Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

Yo dufus...the attack happened...then the moron went to Vegas...

Okay, so that is good enough reason to step down or get impeached?

It's the cover up. It's the lies that came out of his mouth for days following the attack. Protesters upset over a video, remember? A huge lie that originated with Obama and/or Hillary and both kept repeating it, knowing full well it wasn't true. They also didn't cooperate with the investigation and only handed over edited documents that were worthless and concealed the truth.

First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

Can anyone really say that the video was not one of the motivating factor of the attackers?

The lie of course is that what was said in the "Media talking points" was a lie.

Break out the "Comfy Chairs and pillows"
Gee, Representative Schiff...maybe they are trying to find out why so many people felt the need to lie to the American people about what really took place in Libya that day? The list of Obama Administration folks that DID lie range from Barack Obama himself...to his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton...to his UN Ambassador, Susan Rice...to his Press Secretary Jay Carney. At this point it would be nice to know who IS trustworthy in this Administration. Between Timmy Geithner blaming his failure to pay the proper tax on not understanding TurboTax to Eric Holder declaring that he knew nothing about Fast & Furious? Is there ANYONE in this gang that can't shoot straight that isn't a bald faced liar?

You all keep saying they are lying, but you all can't come up with any evidence that they are. The truth is, we know that Bush/Cheney lied about WMDs, more than 4 people died, and how come Republicans aren't investigating that?

Alright, since you liberals are too freaking stupid to understand it in adult language, I'll just go Sesame Street on your ass. Thank your lucky stars they didn't kill Big Bird, ya know?

Today is brought to you by: the number 12. As in how many times the official talking points of the attack were redacted until someone was able to safely say it was a spontaneous demonstration resulting from an anti-Islamic video.

Today is also brought to you by: the word REALITY.

WASHINGTON — David H. Petraeus, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, told lawmakers on Friday that classified intelligence reports revealed that the deadly assault on the American diplomatic mission in Libya was a terrorist attack, but that the administration refrained from saying it suspected that the perpetrators of the attack were Al Qaeda affiliates and sympathizers to avoid tipping off the groups.

Mr. Petraeus, who resigned last week after admitting to an extramarital affair, said the names of groups suspected in the attack — including Al Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa and a local Libyan group, Ansar al-Shariah — were removed from the public explanation of the attack immediately after the assault to avoiding alerting the militants that American intelligence and law enforcement agencies were tracking them, lawmakers said.
“The points were not, as has been insinuated by some, edited to minimize the role of extremists, diminish terrorist affiliations, or play down that this was an attack,” said a senior official familiar with the drafting of the talking points. “There were legitimate intelligence and legal issues to consider, as is almost always the case when explaining classified assessments publicly.”

Some intelligence analysts worried, for instance, that identifying the groups could reveal that American spy services were eavesdropping on the militants — a fact most insurgents are already aware of. Justice Department lawyers expressed concern about jeopardizing the F.B.I.’s criminal inquiry in the attacks. Other officials voiced concern that making the names public, at least right away, would create a circular reporting loop and hamper efforts to trail the militants.

Democrats said Mr. Petraeus made it clear the change had not been done for political reasons to aid Mr. Obama. “The general was adamant there was no politicization of the process, no White House interference or political agenda,” said Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California.

Senator Mark Udall, Democrat of Colorado, said that Mr. Petraeus explained to lawmakers that the final document was put in front of all the senior agency leaders, including Mr. Petraeus, and everyone signed off on it.
He has already been caught running a misinformation campaign on the American people. That's enough to begin impeachment proceedings. Evidently, some democrats on this board think lying to the public one of the president's duties.

He didn't lie. And if he did, that's not enough for impeachment. Get a clue.

But anyway, are willing to take the bet?

If Obama reigns or is impeached over this, I will leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever.

J.E.D. stared at his basement wall. The tattered posters of Princess Leah hung silently molested by the passing shadows projected by J.E.D. as he paced back and forth on the cracked cement floor. The high school kids were mean and obnoxious and this made J.E.D. anxious and mad. Oh sure, J.E.D. had spent nearly a year teaching his pet mice to kill his enemies but another year would be required. The mice didn't learn as quickly as J.E.D.'s cat army but that's another story. J.E.D. felt impotent as the taunts from high school bullies serpentined in the stagnated pools of his mind. Suddenly J.E.D. released a slight smile from his pimpled face orb. "Tonight" J.E.D. thought, "I shall go on usmessageboard and flex my bravery with what shall be known as THE WAGER OF DEATH"!
J.E.D. had finished dinner and washed his John Wayne Franklin Mint plate and Fllintstone collectible glass. Thoughts of retribution filled each soapsuds bubble as it popped in the dishwater as bits of macaroni and cheese floated by. It was now time to proceed with THE WAGER OF DEATH!
J.E.D. sat in front of his computer. Protected by the kind of security that only dark basements and comic book stores provide. Pushing away the hand cream and tissues he then began typing. WHO EVER IS WRONG SHALL LEAVE THIS DOMAIN AND NEVER TO RETURN, SO SAYETH THE POWERS OF MIDDLE EARTH OR YE SHALL BE DUBBED.... COWARD!
These powerful words seemed etched in the screen like commandments on a tablet, or a gummie bear stuck on corduroy pants (J.E.D. always hated that particular gummie bear plight). J.E.D. could feel his power grow. This game of blood had begun. What poor mortal would take his challenge? J.E.D. sat covered in the shadows... awaiting a reply.... awaiting.... awaiting.... awaiting.....
Then it was bedtime.


Good stuff. Not at all what I live like, but good nonetheless.

It's actually a pretty common bet around here. I don't normally make such wagers, but I figured if these wingnuts are so sure Obama will be impeached, then they should bet on it.
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Okay, so that is good enough reason to step down or get impeached?

It's the cover up. It's the lies that came out of his mouth for days following the attack. Protesters upset over a video, remember? A huge lie that originated with Obama and/or Hillary and both kept repeating it, knowing full well it wasn't true. They also didn't cooperate with the investigation and only handed over edited documents that were worthless and concealed the truth.

First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

Can anyone really say that the video was not one of the motivating factor of the attackers?

The lie of course is that what was said in the "Media talking points" was a lie.

So islam as a belief can't stand being shown for what it is? So we have to give up our freedom of speech...Obama should of told islam that we here in America have this thing called freedom of speech and no more.

It's time to close all these embassies and bring everyone home.
Once again, we see that the left has no shame. Hillary Clinton politicized the four American heroes' deaths and she is still their 2016 anointed one.


Seeing how the right could.care less about the soldiers killed in iraq, this is all about 2016 and nothing else.

The right didn't care about soldiers killed in Iraq? Who do you think were defending these soldiers when the left was calling them traitors and child killers and that they deserved to die. I love it when the left practices convenient morality for political obfuscation while denying the facts of Benghazi.

Let's have the full quotes and the speeches they were given in.
If the Fox claim is true, which is not likely but is possible, a person gave the order.

Until that person's name is out there, the story is not credible.

My point is that every notable military failure in modern history tracks back to a name.
Let's have the name or admit it is just more hot air from anti-American influences.

Not necessarily true when the order comes from a politician.

Do you honestly believe that they would be able to say it came from the President if it will make him look bad? :cuckoo:
If the Fox claim is true, which is not likely but is possible, a person gave the order.

Until that person's name is out there, the story is not credible.

My point is that every notable military failure in modern history tracks back to a name.
Let's have the name or admit it is just more hot air from anti-American influences.

Not necessarily true when the order comes from a politician.

Do you honestly believe that they would be able to say it came from the President if it will make him look bad? :cuckoo:

Obama took no action and he sanitized the reality of what happened to the American people. An actual stand-down order would just be the smoking gun. We know what happened though.
We've been bombing & killing around the World for the last 70yrs. straight. It's been continuous since WWII. Endless War is all Americans know now. But it's still shocking to me that most Americans are so shocked when vengeance is met out against their own Nation. What else can be expected, when you're around the World bombing & killing year after year? Of course many will seek revenge. Violence only begets more violence.

It really started with the US/Spanish War when we gained control of the Philipines. It's been a bipartisan effort too. Look at the foriegn adventures of Woodrow Wilson.

Who's to say the world would be better if we didn't? It's very likely there would be 3-4 big powers today at each others throat.

Look at history to see that this isn't blowing smoke either.

Try to look at and understand history without making judgements. Asking what if makes no difference. Example: If the US had joined the League of Nations, would Hitler have been stopped before Europe was destroyed? We'll never know.
Okay, so that is good enough reason to step down or get impeached?

It's the cover up. It's the lies that came out of his mouth for days following the attack. Protesters upset over a video, remember? A huge lie that originated with Obama and/or Hillary and both kept repeating it, knowing full well it wasn't true. They also didn't cooperate with the investigation and only handed over edited documents that were worthless and concealed the truth.

First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

Can anyone really say that the video was not one of the motivating factor of the attackers?

The lie of course is that what was said in the "Media talking points" was a lie.



Notice on 9/8/12 "Benghazi security officials warn US of attacks".
Republican SecDef Robert Gates certainly went under the bus in record time for putting country ahead of party. It's how modern conservatives roll. If you tell any truth that disagrees with the official DerParteiRepublikkan line, you're considered a traitor to TheParty, and under the bus you go. Very Soviet of the Republicans.

So, let's think about this. Respected Republican SecDef, or a pack of internet chickenhawk crybabies. Hmm, who to believe. Golly, that's a tough one.
I bet you 'd like to see him lynched under one of those big oak trees on the WH lawn too.......:eusa_eh:

I can only speak for me, but I'd like to see him stand trial for the murder of 16 year old Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, an American citizen born in Denver, with no known ties to any terror group, nor on any watch list.

Not you of course, you're a partisan hack who holds party above the law.

What was he doing in Yemen? No known ties except his father(why would you fail to mention that....cpould it be you support the Yemen terrorist seeking to kill American civilians :eek: ), who inspired several Jihadish attacks inside America. What kind of father lets his 16 year old son hang out with terrorist who are known targets of one of the world best militaries?
It's the cover up. It's the lies that came out of his mouth for days following the attack. Protesters upset over a video, remember? A huge lie that originated with Obama and/or Hillary and both kept repeating it, knowing full well it wasn't true. They also didn't cooperate with the investigation and only handed over edited documents that were worthless and concealed the truth.

First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

Can anyone really say that the video was not one of the motivating factor of the attackers?

The lie of course is that what was said in the "Media talking points" was a lie.

So islam as a belief can't stand being shown for what it is? So we have to give up our freedom of speech...Obama should of told islam that we here in America have this thing called freedom of speech and no more.

It's time to close all these embassies and bring everyone home.

I think he did, just more elequently that what you stated.

We understand why people take offense to this video because millions of our citizens are among them. I know there are some who ask why don't we just ban such a video. The answer is enshrined in our laws. Our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech.

Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense. Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. As president of our country, and commander in chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so.

Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views -- even views that we profoundly disagree with. We do so not because we support hateful speech, but because our founders understood that without such protections, the capacity of each individual to express their own views and practice their own faith may be threatened.

Read more: Transcript: Obama address to U.N. General Assembly | Fox News
I saw a libtard post that the stand-down order was proven false. Is there any truth to that or was that more lies from the left?
The liars have always been the Right-wingnuts.

Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down' - US News and World Report

Pentagon spokesmen had previously stated that no U.S. assets were ever told to "stand down" the night of the attack in Benghazi. Air Force Maj. Rob Firman told USA Today Tuesday that the military's account of this response "hasn't changed."

"There was never any kind of stand down order to anybody," Firman said.

Firman reaffirmed this statement to U.S. News following Hicks' Wednesday testimony.

"Were these guys told not to do anything? No. They were in Tripoli, supporting the U.S. security in Tripoli, and they were told to stay there," Firman says. Special Operations Command Africa leadership told them to remain where they were, and "it was more important for those guys to be in Tripoli."
assuming GOP takes both house and senate in 2014, barry may as well leave being he wont be able to keep stealing our tax dollars to give to all of his cronies and voters, and he can take Bozo with him as well.
If the Fox claim is true, which is not likely but is possible, a person gave the order.

Until that person's name is out there, the story is not credible.

My point is that every notable military failure in modern history tracks back to a name.
Let's have the name or admit it is just more hot air from anti-American influences.

Not necessarily true when the order comes from a politician.

Do you honestly believe that they would be able to say it came from the President if it will make him look bad? :cuckoo:
How could it have come from Obama if he had gone to bed as the wingnuts claim????? Either Obama did not go to bed to be able to go to the next days fundraiser, as the pathological liars claim, and made the phantom "stand down" order, or the Right was lying about Obama not caring and went to bed. Clearly the Right is lying about something, if not everything as they usually do.
He didn't lie. And if he did, that's not enough for impeachment. Get a clue.

But anyway, are willing to take the bet?

If Obama reigns or is impeached over this, I will leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever.

J.E.D. stared at his basement wall. The tattered posters of Princess Leah hung silently molested by the passing shadows projected by J.E.D. as he paced back and forth on the cracked cement floor. The high school kids were mean and obnoxious and this made J.E.D. anxious and mad. Oh sure, J.E.D. had spent nearly a year teaching his pet mice to kill his enemies but another year would be required. The mice didn't learn as quickly as J.E.D.'s cat army but that's another story. J.E.D. felt impotent as the taunts from high school bullies serpentined in the stagnated pools of his mind. Suddenly J.E.D. released a slight smile from his pimpled face orb. "Tonight" J.E.D. thought, "I shall go on usmessageboard and flex my bravery with what shall be known as THE WAGER OF DEATH"!
J.E.D. had finished dinner and washed his John Wayne Franklin Mint plate and Fllintstone collectible glass. Thoughts of retribution filled each soapsuds bubble as it popped in the dishwater as bits of macaroni and cheese floated by. It was now time to proceed with THE WAGER OF DEATH!
J.E.D. sat in front of his computer. Protected by the kind of security that only dark basements and comic book stores provide. Pushing away the hand cream and tissues he then began typing. WHO EVER IS WRONG SHALL LEAVE THIS DOMAIN AND NEVER TO RETURN, SO SAYETH THE POWERS OF MIDDLE EARTH OR YE SHALL BE DUBBED.... COWARD!
These powerful words seemed etched in the screen like commandments on a tablet, or a gummie bear stuck on corduroy pants (J.E.D. always hated that particular gummie bear plight). J.E.D. could feel his power grow. This game of blood had begun. What poor mortal would take his challenge? J.E.D. sat covered in the shadows... awaiting a reply.... awaiting.... awaiting.... awaiting.....
Then it was bedtime.


Good stuff. Not at all what I live like, but good nonetheless.

It's actually a pretty common bet around here. I don't normally make such wagers, but I figured if these wingnuts are so sure Obama will be impeached, then they should bet on it.
Ah jeez! Just when I'm ready to hate you, you have to be all mature and stuff! Now I hate you even more! Ah well, feel free to write a post about my addiction to asian porn. It's only fair.
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Obama took no action and he sanitized the reality of what happened to the American people. An actual stand-down order would just be the smoking gun. We know what happened though.

There is no question that there was a stand down order, only who it was that gave the order.

{Washington, D.C. – Congressman Mike Turner, a senior member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, today at a hearing entitled “Benghazi: Exposing Failure and Recognizing Courage” questioned State Department officials on who gave the order for a team of Special Forces to stand-down and why.}

Congressman Turner: ?Who gave the stand-down order to Special Forces in Libya?? ? Fayette Advocate | Fayette County, Ohio | Washington Court House | Newspaper

Maybe it came from Hillary, but it could have come from the military. Either way, Hillary lied under oath to congress.
Obama took no action and he sanitized the reality of what happened to the American people. An actual stand-down order would just be the smoking gun. We know what happened though.

There is no question that there was a stand down order, only who it was that gave the order.

{Washington, D.C. – Congressman Mike Turner, a senior member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, today at a hearing entitled “Benghazi: Exposing Failure and Recognizing Courage” questioned State Department officials on who gave the order for a team of Special Forces to stand-down and why.}

Congressman Turner: ?Who gave the stand-down order to Special Forces in Libya?? ? Fayette Advocate | Fayette County, Ohio | Washington Court House | Newspaper

Maybe it came from Hillary, but it could have come from the military. Either way, Hillary lied under oath to congress.
There was no "stand down" order which is why the GOP cannot produce anyone who gave it. It would have been piss easy for Issa to name this phantom, after all Hicks said it was Gibson who told him of the stand down order and if Issa did not know that Hicks was lying then Issa would have had Gibson testify. But since Issa knew Hicks was lying he didn't call Gibson to testify and expose Hick's lie.

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