Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

Could someone list the lies about Hillary that resulted exclusively from the Russian cyber hacks? We know the truths....what were the lies?
I am concerned that continued hacking of Hillary could sink her chances of being mayor of NYC.
NATO is a huge domestic concern in Russia.

It is a huge domestic concern for
our NATO allies.

NATO allies are with us in Afghanistan.

The lives of our troops involved in a war abroad is a domestic concern to me.
I hope you didn't hyperextend anything with that genuflecting but NATO doesn't handle our domestic concerns. What you worry about doesn't effect what NATO doesn't do. Everything is as clear as mud for you.
Correll, post: 16249650
If that was presented as "evidence" they have shit.

So you have Trump and Juluan Assange with no evidence that Russia was in no way involved.

You originally said they had no evidence. You have flipped to calling their evidence shit with zero evidence proving that it is shit.

Sorry Putin Trump dupe. I trust our people.

The strongest piece of "evidence" presented is software.

That's shit.

The rest is conjecture.

They had more evidence to support their analysis that Saddam had WMDs.

How did that work out?
Correll, post: 16249650
trongly apparent? THat's opinion.

They have an opinion based upon a much larger field of investigative data and technical knowledge and human intelligence than your opinion could possibly be based upon.

And a vested interest is sucking up to the Political Class. And a vested interest in a new Cold War. And a cultural dislike of the POpulist outsider.

In fact your opinion is based on no investigative information at all. Your opinion is based upon your fondness for Putin, Trump and apparently Julian Assange. Two out of your three are foreigners with an interest in refuting our intelligence services conclusions.

My opinion is based on a healthy skepticism of people who make strong claims on weak evidence and who have self interest that supports them finding that conclusion.

It's Putin and Spineless Trump pledging to make Russia Great Again after voting yes against Isreal.

How can closing the eyes on the violation of international law make Russia or the USA great?

On the one hand the leftists whine about Russia supposedly violating the international law, on the other hand they whine about not closing an eye on the permanent violation of international law by Zionists.

Trump is spineless, because he does not kiss the ass of Zionists, who believe that an American president has to care in the first place about Israel, not about the interests of the USA?

Give me a break!

The lives of our troops involved in a war abroad is a domestic concern to me.

While Americans are dying in Afghanistan, protecting some boarders on the other side of the globe, USA is invaded by Third World people that destroy the neighbourhoods of the founding population of the USA and take away their jobs.

Are these expensive globalist wars really in the interests of the American Normies?

These wars may be in the interests of Israelis, but they are obviously not in the interests of Normies in the USA.
So you have Trump and Juluan Assange with no evidence that Russia was in no way involved.

That was an idiotic statement.
The burden of prove lies on people who say Russian state was involved.

Anybody can claim anything.

For example, I can claim that you were involved.
Do you or Assange have proves that your were not involved?

And who has to provide prove in this case?

The US has a long history of supporting Israel. What Russia did was not unusual, what obama did was.

Why is supporting Israel so important for American Normies?
What do they get from that support?
Does kissing the ass of the Israel Lobby make America great again?
My point is Obama did not backstab Israel. You can't bitch about Obama backstabbing Israel unless you believe Russia also backstabbed Israel. If you believe Russia backstabbed Israel you should crticize spineless Trump for unilateral surrender to Russia with a reward of warm relations to a despot that backstabbed Israel with a yes vote

Why didn't Trump call Putin and get Putin to veto the resolution if he's so great?

What "backstabbing"?

Israel violates the international law.

On the one hand they whines about Russia supposedly violating something, on the other hand people are called "spineless" if they do not close an eye on the permanent and right in your face violation of the international law by the Zionist entity.
Why do people still believe that supporting Israel is in the interests of American Normies?
Is there any explanation for this superstition?
The US has a long history of supporting Israel. What Russia did was not unusual, what obama did was.

Why is supporting Israel so important for American Normies?
What do they get from that support?
Does kissing the ass of the Israel Lobby make America great again?
Sounds like you have a hardon for the Jews. The US has backed Israel to support the only democracy in the middle east. It's in our, and the world's best interest for democracy to spread. Without US support Israel is dead.
The US has a long history of supporting Israel. What Russia did was not unusual, what obama did was.

Why is supporting Israel so important for American Normies?
What do they get from that support?
Does kissing the ass of the Israel Lobby make America great again?

Why the support is not the point there. THe point is to answer the question as to why the reaction is different.
OKTexas, post: 16248559 [QUOTE="OKTexas, post: 16248559, member: 39653"F]eel free to quote a post where I've ever praised Putin

Didn't say you did. So what are you talking about?

You are a Trump supporter right?[/QUOTE]

I support properly using the reply function, then maybe you'd know what I'm talking about. And yeah, I support Trump, about 80% of the time.

Donald J. Trump


Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only "stupid" people, or fools, would think that it is bad! We.....

10:02 AM - 7 Jan 2017

So Republicans are stupid if they oppose a warm relationship with Putin after Putin voted yes at the UN to condemn Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands.

Why is Trump being an asshole against his own Party and the intelligence community?

Will spineless Trumpunist Party members face this illogical unpatriotic "Make Russia Great Again" moron of a president elect head on?

According to Trump the Great Marl Levin is stupid. That is hilarious.
As you have demonstrated, Trump is right that only stupid people believe the US having a good relationship with Russia is a bad thing. There is no way to end the fighting in Syria or eastern Europe without mutually beneficial agreements between the US and Russia.

And what kind of an idiot would say the US should avoid good relations with Russia after the UN vote when Israel, itself, has continuing good relations with Russia. That takes a whole new level of stupid.
OKTexas, post: 16248522
France, the UK, China and Russia all had veto powers in that vote, they are equally responsible with your dear leader for it's passage.

Explain to me why Trump is only condemning our President. Why praise Putin for 'backstabbing' Israel with a yes vote instead of an abstention?

I mean beside the problem that Trump is a buffoon's buffoon.

Show me Trumps statement where he praised Putin for that vote. You keep saying he did, now prove it.
don't think he's talked to Putin yet, why would he call? But you can't see the big picture through your shit smeared lenses. The US has a long history of supporting Israel. What Russia did was not unusual, what obama did was.

You don't think or keep up on the news about Trump and his Kleptocrat pal.

Trump spoke at least twice to Putin about policy and better relations demanding nothing from Putin.

And it's worse than that:

. Shortly after their discussion Russia on Monday began a new, intense air offensive against rebel positions in their Syrian stronghold in Aleppo. Moscow sailed one of its aircraft carriers, the Adm. Kuznetsov, into the Mediterranean last week to bolster its ability to deploy warplanes.


Trump talked about not interfering in Russia's operations.

Putin took spineless Trump at his word.

Russia announced it was sending their ONLY carrier, not "one of", on 21 Sep, your link is dated 15 Nov, almost a month later. Maybe it's you that's not keeping up.
Dschrute3, post: 16249731
They're looking forward to a Trump Presidency.

No they weren't. They were looking forward to a Clinton Presidency.

Jerusalem (CNN)Almost twice as many Israelis prefer Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump, bucking the recent trend of Republican presidential candidates winning more support than Democrats, according to a new poll.

When asked which candidate they preferred, 42% of Israelis said Clinton, compared with 24% who cited Trump, a survey from the Israel Democracy Institute found. Another 13% said the candidates are the same from Israel's perspective.

Poll: Israelis strongly favor Clinton over Trump - CNNPolitics.com
Russia announced it was sending their ONLY carrier, not "one of", on 21 Sep, your link is dated 15 Nov, almost a month later. Maybe it's you that's not keeping up.

It's the air offensive that jacked up the day after the Putin call with Trump.

Pay attention.
Russia announced it was sending their ONLY carrier, not "one of", on 21 Sep, your link is dated 15 Nov, almost a month later. Maybe it's you that's not keeping up.

It's the air offensive that jacked up the day after the Putin call with Trump.

Pay attention.

Oh OK, I guess that's why Russias only carrier is on its way home.

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