Speaker Mike Johnson: 'We have to blur' Jan. 6 vids to shield rioters from DOJ

Actually, it may be a crime...

(a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal.
We had an entire Summer of Love { 2020 } Protests where
around 2 dozen died.Lootings,Burnings,beatings and entire
city blocks taken over.Over 500 such displays of
Mini-insurrections.Yet while the RNC at their august convention
had speakers { almost every one commented and spoke about
that Summer of Love Protests }.
Yet in that same month at the DNC Convention not a word
was mentioned about the Summer of Love Protests.
Actually, it may be a crime...

(a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal.
In order to cause offense there has to be an offender
We had an entire Summer of Love { 2020 } Protests where
around 2 dozen died.Lootings,Burnings,beatings and entire
city blocks taken over.Over 500 such displays of
Mini-insurrections.Yet while the RNC at their august convention
had speakers { almost every one commented and spoke about
that Summer of Love Protests }.
Yet in that same month at the DNC Convention not a word
was mentioned about the Summer of Love Protests.

Thanks for trying to divert the topic.
In order to cause offense there has to be an offender

There are offenders. The Speaker is protecting them by concealing their identities to protect them from the DoJ.

That's aiding and abetting criminals.
  • January 6th was a Plot. With a definite agenda. The more we learn about it the worse it gets for Democrats.
  • Turns out it was participated by undercover FBI agents trained in the use of how to Provocateur
  • "Don’t need to help them round up more innocents for more endless persecution of protest prosecutions.....no obligation to reveal faces for the Gestapo."
# "Why would he blur out Antifa from being prosecuted by DOJ??

That's a relevant and cogent question posed by poster 'dudmuck'.
Why protect all those ANTIFA attackers?
Why protect all those undercover FBI agents?
Why protect all those World Economic Order secret operatives?
Why protect all those Democrats as poster Foolardi suggests?

WTH, is goin' on?
Is MAGA Mike really a RINO?
Is he a WEF operative?



"In order to cause offense there has to be an offender"
Which, and pardon me if this is intrusive but.....but maybe we should look at all those confessions, guilty pleas, incriminating selfies. No?

It appears to me, and I mean no offense, but.....but it appears that a whole big bunch of offenders confessed to a whole big range of offenses.

Confessions? Guilty Pleas? Boasting of crimes on social media?
Well, it all kinda sorta appears rather incrimnating. No?
Of course. It's not like I'm some bloody tRumpling, now is it?
So why do you keep lying then?

You lied about the dossier, lied about Ukraine, lied about Kavanaugh, lied about J6, and now you're lying about MTG too.

You make Trump look like a saint.
So why do you keep lying then?

You lied about the dossier, lied about Ukraine, lied about Kavanaugh, lied about J6, and now you're lying about MTG too.

You make Trump look like a saint.
YOU do realize that those are only lies in RWNJ lalaland, right?

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