Southern cop shoots man running away in the back..

How do you shoot to wound?

Have you ever actually seen what a bullet does?

This ain't Roy Rogers, where you just "wing 'em with a flesh wound".

Most likely that was a .40 caliber HP.

A hit in the elbow or wrist can blow enough arteries and veins to bleed a guy out.

Shoot to wound is a hippy dream.

I have seen it way too many times. I felt it two times.

Sure, you can bleed out from one wound. From eight you bleed much faster. Was it necessary?
At least get your facts straight asshole. The cop fired eight rounds and four hit the guy.

Are you saying you had those facts on Tuesday when we were discussing this?
I'm saying all you fuck-wit LIBs who habitually condemn the cops without all the information make yourself look like idiots. Again and again and again.
Fucking grow up!
Aren't you condemning the deceased without all of the facts? Asshole? :fu:
I wonder how much 'quality time' the simian was spending with the kids he wasn't helping support but was instead driving around in a fucking Mercedes? Possibly stolen from someone who worked to buy the car.
You have no clue what happened when according to an eyewitness both men "were on the ground".
Either do I.
You run your mouth. I'll wait for all the facts to be released before I draw any conclusions."
Does this post read like I'm "condemning the deceased" asshole?
If policemen fear for his life, fine, shoot him. But once he flees policemen is not defending anything.
He is in many cases defending the public.

In this case, an arrest has been made, the cop has been charged, a grand jury will convene, and if the cop is indicted, a jury will decide his fate.

Is there a problem here?

Or, should we just return to lynching based on internet outrage?

If that's the case, no argument here.

However, I think our cops are too easy on the trigger. Not this case only, most of them.

Why shoot to kill anyways. Wounding him would prevent many other things.
How do you shoot to wound?

Have you ever actually seen what a bullet does?

This ain't Roy Rogers, where you just "wing 'em with a flesh wound".

Most likely that was a .40 caliber HP.

A hit in the elbow or wrist can blow enough arteries and veins to bleed a guy out.

Shoot to wound is a hippy dream.

I have seen it way too many times. I felt it two times.

Sure, you can bleed out from one wound. From eight you bleed much faster. Was it necessary?
At least get your facts straight asshole. The cop fired eight rounds and four hit the guy.

Only four out of eight, at that distance? At a target moving that slow? The officer should have been fired for being a bad shot too.
Thangod this concerned citizen was there to catch the taxpayer-financed, white devil's treachery: Witness to S.C. police shooting thought about erasing the video - Yahoo News

*** just saw the vid in that link and wished I hadn't watched it. That fat cop was within walking distance to the suspect. He didn't even attempt to run after the guy who was within "spittin' distance" of him. He should have been on the "fat boy club" and forced to run around a track on his lunch break.Sick & sad. Lets hope he gets the royal welcome in prison guno
Your a piece of shit for calling police "white devils."
Lots of them are white devils. Some people just call things as they are.
Ass Lips speaks.
Second, the Taser police model X3 can fire three times without a reload. Only civilian models X2 and earlier are restricted to single fire configurations.

Also, after further research, Missourian, the taser Slager used was not an X3, but an earlier model X26, X26a or X26c. Those tasers can only be fired once. The North Charleston PD had only the X26 models.


According to the Post Courier and the police reports, he was trained to use the X26:

"He passed courses on how to use the Taser X26 when he was hired in North Charleston and performed well on shooting tests with his .45-caliber Glock 21. Supervisors indicated in performance reviews that he met expectations as an officer and kept a tidy patrol car."

Attorney North Charleston police officer felt threatened before fatal shooting - Post and Courier

It was incorrect to assume the NCPD had the X3's at the time of this shooting. Not all police departments have the X3 model as of yet. In fact the X26 started being issued to police beginning in 2003. It wasn't until 2009 that Taser released the X3 six full years after the release of the X26. It is safe to assume that smaller police departments like the NCPD have yet to modernize their taser arsenals.

Not so mush an assumption as a possibility...but you are correct, a non-repeating Taser blows a huge hole in my theory.
I just posted it. Please, feel free to read the last two pages.
OK. I just spent 10 worthless minutes tracking down your worthless posts, none of which show one shred of evidence that the officer's story of the suspect attacking and fighting him is untrue. Wen you have some of THAT, let me know. And no more wildgoose chases, OK ?

Just notice that Missourian missed the fact that Slager was using an X26 model taser, not an X23. Therefore it was impossible for the taser to be useful to Scott at the time he gained possession of it, because Slager had already used its one and only shot.

I also pointed out in my posts key parts of the video with specific citations of the time. Go watch it if you like.


Therefore it was impossible for the taser to be useful to Scott at the time he gained possession of it

in one of the pictures it shows the wires for the taz in the cops hands or hooked to his hands i dont know which

however could the person holding the taz pull the trigger more then once sending a jolt or another jolt into the officer

which would make it a useful tool

The traffic footage says otherwise. It appears Slager used his taser as he was chasing Scott. The taser was therefore useless.

in one of the earlier posts

you can see the "wires" from the stun gun in the cops hands and not the stun gun

i am not convinced that a single shot tazer can not be energized more then once

during a single usage as long as the wires are in "contact" and someone pulls the trigger

from my understanding as long as one is holding the trigger

it continues to send the juice

in that split second to the cop it may have not appeared useless

Good point. Even the older models can be energizer more than is the CO2 cartridge that is one time use. The battery is in the gun itself, and can be used several times. You replace the cartridge that fires the probes.

Good catch Jon.
Second, the Taser police model X3 can fire three times without a reload. Only civilian models X2 and earlier are restricted to single fire configurations.

Also, after further research, Missourian, the taser Slager used was not an X3, but an earlier model X26, X26a or X26c. Those tasers can only be fired once. The North Charleston PD had only the X26 models.


According to the Post Courier and the police reports, he was trained to use the X26:

"He passed courses on how to use the Taser X26 when he was hired in North Charleston and performed well on shooting tests with his .45-caliber Glock 21. Supervisors indicated in performance reviews that he met expectations as an officer and kept a tidy patrol car."

Attorney North Charleston police officer felt threatened before fatal shooting - Post and Courier

It was incorrect to assume the NCPD had the X3's at the time of this shooting. Not all police departments have the X3 model as of yet. In fact the X26 started being issued to police beginning in 2003. It wasn't until 2009 that Taser released the X3 six full years after the release of the X26. It is safe to assume that smaller police departments like the NCPD have yet to modernize their taser arsenals.

Not so mush an assumption as a possibility...but you are correct, a non-repeating Taser blows a huge hole in my theory.

Takes balls to admit when you're wrong. You're okay in my book, pal. :)
OK. I just spent 10 worthless minutes tracking down your worthless posts, none of which show one shred of evidence that the officer's story of the suspect attacking and fighting him is untrue. Wen you have some of THAT, let me know. And no more wildgoose chases, OK ?

Just notice that Missourian missed the fact that Slager was using an X26 model taser, not an X23. Therefore it was impossible for the taser to be useful to Scott at the time he gained possession of it, because Slager had already used its one and only shot.

I also pointed out in my posts key parts of the video with specific citations of the time. Go watch it if you like.


Therefore it was impossible for the taser to be useful to Scott at the time he gained possession of it

in one of the pictures it shows the wires for the taz in the cops hands or hooked to his hands i dont know which

however could the person holding the taz pull the trigger more then once sending a jolt or another jolt into the officer

which would make it a useful tool

The traffic footage says otherwise. It appears Slager used his taser as he was chasing Scott. The taser was therefore useless.

in one of the earlier posts

you can see the "wires" from the stun gun in the cops hands and not the stun gun

i am not convinced that a single shot tazer can not be energized more then once

during a single usage as long as the wires are in "contact" and someone pulls the trigger

from my understanding as long as one is holding the trigger

it continues to send the juice

in that split second to the cop it may have not appeared useless

Good point. Even the older models can be energizer more than is the CO2 cartridge that is one time use. The battery is in the gun itself, and can be used several times. You replace the cartridge that fires the probes.

Good catch Jon.

BUT, a big but here, is I doubt Scott could have gotten close enough to employ drive stun on the officer. And, given that the cop is trained in hand to hand, it would have been impossible. I know for a fact cops are trained in ways to disarm a dangerous suspect without killing him. Also, you have to assess the combat capabilities of the two. One was a veteran, the other is a seasoned cop. Slager had control of the situation, showing he was capable of winning a physical altercation with Scott. Therefore, you can assume the Taser was useless to Scott at that point, realizing he had no chance to get at the Officer. Why else would he run?
Checked the manual, the X26 Taser is capable of multiple discharges. If the officer hit the suspect with a standard 5 second one-trigger-pull discharge, the full battery will discharge at least 100 seconds...and depressing and holding the trigger will deliver a continuous discard until the battery pack is completely depleted.
Checked the manual, the X26 Taser is capable of multiple discharges. If the officer hit the suspect with a standard 5 second one-trigger-pull discharge, the full battery will discharge at least 100 seconds...and depressing and holding the trigger will deliver a continuous discard until the battery pack is completely depleted.

Ahh, so, even then with the wires still connected to the taser, it would be useless to Scott. You would need to physically reattach the wires on the officer, which is also impossible. It was useless with the cartridge still inserted and all the wires on the ground.

And even at that point, if the taser was capable of multiple discharges, why didn't he [the officer] just continue pulling the trigger? Multiple shots are usually enough to disable anyone.
Second, the Taser police model X3 can fire three times without a reload. Only civilian models X2 and earlier are restricted to single fire configurations.

Also, after further research, Missourian, the taser Slager used was not an X3, but an earlier model X26, X26a or X26c. Those tasers can only be fired once. The North Charleston PD had only the X26 models.


According to the Post Courier and the police reports, he was trained to use the X26:

"He passed courses on how to use the Taser X26 when he was hired in North Charleston and performed well on shooting tests with his .45-caliber Glock 21. Supervisors indicated in performance reviews that he met expectations as an officer and kept a tidy patrol car."

Attorney North Charleston police officer felt threatened before fatal shooting - Post and Courier

It was incorrect to assume the NCPD had the X3's at the time of this shooting. Not all police departments have the X3 model as of yet. In fact the X26 started being issued to police beginning in 2003. It wasn't until 2009 that Taser released the X3 six full years after the release of the X26. It is safe to assume that smaller police departments like the NCPD have yet to modernize their taser arsenals.

Not so mush an assumption as a possibility...but you are correct, a non-repeating Taser blows a huge hole in my theory.

Takes balls to admit when you're wrong. You're okay in my book, pal. :)

:thup: Thanks.

You found evidence that debunked my theory. I don't see how I had any choice. It was a good find. Facts like that bring us closer to the truth. And the fun is arguing theories based in fact.

Good find on your part...kudos to you.
Checked the manual, the X26 Taser is capable of multiple discharges. If the officer hit the suspect with a standard 5 second one-trigger-pull discharge, the full battery will discharge at least 100 seconds...and depressing and holding the trigger will deliver a continuous discard until the battery pack is completely depleted.

Ahh, so, even then with the wires still connected to the taser, it would be useless to Scott. You would need to physically reattach the wires on the officer, which is also impossible. It was useless with the cartridge still inserted and all the wires on the ground.

And even at that point, if the taser was capable of multiple discharges, why didn't he just continue pulling the trigger? Multiple shots are usually enough to disable anyone.

Well, the wires were wrapped around the officers wrist. Could he receive a shock that way? Did he know one way or the other whether he could or not?

The question would be if the wires are insulated in some way...if not, then the officer COULD receive a shock.

Time to hit the web and see what comes up.
dannyboys is showing his ass yet again.

This cop is in serous trouble, only short of the trouble he gave to Scott.

I wonder if the drugs used in the lethal injections are as horribly painful as described.
it's NOT premeditated murder imo, so no death penalty.
That's what I thought too. We are both wrong. Under South Carolina law when the cop moved the taser to put it next to the dead guy that's despoiling the crime scene making it capital murder and a death penalty case.
First there has to be a reason to charge him, and there isn't because of insufficient evidence. The cop's account can't be refuted because there's no video, and the only witness indicated there was a fight going on. So if the suspect attacked, that puts him in the felon category, and his fleeing the scene puts the cop in legal standing to shoot him in the back, under the Fleeing Felon Rule.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Why lie? The witness never said there was a fight going on.
So the eyewitness said both men were "on the ground". What was happening? The negro was blowing the cop?
Your envy aside, why are you asking me? I wasn't there. You'll have to ask the eyewitness who was...

Santana said when he first came on the scene while walking to his job he saw Slager on top of Scott, who was on the ground. He could hear the sound of a Taser in use.

At no time did Santana see Scott go after the Taser. He believes Scott was trying to get away.

"Mr. Scott never tried to fight," Santana told CNN.

Feidin Santana shooting witness fears retribution -
Thangod this concerned citizen was there to catch the taxpayer-financed, white devil's treachery: Witness to S.C. police shooting thought about erasing the video - Yahoo News

*** just saw the vid in that link and wished I hadn't watched it. That fat cop was within walking distance to the suspect. He didn't even attempt to run after the guy who was within "spittin' distance" of him. He should have been on the "fat boy club" and forced to run around a track on his lunch break.Sick & sad. Lets hope he gets the royal welcome in prison guno
Your a piece of shit for calling police "white devils."
Lots of them are white devils. Some people just call things as they are.
Ass Lips speaks.
Your lips are your ass.
Hard to find, but the info was out there. CEW stands for Conducted Energy Weapon. This is from Taser International:

Controlling and restraining a subject during CEW exposure may put the CEW user and those assisting at risk of accidental or unintended shock.

Avoid touching the probes and wires and the areas between the probes during the electrical discharge.

Page 2.​
Let's see if this animated GIF will upload.

It shows the taser bouncing behind the officer, outside of his field of view.

Charleston Police taser being knocked to the ground_ - Imgur.gif
As of today:

Officer Slager got attorney - Andy Savage. He's reported that the police department and government officials are trying to prevent his access to crucial documents.
Grand Jury will hear Slager's case - Slager has been formally accused of murder, and the news media made it sound like he had been officially indicted. He has NOT been indicted - the case will go to a grand jury.
Evidence updates - Deshcam video and frame by frame analysis of shooting itself and prior the shooting.

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