'Splain this, libs.

Liberals love the issue because they can't run on Obamas failed record. She would finish the work he started.
There is NO doubt he was born in Kenya. His grandmother witnessed his birth.
His grandmother, if I remember correctly, was dying at the time she said that, she was delirious and there is some question as to just WHOSE birth she witnessed. "His birth" could have been mine. And when questioned didn't she say it was a misunderstanding?
I'm a "birther." There is NO doubt he was born in Kenya. His grandmother witnessed his birth.

All that being said, this video was put together. This stuff doesn't help.

His term is almost over. Time to move on. Hillary's the threat.
Yep, Obama is about done and Hillary is now the threat, so right wing media must come up with even more new conspiracy theories. I can hardly wait.

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