Speaker Johnson Makes Noise About Adding SAVE Act to Spending Bill, McConnell Furious That Illegals May Not be Able to Put in Harris


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The question is will known treason puppy and RINO Mike Johnson follow through.

Recall the only thing SAVE does despite the constant lies of the Liarcrats is require anyone to prove citizenship ONE TIME when registering to vote. Not each time they vote. Can you even get a drivers license without showing your birth certificate? The Liarcrats are telling the illegals that Trump will deport them so it is a matter of life and death. Once the ballots come in the gaslighting "ELECTION DENIER" playbook will begin, and a second presidential election in a row will be stolen. Kamala Harris will unleash the FBI to put anyone who says so in jail. WE NEED THE SAVE ACT.

And if the government shuts down? Excuse me what did you say and ask me how many f--ks were given.

"Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is reportedly considering the inclusion of the SAVE Act in the upcoming spending bill. This decision comes at the behest of former President Donald Trump, who has made it clear that election integrity is a non-negotiable priority.

The SAVE Act, which mandates proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections, has become a rallying cry for many Americans who believe it is crucial to safeguarding the sanctity of the ballot box.

President Trump has been unyielding in his support for the SAVE Act, going as far as to suggest that the government should shut down if the bill is not included in the Continuing Resolution (CR).

Speaking on Monica Crowley’s podcast, Trump emphasized the importance of the SAVE Act, along with other measures like reverting to paper ballots and bolstering border security, as essential steps to protect the nation’s future."
If you have to show ID to register to vote why would it be a problem to show ID when you cast a ballot?
The question is will known treason puppy and RINO Mike Johnson follow through.

Recall the only thing SAVE does despite the constant lies of the Liarcrats is require anyone to prove citizenship ONE TIME when registering to vote. Not each time they vote. Can you even get a drivers license without showing your birth certificate? The Liarcrats are telling the illegals that Trump will deport them so it is a matter of life and death. Once the ballots come in the gaslighting "ELECTION DENIER" playbook will begin, and a second presidential election in a row will be stolen. Kamala Harris will unleash the FBI to put anyone who says so in jail. WE NEED THE SAVE ACT.

And if the government shuts down? Excuse me what did you say and ask me how many f--ks were given.

"Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is reportedly considering the inclusion of the SAVE Act in the upcoming spending bill. This decision comes at the behest of former President Donald Trump, who has made it clear that election integrity is a non-negotiable priority.

The SAVE Act, which mandates proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections, has become a rallying cry for many Americans who believe it is crucial to safeguarding the sanctity of the ballot box.

President Trump has been unyielding in his support for the SAVE Act, going as far as to suggest that the government should shut down if the bill is not included in the Continuing Resolution (CR).

Speaking on Monica Crowley’s podcast, Trump emphasized the importance of the SAVE Act, along with other measures like reverting to paper ballots and bolstering border security, as essential steps to protect the nation’s future."
drivers' licenses are used to establish identity in a state not for federal uses. if it is so important the feds can give us a federal ID for use in voting. IDs can be produced that are not official by the underground market.
while you cast a vote why be so redundant?

Um, the reason for an ID is to verify a person is who they are claiming to be. If someone doesn't show ID they're no way to verify who they are. Democrats also whine about signature matching with claims of peoples signatures are different depending on if it's made with a pen or stylist.

So without an ID or signature matching how can you verify someone's identity?
The question is will known treason puppy and RINO Mike Johnson follow through.

Recall the only thing SAVE does despite the constant lies of the Liarcrats is require anyone to prove citizenship ONE TIME when registering to vote. Not each time they vote. Can you even get a drivers license without showing your birth certificate? The Liarcrats are telling the illegals that Trump will deport them so it is a matter of life and death. Once the ballots come in the gaslighting "ELECTION DENIER" playbook will begin, and a second presidential election in a row will be stolen. Kamala Harris will unleash the FBI to put anyone who says so in jail. WE NEED THE SAVE ACT.

And if the government shuts down? Excuse me what did you say and ask me how many f--ks were given.

"Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is reportedly considering the inclusion of the SAVE Act in the upcoming spending bill. This decision comes at the behest of former President Donald Trump, who has made it clear that election integrity is a non-negotiable priority.

The SAVE Act, which mandates proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections, has become a rallying cry for many Americans who believe it is crucial to safeguarding the sanctity of the ballot box.

President Trump has been unyielding in his support for the SAVE Act, going as far as to suggest that the government should shut down if the bill is not included in the Continuing Resolution (CR).

Speaking on Monica Crowley’s podcast, Trump emphasized the importance of the SAVE Act, along with other measures like reverting to paper ballots and bolstering border security, as essential steps to protect the nation’s future."
It's amazing that MAGA freaks actually believe this crap. It truly is.

Why would any illegal vote? Do they want to get kicked out of the country? Because that is what would happen if they actually took part in your MAGA fantasy scenario.

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