Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”

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In 1978 I went on a tour of the Mediterranean when I was in the navy. Trust me, the French hated us then at least as much.
You right-wingers go over there with a chip on your shoulder...

No asshole. I was a democrat then. I voted for Carter. Are you ever right about anything asshole?
You Americans go over there with a chip on your shoulder LOL...

You are an ignorant shit who isn't mature enough to admit when you are wrong. Dismissed.
Of course Carter was the last Democrat who did well in the South because he was a southerner... So you were probably always a conservative ugly American who wouldn't travel well at all... So I'm right again...

Judging by this thread, we should be worrying about the South first.

I mean the level of retard brutality is breathtaking here... I've seen this before it's usually Southerners.

How could an American bash France so much, and support Israel so much?

France's record, support in the American Revolutionary War, donated the Statue of Liberty, fought as an ally in 2 World Wars.

Israel's record, Lavon Affair terrorist plot against the U.S.A, the U.S.S Liberty bombing, or Jonathan Pollard spy case all against America by Israel.
When traveling in foreign countries, stick up for America and our awesome Pres. Trump.

We are the envy of the world. ...... :thup:

why would I stick up for a whore who wants to destroy the United States of America. Sorry, pal, this is my homeland. The only things about what is "awesome" about the current occupant of the Oval Office is that he is an a awesome whore, an awesome pervert, and an awesome traitor. He is not any American that any other American can be proud of. Sticking up for this filthy slut is NOT the same thing as "sticking up for America."
Hillary lost. Go to Eurostan as an American loud and proud.

Retards like you who mock France, Europe, and support Israel are hardly American.... More like Sub-Human Chimps attempting to be.
You've been complaining about events that occurred 70+ years ago. Israel exists. They even named their train station at the Western Wall after Trump. I don't think Palestine has any trains at all.
Israel doesn't allow the Palestinians to have any economy at all...
Wow they are way more powerful than the Palleys. They can even control their very economy.

Palestine isn't a real country.... I guess they put them on suspend... Because Palestinian Lives don't Matter.
That's why I said I favor a one-state solution. Palleys gots ta go.

If anyone needs to go it's Jews... They expelled Palestinians in mass, and then think they're more entitled.

Jew derangement syndrome:cuckoo:
When traveling in foreign countries, stick up for America and our awesome Pres. Trump.

We are the envy of the world. ...... :thup:

why would I stick up for a whore who wants to destroy the United States of America. Sorry, pal, this is my homeland. The only things about what is "awesome" about the current occupant of the Oval Office is that he is an a awesome whore, an awesome pervert, and an awesome traitor. He is not any American that any other American can be proud of. Sticking up for this filthy slut is NOT the same thing as "sticking up for America."
Hillary lost. Go to Eurostan as an American loud and proud.

Retards like you who mock France, Europe, and support Israel are hardly American.... More like Sub-Human Chimps attempting to be.

Israel fights its on battles...Europeans don't
Israel doesn't allow the Palestinians to have any economy at all...
Wow they are way more powerful than the Palleys. They can even control their very economy.

Palestine isn't a real country.... I guess they put them on suspend... Because Palestinian Lives don't Matter.
That's why I said I favor a one-state solution. Palleys gots ta go.

If anyone needs to go it's Jews... They expelled Palestinians in mass, and then think they're more entitled.

Jew derangement syndrome:cuckoo:

Jews cry about being expelled in Europe.... Wah,wah.

Apparently it's Kosher to expel when done in Palestine.....Blah,blah.
Jew logic.

Europeans expel Jews from their own country... Demons wah wah.

Jews immigrate to a country not of their own, get their country, immediately expel Palestinians.... It's right because blah blah.

It's no wonder no one likes Jews, except the feeble minded, and well Jews.

Look at your posts...pea brain..you're way off topic anyways
When traveling in foreign countries, stick up for America and our awesome Pres. Trump.

We are the envy of the world. ...... :thup:

why would I stick up for a whore who wants to destroy the United States of America. Sorry, pal, this is my homeland. The only things about what is "awesome" about the current occupant of the Oval Office is that he is an a awesome whore, an awesome pervert, and an awesome traitor. He is not any American that any other American can be proud of. Sticking up for this filthy slut is NOT the same thing as "sticking up for America."
Hillary lost. Go to Eurostan as an American loud and proud.

Retards like you who mock France, Europe, and support Israel are hardly American.... More like Sub-Human Chimps attempting to be.

Israel fights its on battles...Europeans don't

If you hate Whites, get the f*ck out of our White nations.

No one likes you savages, except the dumbest Whites, anyways AKA Southerners.
Jew logic.

Europeans expel Jews from their own country... Demons wah wah.

Jews immigrate to a country not of their own, get their country, immediately expel Palestinians.... It's right because blah blah.

It's no wonder no one likes Jews, except the feeble minded, and well Jews.

Look at your posts...pea brain..you're way off topic anyways

They bought the topic off topic, if you didn't notice.

I'm so sorry about your brain Zio-Chump.
That land the palleys have allowed to rot can be used by humans to enhance their lives. The worthless palleys can decay anywhere.

Palestinians have no land.... they are basically a vassal state of Israel.

If anyone needs to get expelled it's Jews.

I actually kind of support a 2 Party solution...

But, Jews are obviously far more wrong.... If you don't know that, you've got a brain, and mentality of a Chimpanzee.
Palleys have no land that is worth anything. When Israel was formed by the UN it was just rocks and sand too. Now it's a thriving society.

Palleys gots ta go for the good of mankind.

Jews are 1,000's of times worse than Palestinians.

Russian Mafia = Jews. (Semion Mogilevich the big boss, the big boss in America Ludwig Fainberg both Jews)
Murder INC = Jews. (Founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter)
(2 of the most vicious gangs to ever exist)

Jewish Defense League.'
Baruch Goldstein
Ami Popper
Lavon Affair
U.S.S Liberty Bombing.
= Jewish terrorists.

(Genocidal Maniacs)
Disraeli = killed millions in India by famine.
Julius Popper = Wiped out Selk'nam Natives in genocide he orchestrated.
Matvei Berman = Ran the notorious Gulag system of the 1930's where millions perished.
Genrikh Yagoda = ran the NKVD during the Holodomor in the 1930's where millions perished.
Jakub Berman = Killed, and imprisoned 100,000's of thousands of Polish patriots.
Salomon Morel = killed, and enslaved 1,000's of Poles, and Germans, Israel protected him.

How do you compare Palestine to this?

Israel is civilized. The area to the east of them is nothing more than desert losers steeped in hatred and envy. No one will miss them.

Israel killed 2,000 Palestinians, and lost just 6 civilians in the last major conflict.

Now, am I missing something.... How is Palestine the worse of 2 evils.

Oh, because Palestine shot off a few rockets?

Who the heck wouldn't be angry at the people who stole their land, and turned them into a vassal state?

You dumbass you're way off topic:slap:
When traveling in foreign countries, stick up for America and our awesome Pres. Trump.

We are the envy of the world. ...... :thup:

why would I stick up for a whore who wants to destroy the United States of America. Sorry, pal, this is my homeland. The only things about what is "awesome" about the current occupant of the Oval Office is that he is an a awesome whore, an awesome pervert, and an awesome traitor. He is not any American that any other American can be proud of. Sticking up for this filthy slut is NOT the same thing as "sticking up for America."
Hillary lost. Go to Eurostan as an American loud and proud.

Retards like you who mock France, Europe, and support Israel are hardly American.... More like Sub-Human Chimps attempting to be.

Israel fights its on battles...Europeans don't

If you hate Whites, get the f*ck out of our White nations.

No one likes you savages, except the dumbest Whites, anyways AKA Southerners.

Savages ..The Jews brought you civilization boy...Get your head outta your ass
why would I stick up for a whore who wants to destroy the United States of America. Sorry, pal, this is my homeland. The only things about what is "awesome" about the current occupant of the Oval Office is that he is an a awesome whore, an awesome pervert, and an awesome traitor. He is not any American that any other American can be proud of. Sticking up for this filthy slut is NOT the same thing as "sticking up for America."
Hillary lost. Go to Eurostan as an American loud and proud.

Retards like you who mock France, Europe, and support Israel are hardly American.... More like Sub-Human Chimps attempting to be.

Israel fights its on battles...Europeans don't

If you hate Whites, get the f*ck out of our White nations.

No one likes you savages, except the dumbest Whites, anyways AKA Southerners.

Savages ..The Jews brought you civilization boy...Get your head outta your ass

Name some Ashkenazi Jewish contributions to Science before IAbraham Izrael Stern of the 18th century mentored by Polish Catholic Stanislaw Staszic?
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Palestinians have no land.... they are basically a vassal state of Israel.

If anyone needs to get expelled it's Jews.

I actually kind of support a 2 Party solution...

But, Jews are obviously far more wrong.... If you don't know that, you've got a brain, and mentality of a Chimpanzee.
Palleys have no land that is worth anything. When Israel was formed by the UN it was just rocks and sand too. Now it's a thriving society.

Palleys gots ta go for the good of mankind.

Jews are 1,000's of times worse than Palestinians.

Russian Mafia = Jews. (Semion Mogilevich the big boss, the big boss in America Ludwig Fainberg both Jews)
Murder INC = Jews. (Founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter)
(2 of the most vicious gangs to ever exist)

Jewish Defense League.'
Baruch Goldstein
Ami Popper
Lavon Affair
U.S.S Liberty Bombing.
= Jewish terrorists.

(Genocidal Maniacs)
Disraeli = killed millions in India by famine.
Julius Popper = Wiped out Selk'nam Natives in genocide he orchestrated.
Matvei Berman = Ran the notorious Gulag system of the 1930's where millions perished.
Genrikh Yagoda = ran the NKVD during the Holodomor in the 1930's where millions perished.
Jakub Berman = Killed, and imprisoned 100,000's of thousands of Polish patriots.
Salomon Morel = killed, and enslaved 1,000's of Poles, and Germans, Israel protected him.

How do you compare Palestine to this?

Israel is civilized. The area to the east of them is nothing more than desert losers steeped in hatred and envy. No one will miss them.

Israel killed 2,000 Palestinians, and lost just 6 civilians in the last major conflict.

Now, am I missing something.... How is Palestine the worse of 2 evils.

Oh, because Palestine shot off a few rockets?

Who the heck wouldn't be angry at the people who stole their land, and turned them into a vassal state?

You dumbass you're way off topic:slap:

Well, at least it makes more sense as a Patriotic American to bash Israel, rather than France.
In 1978 I went on a tour of the Mediterranean when I was in the navy. Trust me, the French hated us then at least as much.
You right-wingers go over there with a chip on your shoulder...

No asshole. I was a democrat then. I voted for Carter. Are you ever right about anything asshole?
You Americans go over there with a chip on your shoulder LOL...

You are an ignorant shit who isn't mature enough to admit when you are wrong. Dismissed.
Of course Carter was the last Democrat who did well in the South because he was a southerner... So you were probably always a conservative ugly American who wouldn't travel well at all... So I'm right again...

No moron, you aren’t. You don’t know me, and you didn’t know me then.

You are wrong as always.
Emigration is not genocide, silly. They gotsta leave the shit hole they created and build a new dung hole for themselves. You say they're Arabs, let them return to KSA.

Those Palestinians will flee for the White World.

It's better they're in their homelands, than in Europe.

Please be gone Zionist Monkey.
They can't even get it together to build themselves a decent road, much less make it to white man's land. But you could sponsor some and have them teach you about home improvements.

Oh okay Palestinians can't make it to White man's lands? Hahahhaha...

Uh, they already have.

You really can't be this stupid?

There's definitely more than 500,000 Palestinian refugees / Immigrants populations in the West.

Your Israel sells us damaged goods.

Be gone snake sales-man Zionist shit.
That's 500,000 more for the work camps. They're easy to find. None of them will be at work.

You like quite a few American loser retards seem to care more about Israeli lives, and preserving, and securing Israel's existence than our own.

Kindly do leave for Israel, we won't miss you degenerated trash.
I care about mankind. Protecting non-producers and non-achievers is anathema to the further advancement of the species.
Distancing is the best way to take if you are overseas. Teresa May made the stupid blunder of inviting the pervert for a state visit. Many Brits are appalled. I agree with them. It is bad enough that we have to put up with him in the United States. As an American, I would strongly advise the British not to allow him into their country, much less award him the honor of a "state visit." He is not deserving of any honor, neither here nor in the United Kingdom. If he does arrive in the U.K., take him straight to the Tower of London via the traitors gate, and we will come, put him in a cage, and fly him home.
You claim to be an American?

I find that hard to believe?? ...... :cuckoo:

Proud. True. 100% born in the USA! While this is not so important, given the honor of our system of citizenship that allows folks from all across the world to come and join us as partners in our great country, my parents were both born in the USA! I proudly claim to be an American! It is my right, my duty, and my pride.
Are you white? Because you could be writing for White Nationalists.
I am of European heritage on both sides. I am not writing to advance white nationalism for the simple fact that I am not a white nationalist. If you will notice, I write as an American, joining with all of my fellow Americans.
I remember when our president was the leader of the Free World. When the president would never know "fine people" who were Nazi's.
So you think the same about blm? They think the same as Nazis. Some that you call Nazis are just proud of their race. Nothing else, they will do no harm to you. Get over it.
BLM are terrorists cop killers.
Actually the violent ones are all gangstas hiding behind BLM...
but what I said was true--factual
the left are like the nazis by disrupting rival political group's meetings
Distancing is the best way to take if you are overseas. Teresa May made the stupid blunder of inviting the pervert for a state visit. Many Brits are appalled. I agree with them. It is bad enough that we have to put up with him in the United States. As an American, I would strongly advise the British not to allow him into their country, much less award him the honor of a "state visit." He is not deserving of any honor, neither here nor in the United Kingdom. If he does arrive in the U.K., take him straight to the Tower of London via the traitors gate, and we will come, put him in a cage, and fly him home.
You claim to be an American?

I find that hard to believe?? ...... :cuckoo:

Proud. True. 100% born in the USA! While this is not so important, given the honor of our system of citizenship that allows folks from all across the world to come and join us as partners in our great country, my parents were both born in the USA! I proudly claim to be an American! It is my right, my duty, and my pride.
Are you white? Because you could be writing for White Nationalists.
I am of European heritage on both sides. I am not writing to advance white nationalism for the simple fact that I am not a white nationalist. If you will notice, I write as an American, joining with all of my fellow Americans.
It is what is known as WN rhetoric. They don't mention race, either. Just pride in country. The leaders of the Left are ashamed of their country.

If you will notice, I write as an American, joining with all of my fellow Americans.
Your writing reflects a deep hatred of America and anyone who doesn't share your radical commie leftist ideology.

Just saying........ :cool:

I have not hatred for America. I do have a hatred for the common filth like trump who seek to destroy it. In keeping with this, I will not be forced into defending or protecting such a traitorous, immoral hoodlum.
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