Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Should Step Down As Speaker Until Cleared In Investigation Regarding Her Potential Part in Gen Milley Treason

Oh. So you're saying that every time a general doesn't believe in the mental capacity of the POTUS, that it is OK for them to form their own opinions and secretly call our enemies behind the president's back and relay information to them?

The information relayed was that Trump is not going to start an unprovoked war, which you say supposedly was never in the cards anyway.

What other information was relayed?
It has been revealed that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Milley, committed the act of Treason by volunteering to become a spy for the CCP, to betray the United States and his Commander and Chief, by promising to warn the CCP if the US made the decision to go to war with / to strike China. Volunteering to engage in espionage for the CCP and to betray his nation and President in in complete violation on many counts of the UCMJ and civilian law. For these crimes, Gen Milley should be immediately relieved of his command, NOT given a chance to step down, should be immediately arrested, and held until his trial for treason, espionage, etc....

Gen Milley is NOT the only American who should be immediately investigated for this crime.

"'Back on January 8, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she had spoken with Gen. Mark Milley about limiting President Trump’s ability to launch nuclear weapons.'

In a letter to her Democratic House colleagues on Friday, Pelosi said that she had spoken with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, about “available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.”…

Pelosi later told her caucus she had received assurances that there were safeguards in place, according to a source on the call. It is unclear what those safeguards might be."

Speaker of the House Pelosi has admitted that she colluded with Gen Milley against the President of the United States based on unfounded, unsupported partisan bias, opinion, hatred and delusion. Speaker Pelosi continued to try to undermine the President during his 4 years in office, attempting and failing to Impeach the President twice and now, it seems engaging in / aiding Gen Milley in committing treason. Speaker Pelosi on numerous occasions falsely claimed that President Trump was 'crazy' and used this propaganda as the basis for her argument that General Milley needed to assist her in denying powers of the President bestowed upon him as President, which neither had the legal authority to do on their own.

Speaker Pelosi is the 1st Speaker of the House to ever 1) Attempt to Impeach a President TWICE, the 1st Speaker of the House to ever attempt to Impeach the SAME President twice - failing both times, the 1st Speaker of the House to ever attempt to Impeach a President based on ZERO crimes committed, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses, AND was the 1st Speaker of the House to argue that none of those things were needed to Impeach a President.

The President, unlike Speaker Pelosi or dementia-ravaged Joe Biden, took the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) to assess how mentally fit the President was / is. According to Dr. Ronny Jackson, presidential physician, he stated the result showed President Trump to be very sharp and he’s very articulate.

Biden has refused to take such a test, probably because it also includes one of the best-known tests for early Alzheimer's disease.

Pelosi has not taken such a test, but perhaps she should, due to her obsessive hatred of President Trump, as demonstrated by her 2 failed Impeachments and her collusion with Gen Milley.

Speaker Pelosi went to Gen Miley to discuss denying the President of the United States and the Commander and Chief powers bestowed on the President - a coup, the plotting against the President. This endeavor was not carried out in public, Pelosi's concerns were not addressed in Congress, no vote was taken to strip the President of power, The deal between Pelosi and Milley was made in SECRET, a pact between the 2 conspirators.

Speaker Pelosi is every bit as guilty of a conspiracy, a power-seizing coup, as Gen Milley.

Gen Milley should immediately be relieved of his position, taken into custody, his passport seized, and charges filed against him.

Speaker Pelosi should be relieved of her position of Speaker based on her colluding against the President of the United States. She should have her passport seized, her Speaker position stripped pending an investigation outcome, and (potentially) charged with crimes against the United States and President.

Potential crimes Speaker Pelosi could be charged with:

conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
- Speaker Pelosi admitted she spoke to Gen Milley, telling him he needed to do something to strip the President of powers, in essence 'inciting' Gen Milley to act against the President and to commit treason.

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000..."
- If Pelosi is found to have 1st hand knowledge (from Gen Milley) that he was going to or did contact China to make this deal she is guilty of Treason.

18 US Code § 2381

There was no treason involved so there is nothing to investigate. If Trump had tried to start a war the military should have refused to do so. Trump was indeed crazy and should have been removed under the 25th Amendment. If anyone should be tried it should be Donald Trump for conspiring to help Russia interfere in our elections.

Both impeachments were more than justified. Trump tried to blackmail a foreign government into launching a phony investigation of a political rival. Then he incited a attack on the capitol.

Trump supporters are trying to turn this country into a dictatorship by attacking voting rights. They are attacking free speech rights. They are attacking women's rights. They are the ones who should be arrested.
The information relayed was that Trump is not going to start an unprovoked war, which you say supposedly was never in the cards anyway.

What other information was relayed?
Under what authority do you think Miley did that?
Interesting if it was a reliable source...

But it's not.
He was quoted in a BOOK. He hasn't denied the charge. He has lots of little Marxist scum buddies in DC and media who are cheering him for it. I'd say your problem is with the TRUTH of the issue rather than the source...
Trump was outed on November 3, 2020

Everything since then was his shameless, insane convulsions to illicitly hold on to power that was scaring the shit out of his America loving subordinates. That shitstain, if he had enough yes-men among his administration and Republicans, could have taken this country on express train to a civil war.
He'll be re-elected in 2024 so you'll yet have your chance to take up arms to save the "America" of YOUR dreams. You know, the one where it all collapses and the globalists get to buy it in pieces?
General Miley is a hero, and Trump should be tried for treason for his part in the 6Jan21 insurrection.
You mean like the 640 or so Americans who've been arrested but none of which have been charged with treason or "insurrection"? Like those? Just keep repeating that lie to yourself, I'm sure it will eventually make it real, numbnutz...
You mean like the 640 or so Americans who've been arrested but none of which have been charged with treason or "insurrection"?

Why would they be charged with treason? I don't think that word means what you think it means.

People were charged with conspiracy to obstruct Congressional proceedings and trespassing, plus whatever violent crimes committed in the process. (Aka insurection)
we need to see complete transcripts of the calls. You know, like Trump provided when liberals were falsely accusing him of quid pro quo.
Horseshit, Trump got caught with his pants down and knew damn well that Congress would get the transcript and testimony from people on the call anyway.

But before the IG delivered the complaint that transcript was tucked away by WH lawyers in top- secret store, even though there was nothing secret on it except Trump abusing his office to go after political opponent.
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Trump was outed on November 3, 2020

Everything since then was his shameless, insane convulsions to illicitly hold on to power that was scaring the shit out of his America loving subordinates. That shitstain, if he had enough yes-men among his administration and Republicans, could have taken this country on express train to a civil war.
Civil war will happen, though probably not in my lifetime. And it won't be because of Trump. It will be because of a govt. that no longer functions within the confines of the Constitution.
Horseshit, Trump got caught with his pants down and knew damn well that Congress would get the transcript and testimony from people on the call anyway.

But before the IG delivered the complaint that transcript was tucked away by WH lawyers in top- secret store, even though there was nothing secret on it except Trump abusing his office to go after political opponent.
So I can count you out on calling for transcripts of the current call in question then?
Link Please....not your opinion, and don't make me laugh by telling me I should take yoiur word for it.

Funny how Esper 1st came out and declared Milley did NOT call the CCP with his permission. Esper is going to wish he had stuck with that story, as by changing that story he just confessed to being a Co-Conspirator in the crimes of sedition and treason.

The Secretary of Defense does NOT have the Constitutional or Legal authority to plot behind the President's back against the President, which is what Pelosi, Milley, and - according to you - Esper did. It's STILL Sedition, It is STILL Treason. It is STILL a crime under the UCMJ.
So I can count you out on calling for transcripts of the current call in question then?

Nothing in the reporting suggests anything but patriotic conduct by Milley.

If Congress wants to have a read/listen, they can do it.
How does one argue that the secret, Un-Constitutional, and highly illegal, not to mention treasonous, phone call from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to his extremely hardcore CCP counterpart, in which he vowed to be a spy for China and would betray the US and our President if the US ever decided to attack them, was NPOT 'secret' when Gen Milley HID his actions from his superiors and his President?

Furthermore, it does not matter if Gen Milley used a pay phone (if they exist anymore) on a crowded NY city street to conduct his betrayal - that does not take away from the fact that his action was a betrayal of his President, of his country, of the uniform he was / is wearing, and was Un-Constitutional, illegal, and violated the UCMJ.

His actions violated everything the uniform he wears stands for.

None of this means anything to you, as you have demonstrated. So let me try to put it into an extremely partisan way, which is how you look at and assess things:

Imagine a Conservative, Pro-Donald Trump Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama had called Israel and told them that President Obama was using US tax dollars to attempt to influence their elections in order to help oust Netanyahu from power and that he was sharing this information because he thought Obama had gone mad, going against allies in such a manner.

According to your and other snowflakes' defense of Gen Milley, the Chairman of the JCOS in this case would be justified in doing so because he though Obama had gone insane and did not want a war started.

So let's hear it:

The information relayed was that Trump is not going to start an unprovoked war, which you say supposedly was never in the cards anyway.

What other information was relayed?
He specifically told his Chinese counterpart that if Trump ordered a provocation that Milley would warn China in advance.
How does one argue that the secret, Un-Constitutional, and highly illegal, not to mention treasonous, phone call from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to his extremely hardcore CCP counterpart, in which he vowed to be a spy for China and would betray the US and our President if the US ever decided to attack them, was NPOT 'secret' when Gen Milley HID his actions from his superiors and his President?

Furthermore, it does not matter if Gen Milley used a pay phone (if they exist anymore) on a crowded NY city street to conduct his betrayal - that does not take away from the fact that his action was a betrayal of his President, of his country, of the uniform he was / is wearing, and was Un-Constitutional, illegal, and violated the UCMJ.

His actions violated everything the uniform he wears stands for.

None of this means anything to you, as you have demonstrated. So let me try to put it into an extremely partisan way, which is how you look at and assess things:

Imagine a Conservative, Pro-Donald Trump Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama had called Israel and told them that President Obama was using US tax dollars to attempt to influence their elections in order to help oust Netanyahu from power and that he was sharing this information because he thought Obama had gone mad, going against allies in such a manner.

According to your and other snowflakes' defense of Gen Milley, the Chairman of the JCOS in this case would be justified in doing so because he though Obama had gone insane and did not want a war started.

So let's hear it:

You are not interested at all in knowing the truth or facts, before screaming he should be hung for treason.....you have a job to do of constantly spreading rumor and fake shit on this site and others, to divide the nation.

Bealzebub, BE GONE! :talktothehand:
You are not interested at all in knowing the truth or facts, before screaming he should be hung for treason.....:talktothehand:
The facts are this, you snowflake TROLL:

The United States Constitution does NOT give General Milley the authorization or power to bypass his chain of command or the President of the United States, to make his own personal medical diagnosis of a sitting President, toi deem him mentally incompetent and a threat, and then to make a private, personal phone call to his CCP counterpart, with whom Milley admitted he had developed a personal relationship with, and offer his services as a spy to his counterpart and the CCP, betraying his uniform, his oath, his President, and his country.

There is no Law In the United States Judicial / Law Enforcement realm that gives General Milley the legal authority to DISCUSS the undermining and betrayal of the President and United States with the Speaker of the House - this is specifically called SEDITION, which both Milley and Pelosi have been exposed to have committed'

There is no Law In the United States Judicial / Law Enforcement realm that gives General Milley the legal authority to undermine, betray the President of the United States by personally calling an enemy of the United States and pledging to give them prior warning to actions the United States may officially take against that enemy - that is called ESPIONAGE. This is also called TREASON.

The right / authority to personally contact an enemy of the United States and vow to share TOP SECRET SCI Intelligence and advanced warning of the United State's government's intent to take military action against that enemy is not found anywhere iun the Uniform Code of Justice (UCMJ).

IN FACT, in every one of these there are laws specifying that the action taken by Gen Milley, the Chairman of the JCS under President Trump, are SEVERE crimes, to include ESPIONAGE, SEDITION, AND TREASON!

Going by the Constitution, US Law, and the UCMJ - instead of TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, obsessive butt-hurt Snowflake FEELINGS - Gen Milley willfully committed ESPIONAGE, SEDITION, TREASON, and many more crimes.

The truly pathetic thing with you is that you KNOW the facts, your KNOW the truth,, and you KNOW what I wrote above is TRUTH, but you still don't give a damn. You are 100% consumed by your partisan, irrational hate for the former President to the point where you deny proven fact, the truth, and reality.

In other words, you are f*ing INSANE, for only an insane person rejects evidence, facts, and reality to cling to what they KNOW to be lies, as you do.

BTW, the fact that you avoided the scenario in which Obama was President and a Trump-loyalist did the same thing to him that Milley did to Trump....because you KNOW had the reverse had happened under Obama you insane snowflakes would have called for him to immediately removed from his position and sentenced to jail for life. That type of hypocrisy and denial are also symptoms of your type of insanity.

So unless you can post a link to a specific law in our legal system AND in the UCMJ that allowed Milley to bypass his chain of command, engage in Sedition with Nancy Pelosi, betray his oath, betray his President, betray his country, and offer his service to commit espionage against his country,
you can STFU!

No one cares about your whiny-ass FEELINGS or your irrational hatred.

Consider yourself ignored on this issue if you continue to spread propaganda and lies about things you have demonstrated you know nothing about.

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