South Dakota governor: I believe in freedom and liberty.

I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
The Dakota Tar pits Governor.

Japan, south korea didn't lock their countries down.
South Korea certainly did...and it worked
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."

And death.

Now git back to yer job at smithfield.
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."

And death.

Now git back to yer job at smithfield.
Read the article numbnuts. She decided not to lock down the entire state due to an outbreak at one processing plant.
I have no problem with assholes killing themselves. They should simply be required to wear a document on their backs reading that they do not want to burden health care workers in the event that they contract the virus, so they are to be left where they fall in the even that they become infected.

The thing is "health care workers" whatever that means, can do absolutely nothing in regards to the Kung Flu other than telling folks to please avoid the hospital. In my experience, there are very few physicians that are competent, and nurses generally dislike patients. But maybe that changed in the last two months. :p
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense?
oh yea right...
Picture 1 involves a person interacting with police. It's much easier to not start a fight with cops. Justice can be figured out after the fact.



So, you fail up and down.

Stay at home orders is the law.

We wondered whether it’s accurate to call state stay-at-home orders "laws," and whether they conflict with freedoms of speech and assembly under the First Amendment. So we asked legal experts.

They agreed that while most fall under the heading of "proclamations" or "executive orders," they were issued under legal authority delegated by legislatures, meaning that have the same practical effect. The orders also would have a good chance of being deemed constitutional in court, they said.

Exactly which state legislature voted on this? Mine sure as fuck didn't. Your "legal experts" sure know a lot about hamburgers.
When conditions warrant, all states have mechanisms that allow government officials to declare a state of emergency, thereby activating authorities and resources that are unavailable in non-emergencies.

However, state legislature has a role to play also. Example Kansas.

There are no conditions in the Constitution that grant the government authority to subjugate it's populace. Period.
Last edited:
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense?
oh yea right...
Picture 1 involves a person interacting with police. It's much easier to not start a fight with cops. Justice can be figured out after the fact.



So, you fail up and down.

Stay at home orders is the law.

We wondered whether it’s accurate to call state stay-at-home orders "laws," and whether they conflict with freedoms of speech and assembly under the First Amendment. So we asked legal experts.

They agreed that while most fall under the heading of "proclamations" or "executive orders," they were issued under legal authority delegated by legislatures, meaning that have the same practical effect. The orders also would have a good chance of being deemed constitutional in court, they said.

Exactly which state legislature voted on this? Mine sure as fuck didn't. Your "legal experts" sure know a lot about hamburgers.
When conditions warrant, all states have mechanisms that allow government officials to declare a state of emergency, thereby activating authorities and resources that are unavailable in non-emergencies.

However, state legislature has a role to play also. Example Kansas.

There are no conditions in the Constitution that grant the government authority to subjugate it's populace. Period.
The dodge rant...classic
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense?
oh yea right...
Sums up the lie of conservatism in a nutshell. Disingenuous and stupid.
candycorn, do you think the fake "doc" blocking traffic was real? :cuckoo: Or would you like to just admit you are a dumbfuck?
Here's our
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
Why do you say that the lock down is a "leftist" thing?
Do you see any Democratic governors not locking down their states?
Do you see any Republican governors locking down their states?
Huh? It's obvious that lockdowns, ie population control, is leftist idealogy. Are you dense?
oh yea right...
Sums up the lie of conservatism in a nutshell. Disingenuous and stupid.
You leftist traitors are funny!
dumbfuck, you realize that was a hoax vid don't you? Apparently not, you stupid retard. :p

Here is the real story, multiple medical workers protesting.
Gateway Pundit is a questionable source: shouldnt be used at all.

LOL. Keep moving those goalposts.

Silly me. I thought it was YOU who had made the mistake of bringing up the right to health care, which carries the baggage of what the Right has done to make it a total disaster in this country.

I made no mistakes. I simply responded to your inane ramblings since you failed to address my original question to you.

Way to backpeddle….. I don't blame you, though. There is absolutely nothing that the Right can say anymore about how we had the greatest health care system in the world, until Obama ruined it. Now, we have the world's only non-existent health care system, short of Yemen.

I know man. People are just dying in the streets everywhere. What a shame.

Well, now that you mention it, over 44,000 Americans (and climbing every day) are dead from the virus in the last 3 months, compared to 56,000 dead in Vietnam over a 16 year period.

Wow, that almost surpasses the 62,500 that die every 3 months from medical malpractice. Maybe we should shut down the economy while we deal with inept doctors.

No, the doctors are just confused, because they are treating themselves for virus infections by injecting Lysol and bleach, which tends to distort the thinking process. It is a similar situation as those who were Jim Jones followers who were told that Kool-Aid would solve all their problems.
I love this woman. She is standing up to leftists, refusing to lock down her state.
"People have common sense."
The population of The Bronx alone is twice the size as SD's.
If SD had subways he would have shut down a long time ago.
I have no problem with assholes killing themselves. They should simply be required to wear a document on their backs reading that they do not want to burden health care workers in the event that they contract the virus, so they are to be left where they fall in the even that they become infected.

The thing is "health care workers" whatever that means, can do absolutely nothing in regards to the Kung Flu other than telling folks to please avoid the hospital. In my experience, there are very few physicians that are competent, and nurses generally dislike patients. But maybe that changed in the last two months. :p
Nurses generally dislike patients who put their lives, and their family's lives in danger, because they disregard professional medical advice and then come into the hospital and expect to be treated for not being able to breathe.
dumbfuck, you realize that was a hoax vid don't you? Apparently not, you stupid retard. :p

gateway pundit, pass

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