Speaker of the House Mike Johnson strongly supports the Joe Biden impeachment investigation

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Time to get back to the business of cleaning the criminal scum out of our White House!

During a September House floor speech, Johnson eloquently articulated three reasons to justify the inquiry initially launched by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA):

There are three irrefutable facts that have taken us to this point: Number one, President Biden lied directly to the American people. Number two, President Biden’s family and their associates profited millions through shell companies. Number three, President Biden’s federal agencies are stonewalling our legitimate congressional inquiry.
Johnson, who served as vice chairman of the House Republican Conference and on the House Judiciary Committee, noted those facts are “just the tip of the iceberg”:

There are so many scandals; there’s so much corruption that’s been uncovered. Every stone that we overturn leads to more and more corruption. And because of that, Mr. Speaker, a lot of the American people are simply getting lost in the barrage of evidence, in the barrage of allegations of corruption and the evidence itself.
It might be a little early, but I really think Johnson is going to be a fine speaker. It's been a real long time since we had a good speaker. Pelosi, Reid, Boehner, Ryan and McCarthy all sucked, big time. Newt might have been the last decent one.
Time to get back to the business of cleaning the criminal scum out of our White House!

During a September House floor speech, Johnson eloquently articulated three reasons to justify the inquiry initially launched by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA):

Johnson, who served as vice chairman of the House Republican Conference and on the House Judiciary Committee, noted those facts are “just the tip of the iceberg”:
I think you are correct. The MAGA speaker of the house will ressurrect the attempt to overturn 2020 election.
That is just what the USA needs according to Trump and his MAGA minions.
We are facing a government shut down in a few weeks. We have to address the wars in Israel and Ukraine. Congress needs to address the border crisis. Why no immigration reform legislation. The economy needs to be addressed.
What does the clown show do, they ressurect the attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. An election that has been litigated many times and always proven to be valid.
I don't take seriously any investigation that's not suffixed by -gate.
Time to get back to the business of cleaning the criminal scum out of our White House!

During a September House floor speech, Johnson eloquently articulated three reasons to justify the inquiry initially launched by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA):

Johnson, who served as vice chairman of the House Republican Conference and on the House Judiciary Committee, noted those facts are “just the tip of the iceberg”:
Johnson should go fuck himself considering in he was in on the plot to overturn the election & the Federal Govt for your boy. That motherfu*ker should be lined up against a concrete wall like the rest of them.
I think you are correct. The MAGA speaker of the house will ressurrect the attempt to overturn 2020 election.
That is just what the USA needs according to Trump and his MAGA minions.
We are facing a government shut down in a few weeks. We have to address the wars in Israel and Ukraine. Congress needs to address the border crisis. Why no immigration reform legislation. The economy needs to be addressed.
What does the clown show do, they ressurect the attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. An election that has been litigated many times and always proven to be valid.
Don't be surprised if Johnson spearheads an attempt to screw over Ukraine on behalf of his co traitor pal Trump.

The GOP led HOR reached deep under a rock, & they dug up Mike Johnson, one of the biggest scumbags who ever served in that body.
No one is going to overturn an election from years ago, dolt. They may expose it as the clusterfuck scam it was, though.
There is no point in overturning an election whose term is almost done. Keep the next election from being rigged. Then start undoing the damage democrats have done. We might not get that chance. The army of Allah is already attacking our inadequate military.
Those Democrats that voted against McCarthy will probably regret it. They were stupid to do that. He was a RINO that would have given the Democrat assholes 95% of what they wanted. Now they are going to have a more Conservative speaker who knows what a piece of shit Potatohead is.

Democrats are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, know what I mean?
Mike Johnson is the son of a firefighter and a very popular and well-respected Congressman. :TH_WAY~113:



Speaker Mike Davis:

will be outstanding. He’s a rock-solid conservative. Very smart and effective constitutional lawyer.Well respected by his Republican colleagues across the spectrum. :up:
Would be so nice to have a good old main stream Republican running it,
you know country before party or personality's.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson strongly supports the Joe Biden impeachment investigation​

Time to get back to the business of cleaning the criminal scum out of our White House!

Democrats are in closed meetings at this very minute debating the
meaning of an actual conservative being elected to the
Speaker of the House!

No one is going to overturn an election from years ago, dolt. They may expose it as the clusterfuck scam it was, though.
Oh great, just what we want the clowns spending their time on. The government and private companies have investigated it every way possibly They have come up with NOTHING.
And the litmus test to be speaker you have to agree the election was stolen.
Mueller investigated Trump on Russia collusion. Not enough evidence to indict. Everybody moves on.
Not the MAGA clowns. They will whine, piss and moan about everything that does not go their way.
Time to get back to the business of cleaning the criminal scum out of our White House!

During a September House floor speech, Johnson eloquently articulated three reasons to justify the inquiry initially launched by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA):

Johnson, who served as vice chairman of the House Republican Conference and on the House Judiciary Committee, noted those facts are “just the tip of the iceberg”:

“There are three irrefutable facts that have taken us to this point: Number one, President lied directly to the American people. Number two, President family and their associates profited millions through shell companies. Number three, President Biden’s federal agencies are stonewalling our legitimate congressional inquiry.”

- Cool story, but what about…ACTUAL REASONS TO IMPEACH?

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