Southern Poverty Pimp Center Gets Creative To Label "Hate Groups"

Yeah, and if you want to run your business in Guido the leg breaker's turf, then don't complain about paying for his "protection" services. Where did you acquire the authority to impose your arbitrary rules on any business? You and the queers are nothing more than thugs.

Goo analogy. If you don't want to bake for gay people, locate your business 20 miles from them. If you open a store in their neighborhood, you're just asking for their business.

So you agree that your attitude is the same as that of a criminal?

It's truly sad that you don't see the problem with that.
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Goo analogy. If you don't want to bake for gay people, locate your business 20 miles from them. If you open a store in their neighborhood, you're just asking for their business.

So you agree that your attitude is that same as that of a criminal?

It's truly sad that you don't see the problem with that.

If you can't stand the heat, don't stand in the kitchen.

If you don't want to bake for blacks, or jews, or gays, or any other group, don't open a bakery.
Goo analogy. If you don't want to bake for gay people, locate your business 20 miles from them. If you open a store in their neighborhood, you're just asking for their business.

So you agree that your attitude is that same as that of a criminal?

It's truly sad that you don't see the problem with that.

If you can't stand the heat, don't stand in the kitchen.

If you don't want to bake for blacks, or jews, or gays, or any other group, don't open a bakery.

We already understand that you're a thug. Guido and Hitler's brownshirts would say the same thing.

Who put you in charge of deciding who my customers are?
The SPLC has nothing to do with the South, Poverty and Law but the name sounds good to dupe idiots. Maybe it has something to with law in a sense that they push to stifle free speech what is the law of the land.

They did some good 50 years ago, but as usual with regressives, they've morphed into something they were originally never intended to be. They have become what they pretend to despise.

They did some good 50 years ago, but as usual with regressives, they've morphed into something they were originally never intended to be. They have become what they pretend to despise.


Just like the republican party. 150 years ago they were against white supremacy. Now Trump is calling them "very good people"
They did some good 50 years ago, but as usual with regressives, they've morphed into something they were originally never intended to be. They have become what they pretend to despise.


Just like the republican party. 150 years ago they were against white supremacy. Now Trump is calling them "very good people"

Enough with the propaganda dumb ass.

They did some good 50 years ago, but as usual with regressives, they've morphed into something they were originally never intended to be. They have become what they pretend to despise.


Just like the republican party. 150 years ago they were against white supremacy. Now Trump is calling them "very good people"
It only took you about 3 minutes to pull out the race card.
" Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative to Label 'Hate Groups'
Principled conservatives are lumped together with bigots.
Megan McArdle

September 7, 2017, 11:22 AM GMT-7

This is an actual hate group. It shouldn't be lost in a list of 900.

Source: Hulton Archive, via Getty Images
In 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center designated the Family Research Council a “hate group” because of its orthodox position on homosexuality, and its occasionally incendiary defenses of that position.

In 2012, Floyd Corkins showed up at the Family Research Council headquarters with a gun.

I don’t mean to imply that these two things were connected. I'm telling you that they were connected. We know because the shooter told the FBI where he got the idea.

Conservatives have used this to try to discredit the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups. But the sad truth is that if you criticize someone, there’s always some small chance that an unstable person will read your criticism and decide its subject needs killing. The shooting is still not the fault of the writer, but the fault of the shooter.

(Just in case it helps, I interrupt this column to point out that you should not shoot anyone I write about, or anyone I don’t write about, or anyone.)

Also, you don’t need to manufacture ersatz accountability in order to discredit the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate group tally. You just need to tell people what’s on the list.

Some of the groups named are what anyone would think of as a hate group, like, you know, the Ku Klux Klan. But other entries are a festival of guilt-by-association innuendo about people with at best a tangential relationship to the target institution, and whose statements fall well short of blanket group-calumny or calls for violence. Or the center offers bizarrely shifting rationales that suggest that the staff started with the target they wanted to deem hateful, and worked backward to the analysis.

I spent a day diving down the rabbit hole of one of the listings on the hate group, for the Ruth Institute, a small nonprofit that thinks the sexual revolution was a giant mistake. The Ruth Institute does seem to have a couple of marginally attached figures who have at some point theorized an unsupported connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. But however wrongheaded and insulting this may be, by itself, it hardly merits branding the whole organization a “hate group.” And a lot of the other “evidence” for this designation is simply … well, fully deserving of those contemptuous quotation marks."

Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative to Label 'Hate Groups'

Leftists are the Borg and Bees....Ants and bees use pheromones for many of them is for defense of the nest/hive. When they spot an enemy, on of the insects will mark the enemy with a pheromone. This chemical marker lets the other insects in the collective know who to attack.....the SPLC hate group is one of the insects in the collective that marks the enemies of the left....they label the enemy, then the other leftists, like their insect cousins, attack....hollywood, universities, the democrat party, antifa, black lives matter, they all converge on the enemy in order to destroy it.......
We must remember that the Regressives are in charge of what is hate, what is hate speech, what is racism, what is Islamophobia, and what is homophobia. Among other terms, depending on whether they sense an opportunity for political advantage.

Oh, and who is Hitler. Almost forgot, shit, sorry.
You're too fucking stupid to get the point that it's wrong for government to be telling private businesses who they have to serve.

Then propose a constitutional amendment removing the interstate commerce clause.
Goo analogy. If you don't want to bake for gay people, locate your business 20 miles from them. If you open a store in their neighborhood, you're just asking for their business.

So you agree that your attitude is that same as that of a criminal?

It's truly sad that you don't see the problem with that.

If you can't stand the heat, don't stand in the kitchen.

If you don't want to bake for blacks, or jews, or gays, or any other group, don't open a bakery.
If Google, YouTube and GoDaddy don't like what people are posting to one another then they shouldn't be in the business they are in. The are censoring content and will be regulated sooner or later. Fucking scumbags telling as that we cannot exercise our 1st Amendment guaranteed right.
If Google, YouTube and GoDaddy don't like what people are posting to one another then they shouldn't be in the business they are in. The are censoring content and will be regulated sooner or later.

They're cutting down on "fake news"
If Google, YouTube and GoDaddy don't like what people are posting to one another then they shouldn't be in the business they are in. The are censoring content and will be regulated sooner or later.

They're cutting down on "fake news"
They are shutting people up so the MSM, the paragon of fake news could spread their lies uncontested.

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