Spike Lee: ‘There Is a War on the Black Male’

JimBowie1958 said:
Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?
From the way the question is framed, you are suggesting that some un-named group has attempted to represent "White" interests and have been labeled "racists" by (whom?) Other Whites? The question would make more sense if you provide evidence of the existence of such an attempt. Then ,the dialogue could proceed with some sort of rationality.
JimBowie1958 said:
  1. It was a hypothetical question, but to give examples of organizations that have been set up as advocating white interests and were immediately branded as racist, we have the Conservative Citizens Councils which advocate for the freedom to voluntarily segregate, white student unions (when Asians, blacks and Hispanics have exactly the same thing on every college campus), and whites only scholarships (again there are race specific scholarships for every other minority group). EVERY white specific organization of any kind is immediately branded as a white supremacist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center and then monitored by them, i.e. they keep a file of everything appearing in the media on the group whether done or aid by the group or its enemies and competitors).

  1. Thanks for finally giving substance to your question! But why would you expect any of us posting here to answer it to your satisfaction. Only the SPLC can do that! I am not a member of the SPLC nor have I had any dealings with that organization at all. I have been on their website and reviewed what they are about; I agree with most of their goals. Here is an encapsulation:
    SPLC said:
    The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the Center works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality. We employ a three-pronged strategy to battle racial and social injustice:
SPLC said:
  • We track the activities of hate groups and domestic terrorists across America, and we launch innovative lawsuits that seek to destroy networks of radical extremist.
  • We use the courts and other forms of advocacy to win systemic reforms on behalf of victims of bigotry and discrimination.
  • We provide educators with free resources that teach school children to reject hate, embrace diversity and respect differences.
Given the mission statement of the SPLC, I see only noble causes. Their intelligence sources are far better than yours or mine, so, I trust that they don’t just tag any group as a hate group without some justification. Bottom line. Your complaint is frivolous. Judging by your rather bigoted views on this thread and elsewhere, I can see why you are frustrated by the efforts of the SPLC and other civil rights agencies. Me. Now that you have heightened my awareness of this splendid organization, I am preparing to send them a check!
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Aren't you the same one who needed a math primer just yesterday? You must have gone to an inner city public school and were socially promoted through graduation. You're a perfect successor to obama.

Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks.

Do you speak English? The goobly gook you just spewed sounds like Redneckronics to me! Relax, gather your thoughts and try it again!

Lol, this is classic.

JQPublic, ummm, Roshawn *was* using English.

He's emphasizing my point.

I am hardly emphasizing your point! I am merely unveiling the idiot who said: "Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks"
The sentence "appears" to be English and even has a lot of fancy words. However, the haphazard way you linked a bunch of unrelated phrases together is ridiculously stupid. That isn't English, it's gibberish from someone pretending to be more astute than he is.

I understand it just fine. What's wrong with it? To paraphrase him, "Please compare/contrast the stats about black crime rates to those of the general population, and consider the life style among blacks in all black neighborhoods (lack of fatherly guidance) and you get a clear idea of how raising a bunch of bastards is the underlying problem in the black community criminal element."

Or words to that affect. Where is the non-English?
Lol, this proves your problem is not with the language so much as you just don't want to hear anything you disagree with.

So how do you think posing as an idiot who cant understand English and too lazy to get a dictionary and look up big words, how does that help your case? It doesn't; it just makes you look like an idiot.

And yet you persist. This is just amazing to me, like a moron who strips naked and covers himself in peanut butter and runs though mainstreet, then argues with the cops that his peanut butter is his clothing. No one is buying your stupid bullshit, dumbass.
JimBowie1958 said:
Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?
From the way the question is framed, you are suggesting that some un-named group has attempted to represent "White" interests and have been labeled "racists" by (whom?) Other Whites? The question would make more sense if you provide evidence of the existence of such an attempt. Then ,the dialogue could proceed with some sort of rationality.
JimBowie1958 said:
  1. It was a hypothetical question, but to give examples of organizations that have been set up as advocating white interests and were immediately branded as racist, we have the Conservative Citizens Councils which advocate for the freedom to voluntarily segregate, white student unions (when Asians, blacks and Hispanics have exactly the same thing on every college campus), and whites only scholarships (again there are race specific scholarships for every other minority group). EVERY white specific organization of any kind is immediately branded as a white supremacist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center and then monitored by them, i.e. they keep a file of everything appearing in the media on the group whether done or aid by the group or its enemies and competitors).

  1. Thanks for finally giving substance to your question! But why would you expect any of us posting here to answer it to your satisfaction. Only the SPLC can do that! I am not a member of the SPLC nor have I had any dealings with that organization at all. I have been on their website and reviewed what they are about; I agree with most of their goals. Here is an encapsulation:
    SPLC said:
    The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the Center works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality. We employ a three-pronged strategy to battle racial and social injustice:
SPLC said:
  • We track the activities of hate groups and domestic terrorists across America, and we launch innovative lawsuits that seek to destroy networks of radical extremist.
  • We use the courts and other forms of advocacy to win systemic reforms on behalf of victims of bigotry and discrimination.
  • We provide educators with free resources that teach school children to reject hate, embrace diversity and respect differences.
Given the mission statement of the SPLC, I see only noble causes. Their intelligence sources are far better than yours or mine, so, I trust that they don’t just tag any group as a hate group without some justification. Bottom line. Your complaint is frivolous. Judging by your rather bigoted views on this thread and elsewhere, I can see why you are frustrated by the efforts of the SPLC and other civil rights agencies. Me. Now that you have heightened my awareness of this splendid organization, I am preparing to send them a check!

Great post. I disagree with you, the SPLC is not to be trusted they have an agenda, but at least you dealt with the facts this time.

Think for yourself and never trust some organization that has no over sight and has to pander for the contributions to be anything more than whores.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a racist organization. Do they go after Black Panthers or gangs?
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a racist organization. Do they go after Black Panthers or gangs?

Yes, they are racist against whites and any pro-white group they immediately label as 'supremacist'.

There is no objectivity or even handedness with them what so ever
Rottengorrilla said:
Does thecongressional "black" caucus admit white people or is it a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that only accepts "blacks".


The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress. Membership is exclusive to African-Americans,[1] and its chair in the 113th Congress is Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio.
Congressional Black Caucus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, well well... they are a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that excludes whites...Isn't THAT interesting! Why couldn't you just admit it instead of dodging?

You like "diversity" as long as it doesn't include white people.

John Q. Your screen avatar is wrong. Should be this:
The main war on blacks is by people like him, Sharpton, Jackson and the Democrat party. But it's probably to late to change things now. they voted themselves into this war. I doubt some white person forced them to swallow the Democrat parties BS of how they care more for them, so vote for us...Since Johnson how much better off are they? Yep they need to stand up and frikken OWN something for a change. they voted themselves back into slavery...No one else did that
Sure. Step up and own it. How's that "three strikes" stuff working out?

There is a bigger percentage of Black males in jail than justifiable in this nation and that's due to Conservative policies that break up families and deny a chance for fatherhood.

Step up and own that!

Whoa...back up a step there, Sparky!

When you pass welfare legislation that awards more money to a household without a father living in the home and more money for additional children, should you be shocked that black households consisting of a mother and multiple kids are the result? You've got multiple generations of black families growing up without a male role model in the family and then you blame the subsequent spike in crime involving young black men on conservative policies? It's not anything that conservatives are doing. It's not anything that the Police are doing.

Such a big deal has been made about the racial makeup of the Ferguson Police Department. As if making the Ferguson PD more representative of Ferguson's population will somehow lesson the crime committed by young black men!

What is the makeup of the Chicago Police Department? Is the reason that there is so much black crime in that city because there are so few black Police? Does ANYONE want to try and make that argument?

The reason that blacks are going to jail at a far higher rate than whites is that blacks are involved in crimes at a far higher rate than whites. So why IS that? Is it just the break down of the family unit? That obviously doesn't help but it can't be the only contributing factor. So let's look at what's REALLY killing young black males in urban settings.

You've taken most young black males and brought them up in a household without stable adult males demonstrating a good work ethic because the welfare system prompted that sort of household.

Then you send them to school systems where they aren't taught basic skills they need to get entry level jobs. They don't grasp grammar...they don't write legibly...they don't know basic math...and they've been misled by teachers and administrators who lie to them and tell them that Ebonics and it's derivatives are perfectly acceptable out in the real world.

The liberal politicians crow about how Affirmative Action has done so much for minorities in this country and that's one of the biggest scams put over on poor black kids from crap neighborhoods in our history. AA hasn't helped the Michael Browns of the world! Hell, no...AA has helped the Barack Obama's. The blacks that came from upscale backgrounds...that attended elite schools...that had well to do parents. Harvard Law School doesn't want Michael Brown! They want someone "safe" like Barack Obama and Eric Holder. Upscale blacks have prospered incredibly under AA...it's the poor blacks from urban areas that were left behind on that deal. They're still stuck in Ferguson or the South Side of Chicago while Barry and the rest of the AA crowd are hanging out with each other and the rich white folks on Martha's Vineyard!

Holder does a one day, meet and greet with people from Ferguson that he would have NOTHING to do with normally and then jumps on his big plane and jets back to Washington DC. It's all a show...and you limousine liberals eat it up with a spoon!
Rottengorrilla said:
Does thecongressional "black" caucus admit white people or is it a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that only accepts "blacks".


The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress. Membership is exclusive to African-Americans,[1] and its chair in the 113th Congress is Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio.
Congressional Black Caucus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, well well... they are a racist, non inclusive, non diverse organization that excludes whites...Isn't THAT interesting! Why couldn't you just admit it instead of dodging?

You like "diversity" as long as it doesn't include white people.

John Q. Your screen avatar is wrong. Should be this:

Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA

Why would you post something so silly? He obviously means young black men who are not famous
JimBowie said:
  1. You are being disingenuous. You and I and everybody else knows that minority groups in the USA want a monopoly on political organizing done to protect their interests. That you won’t admit the obvious is plain enough, so why the charade?
  1. To be disingenuous, I would have to be deceptive in some way; pretending to know less than I do about a particular subject. Kind of like you…pretending you don’t know why the SPLC has your favorite racist organization on their target list LOL!
  2. I haven’t been disingenuous at all. And you say that “everybody knows that minority groups want a monopoly on political organizing done to protect their interests” without any validating source. Am I supposed to just take your word for it? My logic tells me that cannot be true because for one thing the great White majority wouldn’t tolerate it. For that reason alone, no such monopoly will be or ever has materialized. White males had enjoyed that privilege once upon a time; but, since the civil rights era emerged, egalitarian concepts have swept the nation; much to the ire of White separatists, supremacists and gender biased misogynists. Still, there is a long journey ahead!
JimBowie1958 said:
The time for this double standard is over. More and more white people are asking why is it immediately assumed that any white person shooting black person in self-defense is a racist? Why is any white cop who shoots a black criminal immediately presumed to be a racist cop who shot an innocent black?

I can only speak for myself. To be honest, when I hear of such shootings, my mind flashes back to well publicized incidents where, all too often, unarmed Blacks seem to die unnecessarily at the hands of police officers. Several have succumbed while shackled or hand-cuffed. Now, you may wonder why these incidents tend to inflame certain elements within the Black community while the Black on Black murder rate is said to be skyrocketing.

Intra -racial, as opposed to interracial homicide, is seen by many Blacks largely as the product of gang related turf wars where combatants are equally armed. Decent Black citizens don’t necessarily condone or agree with that behavior any more than Whites want it from their White killers. But we have come to understand the territorial nature of maleness. It seems to be a primordial tendency of males throughout the animal kingdom, including Homo Sapiens Sapiens, to kill if necessary to protect what they perceive as theirs.

Civilization disrupted that natural process with laws, but, that primal instinct of survival is still in us all. Frequently it rises to the surface, especially in racial matters.
The armed White male cop is a reflection of the White people around him! Ironically, many Black cops feel the same way. Protect the Whites and be hard on the Blacks if you want to keep your job! His mind inherently is gripped by a sense of duty to protect and serve ( White people and their interests?) He becomes jaded by the environment he works in. He loses sight of any redeeming quality in people living in the inner city and his heart is hardened by his experiences. He doesn’t afford himself the option of separating good Blacks from the bad ones. That’s the court’s responsibility.

Off duty and at home his convictions are reinforced on the evening news and in the delivered newspaper. He is convinced that all Blacks are animals and are armed and dangerous. He knows his views coincide with the majority of Whites in his community. Tradition has given him confidence in his communal sanctioned license to kill. He is always ready to do just that!

Blacks of all walks of life know that too! Their collective experiences in every part of the nation has reinforced the notion that police are the enemy… police are an extension of a hostile, White juggernaut in which there are few friendly faces to be seen. So, when an n unarmed Black person is killed or abused while in police custody, for some it is a signal to release pent up outrage. They feel nothing can speak more loudly against the perceived wrong than those willing to protest on the evening news in front of the cameras.

I don’t want to drift too far from the original point I was making so I’ll get back to that the seemingly incendiary reaction to shootings involving police and unarmed Black homicide victims.

Most of the riots or protests sparked by televised or broadcast reports of police brutality or homicides represent local outrage of people who might have known the victim or have had bad experiences with the police themselves. That does not mean every Black in the neighborhood agrees with a relatively few rowdies! Nor are most Blacks who work and are taking care of their families, married or not, going to jeopardize their livelihood by participating in mob violence and chaos.

JimBowie said:
The hysteria of the left's opposition to any form of white identity, white advocacy, or whites only events is ludicrous WHEN EVERY OTHER RACIAL GROUP DOES EXACTLY THE SAME THING WITH NO CRITICISM FROM THE LEFT.

Why worry about what the left thinks? Go ahead and form your White groups. Nothing is preventing you from doing so!

JiimBowie1958 said:
This shit is crumbling now all around you, all around the country. You bullshit has been exposed for what it is; pure horse manure.

I’m not so sure I know what you are taking about. I do know that despite coarse similarities, horseshit and bullshit are two different things!
The armed White male cop is a reflection of the White people around him! Ironically, many Black cops feel the same way. Protect the Whites and be hard on the Blacks if you want to keep your job! His mind inherently is gripped by a sense of duty to protect and serve ( White people and their interests?) He becomes jaded by the environment he works in. He loses sight of any redeeming quality in people living in the inner city and his heart is hardened by his experiences. He doesn’t afford himself the option of separating good Blacks from the bad ones. That’s the court’s responsibility.

Off duty and at home his convictions are reinforced on the evening news and in the delivered newspaper. He is convinced that all Blacks are animals and are armed and dangerous. He knows his views coincide with the majority of Whites in his community. Tradition has given him confidence in his communal sanctioned license to kill. He is always ready to do just that!

Blacks of all walks of life know that too! Their collective experiences in every part of the nation has reinforced the notion that police are the enemy… police are an extension of a hostile, White juggernaut in which there are few friendly faces to be seen. So, when an n unarmed Black person is killed or abused while in police custody, for some it is a signal to release pent up outrage. They feel nothing can speak more loudly against the perceived wrong than those willing to protest on the evening news in front of the cameras.

I don’t want to drift too far from the original point I was making so I’ll get back to that the seemingly incendiary reaction to shootings involving police and unarmed Black homicide victims.

Most of the riots or protests sparked by televised or broadcast reports of police brutality or homicides represent local outrage of people who might have known the victim or have had bad experiences with the police themselves. That does not mean every Black in the neighborhood agrees with a relatively few rowdies! Nor are most Blacks who work and are taking care of their families, married or not, going to jeopardize their livelihood by participating in mob violence and chaos.

JimBowie said:
The hysteria of the left's opposition to any form of white identity, white advocacy, or whites only events is ludicrous WHEN EVERY OTHER RACIAL GROUP DOES EXACTLY THE SAME THING WITH NO CRITICISM FROM THE LEFT.

Why worry about what the left thinks? Go ahead and form your White groups. Nothing is preventing you from doing so!

JiimBowie1958 said:
This shit is crumbling now all around you, all around the country. You bullshit has been exposed for what it is; pure horse manure.

I’m not so sure I know what you are taking about. I do know that despite coarse similarities, horseshit and bullshit are two different things!
I'm amused by you, JQ...you have that little quotation at the end of each of your posts proudly proclaiming how well upper class blacks are doing in comparison to the rest of the country as you smugly place the blame for how bad things are in poor black neighborhoods on racist whites and Uncle Tom black police.

You know what's REALLY failed poor black neighborhoods? Forty years of welfare programs that destroyed the black family. Forty years of a liberally dominated educational system that has utterly failed to teach poor blacks the basic skills they need to get entry level jobs. Forty years of the main stream media and Hollywood glorifying the "gangster" lifestyle. And the icing on the cake is decades of Affirmative Action that allowed white liberals to pat themselves on the back for "advancing" the plight of the black man when all they REALLY were doing was giving a hand up to upper class blacks while they ignored the plight of the truly poor.

The reason Joe Biden got so stoked about how "clean" Barack Obama was is that liberals like him don't really like poor black people because they talk funny and don't bathe as much as he'd like.
JimBowie said:
I am asking about white interest groups like la Raza or the NAACP but organized for whites and accepted as not racist. Obviously the KKK and StormFront do not qualify, besides those are FBI affiliates with a handful of trusting fools.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?

The plight of "conservative" White males is the true focus of your angst. Every other faction of the American population has had to organize to protect their Constitutional rights to protect themselves against THEM! Finally, White women, Blacks, Gays and Lesbians got smart enough to pool their collective voting power to change things peacefully. Conservative, in name only, racists have the KKK, American NAZI party and many other White only clubs. The NAACP was started by Whites and is staffed interracially! Go get educated!

oh brother
then you all go out and vote for them white WEALTHY beyond any of us Joe &Jill six packs to be your MASTER and you have the nerve to spew this BS
So how do you think posing as an idiot who cant understand English and too lazy to get a dictionary and look up big words, how does that help your case?

Are you posing as an idiot who doesn't understand English grammar, punctuation, or syntax? That sentence, like whatever passes for your brain, is a fucking mess.
As to the topic: 'Spike' Lee is a no-talent, has-been hack. He's so desperate for attention he'll lift his skirt at any opportunity if he thinks someone will pay attention to him.
Spike Lee was videoed actually saying he hoped for unrest and violence if they don't get a conviction.

They can ruin people's careers for their stance on same-sex marriage, but not for advocating murder and violence?
Oldstyle said:
I'm amused by you, JQ...you have that little quotation at the end of each of your posts proudly proclaiming how well upper class blacks are doing in comparison to the rest of the country as you smugly place the blame for how bad things are in poor black neighborhoods on racist whites and Uncle Tom black police.

You know what's REALLY failed poor black neighborhoods? Forty years of welfare programs that destroyed the black family. Forty years of a liberally dominated educational system that has utterly failed to teach poor blacks the basic skills they need to get entry level jobs. Forty years of the main stream media and Hollywood glorifying the "gangster" lifestyle. And the icing on the cake is decades of Affirmative Action that allowed white liberals to pat themselves on the back for "advancing" the plight of the black man when all they REALLY were doing was giving a hand up to upper class blacks while they ignored the plight of the truly poor.

The reason Joe Biden got so stoked about how "clean" Barack Obama was is that liberals like him don't really like poor black people because they talk funny and don't bathe as much as he'd like
JimBowie said:
I am asking about white interest groups like la Raza or the NAACP but organized for whites and accepted as not racist. Obviously the KKK and StormFront do not qualify, besides those are FBI affiliates with a handful of trusting fools.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?

The plight of "conservative" White males is the true focus of your angst. Every other faction of the American population has had to organize to protect their Constitutional rights to protect themselves against THEM! Finally, White women, Blacks, Gays and Lesbians got smart enough to pool their collective voting power to change things peacefully. Conservative, in name only, racists have the KKK, American NAZI party and many other White only clubs. The NAACP was started by Whites and is staffed interracially! Go get educated!

oh brother
then you all go out and vote for them white WEALTHY beyond any of us Joe &Jill six packs to be your MASTER and you have the nerve to spew this BS

Oh, sistah

You've got me confused with a Black given honorary White status. I'm one of those wealthy beyond any of you
Leroy lionhearts who calls no man master!...or woman either for that matter. So now where are you taking this
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Aren't you the same one who needed a math primer just yesterday? You must have gone to an inner city public school and were socially promoted through graduation. You're a perfect successor to obama.

Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks.

Do you speak English? The goobly gook you just spewed sounds like Redneckronics to me! Relax, gather your thoughts and try it again!

Lol, this is classic.

JQPublic, ummm, Roshawn *was* using English.

He's emphasizing my point.

I am hardly emphasizing your point! I am merely unveiling the idiot who said: "Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks"
The sentence "appears" to be English and even has a lot of fancy words. However, the haphazard way you linked a bunch of unrelated phrases together is ridiculously stupid. That isn't English, it's gibberish from someone pretending to be more astute than he is.

I understand it just fine. What's wrong with it? To paraphrase him, "Please compare/contrast the stats about black crime rates to those of the general population, and consider the life style among blacks in all black neighborhoods (lack of fatherly guidance) and you get a clear idea of how raising a bunch of bastards is the underlying problem in the black community criminal element."

Or words to that affect. Where is the non-English?
Lol, this proves your problem is not with the language so much as you just don't want to hear anything you disagree with.

So how do you think posing as an idiot who cant understand English and too lazy to get a dictionary and look up big words, how does that help your case? It doesn't; it just makes you look like an idiot.

And yet you persist. This is just amazing to me, like a moron who strips naked and covers himself in peanut butter and runs though mainstreet, then argues with the cops that his peanut butter is his clothing. No one is buying your stupid bullshit, dumbass.
You need anger management. You truly are PROJECTING!
Oldstyle said:
I'm amused by you, JQ...you have that little quotation at the end of each of your posts proudly proclaiming how well upper class blacks are doing in comparison to the rest of the country as you smugly place the blame for how bad things are in poor black neighborhoods on racist whites and Uncle Tom black police.

You know what's REALLY failed poor black neighborhoods? Forty years of welfare programs that destroyed the black family. Forty years of a liberally dominated educational system that has utterly failed to teach poor blacks the basic skills they need to get entry level jobs. Forty years of the main stream media and Hollywood glorifying the "gangster" lifestyle. And the icing on the cake is decades of Affirmative Action that allowed white liberals to pat themselves on the back for "advancing" the plight of the black man when all they REALLY were doing was giving a hand up to upper class blacks while they ignored the plight of the truly poor.

The reason Joe Biden got so stoked about how "clean" Barack Obama was is that liberals like him don't really like poor black people because they talk funny and don't bathe as much as he'd like.
Am I being smug? If so, there was no conscious intention on my part to be perceived that way.
Perhaps it’s a personal subconscious quirk I will have to work on. Now here is something you might consider working on:

Your tunnel vision can be corrected if you stop viewing the world through race colored glasses.
There are 36,400,000 Blacks in the USA. Of that total 23.5% are poor…some are working poor.
Nonetheless, that 23.5% translates to 8,500,000 out of a national total of 43,646,260 poor people of all races. Are you just as concerned about the other 35,146,260? Apparently not!

5,014,800 Blacks are on welfare while 7,104,000 Caucasians are on welfare. Others” make up the balance. It doesn’t take rocket science to see that 3,485,200 Poor Blacks are not even on welfare and account for 41% of poor Blacks, Almost half of poor Blacks are NOT on welfare.
The vast majority of Blacks are either working class, lower middle class, or upper middle class. None of those groups have to worry about going on welfare. OK.

I ask again, why you are not concerned about the 7,104,000 Caucasians who are on the welfare rolls
Wouldn’t it be less racist to hate ALL welfare recipients instead of just the Black ones? A closer analysis of the statistical record of Blacks on welfare reveals a much different picture than the one welded in your mind. 5,014,800 Blacks on welfare out of 36,400,000 is not as bad as the proportional twist makes it out to be.

I am NOT amused by you, Oldstyle. You are only echoing the same ubiquitous anti-Black sentiments found on every message board out there in cyberspace. You pull out all the old standbys to vent your frustration and hatred. Engaging you with facts about Affirmative Action and who it has benefitted the most (White women) is like pouring water on a duck’s back! It is useless to talk to a fence post like you.

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