Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

did you guys care as much about the Bush lies we KNOW were lies unlike this made up mess?

You know when he lied about Pat Tillmans death

When he lied about Jessica Lynch?

You know when rummy lied about knowing where the WMDs were.

when YOUr Rice talked about mushroom clouds

why is this one so important but those meant nothing?
In 2008, I couldn't help but notice how... vague Obama was on his policies. I thought to myself, "man, wouldn't it be cool if he actually did what he promises to do?" Then it hit me. I saw this man as a destroyer of this country, not as a savior. A divider, not a uniter. His behavior regarding Benghazi only confirmed my worst premonitions. Not to mention I was only 20 years old at the time...

Glad I can say I will have never voted for the man once in my life. He just proved why.
gee I wish you had been concerned about Bushs lies like

The lies about Pat Tillmans death

the lies about Jessica Lynch

the Rummy lies about knowing right where the WMDs were.

Your Rices lies about mushroom clouds.

why didnt you?
Looks like former SecDef Robert Gates was talking about Dowd too. She doesn't appear to know any more than most Nutter's about military capabilities.

Tell us how darn hard it us to have Marines guard a Consulate

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

They didn't need guards, it was all about the video and the spontaneous protests.....well, at least that is what we were told. After that, what difference does it make now? It was a long time ago.
Looks like former SecDef Robert Gates was talking about Dowd too. She doesn't appear to know any more than most Nutter's about military capabilities.

Tell us how darn hard it us to have Marines guard a Consulate

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

They didn't need guards, it was all about the video and the spontaneous protests.....well, at least that is what we were told. After that, what difference does it make now? It was a long time ago.

that video guy is still doing time for this

gee I wish you had been concerned about Bushs lies like

The lies about Pat Tillmans death

the lies about Jessica Lynch

the Rummy lies about knowing right where the WMDs were.

Your Rices lies about mushroom clouds.

why didnt you?

1-it is bushs fault

2- it is ok because bush did it too

pick one
Republicans must be freaking out over Hillary's popularity! They've now switched their aim at Hillary. Before Nov 6, they were aiming at Obama, trying to put the Benghazi blame on him, but since that didn't work, he got re-elected, now they're freaking out over Hillary and have turned their aim at her.

What they have failed to provide is a motive for her to deceive Americans about what happened. What was she trying to "cover up"? So far all they can say is she was trying to cover up something, but they can't figure out what it was! Rep Schiff hit the nail on the head.

“This is the same political exercise as before, with just a different target in mind,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), a senior member of the Select Committee on Intelligence. “They’re no longer going after the White House, perhaps because the president’s not running for reelection, and they’re going after the former secretary of state, perhaps because she will be.”
Republican probe of Benghazi attacks turns to Hillary Clinton - Washington Post

Maybe we should have investigated Condi when embassies were attacked under her watch!

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing

Gee, Representative Schiff...maybe they are trying to find out why so many people felt the need to lie to the American people about what really took place in Libya that day? The list of Obama Administration folks that DID lie range from Barack Obama himself...to his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton...to his UN Ambassador, Susan Rice...to his Press Secretary Jay Carney. At this point it would be nice to know who IS trustworthy in this Administration. Between Timmy Geithner blaming his failure to pay the proper tax on not understanding TurboTax to Eric Holder declaring that he knew nothing about Fast & Furious? Is there ANYONE in this gang that can't shoot straight that isn't a bald faced liar?

You all keep saying they are lying, but you all can't come up with any evidence that they are. The truth is, we know that Bush/Cheney lied about WMDs, more than 4 people died, and how come Republicans aren't investigating that?

Alright, since you liberals are too freaking stupid to understand it in adult language, I'll just go Sesame Street on your ass. Thank your lucky stars they didn't kill Big Bird, ya know?

Today is brought to you by: the number 12. As in how many times the official talking points of the attack were redacted until someone was able to safely say it was a spontaneous demonstration resulting from an anti-Islamic video.

Today is also brought to you by: the word REALITY.
Tell us how darn hard it us to have Marines guard a Consulate

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

They didn't need guards, it was all about the video and the spontaneous protests.....well, at least that is what we were told. After that, what difference does it make now? It was a long time ago.

that video guy is still doing time for this


He gets out next month and he's doing time for violating his probation, which is why he only got a year. There have been no charges against him arising out of the video.
They didn't need guards, it was all about the video and the spontaneous protests.....well, at least that is what we were told. After that, what difference does it make now? It was a long time ago.

that video guy is still doing time for this


He gets out next month and he's doing time for violating his probation, which is why he only got a year. There have been no charges against him arising out of the video.

I smell a giant lawsuit coming out of this.
Uh oh.

So...how'd handling Obama's RE-Election going for you?

You know Nixon got reelected, doncha Shortbus?

Watergate, a burglary to find proof that McGovern was engaging in election fraud - which was found.

It was the coverup that sunk Nixon.

Benghazi, a massive display of nearly criminal negligence and utter incompetence by Obama and Hillary. But it's the coverup that has Obama on the ropes.

The timing is bad for you. If the GOP takes the Senate in 14, Obama will be impeached and removed over this - and you know it - as well he should. This is WAY bigger than Watergate. Granted, Watergate would have never made it past Maddow and Stewart shrieking in this era. Penny Ante stuff.
What lies exactly did Obama Administration tell you?

{ When it became clear last fall that the CIA’s now discredited Benghazi talking points were flawed, the White House said repeatedly the documents were put together almost entirely by the intelligence community, but White House documents reviewed by Congress suggest a different story.

ABC News has obtained 12 different versions of the talking points that show they were extensively edited as they evolved from the drafts first written entirely by the CIA to the final version distributed to Congress and to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice before she appeared on five talk shows the Sunday after that attack.

White House emails reviewed by ABC News suggest the edits were made with extensive input from the State Department. The edits included requests from the State Department that references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack.}

ABC Releases Big Benghazi Report: Talking Points Changed 12 Times, ?Dramatically Edited by Administration,? and Scrubbed of Terror References | Video | TheBlaze.com

Your little tin god is in serious trouble.
Obama is so arrogant that he will not leave voluntary like Nixon did.

I love the way you folks rewrite history. Nixon didn't resign until the long black line of limos went up to the White House to tell him personally that the Senate was voting to convict on the Articles of Impeachment.

Did you truly not know that or do you just lie a lot?

Do you honestly think the democrats will remain united on this thing as it develops?

No one is going to go down with Obama out of party loyalty.

By the way, where is Obama? Usually, you can't turn on the TV without him grinning and reading from that teleprompter. The White House is in full damage control mode and failing miserably at it.

If it is true that the US was clandestinely running guns into Syria from Libya, and it's beginning to look that way, Obama is inviting trouble. This IRS thing doesn't make him look real good, either.

He has already been caught running a misinformation campaign on the American people. That's enough to begin impeachment proceedings. Evidently, some democrats on this board think lying to the public one of the president's duties.

Do you think that nonsense about Petraeus resigning because of an affair is the whole of the story? Why Did Obama fire General Ham and Admiral Gaouette?

As answers to these questions are made public, and they will be, it's going to get ugly for Obama.

Count on it.

Whatever. You have me confused with someone who gives a shit about this little teapot tempest. I only dropped into this discussion because a gross historical inaccuracy was presented. Whatever you read into my post from there is pure fantasy. Get a grip. Better yet, get a life. It's really better when you don't go OCD over Obama.

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