Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

There was no "stand down" order which is why the GOP cannot produce anyone who gave it.


Weak even for you hacks.

It would have been piss easy for Issa to name this phantom, after all Hicks said it was Gibson who told him of the stand down order and if Issa did not know that Hicks was lying then Issa would have had Gibson testify. But since Issa knew Hicks was lying he didn't call Gibson to testify and expose Hick's lie.

Everyone is lying except your little tin god.. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Despite your hack lies, Gibson RECEIVED the order, rather than issued it.

{According to excerpts released Monday, Hicks told investigators that SOCAFRICA commander Lt. Col. Gibson and his team were on their way to board a C-130 from Tripoli for Benghazi prior to an attack on a second U.S. compound "when [Col. Gibson] got a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, 'you can't go now, you don't have the authority to go now.' And so they missed the flight ... They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it." }

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks - CBS News
and keep in mind, its only May 2013, we still have another17 months of "Obama Scandals" to come. Then lets see what happens in November 2014.

So 5 years and zero actual scandals so far. President Obama has run the cleanest administration is any of our lifetimes. Even Carter wasn't this clean.

That's what drives the Republicans so batshit crazy, how bad Obama makes them look.
Okay, so that is good enough reason to step down or get impeached?

It's the cover up. It's the lies that came out of his mouth for days following the attack. Protesters upset over a video, remember? A huge lie that originated with Obama and/or Hillary and both kept repeating it, knowing full well it wasn't true. They also didn't cooperate with the investigation and only handed over edited documents that were worthless and concealed the truth.

First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

Can anyone really say that the video was not one of the motivating factor of the attackers?

The lie of course is that what was said in the "Media talking points" was a lie.

Not only can I say it, so can Obama, and he has.
There was no "stand down" order which is why the GOP cannot produce anyone who gave it.


Weak even for you hacks.

It would have been piss easy for Issa to name this phantom, after all Hicks said it was Gibson who told him of the stand down order and if Issa did not know that Hicks was lying then Issa would have had Gibson testify. But since Issa knew Hicks was lying he didn't call Gibson to testify and expose Hick's lie.

Everyone is lying except your little tin god.. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Despite your hack lies, Gibson RECEIVED the order, rather than issued it.

{According to excerpts released Monday, Hicks told investigators that SOCAFRICA commander Lt. Col. Gibson and his team were on their way to board a C-130 from Tripoli for Benghazi prior to an attack on a second U.S. compound "when [Col. Gibson] got a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, 'you can't go now, you don't have the authority to go now.' And so they missed the flight ... They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it." }

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks - CBS News
That's exactly what I said, Gibson should be able to name who gave him the "stand down" order if there was one, which there wasn't.

Telling him to "stand down" is quite different from "you can't go." Stand down means do nothing and according to the Pentagon Gibson was told to do something, but it wasn't go to Benghazi.

You see the Diplomats in Tripoli learned of terrorist plans to attack the embassy in Tripoli and Gibson was told to stay there and defend it while the Benghazi personal were being transported to Tripoli. So Gibson was not told to "stand down" he was told to stay and defend the embassy in Tripoli. Issa knew this and that's why Gibson was never called to testify!

Emotional Testimony Recalls Benghazi Attacks - WSJ.com

At about 12:30 a.m. local time, diplomats in Tripoli learned of a new threat by Islamists—to attack the embassy complex in the Libyan capital city. The 55 diplomatic personnel in two facilities began to prepare to evacuate.

Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down' - US News and World Report

Pentagon spokesmen had previously stated that no U.S. assets were ever told to "stand down" the night of the attack in Benghazi. Air Force Maj. Rob Firman told USA Today Tuesday that the military's account of this response "hasn't changed."

"There was never any kind of stand down order to anybody," Firman said.

Firman reaffirmed this statement to U.S. News following Hicks' Wednesday testimony.

"Were these guys told not to do anything? No. They were in Tripoli, supporting the U.S. security in Tripoli, and they were told to stay there," Firman says. Special Operations Command Africa leadership told them to remain where they were, and "it was more important for those guys to be in Tripoli."
LMAO, you don't have a fucking clue as to what did or did not get said you stupid fuck.

Obama took no action and he sanitized the reality of what happened to the American people. An actual stand-down order would just be the smoking gun. We know what happened though.

There is no question that there was a stand down order, only who it was that gave the order.

{Washington, D.C. – Congressman Mike Turner, a senior member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, today at a hearing entitled “Benghazi: Exposing Failure and Recognizing Courage” questioned State Department officials on who gave the order for a team of Special Forces to stand-down and why.}

Congressman Turner: ?Who gave the stand-down order to Special Forces in Libya?? ? Fayette Advocate | Fayette County, Ohio | Washington Court House | Newspaper

Maybe it came from Hillary, but it could have come from the military. Either way, Hillary lied under oath to congress.
There was no "stand down" order which is why the GOP cannot produce anyone who gave it. It would have been piss easy for Issa to name this phantom, after all Hicks said it was Gibson who told him of the stand down order and if Issa did not know that Hicks was lying then Issa would have had Gibson testify. But since Issa knew Hicks was lying he didn't call Gibson to testify and expose Hick's lie.
and keep in mind, its only May 2013, we still have another17 months of "Obama Scandals" to come. Then lets see what happens in November 2014.

So 5 years and zero actual scandals so far. President Obama has run the cleanest administration is any of our lifetimes. Even Carter wasn't this clean.

That's what drives the Republicans so batshit crazy, how bad Obama makes them look.

Sorry that you and reality are no longer on speaking terms

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and keep in mind, its only May 2013, we still have another17 months of "Obama Scandals" to come. Then lets see what happens in November 2014.

So 5 years and zero actual scandals so far. President Obama has run the cleanest administration is any of our lifetimes. Even Carter wasn't this clean.

That's what drives the Republicans so batshit crazy, how bad Obama makes them look.

Uh, 4 years and more scandals than any Administration in U.S. history - including those that had 8 years (and you know it).

  • Dismissing the Voter Intimidation case with the Black Panthers

  • Fast & Furious

  • Benghazi

  • Solyndra

  • IRS targeting conservatives
WASHINGTON — David H. Petraeus, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, told lawmakers on Friday that classified intelligence reports revealed that the deadly assault on the American diplomatic mission in Libya was a terrorist attack, but that the administration refrained from saying it suspected that the perpetrators of the attack were Al Qaeda affiliates and sympathizers to avoid tipping off the groups.

Mr. Petraeus, who resigned last week after admitting to an extramarital affair, said the names of groups suspected in the attack — including Al Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa and a local Libyan group, Ansar al-Shariah — were removed from the public explanation of the attack immediately after the assault to avoiding alerting the militants that American intelligence and law enforcement agencies were tracking them, lawmakers said.
“The points were not, as has been insinuated by some, edited to minimize the role of extremists, diminish terrorist affiliations, or play down that this was an attack,” said a senior official familiar with the drafting of the talking points. “There were legitimate intelligence and legal issues to consider, as is almost always the case when explaining classified assessments publicly.”

Some intelligence analysts worried, for instance, that identifying the groups could reveal that American spy services were eavesdropping on the militants — a fact most insurgents are already aware of. Justice Department lawyers expressed concern about jeopardizing the F.B.I.’s criminal inquiry in the attacks. Other officials voiced concern that making the names public, at least right away, would create a circular reporting loop and hamper efforts to trail the militants.

Democrats said Mr. Petraeus made it clear the change had not been done for political reasons to aid Mr. Obama. “The general was adamant there was no politicization of the process, no White House interference or political agenda,” said Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California.

Senator Mark Udall, Democrat of Colorado, said that Mr. Petraeus explained to lawmakers that the final document was put in front of all the senior agency leaders, including Mr. Petraeus, and everyone signed off on it.

Ed, this story is 100% pure bullshit and you know it.

If the Obama Administration didn't want to (and I quote) "tip off Al Qaeda", all they had to do was say "we're not sure what happened yet - we're still looking into it". They did not have to LIE.

Furthermore, since when do we care that Al Qaeda knows we know they are attacking us?!?! By this bullshit logic, we would never have told Osama Bin Laden that he were looking for him :cuckoo:

Epic fail on your partisan hack ass!
and keep in mind, its only May 2013, we still have another17 months of "Obama Scandals" to come. Then lets see what happens in November 2014.

So 5 years and zero actual scandals so far. President Obama has run the cleanest administration is any of our lifetimes. Even Carter wasn't this clean.

That's what drives the Republicans so batshit crazy, how bad Obama makes them look.

Uh, 4 years and more scandals than any Administration in U.S. history - including those that had 8 years (and you know it).

  • Dismissing the Voter Intimidation case with the Black Panthers

  • Fast & Furious

  • Benghazi

  • Solyndra

  • IRS targeting conservatives

grabbing the phone records of the AP

My Way News - Gov't obtains wide AP phone records in probe
You all keep saying they are lying, but you all can't come up with any evidence that they are. The truth is, we know that Bush/Cheney lied about WMDs, more than 4 people died, and how come Republicans aren't investigating that?

Alright, since you liberals are too freaking stupid to understand it in adult language, I'll just go Sesame Street on your ass. Thank your lucky stars they didn't kill Big Bird, ya know?

Today is brought to you by: the number 12. As in how many times the official talking points of the attack were redacted until someone was able to safely say it was a spontaneous demonstration resulting from an anti-Islamic video.

Today is also brought to you by: the word REALITY.

WASHINGTON — David H. Petraeus, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, told lawmakers on Friday that classified intelligence reports revealed that the deadly assault on the American diplomatic mission in Libya was a terrorist attack, but that the administration refrained from saying it suspected that the perpetrators of the attack were Al Qaeda affiliates and sympathizers to avoid tipping off the groups.

Mr. Petraeus, who resigned last week after admitting to an extramarital affair, said the names of groups suspected in the attack — including Al Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa and a local Libyan group, Ansar al-Shariah — were removed from the public explanation of the attack immediately after the assault to avoiding alerting the militants that American intelligence and law enforcement agencies were tracking them, lawmakers said.
“The points were not, as has been insinuated by some, edited to minimize the role of extremists, diminish terrorist affiliations, or play down that this was an attack,” said a senior official familiar with the drafting of the talking points. “There were legitimate intelligence and legal issues to consider, as is almost always the case when explaining classified assessments publicly.”

Some intelligence analysts worried, for instance, that identifying the groups could reveal that American spy services were eavesdropping on the militants — a fact most insurgents are already aware of. Justice Department lawyers expressed concern about jeopardizing the F.B.I.’s criminal inquiry in the attacks. Other officials voiced concern that making the names public, at least right away, would create a circular reporting loop and hamper efforts to trail the militants.

Democrats said Mr. Petraeus made it clear the change had not been done for political reasons to aid Mr. Obama. “The general was adamant there was no politicization of the process, no White House interference or political agenda,” said Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California.

Senator Mark Udall, Democrat of Colorado, said that Mr. Petraeus explained to lawmakers that the final document was put in front of all the senior agency leaders, including Mr. Petraeus, and everyone signed off on it.

But Wait! Republican/conservatives don't care about jeopardizing the security of our troops, (defending the idiot who wanted to burn Koran) our CIA agent (Valerie Plame) or even Americans (Benghazi). They seem to think they know more about what needs to be released to the press than the CIA or the FBI, and they can solve a crime before it even goes to trial (Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman)!
Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down' - US News and World Report

Pentagon spokesmen had previously stated that no U.S. assets were ever told to "stand down" the night of the attack in Benghazi. Air Force Maj. Rob Firman told USA Today Tuesday that the military's account of this response "hasn't changed."

"There was never any kind of stand down order to anybody," Firman said.

Firman reaffirmed this statement to U.S. News following Hicks' Wednesday testimony.

"Were these guys told not to do anything? No. They were in Tripoli, supporting the U.S. security in Tripoli, and they were told to stay there," Firman says. Special Operations Command Africa leadership told them to remain where they were, and "it was more important for those guys to be in Tripoli."

:lmao: You can't make this shit up folks! In libtard world, security forces were not told to "stand down", they were told to "stay were they were" :lmao:

Apparently libtards don't understand that being told to stay put and not get involved is being told to "stand down". Un-friggin-believable....
  • Dismissing the Voter Intimidation case with the Black Panthers

  • Fast & Furious

  • Benghazi

  • Solyndra

  • IRS targeting conservatives

  • Illegally eavesdropping on members of the Associated Press
Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down' - US News and World Report

Pentagon spokesmen had previously stated that no U.S. assets were ever told to "stand down" the night of the attack in Benghazi. Air Force Maj. Rob Firman told USA Today Tuesday that the military's account of this response "hasn't changed."

"There was never any kind of stand down order to anybody," Firman said.

Firman reaffirmed this statement to U.S. News following Hicks' Wednesday testimony.

"Were these guys told not to do anything? No. They were in Tripoli, supporting the U.S. security in Tripoli, and they were told to stay there," Firman says. Special Operations Command Africa leadership told them to remain where they were, and "it was more important for those guys to be in Tripoli."

:lmao: You can't make this shit up folks! In libtard world, security forces were not told to "stand down", they were told to "stay were they were" :lmao:

Apparently libtards don't understand that being told to stay put and not get involved is being told to "stand down". Un-friggin-believable....

Apparently comatose conservatives can't understand that the leaders make the decisions, not the peanut gallery back home, and it wasn't Obama that told them to stay put, like they've been trying to say all along! :cuckoo:
Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down' - US News and World Report

Pentagon spokesmen had previously stated that no U.S. assets were ever told to "stand down" the night of the attack in Benghazi. Air Force Maj. Rob Firman told USA Today Tuesday that the military's account of this response "hasn't changed."

"There was never any kind of stand down order to anybody," Firman said.

Firman reaffirmed this statement to U.S. News following Hicks' Wednesday testimony.

"Were these guys told not to do anything? No. They were in Tripoli, supporting the U.S. security in Tripoli, and they were told to stay there," Firman says. Special Operations Command Africa leadership told them to remain where they were, and "it was more important for those guys to be in Tripoli."

:lmao: You can't make this shit up folks! In libtard world, security forces were not told to "stand down", they were told to "stay were they were" :lmao:

Apparently libtards don't understand that being told to stay put and not get involved is being told to "stand down". Un-friggin-believable....
You can't make this stuff up folks! Only the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood will lie in the face of the truth. Even after the quote clearly says they were told to do something, namely defend the embassy in Tripoli, the pathological liar says that means do not get involved. :eusa_liar:

Telling him to "stand down" is quite different from "you can't go." Stand down means do nothing and according to the Pentagon Gibson was told to do SOMETHING, but it wasn't go to Benghazi.

You see the Diplomats in Tripoli learned of terrorist plans to attack the embassy in Tripoli and Gibson was told to stay there and defend it while the Benghazi personal were being transported to Tripoli. So Gibson was not told to "stand down" he was told to stay and defend the embassy in Tripoli which was being threatened. Issa knew this and that's why Gibson was never called to testify!

Emotional Testimony Recalls Benghazi Attacks - WSJ.com

At about 12:30 a.m. local time, diplomats in Tripoli learned of a new threat by Islamists—to attack the embassy complex in the Libyan capital city. The 55 diplomatic personnel in two facilities began to prepare to evacuate.
My fellow conservatives, you know, from the moment Barry went for a joyride (was he on the plane, I don't remember) on Air-Force 1 flying over the Statue Of Liberty for no good reason, we pretty much knew our nation was in doom !!
Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down' - US News and World Report

Pentagon spokesmen had previously stated that no U.S. assets were ever told to "stand down" the night of the attack in Benghazi. Air Force Maj. Rob Firman told USA Today Tuesday that the military's account of this response "hasn't changed."

"There was never any kind of stand down order to anybody," Firman said.

Firman reaffirmed this statement to U.S. News following Hicks' Wednesday testimony.

Were these guys told not to do anything? No. They were in Tripoli, supporting the U.S. security in Tripoli, and they were told to stay there," Firman says. Special Operations Command Africa leadership told them to remain where they were, and "it was more important for those guys to be in Tripoli."

:lmao: You can't make this shit up folks! In libtard world, security forces were not told to "stand down", they were told to "stay were they were" :lmao:

Apparently libtards don't understand that being told to stay put and not get involvedis being told to "stand down". Un-friggin-believable....
You can't make this stuff up folks! Only the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood will lie in the face of the truth. Even after the quote clearly says they were told to do something, namely defend the embassy in Tripoli, the pathological liar says that means do not get involved. :eusa_liar:

Telling him to "stand down" is quite different from "you can't go." Stand down means do nothing and according to the Pentagon Gibson was told to do SOMETHING, but it wasn't go to Benghazi.

You see the Diplomats in Tripoli learned of terrorist plans to attack the embassy in Tripoli and Gibson was told to stay there and defend it while the Benghazi personal were being transported to Tripoli. So Gibson was not told to "stand down" he was told to stay and defend the embassy in Tripoli which was being threatened. Issa knew this and that's why Gibson was never called to testify!

Emotional Testimony Recalls Benghazi Attacks - WSJ.com

At about 12:30 a.m. local time, diplomats in Tripoli learned of a new threat by Islamists—to attack the embassy complex in the Libyan capital city. The 55 diplomatic personnel in two facilities began to prepare to evacuate.

Wait a second Ed - your original "story" (and that of the Administration) was that the attack was spontaneous and the result of a YouTube video (which had been out there for over 6 months at that point).

So if this was a spontaneous event cause by a YouTube video, why would there be any threat to the Tripoli embassy and how would the Administration even know about it?

Your story is falling apart (just like your ideology) :lmao:
I am still waiting for the "Let's Just See How It All Plays Out" speech. (like the one he gave in regards to when all hell broke loose in Iran. What,? did he need to take a nap the night/second night after the violence broke out in the capital?
Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down' - US News and World Report

Pentagon spokesmen had previously stated that no U.S. assets were ever told to "stand down" the night of the attack in Benghazi. Air Force Maj. Rob Firman told USA Today Tuesday that the military's account of this response "hasn't changed."

"There was never any kind of stand down order to anybody," Firman said.

Firman reaffirmed this statement to U.S. News following Hicks' Wednesday testimony.

"Were these guys told not to do anything? No. They were in Tripoli, supporting the U.S. security in Tripoli, and they were told to stay there[/COLOR][/B],"[/B] Firman says. Special Operations Command Africa leadership told them to remain where they were, and "it was more important for those guys to be in Tripoli."

:lmao: You can't make this shit up folks! In libtard world, security forces were not told to "stand down", they were told to "stay were they were" :lmao:

Apparently libtards don't understand that being told to stay put and not get involved is being told to "stand down". Un-friggin-believable....
You can't make this stuff up folks! Only the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood will lie in the face of the truth. Even after the quote clearly says they were told to do something, namely defend the embassy in Tripoli, the pathological liar says that means do not get involved. :eusa_liar:

Telling him to "stand down" is quite different from "you can't go." Stand down means do nothing and according to the Pentagon Gibson was told to do SOMETHING, but it wasn't go to Benghazi.

You see the Diplomats in Tripoli learned of terrorist plans to attack the embassy in Tripoli and Gibson was told to stay there and defend it while the Benghazi personal were being transported to Tripoli. So Gibson was not told to "stand down" he was told to stay and defend the embassy in Tripoli which was being threatened. Issa knew this and that's why Gibson was never called to testify!

Emotional Testimony Recalls Benghazi Attacks - WSJ.com

At about 12:30 a.m. local time, diplomats in Tripoli learned of a new threat by Islamists—to attack the embassy complex in the Libyan capital city. The 55 diplomatic personnel in two facilities began to prepare to evacuate.

I love how dumb-ass libtard Ed highlights "and not get invovled" above as if it somehow supports his case.

When you're instructed to "not get invovled" while your fellow Americans are being slaughtered, you have been instructed to stand down, you libtard buffoon! :lmao:

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