Springfield "Bomb Threats" Were Hoaxes


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
So I asked earlier where were the arrests for the reputed bomb threats were...Looks like I got my answer.

No arrests to be made because they were all hoaxes, made from outside the country.

Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH) announced at a news conference Monday that there have been 33 bomb threats leveled against schools in Springfield but that all have been “hoaxes” that came from “overseas.” The hoax threats have been used against Donald Trump and JD Vance who publicized concerns about the crisis of a massive, 20,000 person influx of migrants into the small town of Springfield.

“There have been bomb threats, each one of which has been responded to, and each one of which has been found as a hoax. So 33 threats, I will make that very, very clear, none of these had any validity at all,” DeWine said. Trump and Vance have been blamed for these threats.
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And our leftist propaganda stooges, once again, took it all, hook, line and sinker..................... :auiqs.jpg:

I get the point just fine...The hoaxes were meant to cause deranged scum like you to blame Trump and Vance for them, and y'all failed.

Actually, he only said SOME of them are coming overseas, not all of them.

“We have people, unfortunately overseas, who are taking these actions. Some of them are coming from one particular country. We think that this is, you know, one more opportunity to mess with the United States, and they're continuing to do that. So we cannot let the bad guys win,” DeWine said.

So the Russians (and I assume me means the Russians here) are calling in these threats to hurt Trump and Vance?
So I asked earlier where were the arrests for the reputed bomb threats were...Looks like I got my answer.

No arrests to be made because they were all hoaxes, made from outside the country.

Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH) announced at a news conference Monday that there have been 33 bomb threats leveled against schools in Springfield but that all have been “hoaxes” that came from “overseas.” The hoax threats have been used against Donald Trump and JD Vance who publicized concerns about the crisis of a massive, 20,000 person influx of migrants into the small town of Springfield.

“There have been bomb threats, each one of which has been responded to, and each one of which has been found as a hoax. So 33 threats, I will make that very, very clear, none of these had any validity at all,” DeWine said. Trump and Vance have been blamed for these threats.

DemoKKKrats are SO easy to fool.
Actually, he only said SOME of them are coming overseas, not all of them.

“We have people, unfortunately overseas, who are taking these actions. Some of them are coming from one particular country. We think that this is, you know, one more opportunity to mess with the United States, and they're continuing to do that. So we cannot let the bad guys win,” DeWine said.

So the Russians (and I assume me means the Russians here) are calling in these threats to hurt Trump and Vance?
Actually, he only said SOME of them are coming overseas, not all of them.

“We have people, unfortunately overseas, who are taking these actions. Some of them are coming from one particular country. We think that this is, you know, one more opportunity to mess with the United States, and they're continuing to do that. So we cannot let the bad guys win,” DeWine said.

So the Russians (and I assume me means the Russians here) are calling in these threats to hurt Trump and Vance?
Not all of them. Some came from enemy democrats right here.
We're being "smolletted" again.

"I'm gonna bomb your school, this is MAGA country!"

Speaking of bombs, did the feds ever find that pipe bomber that almost killed Kumstain? I hope they solve that mystery...... :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
We're being "smolletted" again.

"I'm gonna bomb your school, this is MAGA country!"

Speaking of bombs, did the feds ever find that pipe bomber that almost killed Kumstain? I hope they solve that mystery...... :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Better question: why hasn't the Kumdumpster tried to make sympathy hay with a claim that she was "almost assassinated" on that day....She was at the DNC HQ, when the fake bomb was found.
Oh , I agree, these bomb threats came from here, but they came from crazies who hate immigrants, that was the whole points.

Did some foreign actors pile on? Absolutely.
They came from enemy democrats who have an interest in creating hatred against Americans.

Springfield "Bomb Threats" Were Hoaxes​

I guess we can file this one right up there with that massive rally Kamala had in North Carolina last week where someone checked the cellphone metadata and it turns out that 2/3rds of all the people there, all their cellphones pinged from one area in Georgia! Not even the state where the rally was held!

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