Are Democrats evolving to be the American fascist Party?

I reject your two-solution analysis.

I am a registered (D) living in an overwhelmingly (D) part of the country who only declares as a (D) to participate in (D) primaries.

But for all intents and purposes I am an Independent... Left on some issues, Right on some issues, in the Center on yet others.

I vote on a prioritized issue-by-issue basis and I weigh public persona and perceived character and moral fiber as an added criteria.

You give me two $hitty choices like the ones we have now and I vote for the one most likely to keep the wheels on the Republic.

I neither need nor care about your opinion on my choices.
I should have offered a third "solution" as you choose FEELINGS over substance.
Public persona and PERCIEVED (interesting word choice) character have NOTHING to do with policy issues; RESULTS are what matters.
Trump's policies had this country thriving until the bio-war happened, that is undeniable.
Too bad he ruffled your feathers.

Oh well, have a good day, Kondor.
I should have offered a third "solution" as you choose FEELINGS over substance.
No. I chose strength-of-character over profound character flaws.
Public persona and PERCIEVED (interesting word choice) character have NOTHING to do with policy issues;
Agreed. And as to 'perceived' you are absolutely correct to highlight.

It is a confession of 'perception' in the absence of sure-and-certain 'personal knowledge'.

Very few of us have been close enough to either current candidate to have sure-and-certain personal knowledge.

Perception is Reality in the human mind.

The word works both as confession and honest-and-exploitable opening in the armor of any position.

RESULTS are what matters.
Usually. Unless the character flaws are so profound as to even overcome positive results.

To many, myself included, those perceived character flaws are sufficiently extensive and profound to overshadow results.

Mussolini made the trains run on time and eliminated unemployment.

Hitler reacquired lost land and abrogated an unfair treaty and eliminated unemployment and made the nation great again.

And yet in both instances profound character flaws ultimately overcame (and eventually destroyed) earlier results.

Results do indeed matter... but they DO have their limitations and 'breaking point' when used as a throw-weight.

Trump's policies had this country thriving until the bio-war happened, that is undeniable.
Yes. We were, indeed, doing much better before COVID.
Too bad he ruffled your feathers.
Oh, to hell with my feelings... my own feelings on the subject are unimportant... January 6, 2021 and the Big Lie count far more.
Oh well, have a good day, Kondor.
You as well.
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Are Democrats evolving to be the American fascist Party?

Someone who's judgment I respect, has told me of meeting people who went along with the crowd that entered into the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2020. I said you mean they went along with the mob that forced their way past the city and federal officers to enter the building”. He replied “No, the officers welcomed them to enter the building, and they were among many other people who were respectfully touring through the halls and offices of the building within a few feet of the many officers who were watching and not seeking to interfere with the crowd of visitors”. He then showed me a video of the crowd, including the infamous "shaman" wearing red, white and blue make-up. a Buffalo Horned helmet who toured through the Capitol Building uninterrupted by uniformed officers less than a yard away from him.

Were these "false" videos produced by computer tricks, or recorded prior to the crowds turning into a seditious mob? My acquaintance couldn't assure me of the video's authenticity; but I couldn't understand if such video's were commonly passed among the general public within so many Republican Congressional Districts, why weren't they reported and explained or refuted by any of the news services I trust? They haven't been subjects of reports from NPR, the Washington Post, CNN and many others news reports. Why haven't these major news reporting organizations done their jobs?

Why are Democrats, ostensibly liberal proponents of free speech, trying to censure hate messages? What happened to respect for ACLU's position? The American Civil Liberties Union has defended the NACP, The American Nazi Party, and the American Communist Party. Opposition to the free speech of any individual or group, enables the future silencing of all other individuals or groups.

Respectfully, Supposn
The Demwits became America's Socialist/Marxist Party way back in the early 20th Century. Yes ... they also incorporate Fascism into their ideology, but their end goal is complete and total government control over every aspect of American's lives.

They want to control what you can and can't say.
They want to control what memes you can post.
They want to control your freedom to assemble.
They want control over your bank account(s).

In general, they want to squash your Constitutional and God-given rights and force you to think they way they think. If Fascism & Socialism helps them realize their goals then so be it.
Yes, it is.

If you believe it's anything different you're deluding yourself.

But you don't get to delude others.

The service of the state is a leftard idea from the start. Righties don't believe in it.
Actually libertarianism is a far left ideology. The right has always been associated with kings (authoritarians), hierarchy, social order, moral order, and economic protectionism.
Actually libertarianism is a far left ideology.

They did, after all, call it "classic" liberalism.

Which is definitely not the same thing as the commienazi "Democrats".

The right has always been associated with kings (authoritarians),


When was the last time you saw an authoritarian king? :p

hierarchy, social order, moral order, and economic protectionism.

There is no "far right" in this country. The righties in this country are mostly classical liberals.
If there were a Political Party called, "The National Socialist Italian Workers Party" one would correctly assume it to be a left-leaning, socialist party, correct?

Or how about "The National Socialist Spanish Workers Party" or the "National Socialist Irish Workers Party"?

Would there be any doubt in anybody's mind that either of those parties are without question leftist??

Then how come, the founder of The National Socialist German Workers Party is considered, without question, to be a right-wing lunatic?

Could it be because dimocraps are the most dishonest scum to ever walk the surface of the Planet Earth?


Oh, to hell with my feelings... my own feelings on the subject are unimportant... January 6, 2021 and the Big Lie count far more.
If someone were to choose J6 as the center-piece of their political decision-making, then they are beyond hope. They are too stupid, too brainwashed and too gullible to be of any consequence in an Adult world.

I hope that is not you. For your own sake.
Very few on the right support fascism, unfortunately. Democrats and Republicans call each other fascists all the time. They are not serious people.

But democrats and democratic leaders don't say or do anything to actually warrant such an accusation, that is the difference. Trump supporters are climbing over themselves to bring down the doors and windows at the capitol building in order to lynch mike pence or drag out or hurt whomever they can. Trump supporters are falling to their knees and praying that he can cheat his way to the presidency any way he can. What does all this sound like to you? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
But democrats and democratic leaders don't say or do anything to actually warrant such an accusation, that is the difference. Trump supporters are climbing over themselves to bring down the doors and windows at the capitol building in order to lynch mike pence or drag out or hurt whomever they can. Trump supporters are falling to their knees and praying that he can cheat his way to the presidency any way he can. What does all this sound like to you? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
That has nothing to do with fascism.
You haven't thought it through and I shouldn't spell it out for you. It's really no more complicated than the fact that the R party won't allow Kamala to keep a win.
But even before getting to understand that, just accept that the fix is already in against Kamala.

Accept that Trump will win the presidency, and then think of all the possibilities that ensure that. There is just no scenario possible that makes Kamala the winner. Be honest and admit that you have seen it coming.

And so that leaves us with the question on how the military will sort it all out? Or more realistically, whether the military will just accept it?

What does history tell you?

The probem with what you're saying is that there are a whole lot of Republicans here who don't want trump in office.
But democrats and democratic leaders don't say or do anything to actually warrant such an accusation, that is the difference. Trump supporters are climbing over themselves to bring down the doors and windows at the capitol building in order to lynch mike pence or drag out or hurt whomever they can. Trump supporters are falling to their knees and praying that he can cheat his way to the presidency any way he can. What does all this sound like to you? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Leftards are the Titanic.
The probem with what you're saying is that there are a whole lot of Republicans here who don't want trump in office.
They can probably be convinced that Trump should be given a chance. Kamala is just more of the same that creates 'Broke Losers'.

Tear it all down and start over again on the concept of making a real democracy next time.
They can probably be convinced that Trump should be given a chance. Kamala is just more of the same that creates 'Broke Losers'.

Tear it all down and start over again on the concept of making a real democracy next time.
No they can't because they left the party because of Trump. Harris is the change we need. We've had 46 men as president, it is time for a different way of thinking.

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