Spike Lee Threatens Civil War

Spike Lee is a moron

if trump loses the left may press its victory the way lenin and mao did after they took over russia and china.

meaning give conservatives what the czar and his family got

it would be a bloody conflict because conservatives are well armed

but in the end the state will win
True. The communists directing the color revolution will take a Trump loss as license to kill. After all the communists are already vandalizing private homes.
Spike Lee is a moron

if trump loses the left may press its victory the way lenin and mao did after they took over russia and china.

meaning give conservatives what the czar and his family got

it would be a bloody conflict because conservatives are well armed

but in the end the state will win

What we real Americans (conservatives, Christians, pro-lifers) lack is unit cohesion and mass coordination. Think about it. How would a "conservative civilian" army coordinate? Are we gonna communicate, organize over radical leftist owned and censored social media? What about over radical leftist owned and operated cellular phone providers? But beyond that, all these You Tube gun heroes we see yapping daily about protecting the Second Amendment are government shills permitted to operate so they can collect the names of gun owners.

In any real, no-shit second American civil war that involved everyday citizens fighting each other in the streets the radical leftist democrats would, unfortunately, have the upper hand—at least in the communication and coordination arenas, as well as the propaganda/psychological warfare department. Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and the mainstream media would brand any armed resistance as terrorist action and have half the conservative population of America turning in their guns within hours. No one wants their home twenty droned from the upper fucking atmosphere.

We should all be careful when wishing for war. We live in an age of electronic/technological "gods" who control weapons capable of zapping our asses from orbit. That being said, we could still mount a very effective irregular war against radical leftist tyrants. But to do that we'd have to organize.

In a real civil war you shut down Fakebook and the others as your first move.
Spike Lee is a moron

if trump loses the left may press its victory the way lenin and mao did after they took over russia and china.

meaning give conservatives what the czar and his family got

it would be a bloody conflict because conservatives are well armed

but in the end the state will win

What we real Americans (conservatives, Christians, pro-lifers) lack is unit cohesion and mass coordination. Think about it. How would a "conservative civilian" army coordinate? Are we gonna communicate, organize over radical leftist owned and censored social media? What about over radical leftist owned and operated cellular phone providers? But beyond that, all these You Tube gun heroes we see yapping daily about protecting the Second Amendment are government shills permitted to operate so they can collect the names of gun owners.

In any real, no-shit second American civil war that involved everyday citizens fighting each other in the streets the radical leftist democrats would, unfortunately, have the upper hand—at least in the communication and coordination arenas, as well as the propaganda/psychological warfare department. Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and the mainstream media would brand any armed resistance as terrorist action and have half the conservative population of America turning in their guns within hours. No one wants their home twenty droned from the upper fucking atmosphere.

We should all be careful when wishing for war. We live in an age of electronic/technological "gods" who control weapons capable of zapping our asses from orbit. That being said, we could still mount a very effective irregular war against radical leftist tyrants. But to do that we'd have to organize.

In a real civil war you shut down Fakebook and the others as your first move.

Yes, strategically. But looking at this from the scenario viewpoint of a small, dedicated American resistance to democrat tyranny, how do you plan on shutting down these social media giants? A guerilla force doesn't have access to the strategic weaponry required to end Facebook, Google or any other evil corporation. You'd have to do it in person, but that wouldn't work either because these companies have millions of nerve centers worldwide.
True. The communists directing the color revolution will take a Trump loss as license to kill. After all the communists are already vandalizing private homes.
And the left will have complete control of the police and military in their corner
True. The communists directing the color revolution will take a Trump loss as license to kill. After all the communists are already vandalizing private homes.
And the left will have complete control of the police and military in their corner
I doubt that. That's why the left is working so hard to hamstring both the police and military.

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