Speaker of the House

Riproaring ass kicking speech by Joe Neguse. I want Hakeem to be president after that. Totally embarrased the Republicans talking about how they led us into the longest government shutdown in history in 2018, led us into a riot and attempted to overturn the 2020 election. And after that rousing and amazing speech.... Matt Gaetz gets up and nominates... Donald Trump. What a clown. What a clown show.
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As opposed to crashing the government? Fuck that.
The government will not crash. Its already paid for at this point. For many people trying to live there has been a crash to them the last two years. All of the green deal as an example will go to foreign nations to produce the goods. We live in value now. Since the Progs want globalism and not a national government we once had.
Riproaring ass kicking speech by Joe Neguse. I want Hakeem to be president after that. Totally embarrased the Republicans talking about how they led us into the longest government shutdown in history in 2018, led us into a riot and attempted to overturn the 2020 election. And after that rousing and amazing speech.... Matt Gaetz gets up and nominates... Donald Trump. What a clown. What a clown show.
Then I go to the store and pay my bills. That wakes people up.
Liz Cheney for speaker

Earlier today I posted on Mastodon what I thought was a commonsense though impossible idea: the Democrats should nominate Liz Cheney for speaker. There didn’t seem like there would be any chance of that happening. There still doesn’t, although right-wing candidate Kevin McCarthy has just lost the third round of voting at the hands of the ultra-right.

Liz Cheney for speaker – Media Nation (dankennedy.net)

Get this to MSNBC for public view!!!!
This tracks with the Gaetz comment to McCarthy about not caring if Hakeem Jeffries is Speaker.

They are not working for you, folks in MAGA-land. They are working for their own notoriety and celebrity and personal wealth.

So, this is his opinion? Or does he have any fact to back up that claim?
This is excellent information that I never knew before, about how Speaker votes count.

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Matt Glassman

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18m • 13 tweets • 3 min read

I'm seeing some confusion over the Speakership math. Here I'll do the bare-bones procedural explanation, stripped down to just the math. (As always, the House is in control of its rules and practices, and can adjust them by resolution or by overturning precedents). 1/N

First, what you need to win. Under current rule and precedents, the Speaker is elected by "a majority of Members-Elect, voting by surname, a quorum being present."
You do *not* need 218. You need a complete majority of those who vote for someone by name. 2/N

Right now, there are 434 Members-elect (recall that Rep. McEachin sadly passed away last month). If every Member-elect votes for a candidate by name, you will need 218, since 217/434 is *not* a majority, but 218/434 is a majority. 3/N

Members who choose not to vote (or who vote "present") do not count in the total. The upshot is that this reduces the denominator of the equation. For everyone two members who do not vote (or who vote "present"), it takes one less vote to win. 4/N

Example. if McCarthy gets 216 votes, Jeffries gets 212, and Biggs gets 6, no one has a majority (216/434 is not enough for McCarthy).
But if McCarthy gets 216, Jeffries 212, and 6 people don't vote (or vote "present"), McCarthy wins (216/228 is a majority). 5/N

With 6 non-voters plus McEachin's seat empty, the denominator becomes 228, and the votes needed becomes 215. 6/N

The general formula is this: if all 212 Dems vote Jeffries (likely) a GOP winner needs 213 hard yes votes from Republicans + any combination of 5 additional ballots out of the last 9, where a hard yes is a full ballot and a "present" or non-vote is 1/2 of a ballot. 7/N

You need the hard 213 because you have to beat the Dem candidate, and then you need the other combo of hard yes votes and non-votes (or "present" votes) in order to get to a full majority of those voting. 8/N

Example. 1st ballot, McCarthy gets 215, Jeffries gets 212, and 7 GOP vote for Biggs. McCarthy does not have enough (215/434).
2nd ballot, McC gets 2 Biggs votes to switch and 2 more to vote "present." So 217 McC, 212 Jeffries, 3 Biggs, 2 present. That's enough (217/232). 9/N

Note that you only are helped if the non-voters or present-voters come from outside your supporters. It doesn't do McCarthy any good for his allies to not vote or vote present. That would reduce the denominator, but also his numerator. 10/N

Switching people to not voting (or voting "present") helps if they aren't in your YES coalition. So that's either the GOP rebels, or the Dems. 11/N

It's absolutely true Dems could sit out vote and aid McC. Hard to see why they would politically; it could also backfire if it pushed GOP members-elect into opposing to him. Also not clear how to functionally run House if you get Speakership w/o working party majority. 12/N

Ok. That's the basics of the math. Here's my general cheat sheet on the Speakership election procedures, the thread has lots of links to other discussions and resources. Enjoy. /END

Here is the original tweet, in case you want to click on the documents in the last tweet.

Actually informative. A worthy contribution. 👍

You usually are full of shit and a dumbass but I agree with you on this one.

As long as there is not a Speaker then the House can't fuck things up like they have been doing for the last 70 years.

Let the dumbass Negro Ho be in charge. Nobody cares.

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