Speaking of frivolous lawsuits

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Man Says Domino's Pizza Burned Him When He Had Sex With It: Company Responds

Have you recently burned yourself having sex with a pizza? Was that pizza from Domino's? If so, you're in luck: the good folks behind the chain's Twitter feed will be happy to help you out.

See the Tweets at the link.

And, never ever accept a returned pizza, no matter how deep the discount.

(Yeah, I stole that from the comments section. So sue me.)
Isn't it Republicans who are always talking about frivolous lawsuits?

Ex-Ariz. Gov. Brewer mulls legal action over ads using unflattering photos
What did this guy think that he was going to get out of having sex with any kind of food when that food can not deliver the way that a girl

God bless you always!!!


P.S. This is a sick world.

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