Spike Lee: ‘There Is a War on the Black Male’

Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.

Ok..you can easily accept that negroes are better basketball players but you can't admit that white people are more intelligent. Nice to pick and choose the facts you want to acknowledge and the ones you want to reject.
Make better decisions

Not sure what your point is?
Being a basketball player is more important than being intelligent?
I don't get it?
Stanford IQs
The Best Decision I Ever Made - GoStanford.com
Colleges recruit negroes for athletic ability, not intelligence, obviously. Occasionally there is a diamond in the rough but most of them don't graduate as you can see from the graphs below.
College athletes overall..and especially negro athletes aren't known for their intelligence.




etc...etc..I could go on..

Now let's look at the graduation rates of these bright young negroes in their own environment:
Historically "Black" Colleges.

So among Stuff Black People Don't Like you would include higher education and class warfare?

I didn't say that did I? You're making things up.

"It must be noted that the downward trend in Black student graduation rates at HBCUs has occurred during a period of economic difficulty. Many publicly operated HBCUs have seen a decline in state appropriations and cutbacks in state financial aid for college students. Private HBCUs have also faced cutbacks and difficulty in fundraising. This undoubtedly is reflected in lower student graduation rates. Prior research has shown that the major reason that Black students drop out of college is money. Thus, cuts in financial aid programs at HBCUs undoubtedly have contributed significantly to the downward trend in Black student graduation rates at these schools."

Tracking Graduation Rates at HBCUs The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

LMMFAO...a racist group "Blacks in Higher Education" making excuses about why negroes can't meet minimum standards to graduate from college...and the reason is.....they don't get enough free stuff (financial aid cutbacks).

LMMFAO..so financial aid cutbacks make negroes who are already in school dumber and it prevents them from graduating..
Brilliant logic there. Why didn't I see it myself.

I suppose these "cutbacks" are no doubt the fault of white (racist) legislators who want to keep the "black" man down.

I suspect they have more to do with Rich Blacks on Wall Street nearly sinking the global economy in 2008.

So you've abandoned your original position and want to change the subject now. Ok. I know why.
JimBowie said:
I am asking about white interest groups like la Raza or the NAACP but organized for whites and accepted as not racist. Obviously the KKK and StormFront do not qualify, besides those are FBI affiliates with a handful of trusting fools.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?

The plight of "conservative" White males is the true focus of your angst. Every other faction of the American population has had to organize to protect their Constitutional rights to protect themselves against THEM! Finally, White women, Blacks, Gays and Lesbians got smart enough to pool their collective voting power to change things peacefully. Conservative, in name only, racists have the KKK, American NAZI party and many other White only clubs. The NAACP was started by Whites and is staffed interracially! Go get educated!

Again, you duck my question. What you point out is old history. Today the3 political structure is Identity politics, not nonracist, impartial before the law.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?
Rottengorrilla said:
Don't call people names or make up derogatory comments about them.
In other words stop projecting your own failures, shortcomings and inadequacies.
Debate the topic and stop using ad homs if you want to have a discussion. I'm not going to be baited into a name calling match.

JimBowie said:
I am asking about white interest groups like la Raza or the NAACP but organized for whites and accepted as not racist. Obviously the KKK and StormFront do not qualify, besides those are FBI affiliates with a handful of trusting fools.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?

The plight of "conservative" White males is the true focus of your angst. Every other faction of the American population has had to organize to protect their Constitutional rights to protect themselves against THEM! Finally, White women, Blacks, Gays and Lesbians got smart enough to pool their collective voting power to change things peacefully. Conservative, in name only, racists have the KKK, American NAZI party and many other White only clubs. The NAACP was started by Whites and is staffed interracially! Go get educated!

Again, you duck my question. What you point out is old history. Today the3 political structure is Identity politics, not nonracist, impartial before the law.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?
Why don't you frame the question sensibly? I told you the NAACP has White membership. Why do you keep ducking that? You also keep referring to "Whites" as if all Whites should subscribe to some common goal against the rest of the populace. The conservative white male consortium has always been organized and still has control of most of American resources and political power. There is no need to organize further. Every other group of Americans have been historically exploited or abused by that exclusive club. I cannot speak for La Raza, I don't know much about them but the Democrat Party has brought all aggrieved factions together.
If that is what you mean by identity politics, I agree.
JimBowie said:
I am asking about white interest groups like la Raza or the NAACP but organized for whites and accepted as not racist. Obviously the KKK and StormFront do not qualify, besides those are FBI affiliates with a handful of trusting fools.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?

The plight of "conservative" White males is the true focus of your angst. Every other faction of the American population has had to organize to protect their Constitutional rights to protect themselves against THEM! Finally, White women, Blacks, Gays and Lesbians got smart enough to pool their collective voting power to change things peacefully. Conservative, in name only, racists have the KKK, American NAZI party and many other White only clubs. The NAACP was started by Whites and is staffed interracially! Go get educated!

Again, you duck my question. What you point out is old history. Today the3 political structure is Identity politics, not nonracist, impartial before the law.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?
Why don't you frame the question sensibly?

It *is* phrased sensibly, Einstein.

I told you the NAACP has White membership. Why do you keep ducking that?

Lol, are you claiming that the NAACP is an advocate for white interests? lol, I cant believe you would tell THAT lie.

You also keep referring to "Whites" as if all Whites should subscribe to some common goal against the rest of the populace. The conservative white male consortium has always been organized and still has control of most of American resources and political power. There is no need to organize further.

If whites are to organize as the NAACP and la RAZA have, then we need to organize further. None of those are specifically organized to promote white interests.

Every other group of Americans have been historically exploited or abused by that exclusive club. I cannot speak for La Raza, I don't know much about them but the Democrat Party has brought all aggrieved factions together.
If that is what you mean by identity politics, I agree.

Here ya go:

Identity politics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

JimBowie1958 said:
Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?


From the way the question is framed, you are suggesting that some un-named group has attempted to represent "White" interests and have been labeled "racists" by (whom?) Other Whites? The question would make more sense if you provide evidence of the existence of such an attempt. Then ,the dialogue could proceed with some sort of rationality.

When I asked 'Why don't you frame the question sensibly, you snapped back with:

JimBowie said:
It *is* phrased sensibly, Einstein.

Perhaps to a 5th grader it is. Adults need more information., like, what incident are you referring to!

I told you the NAACP has White membership. Why do you keep ducking that?

JimBowie said:
Lol, are you claiming that the NAACP is an advocate for white interests? lol, I cant believe you would tell THAT lie.
No rational educated person would make such an egregious correlation between what I said and your disingenuous insinuation. Are you crazy or just ignorant? I said nothing even close to suggesting the NAACP is an advocate for White interests!

You also keep referring to "Whites" as if all Whites should subscribe to some common goal against the rest of the populace. The conservative white male consortium has always been organized and still has control of most of American resources and political power. There is no need to organize further.

JimBowie said:
If whites are to organize as the NAACP and la RAZA have, then we need to organize further. None of those are specifically organized to promote white interests.

Are you a recent immigrant or something? You sound like you just got off the boat or plane! You keep making comparisons between La Raza and the NAACP as if their agendas are similar. I don't think so from what I've heard. La Raza is more of a militant group while the NAACP was started by Whites who saw a need to help Blacks surmount the overwhelming racism endemic in the larger society at the time! No, the NAACP isn't designed to advance White interests. It did serve prophylactically as a thin veneer of legal protection for
a number of years. What would your NAAWP guard against?
JimBowie said:
I am asking about white interest groups like la Raza or the NAACP but organized for whites and accepted as not racist. Obviously the KKK and StormFront do not qualify, besides those are FBI affiliates with a handful of trusting fools.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?

The plight of "conservative" White males is the true focus of your angst. Every other faction of the American population has had to organize to protect their Constitutional rights to protect themselves against THEM! Finally, White women, Blacks, Gays and Lesbians got smart enough to pool their collective voting power to change things peacefully. Conservative, in name only, racists have the KKK, American NAZI party and many other White only clubs. The NAACP was started by Whites and is staffed interracially! Go get educated!

Again, you duck my question. What you point out is old history. Today the3 political structure is Identity politics, not nonracist, impartial before the law.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?
Why don't you frame the question sensibly? I told you the NAACP has White membership. Why do you keep ducking that? You also keep referring to "Whites" as if all Whites should subscribe to some common goal against the rest of the populace. The conservative white male consortium has always been organized and still has control of most of American resources and political power. There is no need to organize further. Every other group of Americans have been historically exploited or abused by that exclusive club. I cannot speak for La Raza, I don't know much about them but the Democrat Party has brought all aggrieved factions together.
If that is what you mean by identity politics, I agree.

Does the "black" legislative caucus admit white people or is it a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that only accepts "blacks". ;)
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Aren't you the same one who needed a math primer just yesterday? You must have gone to an inner city public school and were socially promoted through graduation. You're a perfect successor to obama.

Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks.

Do you speak English? The goobly gook you just spewed sounds like Redneckronics to me! Relax, gather your thoughts and try it again!

Lol, this is classic.

JQPublic, ummm, Roshawn *was* using English.

He's emphasizing my point.
Rottengorrilla said:
Does the "black" legislative caucus admit white people or is it a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that only accepts "blacks".

Last edited:
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Aren't you the same one who needed a math primer just yesterday? You must have gone to an inner city public school and were socially promoted through graduation. You're a perfect successor to obama.

Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks.

Do you speak English? The goobly gook you just spewed sounds like Redneckronics to me! Relax, gather your thoughts and try it again!

Lol, this is classic.

JQPublic, ummm, Roshawn *was* using English.

He's emphasizing my point.

I am hardly emphasizing your point! I am merely unveiling the idiot who said: "Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks"
The sentence "appears" to be English and even has a lot of fancy words. However, the haphazard way you linked a bunch of unrelated phrases together is ridiculously stupid. That isn't English, it's gibberish from someone pretending to be more astute than he is.
I have seen of few of spike lee's films. The ending of "do the right thing' realy bothered me, his character throwing a trash can into his friend/bosses window, left me at a loss, trying to save his friend? Is that what blacks do? If it had been a jewish/white film. they would have just been humble and talked their way out of it . But spike chose the opposite. I like spike lee, but the ending of that movie was bothersome and iconic in more ways than one.
Rottengorrilla said:
Does thecongressional "black" caucus admit white people or is it a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that only accepts "blacks".


The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress. Membership is exclusive to African-Americans,[1] and its chair in the 113th Congress is Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio.
Congressional Black Caucus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, well well... they are a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that excludes whites...Isn't THAT interesting! Why couldn't you just admit it instead of dodging?

You like "diversity" as long as it doesn't include white people.

Rottengorrilla said:
Does thecongressional "black" caucus admit white people or is it a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that only accepts "blacks".


The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress. Membership is exclusive to African-Americans,[1] and its chair in the 113th Congress is Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio.
Congressional Black Caucus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, well well... they are a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that excludes whites...Isn't THAT interesting! Why couldn't you just admit it instead of dodging?

You like "diversity" as long as it doesn't include white people.

Rottengorrilla said:
Does thecongressional "black" caucus admit white people or is it a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that only accepts "blacks".


The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress. Membership is exclusive to African-Americans,[1] and its chair in the 113th Congress is Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio.
Congressional Black Caucus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, well well... they are a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that excludes whites...Isn't THAT interesting! Why couldn't you just admit it instead of dodging?

You like "diversity" as long as it doesn't include white people.


You certainly don't understand the definition or application of the word you're using...

but that's ok..I made my point and you can't cover it up...People see it...LMAO..

Congressional black caucus..No whites allowed.What a charming little group of negro racists they are!...

...but...wouldn't it be "racism" if a white group excluded "blacks" from participating in government functions?
or are you ok with white people forming organizations and forbidding "blacks" from joining or participating?

I'm hoping with your expertise in detecting racism you'll be able to clear that up for me?
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Aren't you the same one who needed a math primer just yesterday? You must have gone to an inner city public school and were socially promoted through graduation. You're a perfect successor to obama.

Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks.

Do you speak English? The goobly gook you just spewed sounds like Redneckronics to me! Relax, gather your thoughts and try it again!

Lol, this is classic.

JQPublic, ummm, Roshawn *was* using English.

He's emphasizing my point.

Without intending to, like I said, classic.
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Aren't you the same one who needed a math primer just yesterday? You must have gone to an inner city public school and were socially promoted through graduation. You're a perfect successor to obama.

Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks.

Do you speak English? The goobly gook you just spewed sounds like Redneckronics to me! Relax, gather your thoughts and try it again!

Lol, this is classic.

JQPublic, ummm, Roshawn *was* using English.

He's emphasizing my point.

I am hardly emphasizing your point! I am merely unveiling the idiot who said: "Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks"
The sentence "appears" to be English and even has a lot of fancy words. However, the haphazard way you linked a bunch of unrelated phrases together is ridiculously stupid. That isn't English, it's gibberish from someone pretending to be more astute than he is.

I understand it just fine. What's wrong with it? To paraphrase him, "Please compare/contrast the stats about black crime rates to those of the general population, and consider the life style among blacks in all black neighborhoods (lack of fatherly guidance) and you get a clear idea of how raising a bunch of bastards is the underlying problem in the black community criminal element."

Or words to that affect. Where is the non-English?
Rottengorrilla said:
Does the "black" legislative caucus admit white people or is it a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that only accepts "blacks".


In other words you don't want to deal with the obvious racial discrimination that the Black Caucus engages in.

Lol, it is obvious to everyone that your stance is essentially, 'What is good for me is forbidden to thee.'

JimBowie1958 said:
Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?


1) It was a hypothetical question, but to give examples of organizations that have been set up as advocating white interests and were immediately branded as racist, we have the Conservative Citizens Councils which advocate for the freedom to voluntarily segregate, white student unions (when Asians, blacks and Hispanics have exactly the same thing on every college campus), and whites only scholarships (again there are race specific scholarships for every other minority group). EVERY white specific organization of any kind is immediately branded as a white supremacist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center and then monitored by them, i.e. they keep a file of everything appearing in the media on the group whether done or aid by the group or its enemies and competitors).

2) You are being disingenuous. You and I and everybody else knows that minority groups in the USA want a monopoly on political organizing done to protect their interests. That you wont admit the obvious is plain enough, so why the charade?

3) The time for this double standard is over. More and more white people are asking why is it immediately assumed that any white person shooting black person in self defense is a racist? Why is any white cop who shoots a black criminal immediately presumed to be a racist cop who shot an innocent black?

The hysteria of the left's opposition to any form of white identity, white advocacy, or whites only events is ludicrous WHEN EVERY OTHER RACIAL GROUP DOES EXACTLY THE SAME THING WITH NO CRITICISM FROM THE LEFT.

This shit is crumbling now all around you, all around the country. You bullshit has been exposed for what it is; pure horse manure.
Rottengorrilla said:
Does thecongressional "black" caucus admit white people or is it a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that only accepts "blacks".


The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress. Membership is exclusive to African-Americans,[1] and its chair in the 113th Congress is Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio.
Congressional Black Caucus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, well well... they are a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that excludes whites...Isn't THAT interesting! Why couldn't you just admit it instead of dodging?

You like "diversity" as long as it doesn't include white people.


You certainly don't understand the definition or application of the word you're using...

but that's ok..I made my point and you can't cover it up...People see it...LMAO..

Congressional black caucus..No whites allowed.What a charming little group of negro racists they are!...

...but...wouldn't it be "racism" if a white group excluded "blacks" from participating in government functions?
or are you ok with white people forming organizations and forbidding "blacks" from joining or participating?

I'm hoping with your expertise in detecting racism you'll be able to clear that up for me?

RoshawnMarkwees said:
Aren't you the same one who needed a math primer just yesterday? You must have gone to an inner city public school and were socially promoted through graduation. You're a perfect successor to obama.

Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks.

Do you speak English? The goobly gook you just spewed sounds like Redneckronics to me! Relax, gather your thoughts and try it again!

Lol, this is classic.

JQPublic, ummm, Roshawn *was* using English.

He's emphasizing my point.

I am hardly emphasizing your point! I am merely unveiling the idiot who said: "Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks"
The sentence "appears" to be English and even has a lot of fancy words. However, the haphazard way you linked a bunch of unrelated phrases together is ridiculously stupid. That isn't English, it's gibberish from someone pretending to be more astute than he is.

I understand it just fine. What's wrong with it? To paraphrase him, "Please compare/contrast the stats about black crime rates to those of the general population, and consider the life style among blacks in all black neighborhoods (lack of fatherly guidance) and you get a clear idea of how raising a bunch of bastards is the underlying problem in the black community criminal element."

Or words to that affect. Where is the non-English?

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