Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”

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When I was in France and they pretended like they couldn't speak English I would snap my fingers and demand they bring someone who spoke it.

They never failed to find someone. Much more polite, too.
Behavior like yours explains why folks like you find them rude. :ahole-1:
I found them very obedient. They would run and hustle to find me a decent human being.
You'd be fine with a person from France demanding that you speak French, right?
The ones that come here speak English. Maybe the better educated can afford to learn the world's most used language.
No one will even notice the Palleys are gone.

They will notice the olive orchards and beautiful cities that arise where the Palleys used to live, though.

You're like a pinnacle of American brainwashing when it comes to Israel, and Jews.

I actually covered it in the #2 statement here.

U.S.A the most brainwashed in history?
All of my fans would rather post about me than the thread topic so I'm accustomed to it.

Worthless palleys gots ta get out of the way of progress. Take their cave dwelling butts and live in a different shit hole.

More people agree on expelling Jews than Palestinians in terms of history.

Yeah... The World has thought if anyone's got to go it's Jews.
It's not a popularity contest lol.

The Jews have the power. The palleys dig tunnels and try to harm Israel. I prefer constructive societies.

Jews will erase themselves by starting the War to end all Wars if they try to expel the Palestinians..
We already know how it ends.
When I was in France and they pretended like they couldn't speak English I would snap my fingers and demand they bring someone who spoke it.

They never failed to find someone. Much more polite, too.
Behavior like yours explains why folks like you find them rude. :ahole-1:
I found them very obedient. They would run and hustle to find me a decent human being.
You'd be fine with a person from France demanding that you speak French, right?
The ones that come here speak English. Maybe the better educated can afford to learn the world's most used language.
Right, the French are smarter than you.
British people find trump a funny individual on the whole. Like a character from the Simpsons come to life. Newsreaders smirk when introducing the "what donny did today" slot on the news.
As long as there are adults around him who can keep him from the button it will be ok.

BTW you havent felt embarrassment unless you have been a Brit in downtown Magalluf in August. Brit trash exported to Europe for a 14 day drinking session where the streets flow with vomit.

British people are brainwashed by their government news. Thinking a cartoon is somehow a good example of a living/breathing human being is a symptom of mental illness. Making up diminutive names for those one hates is juvenile and shows a great deal of not only narcissism but extreme paranoia and a deep unfounded hatred for the target of their hysteria. Stalking comes to mind also. The real problem is that the fucks don't even realize how brain dead/washed they really are. That's why when Brits come to America, they seldom want to go back.
The GOP and the Tories are the two worst parties in the modern world.
You're like a pinnacle of American brainwashing when it comes to Israel, and Jews.

I actually covered it in the #2 statement here.

U.S.A the most brainwashed in history?
All of my fans would rather post about me than the thread topic so I'm accustomed to it.

Worthless palleys gots ta get out of the way of progress. Take their cave dwelling butts and live in a different shit hole.

More people agree on expelling Jews than Palestinians in terms of history.

Yeah... The World has thought if anyone's got to go it's Jews.
It's not a popularity contest lol.

The Jews have the power. The palleys dig tunnels and try to harm Israel. I prefer constructive societies.

Jews will erase themselves by starting the War to end all Wars if they try to expel the Palestinians..
We already know how it ends.

There's no need to expel Palestinians, they were there first, and if Israeli Jews can't take it for their OWN STUPIDITY, of deciding to make their nation in the middle of Muslim... Then perhaps Jews should Get the F*ck Out.
When I was in France and they pretended like they couldn't speak English I would snap my fingers and demand they bring someone who spoke it.

They never failed to find someone. Much more polite, too.
Behavior like yours explains why folks like you find them rude. :ahole-1:
I found them very obedient. They would run and hustle to find me a decent human being.
You'd be fine with a person from France demanding that you speak French, right?
The ones that come here speak English. Maybe the better educated can afford to learn the world's most used language.
Right, the French are smarter than you.
I speak four languages. :)
Proud. True. 100% born in the USA! While this is not so important, given the honor of our system of citizenship that allows folks from all across the world to come and join us as partners in our great country, my parents were both born in the USA! I proudly claim to be an American! It is my right, my duty, and my pride.
Then you might try acting like an American and not a radical leftist commie. .... :cool:

Don't you ever DARE to tell me to "act like an American." I AM "acting like an American," and I am not a radical. Even if I was, I would still be an American. My political beliefs and my views on how the economy should be shaped and run are mine and I have every right to have them. If you are an American, try acting like one and not a radical right-wing fascist.
All of my fans would rather post about me than the thread topic so I'm accustomed to it.

Worthless palleys gots ta get out of the way of progress. Take their cave dwelling butts and live in a different shit hole.

More people agree on expelling Jews than Palestinians in terms of history.

Yeah... The World has thought if anyone's got to go it's Jews.
It's not a popularity contest lol.

The Jews have the power. The palleys dig tunnels and try to harm Israel. I prefer constructive societies.

Jews will erase themselves by starting the War to end all Wars if they try to expel the Palestinians..
We already know how it ends.

There's no need to expel Palestinians, they were there first, and if Israeli Jews can't take it for their OWN STUPIDITY, of deciding to make their nation in the middle of Muslim... Then perhaps Jews should Get the F*ck Out.
That land the palleys have allowed to rot can be used by humans to enhance their lives. The worthless palleys can decay anywhere.
More people agree on expelling Jews than Palestinians in terms of history.

Yeah... The World has thought if anyone's got to go it's Jews.
It's not a popularity contest lol.

The Jews have the power. The palleys dig tunnels and try to harm Israel. I prefer constructive societies.

Jews will erase themselves by starting the War to end all Wars if they try to expel the Palestinians..
We already know how it ends.

There's no need to expel Palestinians, they were there first, and if Israeli Jews can't take it for their OWN STUPIDITY, of deciding to make their nation in the middle of Muslim... Then perhaps Jews should Get the F*ck Out.
That land the palleys have allowed to rot can be used by humans to enhance their lives. The worthless palleys can decay anywhere.

Palestinians have no land.... they are basically a vassal state of Israel.

If anyone needs to get expelled it's Jews.

I actually kind of support a 2 Party solution...

But, Jews are obviously far more wrong.... If you don't know that, you've got a brain, and mentality of a Chimpanzee.
It's not a popularity contest lol.

The Jews have the power. The palleys dig tunnels and try to harm Israel. I prefer constructive societies.

Jews will erase themselves by starting the War to end all Wars if they try to expel the Palestinians..
We already know how it ends.

There's no need to expel Palestinians, they were there first, and if Israeli Jews can't take it for their OWN STUPIDITY, of deciding to make their nation in the middle of Muslim... Then perhaps Jews should Get the F*ck Out.
That land the palleys have allowed to rot can be used by humans to enhance their lives. The worthless palleys can decay anywhere.

Palestinians have no land.... they are basically a vassal state of Israel.

If anyone needs to get expelled it's Jews.

I actually kind of support a 2 Party solution...

But, Jews are obviously far more wrong.... If you don't know that, you've got a brain, and mentality of a Chimpanzee.
Palleys have no land that is worth anything. When Israel was formed by the UN it was just rocks and sand too. Now it's a thriving society.

Palleys gots ta go for the good of mankind.
Jews will erase themselves by starting the War to end all Wars if they try to expel the Palestinians..
We already know how it ends.

There's no need to expel Palestinians, they were there first, and if Israeli Jews can't take it for their OWN STUPIDITY, of deciding to make their nation in the middle of Muslim... Then perhaps Jews should Get the F*ck Out.
That land the palleys have allowed to rot can be used by humans to enhance their lives. The worthless palleys can decay anywhere.

Palestinians have no land.... they are basically a vassal state of Israel.

If anyone needs to get expelled it's Jews.

I actually kind of support a 2 Party solution...

But, Jews are obviously far more wrong.... If you don't know that, you've got a brain, and mentality of a Chimpanzee.
Palleys have no land that is worth anything. When Israel was formed by the UN it was just rocks and sand too. Now it's a thriving society.

Palleys gots ta go for the good of mankind.

Jews are 1,000's of times worse than Palestinians.

Russian Mafia = Jews. (Semion Mogilevich the big boss, the big boss in America Ludwig Fainberg both Jews)
Murder INC = Jews. (Founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter)
(2 of the most vicious gangs to ever exist)

Jewish Defense League.'
Baruch Goldstein
Ami Popper
Lavon Affair
U.S.S Liberty Bombing.
= Jewish terrorists.

(Genocidal Maniacs)
Disraeli = killed millions in India by famine.
Julius Popper = Wiped out Selk'nam Natives in genocide he orchestrated.
Matvei Berman = Ran the notorious Gulag system of the 1930's where millions perished.
Genrikh Yagoda = ran the NKVD during the Holodomor in the 1930's where millions perished.
Jakub Berman = Killed, and imprisoned 100,000's of thousands of Polish patriots.
Salomon Morel = killed, and enslaved 1,000's of Poles, and Germans, Israel protected him.

How do you compare Palestine to this?

Behavior like yours explains why folks like you find them rude. :ahole-1:
I found them very obedient. They would run and hustle to find me a decent human being.
You'd be fine with a person from France demanding that you speak French, right?
The ones that come here speak English. Maybe the better educated can afford to learn the world's most used language.
Right, the French are smarter than you.
I speak four languages. :)
In 1978 I went on a tour of the Mediterranean when I was in the navy. Trust me, the French hated us then at least as much.
You right-wingers go over there with a chip on your shoulder...

No asshole. I was a democrat then. I voted for Carter. Are you ever right about anything asshole?
You Americans go over there with a chip on your shoulder LOL...

You are an ignorant shit who isn't mature enough to admit when you are wrong. Dismissed.
We already know how it ends.

There's no need to expel Palestinians, they were there first, and if Israeli Jews can't take it for their OWN STUPIDITY, of deciding to make their nation in the middle of Muslim... Then perhaps Jews should Get the F*ck Out.
That land the palleys have allowed to rot can be used by humans to enhance their lives. The worthless palleys can decay anywhere.

Palestinians have no land.... they are basically a vassal state of Israel.

If anyone needs to get expelled it's Jews.

I actually kind of support a 2 Party solution...

But, Jews are obviously far more wrong.... If you don't know that, you've got a brain, and mentality of a Chimpanzee.
Palleys have no land that is worth anything. When Israel was formed by the UN it was just rocks and sand too. Now it's a thriving society.

Palleys gots ta go for the good of mankind.

Jews are 1,000's of times worse than Palestinians.

Russian Mafia = Jews. (Semion Mogilevich the big boss, the big boss in America Ludwig Fainberg both Jews)
Murder INC = Jews. (Founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter)
(2 of the most vicious gangs to ever exist)

Jewish Defense League.'
Baruch Goldstein
Ami Popper
Lavon Affair
U.S.S Liberty Bombing.
= Jewish terrorists.

(Genocidal Maniacs)
Disraeli = killed millions in India by famine.
Julius Popper = Wiped out Selk'nam Natives in genocide he orchestrated.
Matvei Berman = Ran the notorious Gulag system of the 1930's where millions perished.
Genrikh Yagoda = ran the NKVD during the Holodomor in the 1930's where millions perished.
Jakub Berman = Killed, and imprisoned 100,000's of thousands of Polish patriots.
Salomon Morel = killed, and enslaved 1,000's of Poles, and Germans, Israel protected him.

How do you compare Palestine to this?

Israel is civilized. The area to the east of them is nothing more than desert losers steeped in hatred and envy. No one will miss them.
I found them very obedient. They would run and hustle to find me a decent human being.
You'd be fine with a person from France demanding that you speak French, right?
The ones that come here speak English. Maybe the better educated can afford to learn the world's most used language.
Right, the French are smarter than you.
I speak four languages. :)
Es cierto. Mi nombre, por ejemplo. :)
There's no need to expel Palestinians, they were there first, and if Israeli Jews can't take it for their OWN STUPIDITY, of deciding to make their nation in the middle of Muslim... Then perhaps Jews should Get the F*ck Out.
That land the palleys have allowed to rot can be used by humans to enhance their lives. The worthless palleys can decay anywhere.

Palestinians have no land.... they are basically a vassal state of Israel.

If anyone needs to get expelled it's Jews.

I actually kind of support a 2 Party solution...

But, Jews are obviously far more wrong.... If you don't know that, you've got a brain, and mentality of a Chimpanzee.
Palleys have no land that is worth anything. When Israel was formed by the UN it was just rocks and sand too. Now it's a thriving society.

Palleys gots ta go for the good of mankind.

Jews are 1,000's of times worse than Palestinians.

Russian Mafia = Jews. (Semion Mogilevich the big boss, the big boss in America Ludwig Fainberg both Jews)
Murder INC = Jews. (Founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter)
(2 of the most vicious gangs to ever exist)

Jewish Defense League.'
Baruch Goldstein
Ami Popper
Lavon Affair
U.S.S Liberty Bombing.
= Jewish terrorists.

(Genocidal Maniacs)
Disraeli = killed millions in India by famine.
Julius Popper = Wiped out Selk'nam Natives in genocide he orchestrated.
Matvei Berman = Ran the notorious Gulag system of the 1930's where millions perished.
Genrikh Yagoda = ran the NKVD during the Holodomor in the 1930's where millions perished.
Jakub Berman = Killed, and imprisoned 100,000's of thousands of Polish patriots.
Salomon Morel = killed, and enslaved 1,000's of Poles, and Germans, Israel protected him.

How do you compare Palestine to this?

Israel is civilized. The area to the east of them is nothing more than desert losers steeped in hatred and envy. No one will miss them.

Israel killed 2,000 Palestinians, and lost just 6 civilians in the last major conflict.

Now, am I missing something.... How is Palestine the worse of 2 evils.

Oh, because Palestine shot off a few rockets?

Who the heck wouldn't be angry at the people who stole their land, and turned them into a vassal state?
That land the palleys have allowed to rot can be used by humans to enhance their lives. The worthless palleys can decay anywhere.

Palestinians have no land.... they are basically a vassal state of Israel.

If anyone needs to get expelled it's Jews.

I actually kind of support a 2 Party solution...

But, Jews are obviously far more wrong.... If you don't know that, you've got a brain, and mentality of a Chimpanzee.
Palleys have no land that is worth anything. When Israel was formed by the UN it was just rocks and sand too. Now it's a thriving society.

Palleys gots ta go for the good of mankind.

Jews are 1,000's of times worse than Palestinians.

Russian Mafia = Jews. (Semion Mogilevich the big boss, the big boss in America Ludwig Fainberg both Jews)
Murder INC = Jews. (Founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter)
(2 of the most vicious gangs to ever exist)

Jewish Defense League.'
Baruch Goldstein
Ami Popper
Lavon Affair
U.S.S Liberty Bombing.
= Jewish terrorists.

(Genocidal Maniacs)
Disraeli = killed millions in India by famine.
Julius Popper = Wiped out Selk'nam Natives in genocide he orchestrated.
Matvei Berman = Ran the notorious Gulag system of the 1930's where millions perished.
Genrikh Yagoda = ran the NKVD during the Holodomor in the 1930's where millions perished.
Jakub Berman = Killed, and imprisoned 100,000's of thousands of Polish patriots.
Salomon Morel = killed, and enslaved 1,000's of Poles, and Germans, Israel protected him.

How do you compare Palestine to this?

Israel is civilized. The area to the east of them is nothing more than desert losers steeped in hatred and envy. No one will miss them.

Israel killed 2,000 Palestinians, and lost just 6 civilians in the last major conflict.

Now, am I missing something.... How is Palestine the worse of 2 evils.

Oh, because Palestine shot off a few rockets?

Who the heck wouldn't be angry at the people who stole their land, and turned them into a vassal state?
I said accomplishments. The Palleys can't even wage a decent war, much less accomplish any modern accommodations for their own people.

No, they're worthless and must be eliminated.
Palestinians have no land.... they are basically a vassal state of Israel.

If anyone needs to get expelled it's Jews.

I actually kind of support a 2 Party solution...

But, Jews are obviously far more wrong.... If you don't know that, you've got a brain, and mentality of a Chimpanzee.
Palleys have no land that is worth anything. When Israel was formed by the UN it was just rocks and sand too. Now it's a thriving society.

Palleys gots ta go for the good of mankind.

Jews are 1,000's of times worse than Palestinians.

Russian Mafia = Jews. (Semion Mogilevich the big boss, the big boss in America Ludwig Fainberg both Jews)
Murder INC = Jews. (Founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter)
(2 of the most vicious gangs to ever exist)

Jewish Defense League.'
Baruch Goldstein
Ami Popper
Lavon Affair
U.S.S Liberty Bombing.
= Jewish terrorists.

(Genocidal Maniacs)
Disraeli = killed millions in India by famine.
Julius Popper = Wiped out Selk'nam Natives in genocide he orchestrated.
Matvei Berman = Ran the notorious Gulag system of the 1930's where millions perished.
Genrikh Yagoda = ran the NKVD during the Holodomor in the 1930's where millions perished.
Jakub Berman = Killed, and imprisoned 100,000's of thousands of Polish patriots.
Salomon Morel = killed, and enslaved 1,000's of Poles, and Germans, Israel protected him.

How do you compare Palestine to this?

Israel is civilized. The area to the east of them is nothing more than desert losers steeped in hatred and envy. No one will miss them.

Israel killed 2,000 Palestinians, and lost just 6 civilians in the last major conflict.

Now, am I missing something.... How is Palestine the worse of 2 evils.

Oh, because Palestine shot off a few rockets?

Who the heck wouldn't be angry at the people who stole their land, and turned them into a vassal state?
I said accomplishments. The Palleys can't even wage a decent war, much less accomplish any modern accommodations for their own people.

No, they're worthless and must be eliminated.

No group should be eliminated, no matter how stupid.

I mean you have Black girls in your icon, they're even lower in IQ's than Palestinians.

Why don't you go take a hike..
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