Speaker Pelosi will launch her own partisan insurrection investigation

Now the bitch is blaming the "insurrection" on white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia. She's also declining to set a time table for the conclusion of her delusion, leaving the door open to this becoming a political circus for releasing rumors and innuendos about political enemies well into 2023.

“The timeline will be as long as it takes for them, the time they need to do the investigation of the causes of this,” Pelosi replied. “There are two actual paths: one is about the root causes of it: the white supremacy, the anti-Semitism, the Islamophobia, all of the rest of it that was so evident when you see a sweatshirt on one of the people saying, ‘Camp Auschwitz.’”

“The other is the security of the Capitol and what it means to be ready for such an insurrection,” she continued. “While I think we could have been better prepared, I don’t think anybody would have foreseen an insurrection incited by the President of the United States. So the timetable will be as long as it takes; we were agreeable to doing it in a time frame that the Republicans felt comfortable with but now another month has gone by and another month has gone by so we’ll just have to make the plan and see how long that takes.”

What she's doing is creating another taxpayer funded weapon to use against political opponents and perpetuate the Democrat Party's use of victim classes to garner votes.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Your treason is noted, and reported.

You misspelled the Speaker's name, and so we must continue to spell your mother's name "foul skank".

Wow....but family (yours) aside - don't you find it interesting that Trump has been investigated some 11 times and STILL no charges have been filed. In other words, you fascist asswipes are going to continue to investigate Trump until you can charge him with spitting on the street. All in order to keep him from running again.

With a pathetic bunch of fascist assholes you guys are.
Trump was impeached twice
100% EXONERATED Twice.

That is a complete lie. Both times he was found guilty in the house so both times he was impeached.
Because the senate numbers defeated the bill it does not dissolve his impeachment.
Read the constitution know all.

I'll say it once more for the fascists.. And?.....................
Now the bitch is blaming the "insurrection" on white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia. She's also declining to set a time table for the conclusion of her delusion, leaving the door open to this becoming a political circus for releasing rumors and innuendos about political enemies well into 2023.

“The timeline will be as long as it takes for them, the time they need to do the investigation of the causes of this,” Pelosi replied. “There are two actual paths: one is about the root causes of it: the white supremacy, the anti-Semitism, the Islamophobia, all of the rest of it that was so evident when you see a sweatshirt on one of the people saying, ‘Camp Auschwitz.’”

“The other is the security of the Capitol and what it means to be ready for such an insurrection,” she continued. “While I think we could have been better prepared, I don’t think anybody would have foreseen an insurrection incited by the President of the United States. So the timetable will be as long as it takes; we were agreeable to doing it in a time frame that the Republicans felt comfortable with but now another month has gone by and another month has gone by so we’ll just have to make the plan and see how long that takes.”

What she's doing is creating another taxpayer funded weapon to use against political opponents and perpetuate the Democrat Party's use of victim classes to garner votes.

BINGO!!!! We have a winner!!! :clap:
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Your treason is noted, and reported.

You misspelled the Speaker's name, and so we must continue to spell your mother's name "foul skank".

Wow....but family (yours) aside - don't you find it interesting that Trump has been investigated some 11 times and STILL no charges have been filed. In other words, you fascist asswipes are going to continue to investigate Trump until you can charge him with spitting on the street. All in order to keep him from running again.

With a pathetic bunch of fascist assholes you guys are.
Trump was impeached twice
100% EXONERATED Twice.

That is a complete lie. Both times he was found guilty in the house so both times he was impeached.
Because the senate numbers defeated the bill it does not dissolve his impeachment.
Read the constitution know all.

I'll say it once more for the fascists.. And?.....................

You don't understand what fascist means.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Why doesn't that nasty bitch just die?
If any nasty bitches are to die, they should be those in your family. Is your nasty bitch mama dead yet?
WTF is wrong with you attacking peoples' families?Attack the posters who are egregious but leave their families out.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
They did?


Maybe ask this guy to help you out.

View attachment 505229
Trump: We must stop the steal

Nope. Not in there.

Try again.

No need to. Your ignorance isn't my problem.

I accept your concession.



It's amusing how you declare victory when you're defeated.

What did I lose in this? You seem confused.

You asked me how did Trump attempt to subvert our democracy. I quoted him telling his mob they "must stop the steal." He literally implored them to prevent the democratically elected president-elect so that he, the loser of the election, could remain as president. That's a complete and utter cry to subvert our democracy.

Amusingly, all you could muster was a pathetically weak, nuh-uh. Even funnier, while you're lying on the ground, you shook your walker at me. Made me laugh.


He told the crowd to "peacefully and patriotically" let your voices be heard.

Quote him telling the crowd to storm the Capital.

Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Your treason is noted, and reported.

You misspelled the Speaker's name, and so we must continue to spell your mother's name "foul skank".

Wow....but family (yours) aside - don't you find it interesting that Trump has been investigated some 11 times and STILL no charges have been filed. In other words, you fascist asswipes are going to continue to investigate Trump until you can charge him with spitting on the street. All in order to keep him from running again.

With a pathetic bunch of fascist assholes you guys are.
Trump was impeached twice
100% EXONERATED Twice.

That is a complete lie. Both times he was found guilty in the house so both times he was impeached.
Because the senate numbers defeated the bill it does not dissolve his impeachment.
Read the constitution know all.
Umm, the House doesn't determine guilt. :eusa_doh:
Now the bitch is blaming the "insurrection" on white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia. She's also declining to set a time table for the conclusion of her delusion, leaving the door open to this becoming a political circus for releasing rumors and innuendos about political enemies well into 2023.

“The timeline will be as long as it takes for them, the time they need to do the investigation of the causes of this,” Pelosi replied. “There are two actual paths: one is about the root causes of it: the white supremacy, the anti-Semitism, the Islamophobia, all of the rest of it that was so evident when you see a sweatshirt on one of the people saying, ‘Camp Auschwitz.’”

“The other is the security of the Capitol and what it means to be ready for such an insurrection,” she continued. “While I think we could have been better prepared, I don’t think anybody would have foreseen an insurrection incited by the President of the United States. So the timetable will be as long as it takes; we were agreeable to doing it in a time frame that the Republicans felt comfortable with but now another month has gone by and another month has gone by so we’ll just have to make the plan and see how long that takes.”

What she's doing is creating another taxpayer funded weapon to use against political opponents and perpetuate the Democrat Party's use of victim classes to garner votes.
She learned well from Republicans who kept Benghazi alive through 8 separate investigations spanning 4 years and 3 election cycles. She should do the same over Insurrection Day.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
They did?


Maybe ask this guy to help you out.

View attachment 505229
Trump: We must stop the steal

Nope. Not in there.

Try again.

No need to. Your ignorance isn't my problem.

I accept your concession.



It's amusing how you declare victory when you're defeated.

What did I lose in this? You seem confused.

You asked me how did Trump attempt to subvert our democracy. I quoted him telling his mob they "must stop the steal." He literally implored them to prevent the democratically elected president-elect so that he, the loser of the election, could remain as president. That's a complete and utter cry to subvert our democracy.

Amusingly, all you could muster was a pathetically weak, nuh-uh. Even funnier, while you're lying on the ground, you shook your walker at me. Made me laugh.


He told the crowd to "peacefully and patriotically" let your voices be heard.

Quote him telling the crowd to storm the Capital.


Selective quotes from a white-right (Republican) liar.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Why doesn't that nasty bitch just die?
If any nasty bitches are to die, they should be those in your family. Is your nasty bitch mama dead yet?
WTF is wrong with you attacking peoples' families?Attack the posters who are egregious but leave their families out.

Well, I figure that he/she/it has an opinion. But what the hell.............Hell, as far as he goes, all of my family (Mother, Father, Brother and Sister) have all died...nothing this fascist says bothers me in the least..

I do however, follow Sean Connery's example from the movie

Now the bitch is blaming the "insurrection" on white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia. She's also declining to set a time table for the conclusion of her delusion, leaving the door open to this becoming a political circus for releasing rumors and innuendos about political enemies well into 2023.

“The timeline will be as long as it takes for them, the time they need to do the investigation of the causes of this,” Pelosi replied. “There are two actual paths: one is about the root causes of it: the white supremacy, the anti-Semitism, the Islamophobia, all of the rest of it that was so evident when you see a sweatshirt on one of the people saying, ‘Camp Auschwitz.’”

“The other is the security of the Capitol and what it means to be ready for such an insurrection,” she continued. “While I think we could have been better prepared, I don’t think anybody would have foreseen an insurrection incited by the President of the United States. So the timetable will be as long as it takes; we were agreeable to doing it in a time frame that the Republicans felt comfortable with but now another month has gone by and another month has gone by so we’ll just have to make the plan and see how long that takes.”

What she's doing is creating another taxpayer funded weapon to use against political opponents and perpetuate the Democrat Party's use of victim classes to garner votes.
She learned well from Republicans who kept Benghazi alive through 8 separate investigations spanning 4 years and 3 election cycles. She should do the same over Insurrection Day.
Except that there was nothing to find in the Benghazi investigations, but plenty of treason to be exposed by a proper investigation of the treasonous insurgents and their elected GOP enablers.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
They did?


Maybe ask this guy to help you out.

View attachment 505229
Trump: We must stop the steal

Nope. Not in there.

Try again.

No need to. Your ignorance isn't my problem.

I accept your concession.



It's amusing how you declare victory when you're defeated.

What did I lose in this? You seem confused.

You asked me how did Trump attempt to subvert our democracy. I quoted him telling his mob they "must stop the steal." He literally implored them to prevent the democratically elected president-elect so that he, the loser of the election, could remain as president. That's a complete and utter cry to subvert our democracy.

Amusingly, all you could muster was a pathetically weak, nuh-uh. Even funnier, while you're lying on the ground, you shook your walker at me. Made me laugh.


He told the crowd to "peacefully and patriotically" let your voices be heard.

Quote him telling the crowd to storm the Capital.


Uh, no, he didn't. He assumed they would, he didn't tell them to.

Regardless, he told them they "must stop the steal." Regardless of what measures he wanted them to take to accomplish that, it would have been a blow to our democracy to install the loser of a presidential election instead of the winner. That's what he told them to do. The closest thing to that was in Nazi Germany where Hitler managed to rise to power despite losing his election.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Your treason is noted, and reported.

You misspelled the Speaker's name, and so we must continue to spell your mother's name "foul skank".

Wow....but family (yours) aside - don't you find it interesting that Trump has been investigated some 11 times and STILL no charges have been filed. In other words, you fascist asswipes are going to continue to investigate Trump until you can charge him with spitting on the street. All in order to keep him from running again.

With a pathetic bunch of fascist assholes you guys are.
Trump was impeached twice
100% EXONERATED Twice.

That is a complete lie. Both times he was found guilty in the house so both times he was impeached.
Because the senate numbers defeated the bill it does not dissolve his impeachment.
Read the constitution know all.
It is you that needs to read AND UNDERSTAND the Constitution. Impeachment of a President is nothing more than bringing charges against him....much as an indictment does in the judicial system. The trial for impeachment takes place in the Senate where the impeached President is either convicted or acquitted (exonerated) of the charges. The articles of impeachment are not removed from the record.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.


Can you blame her? She proposed a bipartisan investigation comprised of 5 Democrats and 5 Republicans. Republicans told her to fuck off. So now she's moving forward with a partisan investigation and telling Republicans to fuck off.

I fail to see the problem here?
Republicans were given an opportunity to participate equally

They declined. Must be because they want Nancy to do it.
No it was because it was a waste of time. Its been investigated to death. Why waste more time and tax dollars on it.

It's still gonna be investigated. Only now, Republicans forfeited their opportunity for a bipartisan investigation. Now all they can do is bitch & moan about it when it gets released.
Facts will come out

Republicans will not like them
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?
Loaded question. Trump did not send a mob "to attack the US Capitol". That is what the left did...dressed up as Trump supporters and encourage breaking in a rioting. You are a certified dupe.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?
Loaded question. Trump did not send a mob "to attack the US Capitol". That is what the left did...dressed up as Trump supporters and encourage breaking in a rioting. You are a certified dupe.
Damn. You guys are Goofy
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?
Loaded question. Trump did not send a mob "to attack the US Capitol". That is what the left did...dressed up as Trump supporters and encourage breaking in a rioting. You are a certified dupe.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?
Loaded question. Trump did not send a mob "to attack the US Capitol". That is what the left did...dressed up as Trump supporters and encourage breaking in a rioting. You are a certified dupe.
Damn. You guys are Goofy
If by, "goofy," you mean out of their fucking minds, batshit insane; then yes, they are goofy.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Your treason is noted, and reported.

You misspelled the Speaker's name, and so we must continue to spell your mother's name "foul skank".

Wow....but family (yours) aside - don't you find it interesting that Trump has been investigated some 11 times and STILL no charges have been filed. In other words, you fascist asswipes are going to continue to investigate Trump until you can charge him with spitting on the street. All in order to keep him from running again.

With a pathetic bunch of fascist assholes you guys are.
Trump was impeached twice
100% EXONERATED Twice.

That is a complete lie. Both times he was found guilty in the house so both times he was impeached.
Because the senate numbers defeated the bill it does not dissolve his impeachment.
Read the constitution know all.
Impeachment is an indictment.
The trial was in the Senate. 100% EXONERATED.

Suck it! :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Your treason is noted, and reported.

You misspelled the Speaker's name, and so we must continue to spell your mother's name "foul skank".

Wow....but family (yours) aside - don't you find it interesting that Trump has been investigated some 11 times and STILL no charges have been filed. In other words, you fascist asswipes are going to continue to investigate Trump until you can charge him with spitting on the street. All in order to keep him from running again.

With a pathetic bunch of fascist assholes you guys are.
Trump was impeached twice
100% EXONERATED Twice.

That is a complete lie. Both times he was found guilty in the house so both times he was impeached.
Because the senate numbers defeated the bill it does not dissolve his impeachment.
Read the constitution know all.
Impeachment is an indictment.
The trial was in the Senate. 100% EXONERATED.

Suck it! :banana: :banana: :banana:
Trump was not exonerated
They claimed they couldn’t impeach him after he left office

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