Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

Dschrute3, post: 16249731
They're looking forward to a Trump Presidency.

No they weren't. They were looking forward to a Clinton Presidency.

Jerusalem (CNN)Almost twice as many Israelis prefer Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump, bucking the recent trend of Republican presidential candidates winning more support than Democrats, according to a new poll.

When asked which candidate they preferred, 42% of Israelis said Clinton, compared with 24% who cited Trump, a survey from the Israel Democracy Institute found. Another 13% said the candidates are the same from Israel's perspective.

Poll: Israelis strongly favor Clinton over Trump - CNNPolitics.com
Well, whatever they may have thought back in October, the Israelis are clearly giddy with excitement about Trump's victory today.
Show me Trumps statement where he praised Putin for that vote. You keep saying he did, now prove it.

I didn't say Trump praised him in a direct statement

He has praised Putin since that vote and has only condemned Obama for abstaining.

My point which you won't address is that Trump has criticized our President for abstaining while singing songs of praise for Putin ever since Russia voted yes with the 13 others on the UN Security Council,

Trump is too spineless to tweet this:
Newt Gingrich‏ @newtgingrich
So Russia having illegally occupied Crimea and eastern Ukraine votes to condemn Israel for "occupied lands".we are supposed to be impressed7:42 AM · Dec 24, 2016

No wonder Gingrich got nothing in the Trump Administration.

If he is going lay back on Putin's vote he should have held back on condemning Obama's abstention.

If it's ok for Putin it is ok for Obama.

Obama did the right thing - long overdue. So did Putin.

The Iran Deal was approved by the UN as well. And Russia.

Netanyahu bellyached all over that too.

Netanyahu was wrong about that too,

Have you figured out how Trump undoes the Iran Deal when his dear friend Putin is so closely tied to Iran and is in business with Iran now so more than ever with the lifting of sanctions.

Trump is spineless against Putin - how will he pull that off.

And how does Trump take Iraq's oil from them.

You believe in that buffoon.

He's not getting Mexico to pay for the wall now either and its being downgraded to a fence now.

And ObamaCare will not be repealed soon at all according to Rand Paul's claim having Trump's word that it will not be repealed without a better government run replacement.

Maybe we get single payer through Trump. Won't that be a hoot and a huge boost for Obama's legacy.

So the Obamacare being a drag on jobs was all BS. Now you know. We knew it wasn't from day one.
OP is irrelevant. Russia has always been anti Israel.
Keep your friends close - Your enemies closer.
OKTexas, post: 16251461
Oh OK, I guess that's why Russias only carrier is on its way home.

Why wouldn't it go now. Assad's force have control of Alleppo after stepped up bombing the shit out of the civilians there right after the Trump Putin bromance call.
Show me Trumps statement where he praised Putin for that vote. You keep saying he did, now prove it.

I didn't say Trump praised him in a direct statement

He has praised Putin since that vote and has only condemned Obama for abstaining.

My point which you won't address is that Trump has criticized our President for abstaining while singing songs of praise for Putin ever since Russia voted yes with the 13 others on the UN Security Council,

Trump is too spineless to tweet this:
Newt Gingrich‏ @newtgingrich
So Russia having illegally occupied Crimea and eastern Ukraine votes to condemn Israel for "occupied lands".we are supposed to be impressed7:42 AM · Dec 24, 2016

No wonder Gingrich got nothing in the Trump Administration.

If he is going lay back on Putin's vote he should have held back on condemning Obama's abstention.

If it's ok for Putin it is ok for Obama.

Obama did the right thing - long overdue. So did Putin.

The Iran Deal was approved by the UN as well. And Russia.

Netanyahu bellyached all over that too.

Netanyahu was wrong about that too,

Have you figured out how Trump undoes the Iran Deal when his dear friend Putin is so closely tied to Iran and is in business with Iran now so more than ever with the lifting of sanctions.

Trump is spineless against Putin - how will he pull that off.

And how does Trump take Iraq's oil from them.

You believe in that buffoon.

He's not getting Mexico to pay for the wall now either and its being downgraded to a fence now.

And ObamaCare will not be repealed soon at all according to Rand Paul's claim having Trump's word that it will not be repealed without a better government run replacement.

Maybe we get single payer through Trump. Won't that be a hoot and a huge boost for Obama's legacy.

So the Obamacare being a drag on jobs was all BS. Now you know. We knew it wasn't from day one.

This is exactly what you said, my bold.

Explain to me why Trump is only condemning our President. Why praise Putin for 'backstabbing' Israel with a yes vote instead of an abstention?

I asked for proof that Trump praised Putin for backstabbing Israel, are you now admitting he didn't?

As for you deflections, I choose not to address them, stay on topic.
SmokeALib, post: 16251960,
OP is irrelevant. Russia has always been anti Israel.

Russia has strong ties with Israel. Not as strong as US ties continuing despite Netanyahu's hardline rightwing government that does not appreciate the financial support the American people give them over the years.
Netanyahu has no respect for who we elect as our President if our President dies not kiss his ass. But we support Israel anyway.

Netanyahu is under investigation for corruption charges. We should wait to see where that goes.
OKTexas, post: 16251461
Oh OK, I guess that's why Russias only carrier is on its way home.

Why wouldn't it go now. Assad's force have control of Alleppo after stepped up bombing the shit out of the civilians there right after the Trump Putin bromance call.

So you're blaming Trump for something that was already in progress before the election, you're just not very smart are ya?
OKTexas, post: 16252325
I asked for proof that Trump praised Putin for backstabbing Israel, are you now admitting he didn't?

Don't need proof since I didn't say he said it directly. Trumped praised Puting after knowing that he backstabbed Israel. He had time to condemn our President but found no time to condemn the wealthiest person and Kleptocrat in the world for affirmatively voting to backstab Israel which Obama did not do.

Why can't you respond to the point which I have made here? The hypocrisy of you Trump supporters on the UN settlement vote.

Why do you give Putin a pass but not Obama?
OKTexas, post: 16252444
So you're blaming Trump for something that was already in progress before the election, you're just not very smart are ya?

I am blaming Trump for his bromantic phone call with Trump and the stepped up bombing murder of civilians even in hospitals the very next day.

And Trump did not condemn Putin for that. He wants warmer relations with the ruthless bombing Kleptocrat

I realize Trump has proposed bombing/killing non-combatants women and children in the war on terror.

“I would knock the hell out of ISIS… [and] when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families,” the Republican presidential candidate said on Fox & Friends.

I'm sure he was not talking about taking them out to a picnic.

That's your buffoon.
OKTexas, post: 16252444
So you're blaming Trump for something that was already in progress before the election, you're just not very smart are ya?

I am blaming Trump for his bromantic phone call with Trump and the stepped up bombing murder of civilians even in hospitals the very next day.

And Trump did not condemn Putin for that. He wants warmer relations with the ruthless bombing Kleptocrat

I realize Trump has proposed bombing/killing non-combatants women and children in the war on terror.

“I would knock the hell out of ISIS… [and] when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families,” the Republican presidential candidate said on Fox & Friends.

I'm sure he was not talking about taking them out to a picnic.

That's your buffoon.

Hey, FDR was buddy buddy with Stalin against a common enemy.

Was that wrong?
I asked for proof that Trump praised Putin for backstabbing Israel, are you now admitting he didn't?

Trump said this lie about our Presudent:

“We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect,” Mr. Trump said on Twitter. “They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but not anymore.

Then he praised Putin often after that.

It's as if Putin's disrespect for Israel didn't happen. Nothing but praise from Trump.
I asked for proof that Trump praised Putin for backstabbing Israel, are you now admitting he didn't?

Trump said this lie about our Presudent:

“We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect,” Mr. Trump said on Twitter. “They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but not anymore.

Then he praised Putin often after that.

It's as if Putin's disrespect for Israel didn't happen. Nothing but praise from Trump.

He is judging the President of the United States by different standards then the leader of a foreign nation.

What part of this is confusing to you?
OKTexas, post: 16252444
So you're blaming Trump for something that was already in progress before the election, you're just not very smart are ya?

I am blaming Trump for his bromantic phone call with Trump and the stepped up bombing murder of civilians even in hospitals the very next day.

And Trump did not condemn Putin for that. He wants warmer relations with the ruthless bombing Kleptocrat

I realize Trump has proposed bombing/killing non-combatants women and children in the war on terror.

“I would knock the hell out of ISIS… [and] when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families,” the Republican presidential candidate said on Fox & Friends.

I'm sure he was not talking about taking them out to a picnic.

That's your buffoon.

The carrier was running sorties for a month and a half before the election dummy. Get back to me when you have a realistic time line. I'm done.
I asked for proof that Trump praised Putin for backstabbing Israel, are you now admitting he didn't?

Trump said this lie about our Presudent:

“We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect,” Mr. Trump said on Twitter. “They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but not anymore.

Then he praised Putin often after that.

It's as if Putin's disrespect for Israel didn't happen. Nothing but praise from Trump.

You can attempt to connect the two all you want, the fact is they aren't related. bye
The US has backed Israel to support the only democracy in the middle east.

That argument is so old and so bogus!
Trump is a pro-Jewish racist, and Israel is an apartheid state that violates the international law.

It's in our, and the world's best interest for democracy to spread.

The "wars for Israel" were not good for the USA, "democracy" did not spread as a result of these wars. Functioning states, like Iraq, were destroyed, and now they have medieval savages in the leading positions.
Syria is a functioning state, but Saudis, Israel and and the US-Establishment were supporting ISIS.

As a result of these "wars for Israel" USA and the EU look more and more like the former Soviet Union, we have Soviet Style censorship, we are flooded with Muslim migrants because of these crazy wars, but you are talking about spreading "democracy".


Without US support Israel is dead.

Well, Israel has to make peace with their neighbours, and be self-sufficient.

If Israel cannot survive without constantly attacking all their neighbours, if Israel is not viable without constant injections of German and American money, that are payed by taxpayers, then the creation of this state was a mistake.
Hey, FDR was buddy buddy with Stalin against a common enemy.
Was that wrong?

FDR was surrounded by Commies, that is the reason why he became an ally of Stalin, a murderer who killed millions of Christians in the Soviet Union, but American media closed the eyes on these murders.
As a result of this union with Stalin USA was subverted by Commies.

America is not great any more, because after WWII Commies got more an more influence and eventually USA became a parody of the former Soviet Union.

Russia returned to its Christians roots, but in the USA Commies are waging a War on Christmas and promoting soviet style affirmative actions.
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Dschrute3, post: 16249731
Laughable Fake News. Israelis despise Hussein. They're looking forward to a Trump Presidency.

No they weren't. They were looking forward to a Clinton Presidency.

(Jerusalem (CNN)Almost twice as many Israelis prefer Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump, bucking the recent trend of Republican presidential candidates winning more support than Democrats, according to a new poll.

When asked which candidate they preferred, 42% of Israelis said Clinton, compared with 24% who cited Trump, a survey from the Israel Democracy Institute found. Another 13% said the candidates are the same from Israel's perspective.)
Dschrute3, post: 16249731
Laughable Fake News. Israelis despise Hussein. They're looking forward to a Trump Presidency.

No they weren't. They were looking forward to a Clinton Presidency.

(Jerusalem (CNN)Almost twice as many Israelis prefer Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump, bucking the recent trend of Republican presidential candidates winning more support than Democrats, according to a new poll.

When asked which candidate they preferred, 42% of Israelis said Clinton, compared with 24% who cited Trump, a survey from the Israel Democracy Institute found. Another 13% said the candidates are the same from Israel's perspective.)
I have family and friends in Israel and most Israelis of them didn't give a shit who became President.

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