Southern Poverty Pimp Center Gets Creative To Label "Hate Groups"

The decision you refer to reverses previous SC decisions. Whether the stupidity and cowardice are unanimous isn't relevant.

The court packing claim you made was the 1937 judicial reform bill, which died in congress. Hence there was never a packed court, and filburn was decided unanimously 9-0
True, but it scared the sitting members of the court, who become much more agreeable to Roosevelt's fascist economic schemes.
Like brown v board of ed, reversed Plessy v Ferguson?
Exactly. If the SC reverses itself, then it's not infallible. That means you have to judge each case on its merits and not simply by whatever the last thing the SC decided.
Plessy was decided 7-1
Brown reversed Plessy was decided unanimously 9-0

Thanks for pointing out how a 7 justice decision can be reversed by a 9.justice decision.

As I said, when was the last time a unanimous decision was reversed. It's final.
Like brown v board of ed, reversed Plessy v Ferguson?
Exactly. If the SC reverses itself, then it's not infallible. That means you have to judge each case on its merits and not simply by whatever the last thing the SC decided.
Plessy was decided 7-1
Brown reversed Plessy was decided unanimously 9-0

Thanks for pointing out how a 7 justice decision can be reversed by a 9.justice decision.

As I said, when was the last time a unanimous decision was reversed. It's final.
9 judges can be reversed by 5.

Nothing is ever final in politics.

You are unbelievably stupid.
" Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative to Label 'Hate Groups'
Principled conservatives are lumped together with bigots.
Megan McArdle

September 7, 2017, 11:22 AM GMT-7

This is an actual hate group. It shouldn't be lost in a list of 900.

Source: Hulton Archive, via Getty Images
In 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center designated the Family Research Council a “hate group” because of its orthodox position on homosexuality, and its occasionally incendiary defenses of that position.

In 2012, Floyd Corkins showed up at the Family Research Council headquarters with a gun.

I don’t mean to imply that these two things were connected. I'm telling you that they were connected. We know because the shooter told the FBI where he got the idea.

Conservatives have used this to try to discredit the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups. But the sad truth is that if you criticize someone, there’s always some small chance that an unstable person will read your criticism and decide its subject needs killing. The shooting is still not the fault of the writer, but the fault of the shooter.

(Just in case it helps, I interrupt this column to point out that you should not shoot anyone I write about, or anyone I don’t write about, or anyone.)

Also, you don’t need to manufacture ersatz accountability in order to discredit the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate group tally. You just need to tell people what’s on the list.

Some of the groups named are what anyone would think of as a hate group, like, you know, the Ku Klux Klan. But other entries are a festival of guilt-by-association innuendo about people with at best a tangential relationship to the target institution, and whose statements fall well short of blanket group-calumny or calls for violence. Or the center offers bizarrely shifting rationales that suggest that the staff started with the target they wanted to deem hateful, and worked backward to the analysis.

I spent a day diving down the rabbit hole of one of the listings on the hate group, for the Ruth Institute, a small nonprofit that thinks the sexual revolution was a giant mistake. The Ruth Institute does seem to have a couple of marginally attached figures who have at some point theorized an unsupported connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. But however wrongheaded and insulting this may be, by itself, it hardly merits branding the whole organization a “hate group.” And a lot of the other “evidence” for this designation is simply … well, fully deserving of those contemptuous quotation marks."

Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative to Label 'Hate Groups'
Apparently that applies to anyone that disagrees with them. It takes the SPLC off the radar as a legitimate concern. Gone, dead, put a fork in them.
American law operates under the doctrine of stare decisis, which means that prior decisions should be maintained -- even if the current court would otherwise rule differently -- and that lower courts must abide by the prior decisions of higher courts. The idea is based on a belief that government needs to be relatively stable and predictable.

This means that overturning a Supreme Court decision is very difficult.
Not only is the Southern poverty Law Center an racist outfit, they are involved in sex trafficking… fact
Globalists want Russia's vast, untapped natural resources, therefore they want to subdue Russia to lay hands on those. That means war, since Putin wouldn't let them ruin Russia as they ruined the U.S. and Europe. He knows that Globalists mean war, therefore Putin arms Russia to deter the Globalist from starting a war. He is building up a formidable force not to attack anybody but for defending his homeland..

Uranium One is located in North America. Putin can't defend the globalists from taking it back.

Why is that so hard to understand.
The Globalists can take it back...hmmm... it doesn't sound like giving it back, does it? Taking and giving are too different things, no?
The Globalists can take it back...hmmm... it doesn't sound like giving it back, does it? Taking and giving are too different things, no?

Resigning and being fired are two different things. But the threat of one, often causes the other.
The southern poverty group is itself is a hate group and needs to put that on a map too. Just by using it's own standards. Please.

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