crick is incapable of seeing the massive increase of ice happening right before his eyes.. By January the level of ice will be at or above the 2000 base line. I can see the slope change without my glasses..

Are you fucking kidding me? You're going to predict the ice extent based on your calibrated Mark I eyeball? The stupid just keep getting stupider. BTW, there is no 2000 base line in that data. There is a 1981-2010 average. The odds of extents crossing that line are slim. The odds of the record extent growth you claimed had already taken place (Billy Bob Lie #112), which would require an extent significantly above the 2SD shading, are microscopic to ZERO.

Record Ice growth in the arctic already noted and its only Nov 1 2014. Looks like things are going to be significantly colder as the Polar Low is massive and stable.

What record?

As crick is incapable of seeing the massive increase of ice happening right before his eyes.. By January the level of ice will be at or above the 2000 base line. I can see the slope change without my glasses..

Are you fucking kidding me? You're going to predict the ice extent based on your calibrated Mark I eyeball? The stupid just keep getting stupider. BTW, there is no 2000 base line in that data. There is a 1981-2010 average. The odds of extents crossing that line are slim. The odds of the record extent growth you claimed had already taken place (Billy Bob Lie #112), which would require an extent significantly above the 2SD shading, are microscopic to ZERO.
Hey Moron, The ambient air temp, water circulations, and current rate of ice growth all point to this not only being possible but probable. But hey crawl back in your cave will ya...
It's global warming! Throw out your aerosol cans! Get rid of your SUVs! You're frying the planet!!

Earliest Snow in Columbia SC Roy Spencer PhD

I told someone just the other day that I believe we are in for a very cold winter this year! Looks like I was right!
You can say that again!
Cold as a witch's tit in a brass brassiere here.

And there goes three denier cult morons who imagine that the weather in their back yards is an accurate reflection of the global climate.

An early snowfall in South Carolina is absolutely meaningless in terms of global warming, even if it does set a record. The previous earliest recorded snowfall in South Carolina was on Nov 19th, 1901. Other first snowfalls have occurred later in the month in other years. Just local weather variation, with no global context.

In many other parts of the planet, temperatures this year are, and have been, higher than normal, sometimes much higher. As the article I cited in post #5 explained, the entire country of Great Britain has had their hottest year on record so far this year, with temperatures in large areas of the country regeristering over 10 degrees Celcius, or 18 degrees Fahrenheit, higher than average this Halloween.

As NOAA stated in their September 2014 Global Analysis report:
With records dating back to 1880, the global temperature across the world's land and ocean surfaces for September 2014 was 0.72°C (1.30°F) higher than the 20th century average of 15.0°C (59.0°F), marking the warmest September in the 135-year period of record. With the exception of February, which tied as the 18th warmest February in the 135-year period of record, every month to date in 2014 has been among its four warmest on record, with May, June, August, and September all record warm.

...Warmer-than-average temperatures were evident over most of the global land surface, except for central Russia and some areas in eastern and northern Canada. Record warmth was notable in much of northwestern Africa, coastal regions of southeastern South America, southwestern Australia, parts of the Middle East, and regions of southeastern Asia. In total, 31 countries and territories from all seven continents around the world had at least one station that reported record warmth. The period of record varies for each reporting station.

Select national information is highlighted below. (Please note that different countries report anomalies with respect to different base periods. The information provided here is based directly upon these data):

* September temperatures were above average across Australia, with daily high temperatures responsible for much of the warmth. The September average maximum temperature for the country was 2.03°C (3.7°F) higher than the 1961-1990 average, the fifth highest maximum temperature for the month since national records began in 1910. The state of Western Australia was record warm, at 2.75°C (4.95°F) above average, breaking the previous record set in 1980 by 0.44°C (0.79°F). Tasmania reported its second highest September maximum temperature on record and Victoria reported its seventh highest.

* With high pressure dominating the region for most of the month, the United Kingdom had its fourth warmest September since national records began in 1910, with a temperature 1.2°C (2.2°F) higher than the 1981-2010 average.

* France observed one of its warmest Septembers since national records began in 1900, with a monthly temperature 1.6°C (2.9°F) above the 1981-2010 average. In the southwest, Brittany and Normandy reported monthly temperatures 2-4°C (4-7°F) higher than average.

* Denmark had its seventh warmest September since records began in 1874, with a temperature 1.9°C (3.4°F) higher than the 1961-1990 average and 0.8°C (1.4°F) higher than the most recent 2001-2010 decadal average . The average daily maximum temperature was the fifth highest on record for September while the average daily minimum temperature tied with 1998 as third highest (maximum and minimum temperature records date to 1953).

* Germany had a September temperature 1.4°C (2.5°F) higher than the 1981-2010 average. The warmth was widespread across the country, with every state reporting a higher-than-average September temperature.

* Austria was 0.7°C (1.4°F) higher than its 1981-2010 average. Switzerland had a September temperature 1.0°C (1.8°F) higher than its 1981-2010 average.

The average September temperature for the global oceans was record high for the month, at 0.66°C (1.19°F) above the 20th century average, the highest on record for September. This also marked the highest departure from average for any month since records began in 1880, breaking the previous record of 0.65°C (1.17°F) set just one month earlier in August. This is the third time in 2014 this all-time monthly high temperature record has been broken. Record warmth was observed in parts of every major ocean basin, particularly notable in the northeastern and equatorial Pacific Ocean. Although El Niño conditions were not officially present across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during September, NOAA's Climate Prediction Center favors El Niño to begin in the next one to two months and last into the Northern Hemisphere spring 2015. This forecast focuses on the ocean surface temperatures between 5°N and 5°S latitude and 170°W to 120°W longitude.

The first nine months of 2014 (January-September) tied with 1998 as the warmest such period on record, with a combined global land and ocean average surface temperature 0.68°C (1.22°F) above the 20th century average of 14.1°C (57.5°F). If 2014 maintains this temperature departure from average for the remainder of the year, it will be the warmest calendar year on record. The past 12 months (October 2013-September 2014) was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880, at 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average. This breaks the previous record of +0.68°C (+1.22°F) set for the periods September 1997-August 1998, August 2009-July 2010; and September 2013-August 2014.
It's global warming! Throw out your aerosol cans! Get rid of your SUVs! You're frying the planet!!

Earliest Snow in Columbia SC Roy Spencer PhD

I told someone just the other day that I believe we are in for a very cold winter this year! Looks like I was right!
You can say that again!
Cold as a witch's tit in a brass brassiere here.

And there goes three denier cult morons who imagine that the weather in their back yards is an accurate reflection of the global climate.

An early snowfall in South Carolina is absolutely meaningless in terms of global warming, even if it does set a record. The previous earliest recorded snowfall in South Carolina was on Nov 19th, 1901. Other first snowfalls have occurred later in the month in other years. Just local weather variation, with no global context.

In many other parts of the planet, temperatures this year are, and have been, higher than normal, sometimes much higher. As the article I cited in post #5 explained, the entire country of Great Britain has had their hottest year on record so far this year, with temperatures in large areas of the country regeristering over 10 degrees Celcius, or 18 degrees Fahrenheit, higher than average this Halloween.

As NOAA stated in their September 2014 Global Analysis report:
With records dating back to 1880, the global temperature across the world's land and ocean surfaces for September 2014 was 0.72°C (1.30°F) higher than the 20th century average of 15.0°C (59.0°F), marking the warmest September in the 135-year period of record. With the exception of February, which tied as the 18th warmest February in the 135-year period of record, every month to date in 2014 has been among its four warmest on record, with May, June, August, and September all record warm.

...Warmer-than-average temperatures were evident over most of the global land surface, except for central Russia and some areas in eastern and northern Canada. Record warmth was notable in much of northwestern Africa, coastal regions of southeastern South America, southwestern Australia, parts of the Middle East, and regions of southeastern Asia. In total, 31 countries and territories from all seven continents around the world had at least one station that reported record warmth. The period of record varies for each reporting station.

Select national information is highlighted below. (Please note that different countries report anomalies with respect to different base periods. The information provided here is based directly upon these data):

* September temperatures were above average across Australia, with daily high temperatures responsible for much of the warmth. The September average maximum temperature for the country was 2.03°C (3.7°F) higher than the 1961-1990 average, the fifth highest maximum temperature for the month since national records began in 1910. The state of Western Australia was record warm, at 2.75°C (4.95°F) above average, breaking the previous record set in 1980 by 0.44°C (0.79°F). Tasmania reported its second highest September maximum temperature on record and Victoria reported its seventh highest.

* With high pressure dominating the region for most of the month, the United Kingdom had its fourth warmest September since national records began in 1910, with a temperature 1.2°C (2.2°F) higher than the 1981-2010 average.

* France observed one of its warmest Septembers since national records began in 1900, with a monthly temperature 1.6°C (2.9°F) above the 1981-2010 average. In the southwest, Brittany and Normandy reported monthly temperatures 2-4°C (4-7°F) higher than average.

* Denmark had its seventh warmest September since records began in 1874, with a temperature 1.9°C (3.4°F) higher than the 1961-1990 average and 0.8°C (1.4°F) higher than the most recent 2001-2010 decadal average . The average daily maximum temperature was the fifth highest on record for September while the average daily minimum temperature tied with 1998 as third highest (maximum and minimum temperature records date to 1953).

* Germany had a September temperature 1.4°C (2.5°F) higher than the 1981-2010 average. The warmth was widespread across the country, with every state reporting a higher-than-average September temperature.

* Austria was 0.7°C (1.4°F) higher than its 1981-2010 average. Switzerland had a September temperature 1.0°C (1.8°F) higher than its 1981-2010 average.

The average September temperature for the global oceans was record high for the month, at 0.66°C (1.19°F) above the 20th century average, the highest on record for September. This also marked the highest departure from average for any month since records began in 1880, breaking the previous record of 0.65°C (1.17°F) set just one month earlier in August. This is the third time in 2014 this all-time monthly high temperature record has been broken. Record warmth was observed in parts of every major ocean basin, particularly notable in the northeastern and equatorial Pacific Ocean. Although El Niño conditions were not officially present across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during September, NOAA's Climate Prediction Center favors El Niño to begin in the next one to two months and last into the Northern Hemisphere spring 2015. This forecast focuses on the ocean surface temperatures between 5°N and 5°S latitude and 170°W to 120°W longitude.

The first nine months of 2014 (January-September) tied with 1998 as the warmest such period on record, with a combined global land and ocean average surface temperature 0.68°C (1.22°F) above the 20th century average of 14.1°C (57.5°F). If 2014 maintains this temperature departure from average for the remainder of the year, it will be the warmest calendar year on record. The past 12 months (October 2013-September 2014) was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880, at 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average. This breaks the previous record of +0.68°C (+1.22°F) set for the periods September 1997-August 1998, August 2009-July 2010; and September 2013-August 2014.



The pause still prevails just knocked yourself out for nothing!!!:slap:
It's global warming! Throw out your aerosol cans! Get rid of your SUVs! You're frying the planet!!

Earliest Snow in Columbia SC Roy Spencer PhD

I told someone just the other day that I believe we are in for a very cold winter this year! Looks like I was right!
You can say that again!
Cold as a witch's tit in a brass brassiere here.

And there goes three denier cult morons who imagine that the weather in their back yards is an accurate reflection of the global climate.

An early snowfall in South Carolina is absolutely meaningless in terms of global warming, even if it does set a record. The previous earliest recorded snowfall in South Carolina was on Nov 19th, 1901. Other first snowfalls have occurred later in the month in other years. Just local weather variation, with no global context.

In many other parts of the planet, temperatures this year are, and have been, higher than normal, sometimes much higher. As the article I cited in post #5 explained, the entire country of Great Britain has had their hottest year on record so far this year, with temperatures in large areas of the country regeristering over 10 degrees Celcius, or 18 degrees Fahrenheit, higher than average this Halloween.

As NOAA stated in their September 2014 Global Analysis report:
With records dating back to 1880, the global temperature across the world's land and ocean surfaces for September 2014 was 0.72°C (1.30°F) higher than the 20th century average of 15.0°C (59.0°F), marking the warmest September in the 135-year period of record. With the exception of February, which tied as the 18th warmest February in the 135-year period of record, every month to date in 2014 has been among its four warmest on record, with May, June, August, and September all record warm.

...Warmer-than-average temperatures were evident over most of the global land surface, except for central Russia and some areas in eastern and northern Canada. Record warmth was notable in much of northwestern Africa, coastal regions of southeastern South America, southwestern Australia, parts of the Middle East, and regions of southeastern Asia. In total, 31 countries and territories from all seven continents around the world had at least one station that reported record warmth. The period of record varies for each reporting station.

Select national information is highlighted below. (Please note that different countries report anomalies with respect to different base periods. The information provided here is based directly upon these data):

* September temperatures were above average across Australia, with daily high temperatures responsible for much of the warmth. The September average maximum temperature for the country was 2.03°C (3.7°F) higher than the 1961-1990 average, the fifth highest maximum temperature for the month since national records began in 1910. The state of Western Australia was record warm, at 2.75°C (4.95°F) above average, breaking the previous record set in 1980 by 0.44°C (0.79°F). Tasmania reported its second highest September maximum temperature on record and Victoria reported its seventh highest.

* With high pressure dominating the region for most of the month, the United Kingdom had its fourth warmest September since national records began in 1910, with a temperature 1.2°C (2.2°F) higher than the 1981-2010 average.

* France observed one of its warmest Septembers since national records began in 1900, with a monthly temperature 1.6°C (2.9°F) above the 1981-2010 average. In the southwest, Brittany and Normandy reported monthly temperatures 2-4°C (4-7°F) higher than average.

* Denmark had its seventh warmest September since records began in 1874, with a temperature 1.9°C (3.4°F) higher than the 1961-1990 average and 0.8°C (1.4°F) higher than the most recent 2001-2010 decadal average . The average daily maximum temperature was the fifth highest on record for September while the average daily minimum temperature tied with 1998 as third highest (maximum and minimum temperature records date to 1953).

* Germany had a September temperature 1.4°C (2.5°F) higher than the 1981-2010 average. The warmth was widespread across the country, with every state reporting a higher-than-average September temperature.

* Austria was 0.7°C (1.4°F) higher than its 1981-2010 average. Switzerland had a September temperature 1.0°C (1.8°F) higher than its 1981-2010 average.

The average September temperature for the global oceans was record high for the month, at 0.66°C (1.19°F) above the 20th century average, the highest on record for September. This also marked the highest departure from average for any month since records began in 1880, breaking the previous record of 0.65°C (1.17°F) set just one month earlier in August. This is the third time in 2014 this all-time monthly high temperature record has been broken. Record warmth was observed in parts of every major ocean basin, particularly notable in the northeastern and equatorial Pacific Ocean. Although El Niño conditions were not officially present across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during September, NOAA's Climate Prediction Center favors El Niño to begin in the next one to two months and last into the Northern Hemisphere spring 2015. This forecast focuses on the ocean surface temperatures between 5°N and 5°S latitude and 170°W to 120°W longitude.

The first nine months of 2014 (January-September) tied with 1998 as the warmest such period on record, with a combined global land and ocean average surface temperature 0.68°C (1.22°F) above the 20th century average of 14.1°C (57.5°F). If 2014 maintains this temperature departure from average for the remainder of the year, it will be the warmest calendar year on record. The past 12 months (October 2013-September 2014) was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880, at 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average. This breaks the previous record of +0.68°C (+1.22°F) set for the periods September 1997-August 1998, August 2009-July 2010; and September 2013-August 2014.
And all predicated on an ADJUSTMENT of +1.2 deg C...... I wonder how many fools will buy this load of garbage and lies?
In New York tonight, its an epic ball freeze all over the state. Im certain people are sitting around their fires tonight saying to each other, "Shit man......we have to do something about this global warming before we all freeze our asses off!!!!":boobies::boobies::woohoo:
It's global warming! Throw out your aerosol cans! Get rid of your SUVs! You're frying the planet!!

Earliest Snow in Columbia SC Roy Spencer PhD

I told someone just the other day that I believe we are in for a very cold winter this year! Looks like I was right!
You can say that again!
Cold as a witch's tit in a brass brassiere here.

And there goes three denier cult morons who imagine that the weather in their back yards is an accurate reflection of the global climate.

An early snowfall in South Carolina is absolutely meaningless in terms of global warming, even if it does set a record. The previous earliest recorded snowfall in South Carolina was on Nov 19th, 1901. Other first snowfalls have occurred later in the month in other years. Just local weather variation, with no global context.

In many other parts of the planet, temperatures this year are, and have been, higher than normal, sometimes much higher. As the article I cited in post #5 explained, the entire country of Great Britain has had their hottest year on record so far this year, with temperatures in large areas of the country regeristering over 10 degrees Celcius, or 18 degrees Fahrenheit, higher than average this Halloween.

As NOAA stated in their September 2014 Global Analysis report:
With records dating back to 1880, the global temperature across the world's land and ocean surfaces for September 2014 was 0.72°C (1.30°F) higher than the 20th century average of 15.0°C (59.0°F), marking the warmest September in the 135-year period of record. With the exception of February, which tied as the 18th warmest February in the 135-year period of record, every month to date in 2014 has been among its four warmest on record, with May, June, August, and September all record warm.

...Warmer-than-average temperatures were evident over most of the global land surface, except for central Russia and some areas in eastern and northern Canada. Record warmth was notable in much of northwestern Africa, coastal regions of southeastern South America, southwestern Australia, parts of the Middle East, and regions of southeastern Asia. In total, 31 countries and territories from all seven continents around the world had at least one station that reported record warmth. The period of record varies for each reporting station.

Select national information is highlighted below. (Please note that different countries report anomalies with respect to different base periods. The information provided here is based directly upon these data):

* September temperatures were above average across Australia, with daily high temperatures responsible for much of the warmth. The September average maximum temperature for the country was 2.03°C (3.7°F) higher than the 1961-1990 average, the fifth highest maximum temperature for the month since national records began in 1910. The state of Western Australia was record warm, at 2.75°C (4.95°F) above average, breaking the previous record set in 1980 by 0.44°C (0.79°F). Tasmania reported its second highest September maximum temperature on record and Victoria reported its seventh highest.

* With high pressure dominating the region for most of the month, the United Kingdom had its fourth warmest September since national records began in 1910, with a temperature 1.2°C (2.2°F) higher than the 1981-2010 average.

* France observed one of its warmest Septembers since national records began in 1900, with a monthly temperature 1.6°C (2.9°F) above the 1981-2010 average. In the southwest, Brittany and Normandy reported monthly temperatures 2-4°C (4-7°F) higher than average.

* Denmark had its seventh warmest September since records began in 1874, with a temperature 1.9°C (3.4°F) higher than the 1961-1990 average and 0.8°C (1.4°F) higher than the most recent 2001-2010 decadal average . The average daily maximum temperature was the fifth highest on record for September while the average daily minimum temperature tied with 1998 as third highest (maximum and minimum temperature records date to 1953).

* Germany had a September temperature 1.4°C (2.5°F) higher than the 1981-2010 average. The warmth was widespread across the country, with every state reporting a higher-than-average September temperature.

* Austria was 0.7°C (1.4°F) higher than its 1981-2010 average. Switzerland had a September temperature 1.0°C (1.8°F) higher than its 1981-2010 average.

The average September temperature for the global oceans was record high for the month, at 0.66°C (1.19°F) above the 20th century average, the highest on record for September. This also marked the highest departure from average for any month since records began in 1880, breaking the previous record of 0.65°C (1.17°F) set just one month earlier in August. This is the third time in 2014 this all-time monthly high temperature record has been broken. Record warmth was observed in parts of every major ocean basin, particularly notable in the northeastern and equatorial Pacific Ocean. Although El Niño conditions were not officially present across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during September, NOAA's Climate Prediction Center favors El Niño to begin in the next one to two months and last into the Northern Hemisphere spring 2015. This forecast focuses on the ocean surface temperatures between 5°N and 5°S latitude and 170°W to 120°W longitude.

The first nine months of 2014 (January-September) tied with 1998 as the warmest such period on record, with a combined global land and ocean average surface temperature 0.68°C (1.22°F) above the 20th century average of 14.1°C (57.5°F). If 2014 maintains this temperature departure from average for the remainder of the year, it will be the warmest calendar year on record. The past 12 months (October 2013-September 2014) was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880, at 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average. This breaks the previous record of +0.68°C (+1.22°F) set for the periods September 1997-August 1998, August 2009-July 2010; and September 2013-August 2014.
"And" you and the other denier cult nitwits and trolls are shown to be be full of rancid catpoop once again.

The pause still prevails son.......
Your utter retardation prevails in all of your idiotic posts, kookles. As the info from NOAA that I just cited stated:
If 2014 maintains this temperature departure from average for the remainder of the year, it will be the warmest calendar year on record. The past 12 months (October 2013-September 2014) was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880.

2014 is poised to become the next new 'hottest year on record', followed by 2010, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2013, and then 1998. Every year since 1998 has been warmer than every year before 1998. Even the coldest years after 1998 have been warmer than the warmest years before 1998. The Arctic sea ice has been in steep decline in both extent and volume since the turn of the century, Antarctica and Greenland are both losing ice mass at increasing rates, and the large majority of mountain glaciers are shrinking or disappearing entirely. The planet has not stopped warming, no matter what your astroturfed myths, generated by the fossil fuel industry propaganda machine, try to deceive you into believing.
"And" you and the other denier cult nitwits and trolls are shown to be be full of rancid catpoop once again.
The only one full of shit here is you...

“Up to 21 inches of snow has fallen in parts of Maine from a storm system that earlier brought an unprecedented early-season snow to parts of South Carolina on the first day of November.

“The Aroostook County town of Cary, Maine, near the Canadian border, reported 21 inches of snow just before 7 p.m. EST Sunday. Farther south in the state, Hampden reported 15.5 inches of snow while nearby Bangor reported 14.5 inches. Including these reports, 16 different locations in Maine have recorded at least 12 inches of snow so far.

“Snow and wind had knocked out power to more than 110,000 customers in Maine alone as of Sunday afternoon as the heavy wet snow and 40-mph gusts brought down tree limbs and power lines. The counties of Penobscot, Hancock, Knox and Lincoln have been hardest hit thus far. The state governor declared a state of emergency and one power utility declared a “system emergency” due to the damage. Scroll down for the latest snow forecast for Maine.

“Record Southern Snow
Snow was observed Saturday as far south and east as Charleston, South Carolina, the earliest flakes on record in the city. This occurred less than three days after a string of four straight days in the mid-upper 80s. Places like Folly Beach and downtown Charleston picked up a trace of snowfall.”
"And" you and the other denier cult nitwits and trolls are shown to be be full of rancid catpoop once again.
The only one full of shit here is you...

“Up to 21 inches of snow has fallen in parts of Maine from a storm system that earlier brought an unprecedented early-season snow to parts of South Carolina on the first day of November.

“The Aroostook County town of Cary, Maine, near the Canadian border, reported 21 inches of snow just before 7 p.m. EST Sunday. Farther south in the state, Hampden reported 15.5 inches of snow while nearby Bangor reported 14.5 inches. Including these reports, 16 different locations in Maine have recorded at least 12 inches of snow so far.

“Snow and wind had knocked out power to more than 110,000 customers in Maine alone as of Sunday afternoon as the heavy wet snow and 40-mph gusts brought down tree limbs and power lines. The counties of Penobscot, Hancock, Knox and Lincoln have been hardest hit thus far. The state governor declared a state of emergency and one power utility declared a “system emergency” due to the damage. Scroll down for the latest snow forecast for Maine.

“Record Southern Snow
Snow was observed Saturday as far south and east as Charleston, South Carolina, the earliest flakes on record in the city. This occurred less than three days after a string of four straight days in the mid-upper 80s. Places like Folly Beach and downtown Charleston picked up a trace of snowfall.”

Read post #51 again retard. Get someone to help you with the big words.

Record Ice growth in the arctic already noted and its only Nov 1 2014. Looks like things are going to be significantly colder as the Polar Low is massive and stable.

What record?


Thanks for showing us that the ice is well within standard deviation, nothing to worry about. Thanks.

BTW could you remind me again on why more ice is better then less?
"And" you and the other denier cult nitwits and trolls are shown to be be full of rancid catpoop once again.
The only one full of shit here is you...

“Up to 21 inches of snow has fallen in parts of Maine from a storm system that earlier brought an unprecedented early-season snow to parts of South Carolina on the first day of November.

“The Aroostook County town of Cary, Maine, near the Canadian border, reported 21 inches of snow just before 7 p.m. EST Sunday. Farther south in the state, Hampden reported 15.5 inches of snow while nearby Bangor reported 14.5 inches. Including these reports, 16 different locations in Maine have recorded at least 12 inches of snow so far.

“Snow and wind had knocked out power to more than 110,000 customers in Maine alone as of Sunday afternoon as the heavy wet snow and 40-mph gusts brought down tree limbs and power lines. The counties of Penobscot, Hancock, Knox and Lincoln have been hardest hit thus far. The state governor declared a state of emergency and one power utility declared a “system emergency” due to the damage. Scroll down for the latest snow forecast for Maine.

“Record Southern Snow
Snow was observed Saturday as far south and east as Charleston, South Carolina, the earliest flakes on record in the city. This occurred less than three days after a string of four straight days in the mid-upper 80s. Places like Folly Beach and downtown Charleston picked up a trace of snowfall.”

Only heat is dangerous climate change....cold is just weather....Glaciers could cover the northern hemisphere back down to Chicago, and idiots like rolling thunder would claim that it was just weather.
It has a significant effect on the Earth's albedo - its reflectiveness. The ice at the poles is also a major component in a crucial ocean circulatory pattern called the Meridional Overturning Current: Cold, dense water sinks at the poles, runs slowly towards the equator along the ocean bottom and rises, replete with dissolved minerals, at the equator, where it feeds the world's phytoplankton which feed the worlds zooplankton, which feed the diatoms which feed the copepods which feed the sardines and so forth and so forth till you get to humans.

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