Speaker Boehner, competent or not?

Should Speaker Boehner be replaced?

  • No, he's the man and it's all Obama's fault.

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Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
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The person keeping the H. of Rep. from voting on the CR is Speaker of the House, John Boehner.

If Speaker Boehner called for a vote on the CR passed by the Senate, or had called for a conference committee months ago when the Senate passed their budget, the shut down of our government would probably not have occurred.

That's my opinion, based on facts.
Seven views and only one vote w/o a comment***. Seems this current event doesn't excite opinions, are maybe the four choices weren't broad enough and I should have included a fifth, "none of he above, I'll explain in my post".

I'm curious as to what people think about Boehner's job performance. Once upon a time I wrote performance reviews, IMO the Speaker, "Isn't Meeting Agency Expectations". Does anyone?

***Not including my own.
If Boehner stands against democrats he's competent. If he caves he is incompetent and needs to be replaced.
Poll to follow

The person keeping the H. of Rep. from voting on the CR is Speaker of the House, John Boehner.

If Speaker Boehner called for a vote on the CR passed by the Senate, or had called for a conference committee months ago when the Senate passed their budget, the shut down of our government would probably not have occurred.

That's my opinion, based on facts.

He's a douche bag
He's adequate but compared to Obama, Pelosi or Reid he's a God.

btw.the poll shows a complete lack of fairness, sooo Liberal Democrat.
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Seven views and only one vote w/o a comment***. Seems this current event doesn't excite opinions, are maybe the four choices weren't broad enough and I should have included a fifth, "none of he above, I'll explain in my post".

I'm curious as to what people think about Boehner's job performance. Once upon a time I wrote performance reviews, IMO the Speaker, "Isn't Meeting Agency Expectations". Does anyone?

***Not including my own.

Perhaps your drivel falls off the front page of "New Posts" quickly.

I voted that he should be voted out because he's only worried about keeping his job. The same can be said about Reid and Pelosi too.

That said, your claim is inaccurate. The CR was passed by the House and all it did was defund the ACA for a year. Reid and Obama are the ones refusing to negotiate.
Keep him around, he can't be beat for comedy relief. Going all Glenn Beck crying his eyes out and such.
If Boehner stands against democrats he's competent. If he caves he is incompetent and needs to be replaced.
The point of governance is not to dig in your heels and hold fast to ideology, but to pass legislation. Compromise made the constitution possible, compromise made the bi-cameral legislature possible.

Statesmanship is the prized quality in leaders, not brinksmanship. The Republican party should be ashamed of Boehnner and the whole Tea Party wing.

Holding the federal government for ransom over one piece of legislation is an embarrassment. The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress, signed by the President, deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court and in 2012 the Republicans ran a candidate who vowed to repeal it, but was soundly defeated in the election. The people have had their voices heard and they don't agree with the intractable, petulant Tea Party wing.

This nation will die of ideology and the utter lack of statesmen.
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If Boehner stands against democrats he's competent. If he caves he is incompetent and needs to be replaced.
The point of governance is not to dig in your heels and hold fast to ideology, but to pass legislation. Compromise made the constitution possible, compromise made the bi-cameral legislature possible.

Statesmanship is the prized quality in leaders, not brinksmanship. The Republican party should be ashamed of Boehnner and the whole Tea Party wing.

Holding the federal government for ransom over one piece of legislation is an embarrassment. The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress, signed by the President, deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court and in 2012 the Republicans ran a candidate who vowed to repeal it, but was soundly defeated in the election. The people have had their voices heard and they don't agree with the intractable, petulant Tea Party wing.

This nation will die of ideology and the utter lack of statesmen.

Obama has dug in HIS heels.
He wants all or nothing.
Clinging to his totalitarian ideology and signing nothing until he gets everything he demands.

Then having his sympathetic media cover up his partisan antics.
Seven views and only one vote w/o a comment***. Seems this current event doesn't excite opinions, are maybe the four choices weren't broad enough and I should have included a fifth, "none of he above, I'll explain in my post".

I'm curious as to what people think about Boehner's job performance. Once upon a time I wrote performance reviews, IMO the Speaker, "Isn't Meeting Agency Expectations". Does anyone?

***Not including my own.

Perhaps your drivel falls off the front page of "New Posts" quickly.

I voted that he should be voted out because he's only worried about keeping his job. The same can be said about Reid and Pelosi too.

That said, your claim is inaccurate. The CR was passed by the House and all it did was defund the ACA for a year. Reid and Obama are the ones refusing to negotiate.

At best your comment that Reid and Obama refuse to negotiate is a half-truth; it is so because you omit the facts which are well known for they are part of the public domain.

Boehner offered the President a Hobson's choice, and Harry Reid said "No".
If Boehner stands against democrats he's competent. If he caves he is incompetent and needs to be replaced.
The point of governance is not to dig in your heels and hold fast to ideology, but to pass legislation. Compromise made the constitution possible, compromise made the bi-cameral legislature possible.

Statesmanship is the prized quality in leaders, not brinksmanship. The Republican party should be ashamed of Boehnner and the whole Tea Party wing.

Holding the federal government for ransom over one piece of legislation is an embarrassment. The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress, signed by the President, deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court and in 2012 the Republicans ran a candidate who vowed to repeal it, but was soundly defeated in the election. The people have had their voices heard and they don't agree with the intractable, petulant Tea Party wing.

This nation will die of ideology and the utter lack of statesmen.

Obama has dug in HIS heels.
He wants all or nothing.
Clinging to his totalitarian ideology and signing nothing until he gets everything he demands.

Then having his sympathetic media cover up his partisan antics.
Let's review and be honest about it. If the Tea Baggers were satisfied with the AFC, if they were bent on altering it, we would not have a government shut down. But NO! The Tea Baggers want to destroy the act, defund the act, repeal the act and that's why we're in the juvenile mess we're in today.

Had the Tea Baggers acted as responsible adults, as elected legislators, they would have worked through the system to get the changes they want. They would not succeed in destroying the act because they represent a small minority of Americans. But rather than act responsibly, the Tea Baggers opted for brinksmanship over statesmanship and shut down the federal government.

It's all about the ACA, isn't it? It's all about the petulant attitude of the Conservative wing of the GOP. It's all about petulance over governance. And it's shameful.

Clinging to his totalitarian ideology and signing nothing until he gets everything he demands
What else could be said of the Tea Baggers but this?

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