Spike Lee: ‘There Is a War on the Black Male’

Oldstyle said:
I'm amused by you, JQ...you have that little quotation at the end of each of your posts proudly proclaiming how well upper class blacks are doing in comparison to the rest of the country as you smugly place the blame for how bad things are in poor black neighborhoods on racist whites and Uncle Tom black police.

You know what's REALLY failed poor black neighborhoods? Forty years of welfare programs that destroyed the black family. Forty years of a liberally dominated educational system that has utterly failed to teach poor blacks the basic skills they need to get entry level jobs. Forty years of the main stream media and Hollywood glorifying the "gangster" lifestyle. And the icing on the cake is decades of Affirmative Action that allowed white liberals to pat themselves on the back for "advancing" the plight of the black man when all they REALLY were doing was giving a hand up to upper class blacks while they ignored the plight of the truly poor.

The reason Joe Biden got so stoked about how "clean" Barack Obama was is that liberals like him don't really like poor black people because they talk funny and don't bathe as much as he'd like.
Am I being smug? If so, there was no conscious intention on my part to be perceived that way.
Perhaps it’s a personal subconscious quirk I will have to work on. Now here is something you might consider working on:

Your tunnel vision can be corrected if you stop viewing the world through race colored glasses.
There are 36,400,000 Blacks in the USA. Of that total 23.5% are poor…some are working poor.
Nonetheless, that 23.5% translates to 8,500,000 out of a national total of 43,646,260 poor people of all races. Are you just as concerned about the other 35,146,260? Apparently not!

5,014,800 Blacks are on welfare while 7,104,000 Caucasians are on welfare. Others” make up the balance. It doesn’t take rocket science to see that 3,485,200 Poor Blacks are not even on welfare and account for 41% of poor Blacks, Almost half of poor Blacks are NOT on welfare.
The vast majority of Blacks are either working class, lower middle class, or upper middle class. None of those groups have to worry about going on welfare. OK.

I ask again, why you are not concerned about the 7,104,000 Caucasians who are on the welfare rolls
Wouldn’t it be less racist to hate ALL welfare recipients instead of just the Black ones? A closer analysis of the statistical record of Blacks on welfare reveals a much different picture than the one welded in your mind. 5,014,800 Blacks on welfare out of 36,400,000 is not as bad as the proportional twist makes it out to be.

I am NOT amused by you, Oldstyle. You are only echoing the same ubiquitous anti-Black sentiments found on every message board out there in cyberspace. You pull out all the old standbys to vent your frustration and hatred. Engaging you with facts about Affirmative Action and who it has benefitted the most (White women) is like pouring water on a duck’s back! It is useless to talk to a fence post like you.

Another negro pretending they don't understand how percentages, basic math and correlations work...
Oldstyle said:
I'm amused by you, JQ...you have that little quotation at the end of each of your posts proudly proclaiming how well upper class blacks are doing in comparison to the rest of the country as you smugly place the blame for how bad things are in poor black neighborhoods on racist whites and Uncle Tom black police.

You know what's REALLY failed poor black neighborhoods? Forty years of welfare programs that destroyed the black family. Forty years of a liberally dominated educational system that has utterly failed to teach poor blacks the basic skills they need to get entry level jobs. Forty years of the main stream media and Hollywood glorifying the "gangster" lifestyle. And the icing on the cake is decades of Affirmative Action that allowed white liberals to pat themselves on the back for "advancing" the plight of the black man when all they REALLY were doing was giving a hand up to upper class blacks while they ignored the plight of the truly poor.

The reason Joe Biden got so stoked about how "clean" Barack Obama was is that liberals like him don't really like poor black people because they talk funny and don't bathe as much as he'd like.
Am I being smug? If so, there was no conscious intention on my part to be perceived that way.
Perhaps it’s a personal subconscious quirk I will have to work on. Now here is something you might consider working on:

Your tunnel vision can be corrected if you stop viewing the world through race colored glasses.
There are 36,400,000 Blacks in the USA. Of that total 23.5% are poor…some are working poor.
Nonetheless, that 23.5% translates to 8,500,000 out of a national total of 43,646,260 poor people of all races. Are you just as concerned about the other 35,146,260? Apparently not!

5,014,800 Blacks are on welfare while 7,104,000 Caucasians are on welfare. Others” make up the balance. It doesn’t take rocket science to see that 3,485,200 Poor Blacks are not even on welfare and account for 41% of poor Blacks, Almost half of poor Blacks are NOT on welfare.
The vast majority of Blacks are either working class, lower middle class, or upper middle class. None of those groups have to worry about going on welfare. OK.

I ask again, why you are not concerned about the 7,104,000 Caucasians who are on the welfare rolls
Wouldn’t it be less racist to hate ALL welfare recipients instead of just the Black ones? A closer analysis of the statistical record of Blacks on welfare reveals a much different picture than the one welded in your mind. 5,014,800 Blacks on welfare out of 36,400,000 is not as bad as the proportional twist makes it out to be.

I am NOT amused by you, Oldstyle. You are only echoing the same ubiquitous anti-Black sentiments found on every message board out there in cyberspace. You pull out all the old standbys to vent your frustration and hatred. Engaging you with facts about Affirmative Action and who it has benefitted the most (White women) is like pouring water on a duck’s back! It is useless to talk to a fence post like you.

Another negro pretending they don't understand how percentages, basic math and correlations work...
Oldstyle said:
I'm amused by you, JQ...you have that little quotation at the end of each of your posts proudly proclaiming how well upper class blacks are doing in comparison to the rest of the country as you smugly place the blame for how bad things are in poor black neighborhoods on racist whites and Uncle Tom black police.

You know what's REALLY failed poor black neighborhoods? Forty years of welfare programs that destroyed the black family. Forty years of a liberally dominated educational system that has utterly failed to teach poor blacks the basic skills they need to get entry level jobs. Forty years of the main stream media and Hollywood glorifying the "gangster" lifestyle. And the icing on the cake is decades of Affirmative Action that allowed white liberals to pat themselves on the back for "advancing" the plight of the black man when all they REALLY were doing was giving a hand up to upper class blacks while they ignored the plight of the truly poor.

The reason Joe Biden got so stoked about how "clean" Barack Obama was is that liberals like him don't really like poor black people because they talk funny and don't bathe as much as he'd like.
Am I being smug? If so, there was no conscious intention on my part to be perceived that way.
Perhaps it’s a personal subconscious quirk I will have to work on. Now here is something you might consider working on:

Your tunnel vision can be corrected if you stop viewing the world through race colored glasses.
There are 36,400,000 Blacks in the USA. Of that total 23.5% are poor…some are working poor.
Nonetheless, that 23.5% translates to 8,500,000 out of a national total of 43,646,260 poor people of all races. Are you just as concerned about the other 35,146,260? Apparently not!

5,014,800 Blacks are on welfare while 7,104,000 Caucasians are on welfare. Others” make up the balance. It doesn’t take rocket science to see that 3,485,200 Poor Blacks are not even on welfare and account for 41% of poor Blacks, Almost half of poor Blacks are NOT on welfare.
The vast majority of Blacks are either working class, lower middle class, or upper middle class. None of those groups have to worry about going on welfare. OK.

I ask again, why you are not concerned about the 7,104,000 Caucasians who are on the welfare rolls
Wouldn’t it be less racist to hate ALL welfare recipients instead of just the Black ones? A closer analysis of the statistical record of Blacks on welfare reveals a much different picture than the one welded in your mind. 5,014,800 Blacks on welfare out of 36,400,000 is not as bad as the proportional twist makes it out to be.

I am NOT amused by you, Oldstyle. You are only echoing the same ubiquitous anti-Black sentiments found on every message board out there in cyberspace. You pull out all the old standbys to vent your frustration and hatred. Engaging you with facts about Affirmative Action and who it has benefitted the most (White women) is like pouring water on a duck’s back! It is useless to talk to a fence post like you.

Another negro pretending they don't understand how percentages, basic math and correlations work...

LMAO...sure...sure... negro...whatever you say...
Oldstyle said:
I'm amused by you, JQ...you have that little quotation at the end of each of your posts proudly proclaiming how well upper class blacks are doing in comparison to the rest of the country as you smugly place the blame for how bad things are in poor black neighborhoods on racist whites and Uncle Tom black police.

You know what's REALLY failed poor black neighborhoods? Forty years of welfare programs that destroyed the black family. Forty years of a liberally dominated educational system that has utterly failed to teach poor blacks the basic skills they need to get entry level jobs. Forty years of the main stream media and Hollywood glorifying the "gangster" lifestyle. And the icing on the cake is decades of Affirmative Action that allowed white liberals to pat themselves on the back for "advancing" the plight of the black man when all they REALLY were doing was giving a hand up to upper class blacks while they ignored the plight of the truly poor.

The reason Joe Biden got so stoked about how "clean" Barack Obama was is that liberals like him don't really like poor black people because they talk funny and don't bathe as much as he'd like.
Am I being smug? If so, there was no conscious intention on my part to be perceived that way.
Perhaps it’s a personal subconscious quirk I will have to work on. Now here is something you might consider working on:

Your tunnel vision can be corrected if you stop viewing the world through race colored glasses.
There are 36,400,000 Blacks in the USA. Of that total 23.5% are poor…some are working poor.
Nonetheless, that 23.5% translates to 8,500,000 out of a national total of 43,646,260 poor people of all races. Are you just as concerned about the other 35,146,260? Apparently not!

5,014,800 Blacks are on welfare while 7,104,000 Caucasians are on welfare. Others” make up the balance. It doesn’t take rocket science to see that 3,485,200 Poor Blacks are not even on welfare and account for 41% of poor Blacks, Almost half of poor Blacks are NOT on welfare.
The vast majority of Blacks are either working class, lower middle class, or upper middle class. None of those groups have to worry about going on welfare. OK.

I ask again, why you are not concerned about the 7,104,000 Caucasians who are on the welfare rolls
Wouldn’t it be less racist to hate ALL welfare recipients instead of just the Black ones? A closer analysis of the statistical record of Blacks on welfare reveals a much different picture than the one welded in your mind. 5,014,800 Blacks on welfare out of 36,400,000 is not as bad as the proportional twist makes it out to be.

I am NOT amused by you, Oldstyle. You are only echoing the same ubiquitous anti-Black sentiments found on every message board out there in cyberspace. You pull out all the old standbys to vent your frustration and hatred. Engaging you with facts about Affirmative Action and who it has benefitted the most (White women) is like pouring water on a duck’s back! It is useless to talk to a fence post like you.

Another negro pretending they don't understand how percentages, basic math and correlations work...

Trash like you don't know how to use data to back up their case. So they attack the other with name calling. LOL

The only war I see is a civil war.
Matthew said:
Trash like you don't know how to use data to back up their case. So they attack the other with name calling. LOL
The only war I see is a civil war.
One POS dribbling over another piece of shit...Time to leave...its getting too funky around here!
It getting deep!
That's why blacks commit 90% of 50% of all murders in this country against other blacks. They kill twice as many whites...

Somehow you're telling me that we're at war with them? Maybe because gang culture is criminal?
YAWWWNNN! Here come the stupid renegades.... same old racist rhetoric.... the debate is over... I don't have time for racist dummies! with no debating skills...
Another negro pretending they don't understand how percentages, basic math and correlations work...

Ain't no pretending. Most blacks are so dumb at math they can't even tell time. That's why they can't keep appointments.
What's that? Nowhere? You say you're full of shit and have nothing to say to anyone with an education beyond the third grade? Yeah, that's what I thought.

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