Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

You do realize that calling the attackers in Benghazi "terrorists" like you just did means you think the white house was lying about the incident. Right?

I think the White House was going about its business and they used the information they had. It's Republicans who think that translates to murder. :cool:

who said anything about murder? Its about lies and why .Its a shame those people were killed,and I think there is some blame to be had for poor response and preparation,but certainly not murder.

He wanted people to bite and turn-up the heat and not regard other truthful things we're talking about.

Some people, including parents of the soldiers are arguing that this is effectively murder though. Certainly, Obama and Clinton did nothing to help them.
Also, the fact that 4 Americans died is irrelevant when we are talking about this talking point controversy. The controversy is about how the government handled the attack after the fact.

Leave it to libtard Billy here to say "it's irrelevant that 4 American's died". Unreal. Life means NOTHING to libtards. They are becoming more and more bold in admitting it. What kind of subhuman piece of shit would actually call the DEATH of 4 American's "irrelevant"?

By the way, you're so profoundly fuck'n stupid, you don't even know what the "controversy" actually is. It is NOT how the government "handled the attack after the fact". It's that they ordered security personnel to stand down while the attack was occurring. They wanted J. Christopher Stevens to die. He was running arms to Al Qaeda in Syria and they needed to start eliminating eye witnesses.
Also, the fact that 4 Americans died is irrelevant when we are talking about this talking point controversy. The controversy is about how the government handled the attack after the fact.

Leave it to libtard Billy here to say "it's irrelevant that 4 American's died". Unreal. Life means NOTHING to libtards. They are becoming more and more bold in admitting it. What kind of subhuman piece of shit would actually call the DEATH of 4 American's "irrelevant"?

By the way, you're so profoundly fuck'n stupid, you don't even know what the "controversy" actually is. It is NOT how the government "handled the attack after the fact". It's that they ordered security personnel to stand down while the attack was occurring. They wanted J. Christopher Stevens to die. He was running arms to Al Qaeda in Syria and they needed to start eliminating eye witnesses.

Do you not understand the definition of context? I said it is irrelevant to the controversy of the government's response. I never said it wasn't a big deal that they were killed.
“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Huckabee is a moron just like you and the rest of the right wingers.

4,000+ US troops died because of the biggest lie ever told,...

"They have WMD's and we know where they are"

Why aren't these right wing morons going after W and his cabinet? Oh that's right, It's A-OK just as long as an (R) does it :eusa_hand:

Except that WMD's were found in Iraq you fuck'n moron. And even MSNBC themselves reported on it:

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

And here's another one you uninformed fool:

NewsMax Archives

A Small dispersal occurs but no serious injuries" from gas is a WMD? :lol: :lol: Try again you piece of shit. No WMD's were ever found, W himself said there were no WMD's.

Keep on being an obedient sheep to the (R), they love ignorant fools like you :clap2:
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To this day, it is not known what role President Richard Nixon played in the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, but the tape recordings from the White House confirm he and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman discussed using the CIA to slow down the FBI investigation.

It was the cover-up, as history records, that eventually brought about Nixon’s resignation in disgrace.

Now, Congress is investigating an alleged cover-up of the terrorist attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. foreign service facility in Benghazi, Libya, amid predictions from prominent voices that the scandal will bring down the Obama administration.

Former Arkansas governor and onetime presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made the bold prediction this week, ahead of a House hearing Wednesday that will feature witnesses of the attack.

“I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,” he said. “I know that puts me on a limb. But this is not minor. It wasn’t minor when Richard Nixon lied to the American people and worked with those in his administration to cover up what really happened in Watergate.

“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office

Here's the biggest difference, sparky. Nixon was involved in the coverup of a crime. In this faux-scandal, not only is Obama not involved, but no crime has been committed.

Only an extreme libtard like J.E.D. could claim a scandal like Benghazi - which has included volumes of concrete evidence like e-mails, documents found at the location, and even first hand accounts from whistleblowers inside Obama's own administration could refer to this as a "faux-scandal" :lmao:

I'm just waiting for J.E.D. to refer to the sun as a "faux-sun". It doesn't actually exist... :lmao:

So, which laws has Obama broken, sparky?
Yo dufus...the attack happened...then the moron went to Vegas...

Okay, so that is good enough reason to step down or get impeached?

It's the cover up. It's the lies that came out of his mouth for days following the attack. Protesters upset over a video, remember? A huge lie that originated with Obama and/or Hillary and both kept repeating it, knowing full well it wasn't true. They also didn't cooperate with the investigation and only handed over edited documents that were worthless and concealed the truth.

So, which crimes did Obama commit?
No takers again? Come on voluntary retirement or impeachment... put your money where you're mouth is! If you really think this is soooooo super incriminating then you should feel very safe in the bet!

They're cowards.

The same bet stands with me. Unlike the wingnut welchers around here, I'll honor it.

If Obama resigns or is impeached, I'll leave USMB forever. If he serves out his term, you leave USMB forever. Any takers?
"The administration’s behavior before and during the attack in Benghazi, in which four Americans died, was unworthy of the greatest power on earth.

After his Libyan intervention, President Obama knew he was sending diplomats and their protectors into a country that was no longer a country, a land rife with fighters affiliated with Al Qaeda.

Yet in this hottest of hot spots, the State Department’s minimum security requirements were not met, requests for more security were rejected, and contingency plans were not drawn up, despite the portentous date of 9/11 and cascading warnings from the C.I.A., which had more personnel in Benghazi than State did and vetted the feckless Libyan Praetorian Guard. When the Pentagon called an elite Special Forces team three hours into the attack, it was training in Croatia — decidedly not a hot spot."


That's Maureen Dowd, the same Maureen Dowd who has CrazyGlued her lips to Democrat scrotum her entire career

1. Why wasn't the Consulate Guarded?

2. After the attack started, why wasn't help sent?

3. Why did Obama lie about the attack?
The president was not answering to the people when there were questions that need to be answered, not by his press officer, but by him. He chose to have Jay Carney answer thise questions while he continued to campaign for president.

Questions arose where was the president when the people needed him and mostly while the Middle East was see uprising against the US and our own citizens were in harms way. Again, we didn't hear from the president , but from his spokesman while he toured the US to garner votes for the upcoming election.

Four people died and speculation became facts that protection was denied to them while the president failed to have face to face daily intelligence briefings that may have uncovered the need and the requests from Libya for more protection. This came to light during the investigations that followed the murder of four men in Benghazi.

That is the purpose of Jay Carney. That is his job. If Obama had done it, how would the answers have been different?

You don't seem to understand. Benghazi was under attack and our Ambassador and his men were killed. Triipoli was under attack and several other US sites were experiencing anti US demonstrations. It was a time to hear from OUR LEADER, not an underling. If Winston Churchill's press secretary would have said, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself," would that have put calm into the Brits in a time of crisis?
People ask, "Just where is our leader when things are falling apart?" Sometimes there is a time to put down the re election banner and tend to governing. Obama failed the test.
To this day, it is not known what role President Richard Nixon played in the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, but the tape recordings from the White House confirm he and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman discussed using the CIA to slow down the FBI investigation.

It was the cover-up, as history records, that eventually brought about Nixon’s resignation in disgrace.

Now, Congress is investigating an alleged cover-up of the terrorist attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. foreign service facility in Benghazi, Libya, amid predictions from prominent voices that the scandal will bring down the Obama administration.

Former Arkansas governor and onetime presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made the bold prediction this week, ahead of a House hearing Wednesday that will feature witnesses of the attack.

“I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,” he said. “I know that puts me on a limb. But this is not minor. It wasn’t minor when Richard Nixon lied to the American people and worked with those in his administration to cover up what really happened in Watergate.

“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office

My prediction has been from the start, no one is going anywhere. Obama will not resign as did Nixon. Nixon did because he knew his own party was going to vote to impeach him AND remove him from office. Clinton had no such concern and neither does Obama. Power is all they are interested in and that will mean selling out any semblance of truth and looking at the evidence.

That said those who died deserve a hearing a true hearing. This sweeping it under the rug
BS from the left is nothing but BS. It is the WORK of the people for congress to investigate such things. if it cost money it cost money we still do this type thing in a free country.

Whow hazelnut here I thought you a die hard obamabot, I apologize. You pointing out that the embassy was not sufficiently protect yet Hillary and Obama sent our men in to die any way and didn't have their backs really takes some integrity.
Ever since Hillary & Obama caused the Bengazi Tragedy, Obama supporters/commentators/guests have no answers and just compare it Bush's record. When does it stop? God, who isn't sick of hearing "Well When Bush Was President" crap? They wont answer any questions pertaining to Hillary&Obama walking away from 4 Americans who were about to die. This would be like Bush answering a question starting with "Well When Hitler Was Ruling Germany".
“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Huckabee is a moron just like you and the rest of the right wingers.

4,000+ US troops died because of the biggest lie ever told,...

"They have WMD's and we know where they are"

Why aren't these right wing morons going after W and his cabinet? Oh that's right, It's A-OK just as long as an (R) does it :eusa_hand:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxLw3YC5MTU]Dems Confirm Hussein's WMD's - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSu0zXCR9sE]Hillary Clinton's 2002 Vote for the Iraq War - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFBl0fnMUVc]Al Gore: No Doubt Saddam's Weapons Are Grave Threat - YouTube[/ame]

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