Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

obama slept-hillary failed-families of 4 abandoned americans cried

Bush read "My Pet Goat" while 3000+ Americans got disintegrated, then said he didn't care to find Bin Laden. The families of those lost on 9/11 are still crying over their lost loved ones - they didn't sign up for a dangerous mission, like the 4 Americans that died in Benghazi, but do conservatives care? Hell no.

Oh - you mean the 9/11 attacks that occurred after 8 years of planning, recruiting, training, and financing of the Clinton Administration, who absolutely REFUSED to address the Al Qaeda issue? The same Clinton Administration that gutted defense half a TRILLION dollars over his 8 years? :lol:

You know how libtards have no ability to think? They've literally become zombies just slowly saying "Bush.... Bush...... Bush...." with this blank, stupid stare on their stupid faces. :lmao:
obama slept-hillary failed-families of 4 abandoned americans cried

Bush read "My Pet Goat" while 3000+ Americans got disintegrated, then said he didn't care to find Bin Laden. The families of those lost on 9/11 are still crying over their lost loved ones - they didn't sign up for a dangerous mission, like the 4 Americans that died in Benghazi, but do conservatives care? Hell no.

Shame on Bush for reading a book to kids in school, because he knew darn well there was going to be an attack that morning. :cuckoo:
obama slept-hillary failed-families of 4 abandoned americans cried

Bush read "My Pet Goat" while 3000+ Americans got disintegrated, then said he didn't care to find Bin Laden. The families of those lost on 9/11 are still crying over their lost loved ones - they didn't sign up for a dangerous mission, like the 4 Americans that died in Benghazi, but do conservatives care? Hell no.

Shame on Bush for reading a book to kids in school, because he knew darn well there was going to be an attack that morning. :cuckoo:

Bush should have known. He was forewarned.
Bush read "My Pet Goat" while 3000+ Americans got disintegrated, then said he didn't care to find Bin Laden. The families of those lost on 9/11 are still crying over their lost loved ones - they didn't sign up for a dangerous mission, like the 4 Americans that died in Benghazi, but do conservatives care? Hell no.

Shame on Bush for reading a book to kids in school, because he knew darn well there was going to be an attack that morning. :cuckoo:

Bush should have known. He was forewarned.

Bush should have known. He was forewarned.


Are you really that uninformed? Google it...

NBC News has obtained, exclusively, extraordinary secret video, shot by the U.S. government. It illustrates an enormous opportunity the Clinton administration had to kill or capture bin Laden. Critics call it a missed opportunity.

Here you go...

Bush should have known. He was forewarned.


Are you really that uninformed? Google it...

You know what's amazing about some of you Kool Aid drinkers, Lakhota? You think that George W. Bush should have known EVERYTHING that was going on in his Administration...right down to analyzing the daily intel reports and recognizing that Osama bin Laden was plotting to fly commercial jets into our landmark buildings...but at the SAME time you don't think Barack Obama knows anything about Fast & Furious, the coverup in Benghazi, the IRS targeting conservatives or the Justice Department doing improper wiretaps on reporters.

Do have ANY idea how ridiculous that makes you?

Are you really that uninformed? Google it...

You know what's amazing about some of you Kool Aid drinkers, Lakhota? You think that George W. Bush should have known EVERYTHING that was going on in his Administration...right down to analyzing the daily intel reports and recognizing that Osama bin Laden was plotting to fly commercial jets into our landmark buildings...but at the SAME time you don't think Barack Obama knows anything about Fast & Furious, the coverup in Benghazi, the IRS targeting conservatives or the Justice Department doing improper wiretaps on reporters.

Do have ANY idea how ridiculous that makes you?

Condi Rice was Bush's National Security Advisor - and she was also forewarned. That is public knowledge.
Ha,ha, the Republican/conservatives desperate to have a win before they completely disintegrate with their draconian laws and archaic ideologies?

Funny how you defend that idiotic party of yours for lying through their teeth and you call others partisan hacks - must be one of the few words you know. :badgrin:

As for that other moron, I won't even waste my time with trolls.

Yeah - the Constitution is soooo "draconian" and "archaic" maaaaaan....

Communism is so hip and happening, right Mertex? :cuckoo:

Government controlling everything and everyone is such a cool fad...
Are you really that uninformed? Google it...

You know what's amazing about some of you Kool Aid drinkers, Lakhota? You think that George W. Bush should have known EVERYTHING that was going on in his Administration...right down to analyzing the daily intel reports and recognizing that Osama bin Laden was plotting to fly commercial jets into our landmark buildings...but at the SAME time you don't think Barack Obama knows anything about Fast & Furious, the coverup in Benghazi, the IRS targeting conservatives or the Justice Department doing improper wiretaps on reporters.

Do have ANY idea how ridiculous that makes you?

Condi Rice was Bush's National Security Advisor - and she was forewarned. That is public knowledge.

There were intelligence reports that came across Condi Rice's desk that Osama bin Laden might be up to something. It's was one of hundreds of similar reports about what different Islamic extremists might be doing that came across her desk just as hundreds of similar reports came across the National Security Adviser's desk under Bill Clinton. What you've done is found a needle in a haystack and declared that it was somehow OBVIOUS what Al Queda was planning and that's ridiculous.

At the same time you come here and declare Barack Obama was totally unaware of things like Fast & Furious, the Benghazi cover-up, the IRS scandal and the AP wiretap scandal. I'm simply pointing out how stupid doing so makes you appear.
Uh, 4 years and more scandals than any Administration in U.S. history - including those that had 8 years (and you know it).

[*]Dismissing the Voter Intimidation case with the Black Panthers

Bush DOJ declined to prosecute. Either way, not a scandal

Bush had his own gun running operation. Either way, not a scandal

As much as you and the GOP wish, this is not a scandal. Most Americans don't even care.

Not a scandal

[*]IRS targeting conservatives

That's about as close as you have come to one. Congrats :clap2: 1 out of 5

Do you really feel Bush's Department of Justice is the one that failed to prosecute the black panthers for voter intimidation?

Fast and Furious has killed and you would not refer to it as a scandal.

Benghazi where 4 Americans were murdered and numerous were injured in a Terrorist attack on American property. The Americans were abandoned to die and then the White House lied about it and you still think this is not a scandal.

The IRS was targeting conservative groups while allowed free run of "progressive" groups and you say this is close to a scandal.

I have to ask....just what would you label as a scandal? I must admit that I am an old man and I can't remember any president including Nixon with so much trash on him.

So, because Bush's gun-running op didn't lead to any American deths (that we know of), that's not a scandal, but fast and Furious is?

Benghazi was another embassy attack in a long line of them over every administration. Obama didn't lie about it. Not a scandal.

As far as the IRS thing goes, if you want to bring up NIxon, he was actually on tape directing the IRS to target political opponents. DO you have any proof that Obama was personally involved? No? Well then...
Uh, 4 years and more scandals than any Administration in U.S. history - including those that had 8 years (and you know it).

[*]Dismissing the Voter Intimidation case with the Black Panthers

Bush DOJ declined to prosecute. Either way, not a scandal

Bush had his own gun running operation. Either way, not a scandal

As much as you and the GOP wish, this is not a scandal. Most Americans don't even care.

Not a scandal

[*]IRS targeting conservatives

That's about as close as you have come to one. Congrats :clap2: 1 out of 5

J.E.D.'s partisan hack tactic for defending his party at all costs:

America: Obama must answer for this Benghazi scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama must answer for this Fast & Furious scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama must answer for this Voter Intimidation scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama must answer for this Soyndra scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama is our first black president - what a shame he's embarrassing the African-American community with his scandals and criminal activities
J.E.D.: Obama is not black... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

You can't make this shit up folks - this is what a troll J.E.D. is. The best answer he has is "it's not a scandal" :lmao:

That's the best you have? Jesus, you're a dumb sob :lol:
and lets see what happens on this Sundays talk shows, you can almost bet your wives that every liberal guest will answer most questions with "Well When Bush Was President" {bla bla bla} as a means to deflect questions regarding any of the three/four Obama scandals.
Bush DOJ declined to prosecute. Either way, not a scandal

Bush had his own gun running operation. Either way, not a scandal

As much as you and the GOP wish, this is not a scandal. Most Americans don't even care.

Not a scandal

That's about as close as you have come to one. Congrats :clap2: 1 out of 5

J.E.D.'s partisan hack tactic for defending his party at all costs:

America: Obama must answer for this Benghazi scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama must answer for this Fast & Furious scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama must answer for this Voter Intimidation scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama must answer for this Soyndra scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama is our first black president - what a shame he's embarrassing the African-American community with his scandals and criminal activities
J.E.D.: Obama is not black... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

You can't make this shit up folks - this is what a troll J.E.D. is. The best answer he has is "it's not a scandal" :lmao:

That's the best you have? Jesus, you're a dumb sob :lol:

Wait - the best you have is simply to say "not a scandal" literally to actual scandals, and I'm the dumb sob?!?! :lmao:

I've literally bent you over in front of the world and made you my bitch. There is no dumber sob here than you claiming scandals reported on across the world are "not scandals" :lmao:

Fuck'n tool....
Condi Rice was Bush's National Security Advisor - and she was also forewarned. That is public knowledge.

Bill Clinton and his entire dumb-ass administration was "forewarned" time and time again when we suffered more terrorist attacks under his administration than all other presidents in U.S. history.

And what did he do about it? Well, not only did he refuse to go after Al Qaeda (because he was too busy chasing pussy all over America), but he also gutted defense to the tune of half a trillion dollars during his 8 years in office.

And it was his final gutted defense budget that we were operating under on September 11, 2001.
Ha,ha, the Republican/conservatives desperate to have a win before they completely disintegrate with their draconian laws and archaic ideologies?

Because you are a hack, you think that there is only your beloved party - and the infidels. All infidels are Republicans.

Funny how you defend that idiotic party of yours for lying through their teeth and you call others partisan hacks - must be one of the few words you know. :badgrin:

Which lies of the Republicans did I defend, hack?

I have a penchant for pet names. I call that scumbag Obama "Dear Leader" or "the Messiah®" - because you mindless drones follow him the way the Jonestown cult followed mad Jim - and the way the North Koreans follow mad Kim.

But you know what my pet name is for John McCain? "Open Borders."

Does that sound to you like I'm real fond of the guy? You see Mertex, I have something you can't even fathom, I have principles. I have foundational beliefs that were formed from studying men like Thomas Payne, Thomas Jefferson, John Locke, Harry Browne, Murray Rothbard, Karl Marx, Ayn Rand, et al.

My support goes to those who most closely match these foundational principles. On rare occasion, there is someone so hideous that I will cast a blocking vote - as I did for Romney - to stop this corrupt pile of shit, Obama - but that is rare.

You OTH, believe anything the party tells you to believe. The party assigns to you any thoughts they want you to have, and you think them.

You are, but a drone.

As for that other moron, I won't even waste my time with trolls.

Rich irony.
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