Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

There was no "stand down" order. There was an order to defend the embassy in Tripoli after Hicks reported that there was a call to attack the Tripoli embassy, which is where the Benghazi survivors were being taken to at the time.

From Hicks' testimony:

HICKS: "About 12:30 at the same time that we see the Twitter feeds that are asserting that Ansar Sharia is responsible for the attack, we also see a call for an attack on the embassy in Tripoli."

Once again, Ed...I repeat my question. Who was in charge of an operation that deemed it a good strategy to send protection to a facility that might be attacked while denying protection to a facility the WAS under attack? Who would be THAT idiotic?
Only a fool would think it idiotic to defend the location the Benghazi survivors were being moved to. It's a good thing you are not making military decisions.

They were not being moved anywhere, they were holed up waiting for help from Tripoli, and the team that got on the same flight the military was ordered not to board came under attack when they arrived. They did manage to beat off that attack, which is why it is honest to say they were not needed, but it is dishonest to say they would not have arrived in time to help.
I see mertex is blessing you all with her shining wit and ...

Oh, wait, that was someone else. mertex is an idiot. I feel for you guys. Carry on.

Mertex is a partisan hack.

Mertex is melting down because her little tin god is crumbling as the dozens of scandals surrounding his corrupt administration are exposed.

Hard times for leftists.
You really are quite the idiot.

Blame it on Hicks, he's the one who reported the threat on the embassy in Tripoli, where he was at the time.

Gotta love you progressives...someone blows the whistle on Hilary and Barry for playing fast and loose with the truth...and suddenly he's George W. Bush and EVERYTHING is his fault? This whole notion that help wasn't sent to Benghazi because it was needed to defend Tripoli from an attack that never happened is just the latest Obama Administration excuse for why they didn't send help and I'm sure it won't be the last once it's shot down like all the others. Don't you guys get embarrassed falling for this nonsense after awhile?
It hasn't been shot down yet, but keep wishing.

Hicks made sure SOCAFRICA knew that the embassy in Tripoli, where his chicken ass was located, was under threat and needed protection and only pretended that the forces kept in Tripoli to protect his chicken ass should have been sent to Benghazi after the fact.
Uh, 4 years and more scandals than any Administration in U.S. history - including those that had 8 years (and you know it).

[*]Dismissing the Voter Intimidation case with the Black Panthers

Bush DOJ declined to prosecute. Either way, not a scandal

[*]Fast & Furious

Bush had his own gun running operation. Either way, not a scandal


As much as you and the GOP wish, this is not a scandal. Most Americans don't even care.


Not a scandal

[*]IRS targeting conservatives

That's about as close as you have come to one. Congrats :clap2: 1 out of 5
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Except that Obama did not micro-manage this situation. If he had and it had turned out the same you would be blaming him - oh, never mind, you are blaming him! :lol:

So, the toddler in chief has no responsibility for the armed forces - BUT he killed Osama....
Are you that obtuse or just trying to appear obtuse?
Obama is the Commander in Chief, but he doesn't micro-manage every situation, if you even understand what micro-manage means? The GOP's miserable FAIL at trying to pin it on Obama is pathetic, but even your leaders have moved on to trying to pin it on Hillary, I guess they didn't inform you, or you are just so far behind! :badgrin:
What level does it have to be before you think Obama should be involved? Was it not important enough that our people were being attacked by terrorist to wake the President up? Nobody can accuse Obama of micro-managing anything.

If you had listened to the Congressional Hearing you would have heard the whistleblowers bringing up Hillary's name on numerous occasions. She was the one that took the early morning call just like her campaign ad when she was running against Obama. He slept and she failed and people died.
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Uh, 4 years and more scandals than any Administration in U.S. history - including those that had 8 years (and you know it).

[*]Dismissing the Voter Intimidation case with the Black Panthers

Bush DOJ declined to prosecute. Either way, not a scandal

[*]Fast & Furious

Bush had his own gun running operation. Either way, not a scandal

As much as you and the GOP wish, this is not a scandal. Most Americans don't even care.


Not a scandal

[*]IRS targeting conservatives

That's about as close as you have come to one. Congrats :clap2: 1 out of 5

Do you really feel Bush's Department of Justice is the one that failed to prosecute the black panthers for voter intimidation?

Fast and Furious has killed and you would not refer to it as a scandal.

Benghazi where 4 Americans were murdered and numerous were injured in a Terrorist attack on American property. The Americans were abandoned to die and then the White House lied about it and you still think this is not a scandal.

The IRS was targeting conservative groups while allowed free run of "progressive" groups and you say this is close to a scandal.

I have to ask....just what would you label as a scandal? I must admit that I am an old man and I can't remember any president including Nixon with so much trash on him.
I see mertex is blessing you all with her shining wit and ...

Oh, wait, that was someone else. mertex is an idiot. I feel for you guys. Carry on.

Mertex is a partisan hack.

Mertex is melting down because her little tin god is crumbling as the dozens of scandals surrounding his corrupt administration are exposed.

Hard times for leftists.

Ha,ha, the Republican/conservatives desperate to have a win before they completely disintegrate with their draconian laws and archaic ideologies?

Funny how you defend that idiotic party of yours for lying through their teeth and you call others partisan hacks - must be one of the few words you know. :badgrin:

As for that other moron, I won't even waste my time with trolls.
You really are quite the idiot.

Gotta love you progressives...someone blows the whistle on Hilary and Barry for playing fast and loose with the truth...and suddenly he's George W. Bush and EVERYTHING is his fault? This whole notion that help wasn't sent to Benghazi because it was needed to defend Tripoli from an attack that never happened is just the latest Obama Administration excuse for why they didn't send help and I'm sure it won't be the last once it's shot down like all the others. Don't you guys get embarrassed falling for this nonsense after awhile?
It hasn't been shot down yet, but keep wishing.

Hicks made sure SOCAFRICA knew that the embassy in Tripoli, where his chicken ass was located, was under threat and needed protection and only pretended that the forces kept in Tripoli to protect his chicken ass should have been sent to Benghazi after the fact.

Ha,ha, conservatives can't handle the truth! Now we find out that Rove made up crap that wasn't even in the e-mail, trying to implicate Hillary, gonna bite them back in the ass.
obama slept-hillary failed-families of 4 abandoned americans cried

Bush read "My Pet Goat" while 3000+ Americans got disintegrated, then said he didn't care to find Bin Laden. The families of those lost on 9/11 are still crying over their lost loved ones - they didn't sign up for a dangerous mission, like the 4 Americans that died in Benghazi, but do conservatives care? Hell no.
I see mertex is blessing you all with her shining wit and ...

Oh, wait, that was someone else. mertex is an idiot. I feel for you guys. Carry on.

Mertex is a partisan hack.

Mertex is melting down because her little tin god is crumbling as the dozens of scandals surrounding his corrupt administration are exposed.

Hard times for leftists.

Every thread is made special by her presence, I know that, lol.

She stays long enough to make a complete idiot of herself, then floats to some other discussion and makes a cake of herself there....

She has me on ignore. Or so she said.
they should add Bush's head next to Lincoln's. I am pretty sure 25% of the US will attempt to stop it, wont be easy in that part of Idaho, South Dakota, Canada, wherever that mountain is with the 7 or so presidents, lol.
Blame it on Hicks, he's the one who reported the threat on the embassy in Tripoli, where he was at the time.

Gotta love you progressives...someone blows the whistle on Hilary and Barry for playing fast and loose with the truth...and suddenly he's George W. Bush and EVERYTHING is his fault? This whole notion that help wasn't sent to Benghazi because it was needed to defend Tripoli from an attack that never happened is just the latest Obama Administration excuse for why they didn't send help and I'm sure it won't be the last once it's shot down like all the others. Don't you guys get embarrassed falling for this nonsense after awhile?
It hasn't been shot down yet, but keep wishing.

Hicks made sure SOCAFRICA knew that the embassy in Tripoli, where his chicken ass was located, was under threat and needed protection and only pretended that the forces kept in Tripoli to protect his chicken ass should have been sent to Benghazi after the fact.

Jesus Ed - I don't know whether to be impressed by your refusal to quit in the face of overwhelming odds or disgusted by your extreme ignorance in the face of indisputable facts :banghead:

You're the only one still trying to pretend that Barack Obama is an innocent All-American good guy and everyone else is a (and I quote you) "chickenshit" with nefarious intent. You've literally been humiliated with every absurd story you've tried to manufacture. The only thing you have left at this point is blaming J. Christopher Stevens for being a "whore" and deserving the rape he received :cuckoo:
Uh, 4 years and more scandals than any Administration in U.S. history - including those that had 8 years (and you know it).

[*]Dismissing the Voter Intimidation case with the Black Panthers

Bush DOJ declined to prosecute. Either way, not a scandal

:lmao: You clearly have no idea about this story as it occurred about a year or so after Obama took office and about a year or so after Eric Holder was appointed General Attorney and thus in charge of the Obama DOJ you fuck'n buffoon. If you're not informed about the topic, please refrain from commenting. Learn when to keep your big, ignorant mouth SHUT!

By the way, you don't get to chose what counts as a scandal simply because it embarrasses Obama - the man you fantasize about fellating. When you instruct the DOJ to not prosecute a crime, that is a scandal asshole.

[*]Fast & Furious

Bush had his own gun running operation. Either way, not a scandal

No - Bush had his own sting operation. It was Obama who turned it into a bumbling gun running operation. And again it is a scandal asshole when you hand over guns to criminals, who them use them to kill Americans, and you attempt to cover it up.


Not a scandal

As much as you wish, it is a scandal (and one that you can't even defend). When emails show you handed over half a billion dollars of tax payer money to pals of your in a private organization which you know will file for bankruptcy - even with the money - well, that is the very definition of a scandal you Obama cock-sucking buffon. :lol:

[*]IRS targeting conservatives

That's about as close as you have come to one. Congrats :clap2: 1 out of 5

Uh-oh! Did poor lil J.E.D. run out of ways to defend Obama on this one? :lmao:
Uh, 4 years and more scandals than any Administration in U.S. history - including those that had 8 years (and you know it).

[*]Dismissing the Voter Intimidation case with the Black Panthers

Bush DOJ declined to prosecute. Either way, not a scandal

[*]Fast & Furious

Bush had his own gun running operation. Either way, not a scandal

As much as you and the GOP wish, this is not a scandal. Most Americans don't even care.


Not a scandal

[*]IRS targeting conservatives

That's about as close as you have come to one. Congrats :clap2: 1 out of 5

J.E.D.'s partisan hack tactic for defending his party at all costs:

America: Obama must answer for this Benghazi scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama must answer for this Fast & Furious scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama must answer for this Voter Intimidation scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama must answer for this Soyndra scandal
J.E.D.: It's not a scandal... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

America: Obama is our first black president - what a shame he's embarrassing the African-American community with his scandals and criminal activities
J.E.D.: Obama is not black... because.....uh....duh....uh... I say so?

You can't make this shit up folks - this is what a troll J.E.D. is. The best answer he has is "it's not a scandal" :lmao:

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