Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

Uh oh.


Don't forget this connection as well -

David Rhodes', President of ABC News, brother Ben, is Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication.

As ABCNews.com reported Friday, Rhodes was a key player in revising the White House's Benghazi talking points last September

Don't forget this connection as well -

David Rhodes', President of ABC News, brother Ben, is Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication.

As ABCNews.com reported Friday, Rhodes was a key player in revising the White House's Benghazi talking points last September

It's a Government/Media Complex now. There is no real Journalism at this point. The MSM is controlled by just a handful of Corporations and Government. The Talking Heads on the Idiot Box are all just bad actors & actresses reading from a Government/Corporate script. They completely control the message. It's very sad.
He has already been caught running a misinformation campaign on the American people. That's enough to begin impeachment proceedings. Evidently, some democrats on this board think lying to the public one of the president's duties.

He didn't lie. And if he did, that's not enough for impeachment. Get a clue.

But anyway, are willing to take the bet?

If Obama reigns or is impeached over this, I will leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever.

J.E.D. stared at his basement wall. The tattered posters of Princess Leah hung silently molested by the passing shadows projected by J.E.D. as he paced back and forth on the cracked cement floor. The high school kids were mean and obnoxious and this made J.E.D. anxious and mad. Oh sure, J.E.D. had spent nearly a year teaching his pet mice to kill his enemies but another year would be required. The mice didn't learn as quickly as J.E.D.'s cat army but that's another story. J.E.D. felt impotent as the taunts from high school bullies serpentined in the stagnated pools of his mind. Suddenly J.E.D. released a slight smile from his pimpled face orb. "Tonight" J.E.D. thought, "I shall go on usmessageboard and flex my bravery with what shall be known as THE WAGER OF DEATH"!
J.E.D. had finished dinner and washed his John Wayne Franklin Mint plate and Fllintstone collectible glass. Thoughts of retribution filled each soapsuds bubble as it popped in the dishwater as bits of macaroni and cheese floated by. It was now time to proceed with THE WAGER OF DEATH!
J.E.D. sat in front of his computer. Protected by the kind of security that only dark basements and comic book stores provide. Pushing away the hand cream and tissues he then began typing. WHO EVER IS WRONG SHALL LEAVE THIS DOMAIN AND NEVER TO RETURN, SO SAYETH THE POWERS OF MIDDLE EARTH OR YE SHALL BE DUBBED.... COWARD!
These powerful words seemed etched in the screen like commandments on a tablet, or a gummie bear stuck on corduroy pants (J.E.D. always hated that particular gummie bear plight). J.E.D. could feel his power grow. This game of blood had begun. What poor mortal would take his challenge? J.E.D. sat covered in the shadows... awaiting a reply.... awaiting.... awaiting.... awaiting.....
Then it was bedtime.
Last edited:
He has already been caught running a misinformation campaign on the American people. That's enough to begin impeachment proceedings. Evidently, some democrats on this board think lying to the public one of the president's duties.

He didn't lie. And if he did, that's not enough for impeachment. Get a clue.

But anyway, are willing to take the bet?

If Obama reigns or is impeached over this, I will leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever.

J.E.D. stared at his basement wall. The tattered posters of Princess Leah hung silently molested by the passing shadows projected by J.E.D. as he paced back and forth on the cracked cement floor. The high school kids were mean and obnoxious and this made J.E.D. anxious and mad. Oh sure, J.E.D. had spent nearly a year teaching his pet mice to kill his enemies but another year would be required. The rats didn't learn as quickly as J.E.D.'s cat army but that's another story. J.E.D. felt impotent as the taunts from high school bullies serpentined in the stagnated pools of his mind. Suddenly J.E.D. released a slight smile from his pimpled face orb. "Tonight" J.E.D. thought, "I shall go on usmessageboard and flex my bravery with what shall be known as THE WAGER OF DEATH"!
J.E.D. had finished dinner and washed his John Wayne Franklin Mint plate and Fllintstone collectible glass. Thoughts of retribution filled each soapsuds bubble as it popped in the dishwater as bits of macaroni and cheese floated by. It was now time to proceed with THE WAGER OF DEATH!
J.E.D. sat in front of his computer. Protected by the kind of security that only dark basements and comic book stores provide. Pushing away the hand cream and tissues he then began typing. WHO EVER IS WRONG SHALL LEAVE THIS DOMAIN AND NEVER TO RETURN, SO SAYETH THE POWERS OF MIDDLE EARTH OR YE SHALL BE DUBBED.... COWARD!
These powerful words seemed etched in the screen like commandments on a tablet, or a gummie bear stuck on corduroy pants (J.E.D. always hated that particular gummie bear plight). J.E.D. could feel his power grow. This game of blood had begun. What poor mortal would take his challenge? J.E.D. sat covered in the shadows... awaiting a reply.... awaiting.... awaiting.... awaiting.....
Then it was bedtime.
Lol. The funniest thing is that's probably spot on.
He has already been caught running a misinformation campaign on the American people. That's enough to begin impeachment proceedings. Evidently, some democrats on this board think lying to the public one of the president's duties.

He didn't lie. And if he did, that's not enough for impeachment. Get a clue.

But anyway, are willing to take the bet?

If Obama reigns or is impeached over this, I will leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever.

J.E.D. stared at his basement wall. The tattered posters of Princess Leah hung silently molested by the passing shadows projected by J.E.D. as he paced back and forth on the cracked cement floor. The high school kids were mean and obnoxious and this made J.E.D. anxious and mad. Oh sure, J.E.D. had spent nearly a year teaching his pet mice to kill his enemies but another year would be required. The mice didn't learn as quickly as J.E.D.'s cat army but that's another story. J.E.D. felt impotent as the taunts from high school bullies serpentined in the stagnated pools of his mind. Suddenly J.E.D. released a slight smile from his pimpled face orb. "Tonight" J.E.D. thought, "I shall go on usmessageboard and flex my bravery with what shall be known as THE WAGER OF DEATH"!
J.E.D. had finished dinner and washed his John Wayne Franklin Mint plate and Fllintstone collectible glass. Thoughts of retribution filled each soapsuds bubble as it popped in the dishwater as bits of macaroni and cheese floated by. It was now time to proceed with THE WAGER OF DEATH!
J.E.D. sat in front of his computer. Protected by the kind of security that only dark basements and comic book stores provide. Pushing away the hand cream and tissues he then began typing. WHO EVER IS WRONG SHALL LEAVE THIS DOMAIN AND NEVER TO RETURN, SO SAYETH THE POWERS OF MIDDLE EARTH OR YE SHALL BE DUBBED.... COWARD!
These powerful words seemed etched in the screen like commandments on a tablet, or a gummie bear stuck on corduroy pants (J.E.D. always hated that particular gummie bear plight). J.E.D. could feel his power grow. This game of blood had begun. What poor mortal would take his challenge? J.E.D. sat covered in the shadows... awaiting a reply.... awaiting.... awaiting.... awaiting.....
Then it was bedtime.


Wonder if J.E.D. will reply??
He didn't lie. And if he did, that's not enough for impeachment. Get a clue.

But anyway, are willing to take the bet?

If Obama reigns or is impeached over this, I will leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever.

J.E.D. stared at his basement wall. The tattered posters of Princess Leah hung silently molested by the passing shadows projected by J.E.D. as he paced back and forth on the cracked cement floor. The high school kids were mean and obnoxious and this made J.E.D. anxious and mad. Oh sure, J.E.D. had spent nearly a year teaching his pet mice to kill his enemies but another year would be required. The mice didn't learn as quickly as J.E.D.'s cat army but that's another story. J.E.D. felt impotent as the taunts from high school bullies serpentined in the stagnated pools of his mind. Suddenly J.E.D. released a slight smile from his pimpled face orb. "Tonight" J.E.D. thought, "I shall go on usmessageboard and flex my bravery with what shall be known as THE WAGER OF DEATH"!
J.E.D. had finished dinner and washed his John Wayne Franklin Mint plate and Fllintstone collectible glass. Thoughts of retribution filled each soapsuds bubble as it popped in the dishwater as bits of macaroni and cheese floated by. It was now time to proceed with THE WAGER OF DEATH!
J.E.D. sat in front of his computer. Protected by the kind of security that only dark basements and comic book stores provide. Pushing away the hand cream and tissues he then began typing. WHO EVER IS WRONG SHALL LEAVE THIS DOMAIN AND NEVER TO RETURN, SO SAYETH THE POWERS OF MIDDLE EARTH OR YE SHALL BE DUBBED.... COWARD!
These powerful words seemed etched in the screen like commandments on a tablet, or a gummie bear stuck on corduroy pants (J.E.D. always hated that particular gummie bear plight). J.E.D. could feel his power grow. This game of blood had begun. What poor mortal would take his challenge? J.E.D. sat covered in the shadows... awaiting a reply.... awaiting.... awaiting.... awaiting.....
Then it was bedtime.


Wonder if J.E.D. will reply??
Alas, I do not get the credit, That would go to Mr Burke.
J.E.D. stared at his basement wall. The tattered posters of Princess Leah hung silently molested by the passing shadows projected by J.E.D. as he paced back and forth on the cracked cement floor. The high school kids were mean and obnoxious and this made J.E.D. anxious and mad. Oh sure, J.E.D. had spent nearly a year teaching his pet mice to kill his enemies but another year would be required. The mice didn't learn as quickly as J.E.D.'s cat army but that's another story. J.E.D. felt impotent as the taunts from high school bullies serpentined in the stagnated pools of his mind. Suddenly J.E.D. released a slight smile from his pimpled face orb. "Tonight" J.E.D. thought, "I shall go on usmessageboard and flex my bravery with what shall be known as THE WAGER OF DEATH"!
J.E.D. had finished dinner and washed his John Wayne Franklin Mint plate and Fllintstone collectible glass. Thoughts of retribution filled each soapsuds bubble as it popped in the dishwater as bits of macaroni and cheese floated by. It was now time to proceed with THE WAGER OF DEATH!
J.E.D. sat in front of his computer. Protected by the kind of security that only dark basements and comic book stores provide. Pushing away the hand cream and tissues he then began typing. WHO EVER IS WRONG SHALL LEAVE THIS DOMAIN AND NEVER TO RETURN, SO SAYETH THE POWERS OF MIDDLE EARTH OR YE SHALL BE DUBBED.... COWARD!
These powerful words seemed etched in the screen like commandments on a tablet, or a gummie bear stuck on corduroy pants (J.E.D. always hated that particular gummie bear plight). J.E.D. could feel his power grow. This game of blood had begun. What poor mortal would take his challenge? J.E.D. sat covered in the shadows... awaiting a reply.... awaiting.... awaiting.... awaiting.....
Then it was bedtime.


Wonder if J.E.D. will reply??
Alas, I do not get the credit, That would go to Mr Burke.

Yes it was Mr. Burke.

But you rock as well MH.
Gee, Representative Schiff...maybe they are trying to find out why so many people felt the need to lie to the American people about what really took place in Libya that day? The list of Obama Administration folks that DID lie range from Barack Obama himself...to his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton...to his UN Ambassador, Susan Rice...to his Press Secretary Jay Carney. At this point it would be nice to know who IS trustworthy in this Administration. Between Timmy Geithner blaming his failure to pay the proper tax on not understanding TurboTax to Eric Holder declaring that he knew nothing about Fast & Furious? Is there ANYONE in this gang that can't shoot straight that isn't a bald faced liar?

You all keep saying they are lying, but you all can't come up with any evidence that they are. The truth is, we know that Bush/Cheney lied about WMDs, more than 4 people died, and how come Republicans aren't investigating that?

Alright, since you liberals are too freaking stupid to understand it in adult language, I'll just go Sesame Street on your ass. Thank your lucky stars they didn't kill Big Bird, ya know?

Today is brought to you by: the number 12. As in how many times the official talking points of the attack were redacted until someone was able to safely say it was a spontaneous demonstration resulting from an anti-Islamic video.

Today is also brought to you by: the word REALITY.

One of the best posts of the day! You guys are on a great roll.

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He has already been caught running a misinformation campaign on the American people. That's enough to begin impeachment proceedings. Evidently, some democrats on this board think lying to the public one of the president's duties.

He didn't lie. And if he did, that's not enough for impeachment. Get a clue.

But anyway, are willing to take the bet?

If Obama reigns or is impeached over this, I will leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever.

J.E.D. stared at his basement wall. The tattered posters of Princess Leah hung silently molested by the passing shadows projected by J.E.D. as he paced back and forth on the cracked cement floor. The high school kids were mean and obnoxious and this made J.E.D. anxious and mad. Oh sure, J.E.D. had spent nearly a year teaching his pet mice to kill his enemies but another year would be required. The mice didn't learn as quickly as J.E.D.'s cat army but that's another story. J.E.D. felt impotent as the taunts from high school bullies serpentined in the stagnated pools of his mind. Suddenly J.E.D. released a slight smile from his pimpled face orb. "Tonight" J.E.D. thought, "I shall go on usmessageboard and flex my bravery with what shall be known as THE WAGER OF DEATH"!
J.E.D. had finished dinner and washed his John Wayne Franklin Mint plate and Fllintstone collectible glass. Thoughts of retribution filled each soapsuds bubble as it popped in the dishwater as bits of macaroni and cheese floated by. It was now time to proceed with THE WAGER OF DEATH!
J.E.D. sat in front of his computer. Protected by the kind of security that only dark basements and comic book stores provide. Pushing away the hand cream and tissues he then began typing. WHO EVER IS WRONG SHALL LEAVE THIS DOMAIN AND NEVER TO RETURN, SO SAYETH THE POWERS OF MIDDLE EARTH OR YE SHALL BE DUBBED.... COWARD!
These powerful words seemed etched in the screen like commandments on a tablet, or a gummie bear stuck on corduroy pants (J.E.D. always hated that particular gummie bear plight). J.E.D. could feel his power grow. This game of blood had begun. What poor mortal would take his challenge? J.E.D. sat covered in the shadows... awaiting a reply.... awaiting.... awaiting.... awaiting.....
Then it was bedtime.

:lol: another contender for post of the day!
We've been bombing & killing around the World for the last 70yrs. straight. It's been continuous since WWII. Endless War is all Americans know now. But it's still shocking to me that most Americans are so shocked when vengeance is met out against their own Nation. What else can be expected, when you're around the World bombing & killing year after year? Of course many will seek revenge. Violence only begets more violence.

It really started with the US/Spanish War when we gained control of the Philipines. It's been a bipartisan effort too. Look at the foriegn adventures of Woodrow Wilson.
We've been bombing & killing around the World for the last 70yrs. straight. It's been continuous since WWII. Endless War is all Americans know now. But it's still shocking to me that most Americans are so shocked when vengeance is met out against their own Nation. What else can be expected, when you're around the World bombing & killing year after year? Of course many will seek revenge. Violence only begets more violence.

It really started with the US/Spanish War when we gained control of the Philipines. It's been a bipartisan effort too. Look at the foriegn adventures of Woodrow Wilson.

Who's to say the world would be better if we didn't? It's very likely there would be 3-4 big powers today at each others throat.

Look at history to see that this isn't blowing smoke either.
The biggest story in Hillary's role is not even being discussed by anyone.

Hillary screamed during her Congressional hearings, "what difference does it make at this point" about responsibility and what went wrong. She then followed that up with "our job is to fix what went wrong".

Uh.....ok? How do you fix what the problem is if you refuse to dig for the root cause and place blame where it belongs? :cuckoo:

It was a MAJOR fuck-up on her part, and nearly no one caught it.

The lying puppy again.

The difference she spoke of or was questioning, was the motivation of the ones who attacked the compound and killed our people. The point of course is that it should not matter because we should have been prepared to deal with any attack regardless of motivation. The reason the Embassador died then is because the ventilation system had not been installed in the safe room.
More people are coming forward who want to be heard too. By the time this is over, hopefully, obama will be dragged from the white house in handcuffs and leg irons.

I bet you 'd like to see him lynched under one of those big oak trees on the WH lawn too.......:eusa_eh:
I bet you 'd like to see him lynched under one of those big oak trees on the WH lawn too.......:eusa_eh:

I can only speak for me, but I'd like to see him stand trial for the murder of 16 year old Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, an American citizen born in Denver, with no known ties to any terror group, nor on any watch list.

Not you of course, you're a partisan hack who holds party above the law.
Here's the biggest difference, sparky. Nixon was involved in the coverup of a crime. In this faux-scandal, not only is Obama not involved, but no crime has been committed.

Anyone who believe Obama isn't involved is suffering from terminal cluelessness.

AS we saw in the last election, lying pieces of shit propaganda, taking a few words out of context and making a campaign slogan out of that out of context meaning works so well.......Go for it.
Here's the biggest difference, sparky. Nixon was involved in the coverup of a crime. In this faux-scandal, not only is Obama not involved, but no crime has been committed.

Anyone who believe Obama isn't involved is suffering from terminal cluelessness.

AS we saw in the last election, lying pieces of shit propaganda, taking a few words out of context and making a campaign slogan out of that out of context meaning works so well.......Go for it.

Your seeing eye dog needs a seeing eye dog.
Here's the biggest difference, sparky. Nixon was involved in the coverup of a crime. In this faux-scandal, not only is Obama not involved, but no crime has been committed.

Anyone who believe Obama isn't involved is suffering from terminal cluelessness.

AS we saw in the last election, lying pieces of shit propaganda, taking a few words out of context and making a campaign slogan out of that out of context meaning works so well.......Go for it.

Why is it always out of context? We both know that Obama wants to help the poor with welfare, food stamps, etc. I partly agree with that as I do too, but believe that we as a society should expect a little more.

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