South Dakota governor: I believe in freedom and liberty.

Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Surely the subject of the thread is that "She is standing up to leftists"?
I'm questioning why you'd say she is standing up to leftists when there are plenty of "rightists" also following the lock down protocols.
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."

She believes in the freedom and liberty to needlessly infect her family, and health care workers who have no choice but to treat her when she comes down with a highly contagious, life threatening virous.

I have no idea what you are talking about, but my daughter is a nurse, and if any of these asshole protestors show up at her hospital on her shift with the virous, I would hope that she unplugs their ventalators.
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."

She believes in the freedom and liberty to needlessly infect her family, and health care workers who have no choice but to treat her when she comes down with a highly contagious, life threatening virous.

I have no idea what you are talking about, but my daughter is a nurse, and if any of these asshole protestors show up at her hospital on her shift with the virous, I would hope that she unplugs their ventalators.

If she did, she'd be your daughter.
Oh, this conservative believes in authority. Authority as defined and AS LIMITED by The U.S. Constitution.

It will be a big disappointment if some of the Little Hitlers which so abound just now don't end up on the shitty end of civil lawsuits.

Look for TV ads by predatory lawyers who will troll for the victims of the unconstitutional power grabs now so in vogue.
These days I don't invest but if I did I'd plunge big on the makers of two commodities that may well be in short supply in just a few weeks:


Piano Wire

and, almost forgot....wooden dowels.
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."

She believes in the freedom and liberty to needlessly infect her family, and health care workers who have no choice but to treat her when she comes down with a highly contagious, life threatening virous.

Please show me where in the Constitution it is stated "all rights enshrined within are void in case of a virus".
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Surely the subject of the thread is that "She is standing up to leftists"?
I'm questioning why you'd say she is standing up to leftists when there are plenty of "rightists" also following the lock down protocols.
It is the leftist critics and the leftist media she is standing up to. Read the article.
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
It is a leftist thing. Locking down sanctuary city shitholes doesn't count.
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
It is a leftist thing. Locking down sanctuary city shitholes doesn't count.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
It is a leftist thing. Locking down sanctuary city shitholes doesn't count.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Very good. Those states probably required it due to the sanctuary shithole cities. But unfortunately, real Americans will suffer, also.
My state has a republican governor that locked down his state. But it was due to the outcry of it's two largest cities infected with both liberalism and corona. These infected shitholes are full of leftists pukes that don't have the common sense to practice safe distancing on their own. These idiots have to be legislated to be kept alive.
Last edited:
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
It is a leftist thing. Locking down sanctuary city shitholes doesn't count.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Very good. Those states probably required it due to the sanctuary shithole cities. But unfortunately, real Americans will suffer, also.
My state has a republican governor that locked down his state. But it was due to the outcry of it's two largest cities infected with both liberalism and corona.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
It is a leftist thing. Locking down sanctuary city shitholes doesn't count.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Very good. Those states probably required it due to the sanctuary shithole cities. But unfortunately, real Americans will suffer, also.
My state has a republican governor that locked down his state. But it was due to the outcry of it's two largest cities infected with both liberalism and corona.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, it is. Liberalism is a disease that has spread worse than corona.
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
It is a leftist thing. Locking down sanctuary city shitholes doesn't count.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Very good. Those states probably required it due to the sanctuary shithole cities. But unfortunately, real Americans will suffer, also.
My state has a republican governor that locked down his state. But it was due to the outcry of it's two largest cities infected with both liberalism and corona.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, it is. Liberalism is a disease that has spread worse than corona.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
It is a leftist thing. Locking down sanctuary city shitholes doesn't count.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Very good. Those states probably required it due to the sanctuary shithole cities. But unfortunately, real Americans will suffer, also.
My state has a republican governor that locked down his state. But it was due to the outcry of it's two largest cities infected with both liberalism and corona.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, it is. Liberalism is a disease that has spread worse than corona.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Are you ok? You do realize that liberalism is a mental disorder - right?
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense? Republican governors have locked down their state?
Is that your final answer?
That's not the question, or the subject of this thread.
But yes, Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states. But this thread concerns about one who didn't.
Thanks for confirming its not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, please.
Population control IS leftist 101.
Not one single leftist on this list.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Most of those states are full of leftist sanctuary shithole cities. Probably for the best.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
It is a leftist thing. Locking down sanctuary city shitholes doesn't count.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Very good. Those states probably required it due to the sanctuary shithole cities. But unfortunately, real Americans will suffer, also.
My state has a republican governor that locked down his state. But it was due to the outcry of it's two largest cities infected with both liberalism and corona.
Thanks for confirming it's not a "leftist" thing.
Oh, it is. Liberalism is a disease that has spread worse than corona.
"Republican governors have reluctantly locked down their states"
Are you ok? You do realize that liberalism is a mental disorder - right?
The nation was founded by liberals and radicals. If anyone has a mental defect, it is you.
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."

She believes in the freedom and liberty to needlessly infect her family, and health care workers who have no choice but to treat her when she comes down with a highly contagious, life threatening virous.

I have no idea what you are talking about, but my daughter is a nurse, and if any of these asshole protestors show up at her hospital on her shift with the virous, I would hope that she unplugs their ventalators.

I can't say unplug their ventilators. But I can say that the ventilators, if in short supply, should go to those who observed the protocols first, and anything left over be given to those who refused and volunteered to put their own lives, and those of others, at risk, but that is not how the Hippocratic Oath works.

Just this morning I read of an Ohio guy who called everything "bullshit" and then died of the virus. I don't feel sorry for him because he voluntarily chose his fate, but what about his family and others whom he might have infected?

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