Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

Republicans must be freaking out over Hillary's popularity! They've now switched their aim at Hillary. Before Nov 6, they were aiming at Obama, trying to put the Benghazi blame on him, but since that didn't work, he got re-elected, now they're freaking out over Hillary and have turned their aim at her.

What they have failed to provide is a motive for her to deceive Americans about what happened. What was she trying to "cover up"? So far all they can say is she was trying to cover up something, but they can't figure out what it was! Rep Schiff hit the nail on the head.

“This is the same political exercise as before, with just a different target in mind,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), a senior member of the Select Committee on Intelligence. “They’re no longer going after the White House, perhaps because the president’s not running for reelection, and they’re going after the former secretary of state, perhaps because she will be.”
Republican probe of Benghazi attacks turns to Hillary Clinton - Washington Post

Maybe we should have investigated Condi when embassies were attacked under her watch!

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing

Gee, Representative Schiff...maybe they are trying to find out why so many people felt the need to lie to the American people about what really took place in Libya that day? The list of Obama Administration folks that DID lie range from Barack Obama himself...to his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton...to his UN Ambassador, Susan Rice...to his Press Secretary Jay Carney. At this point it would be nice to know who IS trustworthy in this Administration. Between Timmy Geithner blaming his failure to pay the proper tax on not understanding TurboTax to Eric Holder declaring that he knew nothing about Fast & Furious? Is there ANYONE in this gang that can't shoot straight that isn't a bald faced liar?

You all keep saying they are lying, but you all can't come up with any evidence that they are. The truth is, we know that Bush/Cheney lied about WMDs, more than 4 people died, and how come Republicans aren't investigating that?

You want to know the difference?

The CIA said Saddam had WMDs, Bush relied on their briefings, the CIA was wrong.

The CIA said this was a terrorist attack by Al Qeda sympathizers, Obama rejected their briefings, the CIA was right.

By the way, since you like to quote Petreaus, you might want to quote where he rejected the idea that this was a movie review, and said it was terrorism. In fact, he called them useless the day before Rice went on the air and claimed the CIA thought it was a protest over a video.

KARL: That was never true. And then they went on and took out all of the al Qaeda references–
RADDATZ: But they would say they didn’t know that at the time.
KARL: Right.
RADDATZ: About those. How about CIA Director David Petraeus? How did he respond to these talking points? And I know you have new information on that.
KARL: Yeah, this is fascinating. Because Mike Morrell, who was the deputy director, was the one that ultimately signed off on this one. Petraeus finally saw the final version of the talking points. This is the Saturday afternoon before Susan Rice’s appearances on the Sundayshows. He looks at these and says they’re essentially useless. And direct quote from his e-mail. He says, I would just as soon not use them. But it’s their call, meaning the White House’s call.
RADDATZ: And they got the talking points out there.

'This Week' Transcript: Sen. John McCain and Sen. Jack Reed - ABC News

I wonder, who in the administration could possibly override the director of the CIA on what his agency was going to say?
To this day, it is not known what role President Richard Nixon played in the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, but the tape recordings from the White House confirm he and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman discussed using the CIA to slow down the FBI investigation.

It was the cover-up, as history records, that eventually brought about Nixon’s resignation in disgrace.

Now, Congress is investigating an alleged cover-up of the terrorist attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. foreign service facility in Benghazi, Libya, amid predictions from prominent voices that the scandal will bring down the Obama administration.

Former Arkansas governor and onetime presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made the bold prediction this week, ahead of a House hearing Wednesday that will feature witnesses of the attack.

“I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,” he said. “I know that puts me on a limb. But this is not minor. It wasn’t minor when Richard Nixon lied to the American people and worked with those in his administration to cover up what really happened in Watergate.

“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office

It's pretty damn laughable to compare Benghazi to Watergate..
Republicans must be freaking out over Hillary's popularity! They've now switched their aim at Hillary. Before Nov 6, they were aiming at Obama, trying to put the Benghazi blame on him, but since that didn't work, he got re-elected, now they're freaking out over Hillary and have turned their aim at her.

What they have failed to provide is a motive for her to deceive Americans about what happened. What was she trying to "cover up"? So far all they can say is she was trying to cover up something, but they can't figure out what it was! Rep Schiff hit the nail on the head.

“This is the same political exercise as before, with just a different target in mind,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), a senior member of the Select Committee on Intelligence. “They’re no longer going after the White House, perhaps because the president’s not running for reelection, and they’re going after the former secretary of state, perhaps because she will be.”
Republican probe of Benghazi attacks turns to Hillary Clinton - Washington Post

Maybe we should have investigated Condi when embassies were attacked under her watch!

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing

Gee, Representative Schiff...maybe they are trying to find out why so many people felt the need to lie to the American people about what really took place in Libya that day? The list of Obama Administration folks that DID lie range from Barack Obama himself...to his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton...to his UN Ambassador, Susan Rice...to his Press Secretary Jay Carney. At this point it would be nice to know who IS trustworthy in this Administration. Between Timmy Geithner blaming his failure to pay the proper tax on not understanding TurboTax to Eric Holder declaring that he knew nothing about Fast & Furious? Is there ANYONE in this gang that can't shoot straight that isn't a bald faced liar?

You all keep saying they are lying, but you all can't come up with any evidence that they are. The truth is, we know that Bush/Cheney lied about WMDs, more than 4 people died, and how come Republicans aren't investigating that?

God, you're amusing...
No evidence that the Obama White House lied? Really?
Dude, Jay Carney initially "said" that the talking points were changed by the intelligence services and that the White House didn't change anything. Then when the intelligence services wouldn't go along with that story it was changed to the White House making a "stylistic" change to the talking points. Then e-mails were leaked showing that the White House changed the talking points DOZENS of times! HUGE LIE!!!
The Obama White House told the American people for over a week that the attack was because of a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video that got out of control even though they KNEW almost as soon as the attacks happened that there WAS no mob of protestors. That was a lie told by Barry, Hilary, Joe B, Susan Rice, and Jay Carney. ALL of them lied through their teeth.
I will bet anybody on this. Whether he resigns or is impeached. Either one happens, I will leave this board forever. If not, you leave this board forever. Any takers?

Why do you idiots make such ridiculous bets? Leave tonight only to come back tomorrow under a new name. Lol

Obama will remain in office as a lame duck under a cloud of suspicion. Nothing coming out of his administration can possibly be taken at face value. We can assume that any party which deceives once will deceive again.

Hope & Change has been dealt its death knell.
WASHINGTON -- The seasoned diplomat who penned a highly critical report on security at a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya, defended his scathing assessment but absolved then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. "We knew where the responsibility rested," Thomas Pickering, whose career spans four decades, said Sunday.

"They've tried to point a finger at people more senior than where we found the decisions were made," Pickering said of Clinton's critics.

Thomas Pickering: Benghazi Call Did Not Come From Hillary Clinton

BFD. Pickering is a career diplomat, who did not get where he is by not smoothing with the powers that be.

A good secretary of state would be involved enough to make sure that basic security concerns were addressed. And even if not; she certainly didn't do shit while people were dying.
Once again, we see that the left has no shame. Hillary Clinton politicized the four American heroes' deaths and she is still their 2016 anointed one.


Seeing how the right could.care less about the soldiers killed in iraq, this is all about 2016 and nothing else.

What about those little kids in Pakistan killed by drone strikes ordered by Obama? Surely you care about them, right?

Oh yeah, war is only right if liberals are the ones waging it.
Obama lied to the American people about doing everything in his power to help those men. He didn't do shit and you fucking know it.
Please enlighten us about the "warnings" that Bush and Condi "totally ignored."

If you have to be enlightened it's only because you either were in denial when it was first aired, or you just won't admit it. So what's the point of bringing it to your attention again?

Oh, and another example of how Republicans didn't bother to investigate it to the point of "overkill" as they are doing with Benghazi - they simply turned a deaf ear to it.

Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

I loved the Editor's note at the end where Clinton accused Bush and Republicans for ignoring Bin Laden in the months before the attack! Clinton had a chance, or 2, to get him also, what did he do???

And do you really think that if Bush had let them get Bin Laden in those few months before the attack that the attack wouldn't have still happened? He may have been the one that put the plan of attack together, but he wasn't here with them. If we'd taken him out, those planes STILL would have been flown into the towers. In fact, they'd be so pissed it probably would have happened sooner.

Now if Clinton had taken out Bin Laden back in, i believe 1997?, then the attacks most likely wouldn't have happened at all. Those plans were in place during the Clinton years, what did he do about it?

He did nothing. Hell. John O'Neal was trying to get his FBI bosses to listen to him. He knew something was up. He didn't know where or when but he knew we were going to be attacked. They thought he was nuts. They forced him right out of the FBI. He was head of security for the TT on 9-11 and died in same.

Clinton's FBI had O'Neals warning and the same intel he hadbut did nothing. I suppose they figured no one would ever hit us.

Eight months into Bush's term AQ hit. Did he even get those warnings?? If so what did one expect him to do? Shut the whole country down?? America is one big assed place. Where was the hit going to be?NY, LA, Detroit, Chicago, Tampa, Miami, Las Vegas, Boston?? Who knew.

Of course the buck will always stop at Bush's desk because he was POTUS.

In my mind the Clinton FBI has lots more to answer for than Bush does. That attack was years on the planning and all of it on Clinton's watch. Hell. He had several opportunities to take that dirtbag out back in the 90's and did nothing.

The buck for Bengahazi will always stop at Barry's desk along with the abject incompetence of his State Department.
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He has already been caught running a misinformation campaign on the American people. That's enough to begin impeachment proceedings. Evidently, some democrats on this board think lying to the public one of the president's duties.

He didn't lie. And if he did, that's not enough for impeachment. Get a clue.

But anyway, are willing to take the bet?

If Obama reigns or is impeached over this, I will leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever.
I will bet anybody on this. Whether he resigns or is impeached. Either one happens, I will leave this board forever. If not, you leave this board forever. Any takers?

Why do you idiots make such ridiculous bets? Leave tonight only to come back tomorrow under a new name. Lol


Unlike the wingnut welchers on this board, I will leave and not come back.
He has already been caught running a misinformation campaign on the American people. That's enough to begin impeachment proceedings. Evidently, some democrats on this board think lying to the public one of the president's duties.

He didn't lie. And if he did, that's not enough for impeachment. Get a clue.

But anyway, are willing to take the bet?

If Obama reigns or is impeached over this, I will leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever.
I am reminded of a quote from Kissinger, "Disputes between academics are so bitter because the stakes are so low."

I am not, of course, suggesting that you are academics, but your wager is in the same spirit.
I will bet anybody on this. Whether he resigns or is impeached. Either one happens, I will leave this board forever. If not, you leave this board forever. Any takers?

I hate bets like this.
Looks like former SecDef Robert Gates was talking about Dowd too. She doesn't appear to know any more than most Nutter's about military capabilities.

Tell us how darn hard it us to have Marines guard a Consulate

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Yes, OK. He is mixed race, white and black. That's the first honest thing you've posted here.
And it is irrelevant. He is a royal fuck up as president. He never should have been elected. He never should have been re-elected. And if he hadn't managed to convince rubes like you he was black he never would have been.
Now we see the results: scandal after scandal amid the worst economic perfomance since FDR while our foreign policy is in tatters.

There are no scandals except in the minds of right wing rubes such as yourself. And did you really think that we were going to vote for McCain or Romney? Get real here.

Refused to prosecute voter fraud? Not a scandal.
Ran guns illegally into Mexico that were later used to kill U.S. gov't employees? Not a scandal.
Approved questionable loans to companies controlled by cronies? Not a scandal.
Lied about its actions in Benghazi deliberately? Not a scandal.
Used the IRS for political purposes to intimidate its enemies? Not a scandal.

So just what would constitute a scandal to the left? I know...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzgOS8dbF64]Obama Kills Fly During Interview - YouTube[/ame]

They are scandals in the minds of Obamaphobes.
People who need Maureen Dowd to do their thinking for them should be declared brain-dead and have their respirators shut off.
Dowd isn't the only liberal to start turning on obama.

No doubt there are some liberal journalists weighing their personal careers against protecting obama and wondering if it is possible for them to be the next Bob Woodward. Is obama really worth it?
The obama regime is starting to fall apart. He should be scared. He isn't going to be able to hide from it for much longer.

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