Speculation Builds on Michelle Obama Senate Run

I never got an answer on what "Moochelle" means... :crybaby:

I believe it's a term of endearment...
How she got stuff in life like jobs and advancement. :eusa_whistle:

I understand it's a tag for writer's butthurt. I get that.

It's just that, as an experienced punster, I can't figure out where the "Moo" comes from.

All puns have some kind of basis in reality. Clearly it can't derive from "mooch" -- an honor student with degrees in law and sociology and only the third FLOTUS to have a postgraduate degree rules that out. So that leaves "Moo". I can't find a bovine basis in her name or experiences. :dunno:

What am I missing?
I never got an answer on what "Moochelle" means... :crybaby:

It is a term coined by your favorite radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh. I'm not certain why but it probably has to do with the disdain in which he holds her - as do I. And her husband.

She gets a job, not based on skill or experience, but political connections, doesn't exactly work at it, then conveniently does something else at the same time.

I'll stop here so I don't get steamed up.

Ah, thank you. That explains a lot -- the same Misogynist-in-Chief that butthurtedly referred to Chelsea Clinton as the "White House Dog". The one who complains about "overeducated white women" and "feminazis". The one who told a black female caller "take that ring out of your nose and call me back". Yeah it starts to make sense now, even without a bovine connection.

Does Limpbag say she's a "slut" too? Are they "lined up around the block"? Is that why you're "steamed up"?

So Lash Rimjob just doesn't know Michelle Robinson's background and all the time and work she put into her education? He's so clueless he got it that far wrong?

Are you suggesting Rash Limblob doesn't know what he's talking about?!? :eek:

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Her seperate vacations,ski trips and such,the air travel and plush accomodations that go with it...
Being a "mooch"...

But I could be wrong.
What we do know is that Republicans will not elect a president for some time to come. The Presidency is Hillary's for the taking in the 2016 to 2024 timeframe

Michelle Obama? Haven't seen any political aspirations out of her yet. But if she were to take the Illinois Senate seat, she would be a leading Presidential candidate in 2024

first of all, there is no guarantee that Hillary is fit to run or that she intends to.

second, the country is fed up with democrat lies and socialist policies

third, the country is fed up with democrat incompetence

fourth, the country is fed up with democrat spending and high debt.

fifth, the GOP will take the senate this fall and the whitehouse in 2016

the democrat/socialist/marxist dream has been a massive failure. The American people finally see it for what it is.

Its over, you libs had your chance and you blew it on an imposter named barry hussein soetoro obama.

Doesn't seem that way as Democrats have huge leads in electoral votes

Republicans have become a party concentrated on smaller less populated districts and have been able to gerrymander themselves the House in spite of drawing fewer votes.

The Red States no longer add up and more swing states are turning blue

Once again, you are the victim of media bias and lies. But thats should surprise no one
Her seperate vacations,ski trips and such,the air travel and plush accomodations that go with it...
Being a "mooch"...

But I could be wrong.

The Obamas pay for their own vacations just like every other first family
first of all, there is no guarantee that Hillary is fit to run or that she intends to.

second, the country is fed up with democrat lies and socialist policies

third, the country is fed up with democrat incompetence

fourth, the country is fed up with democrat spending and high debt.

fifth, the GOP will take the senate this fall and the whitehouse in 2016

the democrat/socialist/marxist dream has been a massive failure. The American people finally see it for what it is.

Its over, you libs had your chance and you blew it on an imposter named barry hussein soetoro obama.

Doesn't seem that way as Democrats have huge leads in electoral votes

Republicans have become a party concentrated on smaller less populated districts and have been able to gerrymander themselves the House in spite of drawing fewer votes.

The Red States no longer add up and more swing states are turning blue

Once again, you are the victim of media bias and lies. But thats should surprise no one

Look at the electoral maps and show me where I am wrong
Groan.:mad: Why am I not surprised? :eusa_whistle: She's already campaigning – just like her husband? I know the site is right=wing but it does link to an NBC Chicago site. Read for yourselves @ Prison Planet.com » Speculation Builds on Michelle Obama Senate Run

I can see it now - She barely takes the oath of office and begins to run for president - just like her husband. Then, when she's elected as POTUS by the multitude of low-information voters, she either submits her husband to SCOTUS or a Federal Appeals Court.

Think the left will dis this? :eek:

ii understand low information radical right-wingers are limited, but her name is spelled "michelle".

you're welcome.

but feel free to keep faux raging.
You remind me of Jerry in the Seinfeld episode when Newman was hoping for a transfer to Hawaii and Jerry told him that Newman's dream of going to Hawaii was Jerry's dream, too.

Your dream (normal and decent people's nightmare) will be about as real as Jerry's was.

What we do know is that Republicans will not elect a president for some time to come. The Presidency is Hillary's for the taking in the 2016 to 2024 timeframe

Michelle Obama? Haven't seen any political aspirations out of her yet. But if she were to take the Illinois Senate seat, she would be a leading Presidential candidate in 2024

first of all, there is no guarantee that Hillary is fit to run or that she intends to.

second, the country is fed up with democrat lies and socialist policies

third, the country is fed up with democrat incompetence

fourth, the country is fed up with democrat spending and high debt.

fifth, the GOP will take the senate this fall and the whitehouse in 2016

the democrat/socialist/marxist dream has been a massive failure. The American people finally see it for what it is.

Its over, you libs had your chance and you blew it on an imposter named barry hussein soetoro obama.

You quoted three "the country is fed up with....." You seem to forget who this fed up country voted back into office in 2012. Obama. So what part of this don't you get. The country didn't want a republican in office even after four years of Obama.
Looks good...

Hillary gets to be POTUS 2016-2024
Michelle gets eight years in the Senate and is POTUS 2024-2032

Who would have an issue with that?

You remind me of Jerry in the Seinfeld episode when Newman was hoping for a transfer to Hawaii and Jerry told him that Newman's dream of going to Hawaii was Jerry's dream, too.

Your dream (normal and decent people's nightmare) will be about as real as Jerry's was.

What we do know is that Republicans will not elect a president for some time to come. The Presidency is Hillary's for the taking in the 2016 to 2024 timeframe

Michelle Obama? Haven't seen any political aspirations out of her yet. But if she were to take the Illinois Senate seat, she would be a leading Presidential candidate in 2024

America learned its lesson voting for a man because he was black. They won't be fooled voting for a woman just because she'd be the first woman president.
Groan.:mad: Why am I not surprised? :eusa_whistle: She's already campaigning – just like her husband? I know the site is right=wing but it does link to an NBC Chicago site. Read for yourselves @ Prison Planet.com » Speculation Builds on Michelle Obama Senate Run

I can see it now - She barely takes the oath of office and begins to run for president - just like her husband. Then, when she's elected as POTUS by the multitude of low-information voters, she either submits her husband to SCOTUS or a Federal Appeals Court.

Think the left will dis this? :eek:

When the radical right don't have an answer they throw out personal attacks. :eusa_boohoo: Then they attack the messengers. Personally.
You remind me of Jerry in the Seinfeld episode when Newman was hoping for a transfer to Hawaii and Jerry told him that Newman's dream of going to Hawaii was Jerry's dream, too.

Your dream (normal and decent people's nightmare) will be about as real as Jerry's was.

What we do know is that Republicans will not elect a president for some time to come. The Presidency is Hillary's for the taking in the 2016 to 2024 timeframe

Michelle Obama? Haven't seen any political aspirations out of her yet. But if she were to take the Illinois Senate seat, she would be a leading Presidential candidate in 2024

America learned its lesson voting for a man because he was black. They won't be fooled voting for a woman just because she'd be the first woman president.

Yeah these stupid americans voted for him twice. Must be an viable excuse to be deaf, blind and dumb. Michele is the most intelligent woman we have ever had in the white house and obama the most intelligent man. He may bend be you radical right wing idiots cannot break him. He, being black like most black men are use to being kicked around and it makes them stronger. That is way she men flock to them and want to have their kids and the white race is disappearing. Just an opinion. Obama do not use his blackness as an excuse, you right wingers do.
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She had a very successful career before Barack and will continue after his term is over doing whatever she chooses. She is not nothing. She is quite intelligent and successful in her own right.

I mean, it's not like she was just a librarian or housewife or an actress like some first ladies.

that would make a great bumper sticker.
You remind me of Jerry in the Seinfeld episode when Newman was hoping for a transfer to Hawaii and Jerry told him that Newman's dream of going to Hawaii was Jerry's dream, too.

Your dream (normal and decent people's nightmare) will be about as real as Jerry's was.

What we do know is that Republicans will not elect a president for some time to come. The Presidency is Hillary's for the taking in the 2016 to 2024 timeframe

Michelle Obama? Haven't seen any political aspirations out of her yet. But if she were to take the Illinois Senate seat, she would be a leading Presidential candidate in 2024

America learned its lesson voting for a man because he was black. They won't be fooled voting for a woman just because she'd be the first woman president.

They voted for Obama because he wasn't a Republican. Just like in every other race in 2008

Expect the same result in2016
Groan.:mad: Why am I not surprised? :eusa_whistle: She's already campaigning – just like her husband? I know the site is right=wing but it does link to an NBC Chicago site. Read for yourselves @ Prison Planet.com » Speculation Builds on Michelle Obama Senate Run

I can see it now - She barely takes the oath of office and begins to run for president - just like her husband. Then, when she's elected as POTUS by the multitude of low-information voters, she either submits her husband to SCOTUS or a Federal Appeals Court.

Think the left will dis this? :eek:

Looks good...

Hillary gets to be POTUS 2016-2024
Michelle gets eight years in the Senate and is POTUS 2024-2032

Who would have an issue with that?

You remind me of Jerry in the Seinfeld episode when Newman was hoping for a transfer to Hawaii and Jerry told him that Newman's dream of going to Hawaii was Jerry's dream, too.

Your dream (normal and decent people's nightmare) will be about as real as Jerry's was.

the idea that you are decent is fallacious.
What we do know is that Republicans will not elect a president for some time to come. The Presidency is Hillary's for the taking in the 2016 to 2024 timeframe

Michelle Obama? Haven't seen any political aspirations out of her yet. But if she were to take the Illinois Senate seat, she would be a leading Presidential candidate in 2024

America learned its lesson voting for a man because he was black. They won't be fooled voting for a woman just because she'd be the first woman president.

They voted for Obama because he wasn't a Republican. Just like in every other race in 2008

Expect the same result in2016
The first black President. You can only cash that chip once.
I never got an answer on what "Moochelle" means... :crybaby:

Although it was not I who coined the term "Moochelle" which seems to be a weak and contrived term for the First Lady's given name, I think it came about based on the fact that all her life she always MOOCHED off someone else, without contributing anything on her own.

Correct me if I am wrong.
Looks good...

Hillary gets to be POTUS 2016-2024
Michelle gets eight years in the Senate and is POTUS 2024-2032

Who would have an issue with that?

You remind me of Jerry in the Seinfeld episode when Newman was hoping for a transfer to Hawaii and Jerry told him that Newman's dream of going to Hawaii was Jerry's dream, too.

Your dream (normal and decent people's nightmare) will be about as real as Jerry's was.

the idea that you are decent is fallacious.

I would rather be a fallaciously not so decent conservative than a self-declared decent liberal.
P.S. to post #97:

Judging by her generously proportioned nether regions, she has very likely mooched off from others the types of foods that she most vigorously advocates against.

Correct me if I am wrong.
You remind me of Jerry in the Seinfeld episode when Newman was hoping for a transfer to Hawaii and Jerry told him that Newman's dream of going to Hawaii was Jerry's dream, too.

Your dream (normal and decent people's nightmare) will be about as real as Jerry's was.

What we do know is that Republicans will not elect a president for some time to come. The Presidency is Hillary's for the taking in the 2016 to 2024 timeframe

Michelle Obama? Haven't seen any political aspirations out of her yet. But if she were to take the Illinois Senate seat, she would be a leading Presidential candidate in 2024

America learned its lesson voting for a man because he was black. They won't be fooled voting for a woman just because she'd be the first woman president.

Riiiiiight, because he was (and still is) black. Couldn't have anything to do with what the alternative was.


Couldn't possibly have anything to do with an economy that had crashed and burned two months before the election, noooooo....


No, forget that. It's all about race. :nono:

Captain Obvious
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