Sport - Stronger than Race?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Does anyone who participates or has ever particpated in any sport at a sufficiently high level harbor the dumb animal fear of the typical racist? Does teamwork, shared experience, mutual struggle, and basic practicality override the base, cultural and personal fear and ignorance that allows the perpetuation of such weakness?
Does anyone who participates or has ever particpated in any sport at a sufficiently high level harbor the dumb animal fear of the typical racist?
I can't answer for others, but it has been my experience that the answer is "no". I might also add, you don't need "high level" sports to experience this.

Growing up, my friend and I were the only two white guys that went down to this all black local park to play pick-up basketball games. We did this about 3 times a week for 5 years until he moved to the OC. But whenever we would show up to play, it was like everybody knew everyone. "What's up Leroy?" "Hey, Carmichael, who's got next?" "Rodney, can we run with you?"

For the next couple of ours, there was no such thing as race. Just 90 feet of armageddon, to 15, win by 2.

Does teamwork, shared experience, mutual struggle, and basic practicality override the base, cultural and personal fear and ignorance that allows the perpetuation of such weakness?
Both the military and sports are cited as examples of how "race doesn't matter" and "we can all get along." Yet those examples don't translate to everyday life across broad spectrums of existence and experience. Both military and sports do in fact require setting aside differences to achieve a common goal, but for brief, tightly focused and intense bursts of time, with skill sets that are limited to (for sports) physical ability and strategic athletic thinking.

Also, neither military nor sports eliminate racial differences. In fact, they accentuate them. The same squabbles arise: it's "racist" that so many quarterbacks are white, it's "racist" that special forces and other elite fighters are so heavily white... hell, whites even complain that they discriminate against white cornerbacks. Google "fragging" to see how well races get along in the military.

I know -- it's heartening to see a strong-armed white quarterback shoot it to a blazing-fast black wide receiver who scores the TD. Racial harmony! Cooperation! Yay and kumbaya! But for every great black football player, there are thousands more who aren't doing jack shit to make our society a better place. And shit, these great black athletes are, off the field, kind of a liability. They murder like OJ, rape like Kobe and otherwise hit every part of the criminal code but embezzlement. All things considered, we aren't better off with blacks. We're way WORSE off.

If we want to import some black athletes to live here on special visas, hey, great.
Lots of things are "stronger than race": death, gravity, etc. But race is pretty goddamn strong.
Have you ever seen a basketball team of whites beat a basketball team of blacks? When the athleticism of the blacks is clearly better? The whites do it by passing a lot -- and forgoing the opportunity to be one-man shows.

Does this show that sport is stronger than race?

Blacks clearly do better at some things. Kenyan runners sweep the boards in distance running, and West Africans -- via Jamaica -- do the same for sprinting. I watched the Olympics and saw ZERO white sprinters, only a few white runners overall.

Do this show race to be a reality, or not?
dumb animal fear

Evolutionists would say you're on to something. Studies show that cross-racial regard lights up the amygdala, the most primitive part of the brain, down at the base. Basically, the oldest part of the brain, driving the primal stuff. For good reason -- a foreign creature was typically a threat to food and resources, not to mention your own immediate existence. Humans are similar. The Arab will hijack your plane and fly it into a building -- so it's not all that crazy to have "dumb animal fear" of him. The black will rob you. So ditto. All of them? Why, no, of course not. But survival instincts operate on an assumption of short odds.
A) You - of course - miss the point, idiot.

B) You remain a pathetic fucking coward.

C) 'Race' is a bullshit, fabricated notion, as has been proven to you mouth-breathing, inbred, losers time and time again.
Race is not everything, but it is in our existential toolkit. Ignoring race, like ignoring sexuality is a part of getting some things done, but we shouldn't distance ourselves as humans from our core responses.
Race is not everything, but it is in our existential toolkit. Ignoring race, like ignoring sexuality is a part of getting some things done, but we shouldn't distance ourselves as humans from our core responses.


Sex is good. But not all manifestations of it are good. So our best approach isn't to try KILLING IT, but CONTROLLING IT.

Race, too.
Lots of things are "stronger than race": death, gravity, etc. But race is pretty goddamn strong.

Not for me.

Whites claim this incessantly.

But their lives show otherwise.

Far and away, they choose other whites to live in neighborhoods with, go to church with, marry, be friends with. That commercial where the black and white guy are like, best buddies? It's a commercial.
Lots of things are "stronger than race": death, gravity, etc. But race is pretty goddamn strong.

Not for me.

Whites claim this incessantly.

But their lives show otherwise.

Far and away, they choose other whites to live in neighborhoods with, go to church with, marry, be friends with. That commercial where the black and white guy are like, best buddies? It's a commercial.

You're a coward and a fool.
Lots of things are "stronger than race": death, gravity, etc. But race is pretty goddamn strong.

Not for me.

Whites claim this incessantly.

But their lives show otherwise.

Far and away, they choose other whites to live in neighborhoods with, go to church with, marry, be friends with. That commercial where the black and white guy are like, best buddies? It's a commercial.

You have no idea what my life is like, again, skin color doesn't matter to me, it does you but not me.
Not for me.

Whites claim this incessantly.

But their lives show otherwise.

Far and away, they choose other whites to live in neighborhoods with, go to church with, marry, be friends with. That commercial where the black and white guy are like, best buddies? It's a commercial.

You have no idea what my life is like, again, skin color doesn't matter to me, it does you but not me.

Nothing about your life would upset any general statistical pattern. You could live in the blackest neighborhood, have a black wife, and only black friends.

You would be an exception.

But as to the claim that "color doesn't matter to me", you are right in line with the rest of the white race. They all say the same thing.

Again, it just isn't true. It's what they say to keep face socially. Race matters a lot.
Whites claim this incessantly.

But their lives show otherwise.

Far and away, they choose other whites to live in neighborhoods with, go to church with, marry, be friends with. That commercial where the black and white guy are like, best buddies? It's a commercial.

You have no idea what my life is like, again, skin color doesn't matter to me, it does you but not me.

Nothing about your life would upset any general statistical pattern. You could live in the blackest neighborhood, have a black wife, and only black friends.

You would be an exception.

But as to the claim that "color doesn't matter to me", you are right in line with the rest of the white race. They all say the same thing.

Again, it just isn't true. It's what they say to keep face socially. Race matters a lot.

To racists, I guess it does.
You have no idea what my life is like, again, skin color doesn't matter to me, it does you but not me.

Nothing about your life would upset any general statistical pattern. You could live in the blackest neighborhood, have a black wife, and only black friends.

You would be an exception.

But as to the claim that "color doesn't matter to me", you are right in line with the rest of the white race. They all say the same thing.

Again, it just isn't true. It's what they say to keep face socially. Race matters a lot.
I wont go as far as saying that someone's apathy to race is 'untrue'. The core existential force at play is inclusion/exclusion. National pride, local origin, religion or a favorite sports team can yank on these same strings. Social conditioning plays a role in how us/them relationships are drawn. The US has a background of racial inclusion/exclusion, where it is decidedly more geared at class in the UK. The US has reeducated many people, white and otherwise to find some other ways to divide ourselves than race. It's worked on many people.

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