Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

If anyone thinks any force not already in Libya could have saved any lives, they smoke crack. A clusterfk to be sure, but it's just politics at this pt. And the ironic thing is that between the AP and Irs stories, there really is crap the Obama admin should be pilloried over and investigated for.

ps, and Pickering found screwups from Benghanzi to DC in the DOS. Just not a conspiracy, which is what wingnuts demand be the truth, regardless of facts.
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Apparently comatose conservatives can't understand that the leaders make the decisions, not the peanut gallery back home, and it wasn't Obama that told them to stay put, like they've been trying to say all along! :cuckoo:

You drink heavily, doncha?

And with the week you Obamunists are having, tossing some paint huffing in to boot.

Harry Truman: The Buck stops here!

Barack Obama: It wasn't MEEEEE.

Barry can now officially be termed "the toddler in chief."
If anyone thinks any force not already in Libya could have saved any lives, they smoke crack. A clusterfk to be sure, but it's just politics at this pt. And the ironic thing is that between the AP and Irs stories, there really is crap the Obama admin should be pilloried over and investigated for.

ps, and Pickering found screwups from Benghanzi to DC in the DOS. Just not a conspiracy, which is what wingnuts demand be the truth, regardless of facts.


based on the fact that the lives were lost within 7 hours, you are correct..."no action" did not cost ay lives.....help was more than 7 hours away....


No one knew how long they would be able to hold off the attackers. No one knew that the mortar would hit that rooftop....no one knew that those men couldnt have held them off for 7 or 8 or 10 hours.

The decision to stand down was made when men were still alive.......

That is not what we do here in America. We do not consider it a lost cause until it is a lost cause.
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If anyone thinks any force not already in Libya could have saved any lives, they smoke crack. A clusterfk to be sure, but it's just politics at this pt. And the ironic thing is that between the AP and Irs stories, there really is crap the Obama admin should be pilloried over and investigated for.

ps, and Pickering found screwups from Benghanzi to DC in the DOS. Just not a conspiracy, which is what wingnuts demand be the truth, regardless of facts.


based on the fact that the lives were lost within 7 hours, you are correct..."no action" did not cost ay lives.....help was more than 7 hours away....


No one knew how long they would be able to hold off the attackers. No one knew that the mortar would hit that rooftop....no one knew that those men couldnt have held them off for 7 or 8 or 10 hours.

The decision to stand down was made when men were still alive.......

That is not what we do here in America. We do not consider it a lost cause until it is a lost cause.
There was no "stand down" order. There was an order to defend the embassy in Tripoli after Hicks reported that there was a call to attack the Tripoli embassy, which is where the Benghazi survivors were being taken to at the time.

From Hicks' testimony:

HICKS: "About 12:30 at the same time that we see the Twitter feeds that are asserting that Ansar Sharia is responsible for the attack, we also see a call for an attack on the embassy in Tripoli."
If anyone thinks any force not already in Libya could have saved any lives, they smoke crack. A clusterfk to be sure, but it's just politics at this pt. And the ironic thing is that between the AP and Irs stories, there really is crap the Obama admin should be pilloried over and investigated for.

ps, and Pickering found screwups from Benghanzi to DC in the DOS. Just not a conspiracy, which is what wingnuts demand be the truth, regardless of facts.

And if you think that the terrorists would have continued to mount a mortar attack on the
Annex if their positions were being targeted with laser controlled missiles then it's YOU that's been smoking crack, my naive liberal friend. That attack would have ended IMMEDIATELY.

Perhaps you'd like to take a crack at explaining why Pickering never interviewed Hilary Clinton in his "investigation"? How could any credible inquiry into what happened in Benghazi not include talking to the person in charge of State?
If anyone thinks any force not already in Libya could have saved any lives, they smoke crack. A clusterfk to be sure, but it's just politics at this pt. And the ironic thing is that between the AP and Irs stories, there really is crap the Obama admin should be pilloried over and investigated for.

ps, and Pickering found screwups from Benghanzi to DC in the DOS. Just not a conspiracy, which is what wingnuts demand be the truth, regardless of facts.


based on the fact that the lives were lost within 7 hours, you are correct..."no action" did not cost ay lives.....help was more than 7 hours away....


No one knew how long they would be able to hold off the attackers. No one knew that the mortar would hit that rooftop....no one knew that those men couldnt have held them off for 7 or 8 or 10 hours.

The decision to stand down was made when men were still alive.......

That is not what we do here in America. We do not consider it a lost cause until it is a lost cause.
There was no "stand down" order. There was an order to defend the embassy in Tripoli after Hicks reported that there was a call to attack the Tripoli embassy, which is where the Benghazi survivors were being taken to at the time.

From Hicks' testimony:

HICKS: "About 12:30 at the same time that we see the Twitter feeds that are asserting that Ansar Sharia is responsible for the attack, we also see a call for an attack on the embassy in Tripoli."

Once again, Ed...I repeat my question. Who was in charge of an operation that deemed it a good strategy to send protection to a facility that might be attacked while denying protection to a facility the WAS under attack? Who would be THAT idiotic?
If anyone thinks any force not already in Libya could have saved any lives, they smoke crack. A clusterfk to be sure, but it's just politics at this pt. And the ironic thing is that between the AP and Irs stories, there really is crap the Obama admin should be pilloried over and investigated for.

ps, and Pickering found screwups from Benghanzi to DC in the DOS. Just not a conspiracy, which is what wingnuts demand be the truth, regardless of facts.


based on the fact that the lives were lost within 7 hours, you are correct..."no action" did not cost ay lives.....help was more than 7 hours away....


No one knew how long they would be able to hold off the attackers. No one knew that the mortar would hit that rooftop....no one knew that those men couldnt have held them off for 7 or 8 or 10 hours.

The decision to stand down was made when men were still alive.......

That is not what we do here in America. We do not consider it a lost cause until it is a lost cause.
There was no "stand down" order. There was an order to defend the embassy in Tripoli after Hicks reported that there was a call to attack the Tripoli embassy, which is where the Benghazi survivors were being taken to at the time.

From Hicks' testimony:

HICKS: "About 12:30 at the same time that we see the Twitter feeds that are asserting that Ansar Sharia is responsible for the attack, we also see a call for an attack on the embassy in Tripoli."

I am not referring to that.

I am referring to the deployment of FEST.

I suggest you read their mission and areas of expertise.

From moment of enactment to arrival in the area...about 12 hours.

What if they were taken as hostages?

THEN we would deploy FEST?

Sort of takes away their reason for being in existance....

The Foreign Emergency Support Team is the United States Government's only interagency, on-call, short-notice team poised to respond to terrorist incidents worldwide. Led and trained by the Operations Directorate of the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, it assists U.S. missions and host governments in responding quickly and effectively to terrorist attacks. The FEST, which has deployed to over 20 countries since its inception in 1986, leaves for an incident site within four hours of notification, providing the fastest assistance possible.

Seasoned crisis management expertise
Time-sensitive information and intelligence
Planning for contingency operations
Hostage negotiating expertise
Reach-back to Washington agencies

When they were told that they were not going to be used, the status of those 4 men was not known.

Seeing a s this was labelled a terrorist attack right away...why wasnt FEST used?

DO you not want an answer top that?

When WOULD you use FEST if not that night?
Does anyone remember the Administration's excuse as to why the investigation into what happened at Benghazi was being delayed? Because it was too dangerous to send the FBI investigators to those locales? Gee, if we'd deployed special forces at the START of the attack do you think it would have been a little safer so that we COULD have started going after the people who attacked us? How many days went by before Barry & Company deemed it was prudent to let the FBI start their investigation of the crime scene? Almost a week if I remember correctly and then it was only after they were embarrassed by news crews reporting from inside the burned out building standing in the midst of piles of classified State Department papers. Let's be honest here, folks...the apprehension of the people who killed Ambassador Stevens was NOT the top priority of the Obama White House following what happened in Libya. It's quite apparent that the top priority was coming up with a story the fit their "narrative" of the situation with Al Queda...ie that this was a mob run amok and that Al Queda was on the ropes.

based on the fact that the lives were lost within 7 hours, you are correct..."no action" did not cost ay lives.....help was more than 7 hours away....


No one knew how long they would be able to hold off the attackers. No one knew that the mortar would hit that rooftop....no one knew that those men couldnt have held them off for 7 or 8 or 10 hours.

The decision to stand down was made when men were still alive.......

That is not what we do here in America. We do not consider it a lost cause until it is a lost cause.
There was no "stand down" order. There was an order to defend the embassy in Tripoli after Hicks reported that there was a call to attack the Tripoli embassy, which is where the Benghazi survivors were being taken to at the time.

From Hicks' testimony:

HICKS: "About 12:30 at the same time that we see the Twitter feeds that are asserting that Ansar Sharia is responsible for the attack, we also see a call for an attack on the embassy in Tripoli."

Once again, Ed...I repeat my question. Who was in charge of an operation that deemed it a good strategy to send protection to a facility that might be attacked while denying protection to a facility the WAS under attack? Who would be THAT idiotic?
Only a fool would think it idiotic to defend the location the Benghazi survivors were being moved to. It's a good thing you are not making military decisions.
There was no "stand down" order. There was an order to defend the embassy in Tripoli after Hicks reported that there was a call to attack the Tripoli embassy, which is where the Benghazi survivors were being taken to at the time.

From Hicks' testimony:

HICKS: "About 12:30 at the same time that we see the Twitter feeds that are asserting that Ansar Sharia is responsible for the attack, we also see a call for an attack on the embassy in Tripoli."

Once again, Ed...I repeat my question. Who was in charge of an operation that deemed it a good strategy to send protection to a facility that might be attacked while denying protection to a facility the WAS under attack? Who would be THAT idiotic?
Only a fool would think it idiotic to defend the location the Benghazi survivors were being moved to. It's a good thing you are not making military decisions.

wow. I did not realize our forces are so small, that we can NEVER help those in need for we need to use the few resources we have to make sure those that are NOT in need,m do not become those in need.

Since no one will answer this question....maybe you will be man enought o do so....

Read FEST's description and what they specialize in and then tell me why were they not used...and to the contrary, explkcitily told that they are not being used.

Now...bear in mind....when they were told they were not needed, the fate of the 4 was unknown...and the length of the siege was unknown.....

Fest takes 4 hours to prepare...and say another 8 hours to arrive on location...

12 hours.....what iof there were hostages taken (for example)...

Read this....

Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST)
Your wasting your breath there South.

No one who supports Obama WANTS to believe that his State Department fucked up. The deaths of four very good men don't mean as much as preserving the falicy that they did the only thing they could do.

They don't to admit that Rice was trotted out to lie her ass off about Benghazi.

They don't want to admitt that our guys were told to stand down.

Hell. They probably don't want to admit that Barry jetted off to his Vegas fundraise the next morning as his consulate was in ruins and four Americans died. He had his priorities in order and Benghazi sure wasn't one of em.

They sure as hell don't want to admitt that that action right there should tell anyone with a brain all they need to know about Barry.
:lmao: You can't make this shit up folks! In libtard world, security forces were not told to "stand down", they were told to "stay were they were" :lmao:

Apparently libtards don't understand that being told to stay put and not get involved is being told to "stand down". Un-friggin-believable....

Apparently comatose conservatives can't understand that the leaders make the decisions, not the peanut gallery back home, and it wasn't Obama that told them to stay put, like they've been trying to say all along! :cuckoo:

Very good Mertex! Leaders do "make the decisions". And remind us again who the leader of the U.S. armed forces is? Oh that's right, Barack Obama.
Except that Obama did not micro-manage this situation. If he had and it had turned out the same you would be blaming him - oh, never mind, you are blaming him! :lol:

You're making progress nearly every day kid. I'm proud of you. Keep up the hard work.
How woulld you know? It takes a progressive to recognize progress! :cuckoo:
Except that Obama did not micro-manage this situation. If he had and it had turned out the same you would be blaming him - oh, never mind, you are blaming him! :lol:

So, the toddler in chief has no responsibility for the armed forces - BUT he killed Osama....

How woulld you know? It takes a progressive to recognize progress! :cuckoo:

There is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy........

Mertex, are you actually a right winger who is here to mock the stupidity of the left?
Does anyone realize Amb. Pickering shot this story down months ago?

Do you realize that this is a different story, and that the Pentagon actually admitted the group that Hicks is talking about was ordered to stay in Tripoli?
If anyone thinks any force not already in Libya could have saved any lives, they smoke crack. A clusterfk to be sure, but it's just politics at this pt. And the ironic thing is that between the AP and Irs stories, there really is crap the Obama admin should be pilloried over and investigated for.

ps, and Pickering found screwups from Benghanzi to DC in the DOS. Just not a conspiracy, which is what wingnuts demand be the truth, regardless of facts.

Believe it or not, a lack of a conspiracy at the time does not justify lying to people about it afterwards.
Except that Obama did not micro-manage this situation. If he had and it had turned out the same you would be blaming him - oh, never mind, you are blaming him! :lol:

So, the toddler in chief has no responsibility for the armed forces - BUT he killed Osama....
Are you that obtuse or just trying to appear obtuse?
Obama is the Commander in Chief, but he doesn't micro-manage every situation, if you even understand what micro-manage means? The GOP's miserable FAIL at trying to pin it on Obama is pathetic, but even your leaders have moved on to trying to pin it on Hillary, I guess they didn't inform you, or you are just so far behind! :badgrin:

There is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy........

Mertex, are you actually a right winger who is here to mock the stupidity of the left?
You're doing a fine job of helping me show the stupidity of the right!

And I wonder how the right is going to wiggle out of this one? Let the crying begin!

The actual e-mail from then-Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes appears to show that whomever leaked it did so in a way that made it appear that the White House was primarily concerned with the State Department's desire to remove references and warnings about specific terrorist groups so as to not bring criticism to the department.
CNN exclusive: White House email contradicts Benghazi leaks ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - CNN.com Blogs
If anyone thinks any force not already in Libya could have saved any lives, they smoke crack. A clusterfk to be sure, but it's just politics at this pt. And the ironic thing is that between the AP and Irs stories, there really is crap the Obama admin should be pilloried over and investigated for.

ps, and Pickering found screwups from Benghanzi to DC in the DOS. Just not a conspiracy, which is what wingnuts demand be the truth, regardless of facts.


based on the fact that the lives were lost within 7 hours, you are correct..."no action" did not cost ay lives.....help was more than 7 hours away....


No one knew how long they would be able to hold off the attackers. No one knew that the mortar would hit that rooftop....no one knew that those men couldnt have held them off for 7 or 8 or 10 hours.

The decision to stand down was made when men were still alive.......

That is not what we do here in America. We do not consider it a lost cause until it is a lost cause.
There was no "stand down" order. There was an order to defend the embassy in Tripoli after Hicks reported that there was a call to attack the Tripoli embassy, which is where the Benghazi survivors were being taken to at the time.

From Hicks' testimony:

HICKS: "About 12:30 at the same time that we see the Twitter feeds that are asserting that Ansar Sharia is responsible for the attack, we also see a call for an attack on the embassy in Tripoli."

The embassy had been evacuated, and all personnel were safe. The man on the ground in Tripoli reported that he was now free to go to Libya, and was preparing to board a plane that would have got him there before the second attack, which actually happened when the State Department security team on that flight tried to get into the CIA annex. He was ordered to stand down and stay in Tripoli in case he was needed by someone not on the scene. It turned out that he wasn't, and that extra guns on the ground in Libya might have made a difference.

Yet you keep insisting that they would not have arrived in time just because you think cynic means agree with the black man.
I see mertex is blessing you all with her shining wit and ...

Oh, wait, that was someone else. mertex is an idiot. I feel for you guys. Carry on.

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