Special council being appointed to oversee Hillary's e-mail espionage case

Listen, you can't go after her.....she's a LGTB!..... NOTHING can touch the LGTB!


The special prosecutor law has sunsetted and would require a new law to reauthorize it. If you don't think the dear leader would veto it, you're dreaming.
The USA has 330 million special prosecutors at the moment. The people are speaking.

If you think the dear leader is listening or gives a shit you're still dreaming.
Listen, you can't go after her.....she's a LGTB!..... NOTHING can touch the LGTB!


At least she was decent enough not to use body paint for an outfit. Picture that in your mind. LOL
Latest I read was all was OK in regards to the Email fiasco.
The FBI is still investigating..

Maybe you should call them and ask why they're not reporting to you...

Want the phone number???
Didn't Colin Powell have the same e-mail system? Where is the special council to investagate him?
Colin Powell didn't fumble the ball on Benghazi.

Codi Rice had the same email system also and she flubbed 9/11.

Condoleezza Rice 'rarely used email' as secretary of state - Business Insider
Unlike Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice did not use a private email account to conduct official business when she led the State Department.

Business Insider spoke to a source close to Rice following a New York Times report that noted Clinton used a personalized email rather than a government address when she was secretary of state. The source claimed Rice, who was secretary of state under President George W. Bush from 2005 through 2009, barely used email and did not employ a non-government address for official business.

"Secretary Rice rarely used email during her tenure at State. On the very rare occasion she did, her State Department email was the vehicle for official communication," the source said, adding, "She did not use personal email for official communication as Secretary."
Didn't Colin Powell have the same e-mail system? Where is the special council to investagate him?
Colin Powell didn't fumble the ball on Benghazi.

Codi Rice had the same email system also and she flubbed 9/11.

Condoleezza Rice 'rarely used email' as secretary of state - Business Insider
Unlike Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice did not use a private email account to conduct official business when she led the State Department.

Business Insider spoke to a source close to Rice following a New York Times report that noted Clinton used a personalized email rather than a government address when she was secretary of state. The source claimed Rice, who was secretary of state under President George W. Bush from 2005 through 2009, barely used email and did not employ a non-government address for official business.

"Secretary Rice rarely used email during her tenure at State. On the very rare occasion she did, her State Department email was the vehicle for official communication," the source said, adding, "She did not use personal email for official communication as Secretary."

How the fuck would anyone know? they deleted 22 million emails. LOL
Didn't Colin Powell have the same e-mail system? Where is the special council to investagate him?
No he did not. As usual you are misinformed. Colin Powell is also not running for President, nor has anyone alleged Powell had top secret information on his server.
So that's a triple fail, putting you up there with the dumbest poster on USMB.

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