Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

Yeah - the Constitution is soooo "draconian" and "archaic" maaaaaan....

Communism is so hip and happening, right Mertex? :cuckoo:

Government controlling everything and everyone is such a cool fad...

Mertex doesn't grasp that she follows communism...

Mertex grasps ONLY that "democrats good, Republicans bad, Bahhh, Bahhh, Bahhh."

The reason that you can't reason with someone like Mertex is that she has no reason and is thus unreasonable..... :eusa_angel:
Yeah - the Constitution is soooo "draconian" and "archaic" maaaaaan....

Communism is so hip and happening, right Mertex? :cuckoo:

Government controlling everything and everyone is such a cool fad...

Mertex doesn't grasp that she follows communism...

Mertex grasps ONLY that "democrats good, Republicans bad, Bahhh, Bahhh, Bahhh."

The reason that you can't reason with someone like Mertex is that she has no reason and is thus unreasonable..... :eusa_angel:

Oh she gets that she's following communism. What she doesn't get is what happens when you actually have communism and how it ends (with misery, suffering, and death - just like all liberal "ideas").

They are all like that (JoeB., J.E.D., etc.) - communism is so "cool" and the answer to all problems (because they've never studied world history). But they will be the first crying like babies when they have to live under actual communism.
Bush DOJ declined to prosecute. Either way, not a scandal

Bush had his own gun running operation. Either way, not a scandal

As much as you and the GOP wish, this is not a scandal. Most Americans don't even care.

Not a scandal

That's about as close as you have come to one. Congrats :clap2: 1 out of 5

Do you really feel Bush's Department of Justice is the one that failed to prosecute the black panthers for voter intimidation?

Fast and Furious has killed and you would not refer to it as a scandal.

Benghazi where 4 Americans were murdered and numerous were injured in a Terrorist attack on American property. The Americans were abandoned to die and then the White House lied about it and you still think this is not a scandal.

The IRS was targeting conservative groups while allowed free run of "progressive" groups and you say this is close to a scandal.

I have to ask....just what would you label as a scandal? I must admit that I am an old man and I can't remember any president including Nixon with so much trash on him.

So, because Bush's gun-running op didn't lead to any American deths (that we know of), that's not a scandal, but fast and Furious is?

Benghazi was another embassy attack in a long line of them over every administration. Obama didn't lie about it. Not a scandal.

As far as the IRS thing goes, if you want to bring up NIxon, he was actually on tape directing the IRS to target political opponents. DO you have any proof that Obama was personally involved? No? Well then...

The thing that makes Fast & Furious so stupid is that the Obama Justice Department decided to take a program that the Bush Administration had tried and had discovered didn't work, hence it being stopped...and Obama's people brought it back. Not only did they resurrect a failed program...they took it even further...pumping hundreds of high powered weapons across the border into Mexico right into the hands of some of the most dangerous thugs on the planet. Who does something THAT stupid?

As for Benghazi? How can you possibly claim that Obama didn't lie about it? At this point is there really any doubt that Barry, Hilary, Joe, Susan and Jay lied their collective ASSES off about the YouTube video? I mean...seriously...you can't be THAT oblivious.

As for the IRS scandal? Barry doesn't seem to have a clue about that or about the AP wiretaps just as he didn't know about Fast & Furious. He doesn't seem to have a clue about most things happening in "his" administration.
JEDI just gave me a neg rep for posting the following:

"There were intelligence reports that came across Condi Rice's desk that Osama bin Laden might be up to something. It's was one of hundreds of similar reports about what different Islamic extremists might be doing that came across her desk just as hundreds of similar reports came across the National Security Adviser's desk under Bill Clinton. What you've done is found a needle in a haystack and declared that it was somehow OBVIOUS what Al Queda was planning and that's ridiculous.

At the same time you come here and declare Barack Obama was totally unaware of things like Fast & Furious, the Benghazi cover-up, the IRS scandal and the AP wiretap scandal. I'm simply pointing out how stupid doing so makes you appear."

Just curious, Jed...did you want to try and disprove anything that I've pointed out in that post? I'm guessing the answer to that would be a resounding "NO"? Your hypocrisy is telling...
Wait - the best you have is simply to say "not a scandal" literally to actual scandals, and I'm the dumb sob?!?! :lmao:

I've literally bent you over in front of the world and made you my bitch. There is no dumber sob here than you claiming scandals reported on across the world are "not scandals" :lmao:

Fuck'n tool....

Just because you call it a scandal, it doesn't make it a scandal. Is anybody other than you and the GOP talking about Benghazi as a scandal? No. When is the last time anybody other than you and the wingnut brigade talked about fast & furious?

The only person you bent over is yourself, you sorry little sack of shit.
JEDI just gave me a neg rep for posting the following:

"There were intelligence reports that came across Condi Rice's desk that Osama bin Laden might be up to something. It's was one of hundreds of similar reports about what different Islamic extremists might be doing that came across her desk just as hundreds of similar reports came across the National Security Adviser's desk under Bill Clinton. What you've done is found a needle in a haystack and declared that it was somehow OBVIOUS what Al Queda was planning and that's ridiculous.

At the same time you come here and declare Barack Obama was totally unaware of things like Fast & Furious, the Benghazi cover-up, the IRS scandal and the AP wiretap scandal. I'm simply pointing out how stupid doing so makes you appear."

Just curious, Jed...did you want to try and disprove anything that I've pointed out in that post? I'm guessing the answer to that would be a resounding "NO"? Your hypocrisy is telling...

I only negged you because you negged me. And now you're whining about it. Would you like a tissue?
Killed by the very animals the U.S. Government was funding & arming. That's the real scandal. It's too bad the MSM has become so dumbed-down and corrupt. They should be talking about the real scandal. We're currently funding & arming animals linked to Al Qaeda in Syria as well. Blowback has already begun. It's Afghanistan all over again.
JEDI just gave me a neg rep for posting the following:

"There were intelligence reports that came across Condi Rice's desk that Osama bin Laden might be up to something. It's was one of hundreds of similar reports about what different Islamic extremists might be doing that came across her desk just as hundreds of similar reports came across the National Security Adviser's desk under Bill Clinton. What you've done is found a needle in a haystack and declared that it was somehow OBVIOUS what Al Queda was planning and that's ridiculous.

At the same time you come here and declare Barack Obama was totally unaware of things like Fast & Furious, the Benghazi cover-up, the IRS scandal and the AP wiretap scandal. I'm simply pointing out how stupid doing so makes you appear."

Just curious, Jed...did you want to try and disprove anything that I've pointed out in that post? I'm guessing the answer to that would be a resounding "NO"? Your hypocrisy is telling...

I only negged you because you negged me. And now you're whining about it. Would you like a tissue?

LOL...the difference being...I give people positive or negative rep based on the intelligence of their posts...you just admitted that you do so for revenge. I wasn't "whining" about the negative rep you gave me...I was amused by it.
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Isn't it about the right time to put a balanced budget amendment on the table, reform Social Security, and repeal Obamacare?

What was it that Rahm said about letting a crisis go to waste?
Wait - the best you have is simply to say "not a scandal" literally to actual scandals, and I'm the dumb sob?!?! :lmao:

I've literally bent you over in front of the world and made you my bitch. There is no dumber sob here than you claiming scandals reported on across the world are "not scandals" :lmao:

Fuck'n tool....

Just because you call it a scandal, it doesn't make it a scandal. Is anybody other than you and the GOP talking about Benghazi as a scandal? No. When is the last time anybody other than you and the wingnut brigade talked about fast & furious?

The only person you bent over is yourself, you sorry little sack of shit.

True story - I came home this evening and checked my phone for the first time in a while. A news app had filled my screen with alerts which literally said (I swear to God) "scandal" for Benghazi, the IRS, and Fast & Furious... :lmao:

The entire planet (save for partisan hack wing-nut libtards) has recognized all of these scandals for exactly what they are - scandals.

You can't close your eyes J.E.D. and wish something not true which is true.... :lol:
LOL...the difference being...I give people positive or negative rep based on the intelligence of their posts...you just admitted that you do so for revenge. I wasn't "whining" about the negative rep you gave me...I was amused by it.

Ironic that the one thing that libs are actually consistent on is the fact that they can't reward or punish based on merit for anything.

It's always about revenge for them or socialism. Sad but true...
Wait - the best you have is simply to say "not a scandal" literally to actual scandals, and I'm the dumb sob?!?! :lmao:

I've literally bent you over in front of the world and made you my bitch. There is no dumber sob here than you claiming scandals reported on across the world are "not scandals" :lmao:

Fuck'n tool....

Just because you call it a scandal, it doesn't make it a scandal. Is anybody other than you and the GOP talking about Benghazi as a scandal? No. When is the last time anybody other than you and the wingnut brigade talked about fast & furious?

The only person you bent over is yourself, you sorry little sack of shit.

True story - I came home this evening and checked my phone for the first time in a while. A news app had filled my screen with alerts which literally said (I swear to God) "scandal" for Benghazi, the IRS, and Fast & Furious... :lmao:

The entire planet (save for partisan hack wing-nut libtards) has recognized all of these scandals for exactly what they are - scandals.

You can't close your eyes J.E.D. and wish something not true which is true.... :lol:

This is where they attempt to change the meaning of the word "scandal". And "crime".
I guess I should not be surprised there are umpteen topics on this already. And I expect there will be umpteen more.

The second rescue team was awaiting permission from the Libyan government to fly the C-130 in their airspace. That was the cause of the delay. The "stand down" order never existed. A stand down order, for those of you who are completely ignorant of all things military, means to stop all preparations and return to base and go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing.

This was not a stand down order. It was a stand BY order. They were awaiting permission. They were not told to stand down. The "stand down" myth was created by Fox News and perpetuated by politicians who don't know shit from shinola when it comes to the military.

The stand by order came from their MILITARY superiors.

It was a State Department official who worked all night to finally get permission from the Libyans.

By the time they were allowed to leave, the second and last attack had already occurred.

Four people died. The ambassador and a computer information officer at the consulate in Benghazi during the first attack. Then two members of the first rescue team during the second attack which occurred at the annex seven and a half hours later.

A LOT more people would have died (we don't even know how many people were there), if it had not been for the heroic acts of two ex-military guys that disobeyed orders to help evacuate, and were killed when they went back to find the ambassador.

Hillary got the "2:00 am phone call", she ignored it. She doesn't think those deaths matter. Her previous boss, the President, thinks it is a non-issue. Chances are, they think the exact same thing about the Boston bombing. The taxpayers are just "subjects" to them. Their actions proclaim it, there poor job performance demonstrates it. Those that want to kiss their feet encourage them to ignore the security of the nation so that Christians and conservatives can be punished for their beliefs......
Who gave the order?

No one was told to stand down. The second rescue team was told to stand by. They had to wait for permission from the Libyans to fly their C-130 in Libyan airpace and that took time.

The "stand down" myth was started by Fox News and is perpetuated by politicians who don't know shit from shinola about the military and who like to sneak that "stand down order" into soundbites. You can tell this by reading the testimony.

The order to stand by was given by their military superiors until permission could be gained from the Libyans.

A State Department official worked all night to get that permission. By the time he got it, it was too late. By the time the second rescue team left, the second attack had occured and two people from the first rescue team had been killed.

"Standby" for the entire length of the attack is "stand down", silly rabbit.

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