Southern Poverty Pimp Center Gets Creative To Label "Hate Groups"

The producer called central casting for an un-funny Archie Bunker type -- and you should up.
"should up" ?? :lol:

Another example of an Affirmative Action substandard graduate. .... :cuckoo:
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Amazingly, The OP was kind enough to disprove his claim that homosexuals are more inclined to pedophilia than others in post #22, and I focused on the relevant part of that proof in post #25. You got anything else?
Hey dipshit! Pay attention.... This is what we were talking about....remember?
View attachment 148195

Nice pirouette.
You're a moron. You got owned. Sit down and shut up.

Here are some of what they call their “Circle of Experts”

Robert Gagnon

Meet Robert Gagnon, The Anti-Gay Professor Speaking At NOM’s ITAF Conference | Equality Matters

Steven Baskerville
Baskerville claimed that homosexual activists played an integral part in the rise of fascist politics, including Nazism (a false claimthat originated with anti-LGBT activist Scott Lively).
He was listed as a speaker at the white nationalist H.L. Mencken Club annual conference, held in November in the Baltimore area.

Douglas Allen
Allen, who is listed in the RI’s 2010-2013 strategic plan as being on their board of advisers, is best-known for his flawed anti-gay studies, in which he claims that children of same-sex couples fare worse in various aspects of life than children of opposite-sex married couples. Allen has also claimed that LGBT people are promiscuous and that same-sex relationships are unstable.

Pat Fagan
The senior fellow director at the Center for Family and Religion, a project of the Family Research Council (FRC). In 2010, Fagan co-authored a study released through the FRC that claimed lesbianism is “learned behavior” and that women who grow up without their biological parents are, for some reason, more apt to engage in homosexuality.

Anthony Esolen Esolen linked homosexuality to pedophilia when he wrote at the conservative Witherspoon Institute about the Boy Scouts loosening their restriction on gay Scouts and leaders:

What is wrong with being anti-LGBTQ? Where does it say that everyone must support the LGBTQ Agenda?

Nobody says you have to like LGBTQ. Hate them all you want. You just have to treat them fairly, and they deserve all the rights everybody else has.
Hey dipshit! Pay attention.... This is what we were talking about....remember?
View attachment 148195

Nice pirouette.
You're a moron. You got owned. Sit down and shut up.

Here are some of what they call their “Circle of Experts”

Robert Gagnon

Meet Robert Gagnon, The Anti-Gay Professor Speaking At NOM’s ITAF Conference | Equality Matters

Steven Baskerville
Baskerville claimed that homosexual activists played an integral part in the rise of fascist politics, including Nazism (a false claimthat originated with anti-LGBT activist Scott Lively).
He was listed as a speaker at the white nationalist H.L. Mencken Club annual conference, held in November in the Baltimore area.

Douglas Allen
Allen, who is listed in the RI’s 2010-2013 strategic plan as being on their board of advisers, is best-known for his flawed anti-gay studies, in which he claims that children of same-sex couples fare worse in various aspects of life than children of opposite-sex married couples. Allen has also claimed that LGBT people are promiscuous and that same-sex relationships are unstable.

Pat Fagan
The senior fellow director at the Center for Family and Religion, a project of the Family Research Council (FRC). In 2010, Fagan co-authored a study released through the FRC that claimed lesbianism is “learned behavior” and that women who grow up without their biological parents are, for some reason, more apt to engage in homosexuality.

Anthony Esolen Esolen linked homosexuality to pedophilia when he wrote at the conservative Witherspoon Institute about the Boy Scouts loosening their restriction on gay Scouts and leaders:

What is wrong with being anti-LGBTQ? Where does it say that everyone must support the LGBTQ Agenda?

Nobody says you have to like LGBTQ. Hate them all you want. You just have to treat them fairly, and they deserve all the rights everybody else has.
Then they need to stop the "in your face" attitude provoking people.
Nice pirouette.
You're a moron. You got owned. Sit down and shut up.

Here are some of what they call their “Circle of Experts”

Robert Gagnon

Meet Robert Gagnon, The Anti-Gay Professor Speaking At NOM’s ITAF Conference | Equality Matters

Steven Baskerville
Baskerville claimed that homosexual activists played an integral part in the rise of fascist politics, including Nazism (a false claimthat originated with anti-LGBT activist Scott Lively).
He was listed as a speaker at the white nationalist H.L. Mencken Club annual conference, held in November in the Baltimore area.

Douglas Allen
Allen, who is listed in the RI’s 2010-2013 strategic plan as being on their board of advisers, is best-known for his flawed anti-gay studies, in which he claims that children of same-sex couples fare worse in various aspects of life than children of opposite-sex married couples. Allen has also claimed that LGBT people are promiscuous and that same-sex relationships are unstable.

Pat Fagan
The senior fellow director at the Center for Family and Religion, a project of the Family Research Council (FRC). In 2010, Fagan co-authored a study released through the FRC that claimed lesbianism is “learned behavior” and that women who grow up without their biological parents are, for some reason, more apt to engage in homosexuality.

Anthony Esolen Esolen linked homosexuality to pedophilia when he wrote at the conservative Witherspoon Institute about the Boy Scouts loosening their restriction on gay Scouts and leaders:

What is wrong with being anti-LGBTQ? Where does it say that everyone must support the LGBTQ Agenda?

Nobody says you have to like LGBTQ. Hate them all you want. You just have to treat them fairly, and they deserve all the rights everybody else has.
Then they need to stop the "in your face" attitude provoking people.

Wouldn't be in your face if you went about your own business and left them alone.
You're a moron. You got owned. Sit down and shut up.

Here are some of what they call their “Circle of Experts”

Robert Gagnon

Meet Robert Gagnon, The Anti-Gay Professor Speaking At NOM’s ITAF Conference | Equality Matters

Steven Baskerville
Baskerville claimed that homosexual activists played an integral part in the rise of fascist politics, including Nazism (a false claimthat originated with anti-LGBT activist Scott Lively).
He was listed as a speaker at the white nationalist H.L. Mencken Club annual conference, held in November in the Baltimore area.

Douglas Allen
Allen, who is listed in the RI’s 2010-2013 strategic plan as being on their board of advisers, is best-known for his flawed anti-gay studies, in which he claims that children of same-sex couples fare worse in various aspects of life than children of opposite-sex married couples. Allen has also claimed that LGBT people are promiscuous and that same-sex relationships are unstable.

Pat Fagan
The senior fellow director at the Center for Family and Religion, a project of the Family Research Council (FRC). In 2010, Fagan co-authored a study released through the FRC that claimed lesbianism is “learned behavior” and that women who grow up without their biological parents are, for some reason, more apt to engage in homosexuality.

Anthony Esolen Esolen linked homosexuality to pedophilia when he wrote at the conservative Witherspoon Institute about the Boy Scouts loosening their restriction on gay Scouts and leaders:

What is wrong with being anti-LGBTQ? Where does it say that everyone must support the LGBTQ Agenda?

Nobody says you have to like LGBTQ. Hate them all you want. You just have to treat them fairly, and they deserve all the rights everybody else has.
Then they need to stop the "in your face" attitude provoking people.

Wouldn't be in your face if you went about your own business and left them alone.

Bullshit. Just ask a couple of bakers if gays will leave you alone.
Here are some of what they call their “Circle of Experts”

Robert Gagnon

Meet Robert Gagnon, The Anti-Gay Professor Speaking At NOM’s ITAF Conference | Equality Matters

Steven Baskerville
Baskerville claimed that homosexual activists played an integral part in the rise of fascist politics, including Nazism (a false claimthat originated with anti-LGBT activist Scott Lively).
He was listed as a speaker at the white nationalist H.L. Mencken Club annual conference, held in November in the Baltimore area.

Douglas Allen
Allen, who is listed in the RI’s 2010-2013 strategic plan as being on their board of advisers, is best-known for his flawed anti-gay studies, in which he claims that children of same-sex couples fare worse in various aspects of life than children of opposite-sex married couples. Allen has also claimed that LGBT people are promiscuous and that same-sex relationships are unstable.

Pat Fagan
The senior fellow director at the Center for Family and Religion, a project of the Family Research Council (FRC). In 2010, Fagan co-authored a study released through the FRC that claimed lesbianism is “learned behavior” and that women who grow up without their biological parents are, for some reason, more apt to engage in homosexuality.

Anthony Esolen Esolen linked homosexuality to pedophilia when he wrote at the conservative Witherspoon Institute about the Boy Scouts loosening their restriction on gay Scouts and leaders:

What is wrong with being anti-LGBTQ? Where does it say that everyone must support the LGBTQ Agenda?

Nobody says you have to like LGBTQ. Hate them all you want. You just have to treat them fairly, and they deserve all the rights everybody else has.
Then they need to stop the "in your face" attitude provoking people.

Wouldn't be in your face if you went about your own business and left them alone.

Bullshit. Just ask a couple of bakers if gays will leave you alone.

If bakers want to be left alone, they shouldn't have a business serving the public. Problem solved.
It's an odd thing to see posters all worried about what an organization does.....right after they say the organization is a joke. If it's a joke, why are they all concerned?

Because said organization is very powerful.
Don't know why there is much interest for against the group, its small Catholic group based in southern Calif, but it is affiliated with larger groups.
It's an odd thing to see posters all worried about what an organization does.....right after they say the organization is a joke. If it's a joke, why are they all concerned?

Because said organization is very powerful.
Don't know why there is much interest for against the group, its small Catholic group based in southern Calif, but it is affiliated with larger groups.

They're referenced frequently by the antiwhite bigots on this forum and in the media to justify their hatred for white people.
What is wrong with being anti-LGBTQ? Where does it say that everyone must support the LGBTQ Agenda?

Nobody says you have to like LGBTQ. Hate them all you want. You just have to treat them fairly, and they deserve all the rights everybody else has.
Then they need to stop the "in your face" attitude provoking people.

Wouldn't be in your face if you went about your own business and left them alone.

Bullshit. Just ask a couple of bakers if gays will leave you alone.

If bakers want to be left alone, they shouldn't have a business serving the public. Problem solved.

Yeah, and if you want to run your business in Guido the leg breaker's turf, then don't complain about paying for his "protection" services. Where did you acquire the authority to impose your arbitrary rules on any business? You and the queers are nothing more than thugs.
Nobody says you have to like LGBTQ. Hate them all you want. You just have to treat them fairly, and they deserve all the rights everybody else has.
Then they need to stop the "in your face" attitude provoking people.

Wouldn't be in your face if you went about your own business and left them alone.

Bullshit. Just ask a couple of bakers if gays will leave you alone.

If bakers want to be left alone, they shouldn't have a business serving the public. Problem solved.

Yeah, and if you want to run your business in Guido the leg breaker's turf, then don't complain about paying for his "protection" services. Where did you acquire the authority to impose your arbitrary rules on any business? You and the queers are nothing more than thugs.

I never acquired any such authority. The government does have authority to regulate businesses, and enforce public accommodation laws. Don't like it, then change the constitution.
Yeah, and if you want to run your business in Guido the leg breaker's turf, then don't complain about paying for his "protection" services. Where did you acquire the authority to impose your arbitrary rules on any business? You and the queers are nothing more than thugs.

Goo analogy. If you don't want to bake for gay people, locate your business 20 miles from them. If you open a store in their neighborhood, you're just asking for their business.

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