CDZ Space Force will be the most important military arm going forward.

People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
Lol, we don't even have a space capable vehicle anymore.

It's a joke. They stole the star-trek logo for god's sake.
All part or the Trump **** show.
We need a Global Warming Force

It faces a greater threat than Space Force

Shh! I think we're supposed to call it 'climate change' now. Besides that, agreed. But the majority amount of partisan ignorance in this forum refuses to educate themselves. They will be long dead before enduring any effects of the constant consumption of the planet's natural resources. In short, it's someone else's problem. Humans are akin to a planetary virus in that regard.
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
I agree. A separate space command should have been set up back in the 1960's. If we had done that, we probably would have a manned station on the Moon by now as well as orbital space stations around the Earth. Our space program now is in pretty sad shape wrt manned space travel. We have to depend on the Russians to send our astronauts into space. Hopefully the Space Force will change that.

How? By magic? Creating a ridiculous new agency changes absolutely nothing. We still have a space program with finite resources for exploration. Without it, the whole idea is useless.
How? The power of adequate funding. NASA has been left to wither. A coequal branch of the military will always have funding. Republicans reflexively throw money at the military. If nothing else, we could climb the pile of money into orbit. If spent intelligently, we could have a fleet of next generation shuttles and prepare for further interplanetary exploration.
Does it really matter?

The worthless Space Force will be abandoned as soon as Trump is gone

So do you think a Democrat candidate will run on getting rid of the Space Force?
They will be doing a lot of functions as I understand it that the Air Force is already doing,
but there may be some advantages to having a separate program. For one, the recruitment
aspect will be a experiencing tremendous upgrade. If your trying to recruit Tech savvy millennials,
what better way then to market a cool sounding concept like Space Force. This is no different
from another episode of the Apprentice. Did you not ever learn a thing from the power of marketing
when trying to find great employees?

And as your calling Space Force worthless, I have to wonder. DO you or do you not see the trend of humans
moving outward into space? Its going to happen. There is nothing wrong with being ahead of the curve.
Does it really matter?

The worthless Space Force will be abandoned as soon as Trump is gone

So do you think a Democrat candidate will run on getting rid of the Space Force?
They will be doing a lot of functions as I understand it that the Air Force is already doing,
but there may be some advantages to having a separate program. For one, the recruitment
aspect will be a experiencing tremendous upgrade. If your trying to recruit Tech savvy millennials,
what better way then to market a cool sounding concept like Space Force. This is no different
from another episode of the Apprentice. Did you not ever learn a thing from the power of marketing
when trying to find great employees?

And as your calling Space Force worthless, I have to wonder. DO you or do you not see the trend of humans
moving outward into space? Its going to happen. There is nothing wrong with being ahead of the curve.
We will dismantle the Space Force right after we dismantle the wall

Nobody will miss either
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
Oooh another arms race. Yippee. That should convince the world of our peaceful intentions.

There is no "other" arms race. Civilization has been competing and always will since, well, the beginning of civilization.If you want the US to sit idly by and let the Chinese and Russians have unfettered access to our satellites, then you are in denial of reality. They could care less about our peaceful intentions when they could get whatever they want from us by threatening to cripple our infrastructure.
Does it really matter?

The worthless Space Force will be abandoned as soon as Trump is gone

So do you think a Democrat candidate will run on getting rid of the Space Force?
They will be doing a lot of functions as I understand it that the Air Force is already doing,
but there may be some advantages to having a separate program. For one, the recruitment
aspect will be a experiencing tremendous upgrade. If your trying to recruit Tech savvy millennials,
what better way then to market a cool sounding concept like Space Force. This is no different
from another episode of the Apprentice. Did you not ever learn a thing from the power of marketing
when trying to find great employees?

And as your calling Space Force worthless, I have to wonder. DO you or do you not see the trend of humans
moving outward into space? Its going to happen. There is nothing wrong with being ahead of the curve.
We will dismantle the Space Force right after we dismantle the wall

Nobody will miss either

The Democrats and the Left, sure are good at tearing things down. Why don't they ever try to improve something for once, without 'bringing it all down man'? Just like Health Care. They have to break it first in order to "fix" it.
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
Oooh another arms race. Yippee. That should convince the world of our peaceful intentions.

There is no "other" arms race. Civilization has been competing and always will since, well, the beginning of civilization.If you want the US to sit idly by and let the Chinese and Russians have unfettered access to our satellites, then you are in denial of reality. They could care less about our peaceful intentions when they could get whatever they want from us by threatening to cripple our infrastructure.

Russia has had unfettered access to our satellites for 60 years
They have never touched one
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
I agree. A separate space command should have been set up back in the 1960's. If we had done that, we probably would have a manned station on the Moon by now as well as orbital space stations around the Earth. Our space program now is in pretty sad shape wrt manned space travel. We have to depend on the Russians to send our astronauts into space. Hopefully the Space Force will change that.

How? By magic? Creating a ridiculous new agency changes absolutely nothing. We still have a space program with finite resources for exploration. Without it, the whole idea is useless.
How? The power of adequate funding. NASA has been left to wither. A coequal branch of the military will always have funding. Republicans reflexively throw money at the military. If nothing else, we could climb the pile of money into orbit. If spent intelligently, we could have a fleet of next generation shuttles and prepare for further interplanetary exploration.

You watch too many Sci-Fi movies. You fail to recognize the toll on the human body for one thing, and the loss of time on earth is another. Hell, even the current survival rate for any exploration of Mars is slim. Maybe in 100 years tech may have progressed to make such things more feasible, but currently humans are in our infancy of understanding the ramifications of interstellar travel.
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
I agree. A separate space command should have been set up back in the 1960's. If we had done that, we probably would have a manned station on the Moon by now as well as orbital space stations around the Earth. Our space program now is in pretty sad shape wrt manned space travel. We have to depend on the Russians to send our astronauts into space. Hopefully the Space Force will change that.

How? By magic? Creating a ridiculous new agency changes absolutely nothing. We still have a space program with finite resources for exploration. Without it, the whole idea is useless.
How? The power of adequate funding. NASA has been left to wither. A coequal branch of the military will always have funding. Republicans reflexively throw money at the military. If nothing else, we could climb the pile of money into orbit. If spent intelligently, we could have a fleet of next generation shuttles and prepare for further interplanetary exploration.

You watch too many Sci-Fi movies. You fail to recognize the toll on the human body for one thing, and the loss of time on earth is another. Hell, even the current survival rate for any exploration of Mars is slim. Maybe in 100 years tech may have progressed to make such things more feasible, but currently humans are in our infancy of understanding the ramifications of interstellar travel.
We took the first baby steps back in the ‘60’s. It’s way past time to take some more.
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
I agree. A separate space command should have been set up back in the 1960's. If we had done that, we probably would have a manned station on the Moon by now as well as orbital space stations around the Earth. Our space program now is in pretty sad shape wrt manned space travel. We have to depend on the Russians to send our astronauts into space. Hopefully the Space Force will change that.

How? By magic? Creating a ridiculous new agency changes absolutely nothing. We still have a space program with finite resources for exploration. Without it, the whole idea is useless.
How? The power of adequate funding. NASA has been left to wither. A coequal branch of the military will always have funding. Republicans reflexively throw money at the military. If nothing else, we could climb the pile of money into orbit. If spent intelligently, we could have a fleet of next generation shuttles and prepare for further interplanetary exploration.

You watch too many Sci-Fi movies. You fail to recognize the toll on the human body for one thing, and the loss of time on earth is another. Hell, even the current survival rate for any exploration of Mars is slim. Maybe in 100 years tech may have progressed to make such things more feasible, but currently humans are in our infancy of understanding the ramifications of interstellar travel.
We took the first baby steps back in the ‘60’s. It’s way past time to take some more.

I agree, but I also understand the repercussions of 'some more'. The next logical step in a manned US space mission would be to explore Mars, which is a completely different situation in relation to moon flights. Utilizing today's economy, the predicted cost of a manned mission to Mars would roughly be 500 billion U.S. dollars, though the actual costs are likely to be more.

Good luck on getting any current administration to sign off on a single bill equal to 2/3rds of our current yearly military budget anytime soon.

The average trip would likely take 1.9 years. We would also have to plan the mission launches at times where the synodic period allows for the lowest amount of energy consumed in order to reach and orbit the planet. These periods are 26 months apart in 15 year cycles. The next cycle will be in 2033. Even if we manage to reach Mars, serious braking will be required to enter its orbit. This could be done with rockets or aerocapture, The latter being a theory that would subject human subjects to forces upwards of 5g just to reach the surface. It would require new training above and beyond that of the already rigorous NASA moon flight standards, and each subject would likely be there voluntarily, as there would be no guarantee for survival.
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
Oooh another arms race. Yippee. That should convince the world of our peaceful intentions.

There is no "other" arms race. Civilization has been competing and always will since, well, the beginning of civilization.If you want the US to sit idly by and let the Chinese and Russians have unfettered access to our satellites, then you are in denial of reality. They could care less about our peaceful intentions when they could get whatever they want from us by threatening to cripple our infrastructure.

Russia has had unfettered access to our satellites for 60 years
They have never touched one

probably because there is a deterrent to do so but why think that will always be the case?
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
Oooh another arms race. Yippee. That should convince the world of our peaceful intentions.

There is no "other" arms race. Civilization has been competing and always will since, well, the beginning of civilization.If you want the US to sit idly by and let the Chinese and Russians have unfettered access to our satellites, then you are in denial of reality. They could care less about our peaceful intentions when they could get whatever they want from us by threatening to cripple our infrastructure.

Russia has had unfettered access to our satellites for 60 years
They have never touched one

probably because there is a deterrent to do so but why think that will always be the case?
How about we tell them...You touch one of our satellites, we will kick your ass

Will Putin let Trump say that?
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
Oooh another arms race. Yippee. That should convince the world of our peaceful intentions.
The Chinese and Russians are making inroads in technology designed to knock out satellites. What do you do? Much of this now is combining different departments within departments to the newly named Space Force. How much crying would there be if a percentage of what we enjoy everyday disappears? Would you biatch? Unfortunately the innocent days are behind us. And have been for a while.
Waste of money.
Russia, The US and China should be working together against terrorism and on

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We need a Global Warming Force

It faces a greater threat than Space Force

Shh! I think we're supposed to call it 'climate change' now. Besides that, agreed. But the majority amount of partisan ignorance in this forum refuses to educate themselves. They will be long dead before enduring any effects of the constant consumption of the planet's natural resources. In short, it's someone else's problem. Humans are akin to a planetary virus in that regard.
Kinda like giving up on terra-firma.
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
Oooh another arms race. Yippee. That should convince the world of our peaceful intentions.
The Chinese and Russians are making inroads in technology designed to knock out satellites. What do you do? Much of this now is combining different departments within departments to the newly named Space Force. How much crying would there be if a percentage of what we enjoy everyday disappears? Would you biatch? Unfortunately the innocent days are behind us. And have been for a while.

People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
Oooh another arms race. Yippee. That should convince the world of our peaceful intentions.
There is no "other" arms race. Civilization has been competing and always will since, well, the beginning of civilization.If you want the US to sit idly by and let the Chinese and Russians have unfettered access to our satellites, then you are in denial of reality. They could care less about our peaceful intentions when they could get whatever they want from us by threatening to cripple our infrastructure.
We, the Russians and the Chinese all have the ability to destroy satellites using ground-based weapons. That's fine since there is probably no way to regulate such weapons. Hardening our satellites is also a worthy investment. Putting weapons into space is dangerous, expensive, and would likely trigger an arms race that will benefit no one. That is a very short-sighted move.
People laugh at the name now, but the Space Force will be the most important military arm that we it was once said he who controls the oceans controls the world, whoever can control space will control the world. This should have been done decades ago.........starting with satellites, arming satellites for both missile attacks on other satellites and ground targets to actual space craft to do the same........
Oooh another arms race. Yippee. That should convince the world of our peaceful intentions.

Whether you like it or not, Russia and China are enemies rushing to develop their militaries to defeat their enemies.......sitting on our hands will end up the way the Indians ended up when the Europeans arrived.

Russia and China are escalating Cyber Warfare......that is the real threat

How does leaving our satellites undefended, and not having the abilities to stop orbital weaponry have anything to to with cyber threats. They are both threats. Having to defend against one doesn't mean we leave our pants down on the other.

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