Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”

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trump is an international embarrassment to Americans and a cause for humiliation when in other countries. Overseas, I might not deny that I am an American, considering the passport I carry and my accent, but I would be very quick to make clear that I do not support his presidency, his policies, his morality and lack thereof, or anything else about him. Distancing is the best course to take.

You're not an American in any way, shape or form.....you're a jellyfish.
Palleys have no land that is worth anything. When Israel was formed by the UN it was just rocks and sand too. Now it's a thriving society.

Palleys gots ta go for the good of mankind.

Jews are 1,000's of times worse than Palestinians.

Russian Mafia = Jews. (Semion Mogilevich the big boss, the big boss in America Ludwig Fainberg both Jews)
Murder INC = Jews. (Founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter)
(2 of the most vicious gangs to ever exist)

Jewish Defense League.'
Baruch Goldstein
Ami Popper
Lavon Affair
U.S.S Liberty Bombing.
= Jewish terrorists.

(Genocidal Maniacs)
Disraeli = killed millions in India by famine.
Julius Popper = Wiped out Selk'nam Natives in genocide he orchestrated.
Matvei Berman = Ran the notorious Gulag system of the 1930's where millions perished.
Genrikh Yagoda = ran the NKVD during the Holodomor in the 1930's where millions perished.
Jakub Berman = Killed, and imprisoned 100,000's of thousands of Polish patriots.
Salomon Morel = killed, and enslaved 1,000's of Poles, and Germans, Israel protected him.

How do you compare Palestine to this?

Israel is civilized. The area to the east of them is nothing more than desert losers steeped in hatred and envy. No one will miss them.

Israel killed 2,000 Palestinians, and lost just 6 civilians in the last major conflict.

Now, am I missing something.... How is Palestine the worse of 2 evils.

Oh, because Palestine shot off a few rockets?

Who the heck wouldn't be angry at the people who stole their land, and turned them into a vassal state?
I said accomplishments. The Palleys can't even wage a decent war, much less accomplish any modern accommodations for their own people.

No, they're worthless and must be eliminated.

No group should be eliminated, no matter how stupid.

I mean you have Black girls in your icon, they're even lower in IQ's than Palestinians.

Why don't you go take a hike..
No one notice you failed to list a single palley accomplishment.

But you did stand up loud and proud as my fan boi, so for that I give you props.
Jews are 1,000's of times worse than Palestinians.

Russian Mafia = Jews. (Semion Mogilevich the big boss, the big boss in America Ludwig Fainberg both Jews)
Murder INC = Jews. (Founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter)
(2 of the most vicious gangs to ever exist)

Jewish Defense League.'
Baruch Goldstein
Ami Popper
Lavon Affair
U.S.S Liberty Bombing.
= Jewish terrorists.

(Genocidal Maniacs)
Disraeli = killed millions in India by famine.
Julius Popper = Wiped out Selk'nam Natives in genocide he orchestrated.
Matvei Berman = Ran the notorious Gulag system of the 1930's where millions perished.
Genrikh Yagoda = ran the NKVD during the Holodomor in the 1930's where millions perished.
Jakub Berman = Killed, and imprisoned 100,000's of thousands of Polish patriots.
Salomon Morel = killed, and enslaved 1,000's of Poles, and Germans, Israel protected him.

How do you compare Palestine to this?

Israel is civilized. The area to the east of them is nothing more than desert losers steeped in hatred and envy. No one will miss them.

Israel killed 2,000 Palestinians, and lost just 6 civilians in the last major conflict.

Now, am I missing something.... How is Palestine the worse of 2 evils.

Oh, because Palestine shot off a few rockets?

Who the heck wouldn't be angry at the people who stole their land, and turned them into a vassal state?
I said accomplishments. The Palleys can't even wage a decent war, much less accomplish any modern accommodations for their own people.

No, they're worthless and must be eliminated.

No group should be eliminated, no matter how stupid.

I mean you have Black girls in your icon, they're even lower in IQ's than Palestinians.

Why don't you go take a hike..
No one notice you failed to list a single palley accomplishment.

But you did stand up loud and proud as my fan boi, so for that I give you props.

Fraud much?

You're probably just some Gay Jew who uses Black girl avatars to get at Black guys.

In the real World more people see Jews as more evil than Palestinians....
Israel is civilized. The area to the east of them is nothing more than desert losers steeped in hatred and envy. No one will miss them.

Israel killed 2,000 Palestinians, and lost just 6 civilians in the last major conflict.

Now, am I missing something.... How is Palestine the worse of 2 evils.

Oh, because Palestine shot off a few rockets?

Who the heck wouldn't be angry at the people who stole their land, and turned them into a vassal state?
I said accomplishments. The Palleys can't even wage a decent war, much less accomplish any modern accommodations for their own people.

No, they're worthless and must be eliminated.

No group should be eliminated, no matter how stupid.

I mean you have Black girls in your icon, they're even lower in IQ's than Palestinians.

Why don't you go take a hike..
No one notice you failed to list a single palley accomplishment.

But you did stand up loud and proud as my fan boi, so for that I give you props.

Fraud much?

You're probably just some Gay Jew who uses Black girl avatars to get at Black guys.

In the real World more people see Jews as more evil than Palestinians....
More about meeeee, fan boi.

Not one single palley accomplishment. Worthless.
Israel killed 2,000 Palestinians, and lost just 6 civilians in the last major conflict.

Now, am I missing something.... How is Palestine the worse of 2 evils.

Oh, because Palestine shot off a few rockets?

Who the heck wouldn't be angry at the people who stole their land, and turned them into a vassal state?
I said accomplishments. The Palleys can't even wage a decent war, much less accomplish any modern accommodations for their own people.

No, they're worthless and must be eliminated.

No group should be eliminated, no matter how stupid.

I mean you have Black girls in your icon, they're even lower in IQ's than Palestinians.

Why don't you go take a hike..
No one notice you failed to list a single palley accomplishment.

But you did stand up loud and proud as my fan boi, so for that I give you props.

Fraud much?

You're probably just some Gay Jew who uses Black girl avatars to get at Black guys.

In the real World more people see Jews as more evil than Palestinians....
More about meeeee, fan boi.

Not one single palley accomplishment. Worthless.

You don't get to say the UN supported Israel
then support ethnic cleansing Palestinians to violate the UN.

You're proving Zionists are garbage, everything most people in the REAL WORLD already know.
I actually think Israel's a bigger threat to World Peace than the Muslims RIGHT NOW.... Maybe not after Muslim refugees (Which most Jews seem to support BTW) to take over the West.

However, if Israel expels the Palestinians, the entire Muslim World will probably go after Israel, and provoke a Samson Option, or even WW3.
I said accomplishments. The Palleys can't even wage a decent war, much less accomplish any modern accommodations for their own people.

No, they're worthless and must be eliminated.

No group should be eliminated, no matter how stupid.

I mean you have Black girls in your icon, they're even lower in IQ's than Palestinians.

Why don't you go take a hike..
No one notice you failed to list a single palley accomplishment.

But you did stand up loud and proud as my fan boi, so for that I give you props.

Fraud much?

You're probably just some Gay Jew who uses Black girl avatars to get at Black guys.

In the real World more people see Jews as more evil than Palestinians....
More about meeeee, fan boi.

Not one single palley accomplishment. Worthless.

You don't get to say the UN supported Israel
then support ethnic cleansing Palestinians to violate the UN.

You're proving Zionists are garbage, everything most people in the REAL WORLD already know.
Link where I said anything of the sort. I said the UN created Israel 20 years after the League of Nations created Palestine.

Since then, Israel has become a world power with a thriving society. Palestine has rotted in their own open sewers. They gotsta go.
Jews don't have the right to push Palestinians off land they've been on for 100's of years... Especially considering almost all of Israel's Jews are newcomers.
They have the power to do so. Palleys haven't built so much as a bridge in their country. Haven't grown an olive tree. Worthless and won't be missed.

The World has the power to Nuke Israel, if it tries to expel Palestinians.

Leave it to Jews to behave towards Palestinians like everyone else did to Jews, that they can't stop crying about.

But, Goyim mega-Zionists this is something too stupid for words.

If you're not a Jew, and a mega-Zionist you're basically little more than a Monkey in terms of intellect, and morality.
No one will even notice the Palleys are gone.

They will notice the olive orchards and beautiful cities that arise where the Palleys used to live, though.

I'm a racist, against Muslims, and against Jews.

But, where I'll draw the line is Colonialism and Genocide.'

That's what Israel's doing, doesn't really matter who's superior... Humans even if Sub-Human still are beings, and have feelings.

I'm so sorry about your terrible lack of morality.
Still, those worthless slugs must abandon their sand trap. It's time civilized people made good use of the land.

You've sent the same genocide comment about Palestinians over, and over again... As if it makes you win... Talk about a dumb Zionist chimp.

The ironic hypocrisy is you initially said all Muslims want to do is exterminate the Jews.

Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”
They have the power to do so. Palleys haven't built so much as a bridge in their country. Haven't grown an olive tree. Worthless and won't be missed.

The World has the power to Nuke Israel, if it tries to expel Palestinians.

Leave it to Jews to behave towards Palestinians like everyone else did to Jews, that they can't stop crying about.

But, Goyim mega-Zionists this is something too stupid for words.

If you're not a Jew, and a mega-Zionist you're basically little more than a Monkey in terms of intellect, and morality.
No one will even notice the Palleys are gone.

They will notice the olive orchards and beautiful cities that arise where the Palleys used to live, though.

I'm a racist, against Muslims, and against Jews.

But, where I'll draw the line is Colonialism and Genocide.'

That's what Israel's doing, doesn't really matter who's superior... Humans even if Sub-Human still are beings, and have feelings.

I'm so sorry about your terrible lack of morality.
Still, those worthless slugs must abandon their sand trap. It's time civilized people made good use of the land.

You've sent the same genocide comment about Palestinians over, and over again... As if it makes you win... Talk about a dumb Zionist chimp.

The ironic hypocrisy is you initially said it's they were trying to say all Muslims want to do is exterminate the Jews.

Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”
Emigration is not genocide, silly. They gotsta leave the shit hole they created and build a new dung hole for themselves. You say they're Arabs, let them return to KSA.
The World has the power to Nuke Israel, if it tries to expel Palestinians.

Leave it to Jews to behave towards Palestinians like everyone else did to Jews, that they can't stop crying about.

But, Goyim mega-Zionists this is something too stupid for words.

If you're not a Jew, and a mega-Zionist you're basically little more than a Monkey in terms of intellect, and morality.
No one will even notice the Palleys are gone.

They will notice the olive orchards and beautiful cities that arise where the Palleys used to live, though.

I'm a racist, against Muslims, and against Jews.

But, where I'll draw the line is Colonialism and Genocide.'

That's what Israel's doing, doesn't really matter who's superior... Humans even if Sub-Human still are beings, and have feelings.

I'm so sorry about your terrible lack of morality.
Still, those worthless slugs must abandon their sand trap. It's time civilized people made good use of the land.

You've sent the same genocide comment about Palestinians over, and over again... As if it makes you win... Talk about a dumb Zionist chimp.

The ironic hypocrisy is you initially said it's they were trying to say all Muslims want to do is exterminate the Jews.

Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”
Emigration is not genocide, silly. They gotsta leave the shit hole they created and build a new dung hole for themselves. You say they're Arabs, let them return to KSA.

Those Palestinians will flee for the White World.

It's better they're in their homelands, than in Europe.

Please be gone Zionist Monkey.
No one will even notice the Palleys are gone.

They will notice the olive orchards and beautiful cities that arise where the Palleys used to live, though.

I'm a racist, against Muslims, and against Jews.

But, where I'll draw the line is Colonialism and Genocide.'

That's what Israel's doing, doesn't really matter who's superior... Humans even if Sub-Human still are beings, and have feelings.

I'm so sorry about your terrible lack of morality.
Still, those worthless slugs must abandon their sand trap. It's time civilized people made good use of the land.

You've sent the same genocide comment about Palestinians over, and over again... As if it makes you win... Talk about a dumb Zionist chimp.

The ironic hypocrisy is you initially said it's they were trying to say all Muslims want to do is exterminate the Jews.

Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”
Emigration is not genocide, silly. They gotsta leave the shit hole they created and build a new dung hole for themselves. You say they're Arabs, let them return to KSA.

Those Palestinians will flee for the White World.

It's better they're in their homelands, than in Europe.

Please be gone Zionist Monkey.
They can't even get it together to build themselves a decent road, much less make it to white man's land. But you could sponsor some and have them teach you about home improvements.
I'm a racist, against Muslims, and against Jews.

But, where I'll draw the line is Colonialism and Genocide.'

That's what Israel's doing, doesn't really matter who's superior... Humans even if Sub-Human still are beings, and have feelings.

I'm so sorry about your terrible lack of morality.
Still, those worthless slugs must abandon their sand trap. It's time civilized people made good use of the land.

You've sent the same genocide comment about Palestinians over, and over again... As if it makes you win... Talk about a dumb Zionist chimp.

The ironic hypocrisy is you initially said it's they were trying to say all Muslims want to do is exterminate the Jews.

Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”
Emigration is not genocide, silly. They gotsta leave the shit hole they created and build a new dung hole for themselves. You say they're Arabs, let them return to KSA.

Those Palestinians will flee for the White World.

It's better they're in their homelands, than in Europe.

Please be gone Zionist Monkey.
They can't even get it together to build themselves a decent road, much less make it to white man's land. But you could sponsor some and have them teach you about home improvements.

Oh okay Palestinians can't make it to White man's lands? Hahahhaha...

Uh, they already have.

You really can't be this stupid?

There's definitely more than 500,000 Palestinian refugees / Immigrants populations in the West.

Your Israel sells us damaged goods.

Be gone snake sales-man Zionist shit.
Still, those worthless slugs must abandon their sand trap. It's time civilized people made good use of the land.

You've sent the same genocide comment about Palestinians over, and over again... As if it makes you win... Talk about a dumb Zionist chimp.

The ironic hypocrisy is you initially said it's they were trying to say all Muslims want to do is exterminate the Jews.

Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”
Emigration is not genocide, silly. They gotsta leave the shit hole they created and build a new dung hole for themselves. You say they're Arabs, let them return to KSA.

Those Palestinians will flee for the White World.

It's better they're in their homelands, than in Europe.

Please be gone Zionist Monkey.
They can't even get it together to build themselves a decent road, much less make it to white man's land. But you could sponsor some and have them teach you about home improvements.

Oh okay Palestinians can't make it to White man's lands? Hahahhaha...

Uh, they already have.

You really can't be this stupid?

There's definitely more than 500,000 Palestinian refugees / Immigrants populations in the West.

Your Israel sells us damaged goods.

Be gone snake sales-man Zionist shit.
That's 500,000 more for the work camps. They're easy to find. None of them will be at work.
In 1978 I went on a tour of the Mediterranean when I was in the navy. Trust me, the French hated us then at least as much.
You right-wingers go over there with a chip on your shoulder...

No asshole. I was a democrat then. I voted for Carter. Are you ever right about anything asshole?
You Americans go over there with a chip on your shoulder LOL...

You are an ignorant shit who isn't mature enough to admit when you are wrong. Dismissed.
Of course Carter was the last Democrat who did well in the South because he was a southerner... So you were probably always a conservative ugly American who wouldn't travel well at all... So I'm right again...
It's known as recognition of the right to exist. Palley's gots ta go.

Pushing out Palestinians would trigger the War that will end Israel.

Jews pushed for Tolerance , and anti-Genocide, and anti-Colonialist views in this World, now they're going to pay for it, no ones going to tolerate their genocide, and colonialism except for hardcore Zionist brutes.

If you're a big Zionist, you're pretty much admitting you're someone who has limited intellectual, or morality capabilities.
The Palleys gots ta go. I would feel bad for them if they'd ever accomplished anything.

Jews don't have the right to push Palestinians off land they've been on for 100's of years... Especially considering almost all of Israel's Jews are newcomers.
The land belonged to the Ottomans for many centuries.


Arabs inhabited Palestine for 1,000 + years...

The territory changes do not mean the Arabs didn't live there as the majority of the land... All census data proves this.

What percentage was OWNED by them?

When I was in France and they pretended like they couldn't speak English I would snap my fingers and demand they bring someone who spoke it.

They never failed to find someone. Much more polite, too.
Behavior like yours explains why folks like you find them rude. :ahole-1:
I found them very obedient. They would run and hustle to find me a decent human being.
You'd be fine with a person from France demanding that you speak French, right?

Yes I was. I murdered the language so much that they quickly reverted to English.

trump is an international embarrassment to Americans and a cause for humiliation when in other countries. Overseas, I might not deny that I am an American, considering the passport I carry and my accent, but I would be very quick to make clear that I do not support his presidency, his policies, his morality and lack thereof, or anything else about him. Distancing is the best course to take.

You're not an American in any way, shape or form.....you're a jellyfish.

You have to be against American values to think that you can tell a fellow citizen that s/he is not an American. People like you are what is wrong with the U.S. today. No honor. No respect. No breeding. No brains. No sense of decency. No values. Just gutter. Most of us decent Americans will not support a lying traitorous prostitute in office, but you support this filthy traitor because he is of the same low class as yourself.
There seems to be a trend among you sickos to try and force decent Americans to support your pervert. Distancing oneself from your Dear Leader is the best course to take. He does not represent my country, just its sewer system.
Pushing out Palestinians would trigger the War that will end Israel.

Jews pushed for Tolerance , and anti-Genocide, and anti-Colonialist views in this World, now they're going to pay for it, no ones going to tolerate their genocide, and colonialism except for hardcore Zionist brutes.

If you're a big Zionist, you're pretty much admitting you're someone who has limited intellectual, or morality capabilities.
The Palleys gots ta go. I would feel bad for them if they'd ever accomplished anything.

Jews don't have the right to push Palestinians off land they've been on for 100's of years... Especially considering almost all of Israel's Jews are newcomers.
The land belonged to the Ottomans for many centuries.


Arabs inhabited Palestine for 1,000 + years...

The territory changes do not mean the Arabs didn't live there as the majority of the land... All census data proves this.

What percentage was OWNED by them?


What does it matter?
The majority of Palestine was Arabs by the census.
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You've sent the same genocide comment about Palestinians over, and over again... As if it makes you win... Talk about a dumb Zionist chimp.

The ironic hypocrisy is you initially said it's they were trying to say all Muslims want to do is exterminate the Jews.

Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”
Emigration is not genocide, silly. They gotsta leave the shit hole they created and build a new dung hole for themselves. You say they're Arabs, let them return to KSA.

Those Palestinians will flee for the White World.

It's better they're in their homelands, than in Europe.

Please be gone Zionist Monkey.
They can't even get it together to build themselves a decent road, much less make it to white man's land. But you could sponsor some and have them teach you about home improvements.

Oh okay Palestinians can't make it to White man's lands? Hahahhaha...

Uh, they already have.

You really can't be this stupid?

There's definitely more than 500,000 Palestinian refugees / Immigrants populations in the West.

Your Israel sells us damaged goods.

Be gone snake sales-man Zionist shit.
That's 500,000 more for the work camps. They're easy to find. None of them will be at work.

You like quite a few American loser retards seem to care more about Israeli lives, and preserving, and securing Israel's existence than our own.

Kindly do leave for Israel, we won't miss you degenerated trash.
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