Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
Each time you think the Trump cult can't possibly become even bigger bedwetters, they show wrong you were. In this case, they're in a state of absolute meltdown over a stray weather balloon. Why? Because their masters told them to wet themselves.

These kooks actually think you can steer a weather balloon. They think China set it loose to steer it somewhere important. We're not talking about big brains here.

Thousands of weather balloons get launched every day. If they're inflated right, they rise to a certain height and pop. If they're underinflated, they never get up high enough to pop. That's what happened here.

That is, there's no need to keep hiding under your beds, Trump cult snowflakes.

This isn't that suprising. Trump cultists self-select themselves on the basis of cowardice. If someone isn't easily terrified, they laugh at the stupidity of Trump cult propaganda. If they are easily terrified ... well, see this thread. Their masters deliberately keep them hysterical to the point of soiling themselves, because that keeps them obedient. So very, very obedient, which is how their Republican/Russian/CCP masters want them to be.
Not sure what movie you got that from, but the agreement Trump signed was for us to leave by the end of May 2021. The Taliban only had two things they agreed to, not to kill our troops, which they held to. And to "negotiate" with the Afghan Govt of the time. They made a show of that so they could say they did. Everyone, including Trump, knew as soon as we left they would take over. This is why Trump did not even invite the Afghan Govt to the party.

Trump took the troop strength from over 14,000 to less than 3,000. Not enough to do anything but cover our withdrawal had we left on time
I got it from everyone involved in the Trump evac plan....
And you are pretty stupid thinking it is a big object.
I disagree. Why do you find it necessary to call someone stupid because they said the balloon had to be huge?

It is visible from Earth and is at an altitude of 60,000 feet. The balloon and the payload have to be huge. I'm sure you'll agree that a balloon would have to be huge to lift something the size and weight of three buses to an altitude of 60,000 feet.
Seems to me that the only two options are to shoot it down or not to shoot it down.

I say we just shoot it down. If it’s still over Montana, then that’s very unlikely to hit something or someone.

Or we just decide to let it float around up there indefinitely.
Shoot it down to spread more diseases? It needs to be hazmatted first so nobody here dies from the poisons that are in it if they don't use the information over our military storehouses, at least the ones Hillary and her pal Joe Biden didn't give away for cash on the barrellhead. Why the hell else would Evil Demon Biden walk away from stopping the Mexican cartels? Because Mexico has become a communist nation and because the payouts Biden collects do not have the interest of health and well being of all the citizens of America. Biden is pissing all over his oath of office by his refusal to provide for the common defense which he swore he would uphold on his Inauguration Day with his fingers crossed behind his back, apparently. :cranky:
A nuke the size of a trash can that weighs 100 pounds could take the grid down in 1/3 of the nation.... so its track of flying over military quick response airfields and silos is as serious as a heart attack...
of which you know none of them, which means you just made it up.

Pompeo... Graham... Milley... Pence... and even Jeh Johnson Obama's homeland security secretary.... I can go on dummy if you would like... stop lying you are not good at it at all....
Fox News just reported that the "SPY BALLON" is headed to Kentucky.
That ought to be good to expose the massive INCEST in that state.
Pompeo... Graham... Milley... Pence... and even Jeh Johnson Obama's homeland security secretary.... I can go on dummy if you would like... stop lying you are not good at it at all....

And you know them all? Wow, that is shocking.

Have you ever actually read the agreement instead of relying on your make believe friends to tell you what is in it?
Wow. Yeah, a weather balloon from one of our chief adversaries that is over 8k miles away just happened to find itself above one of our nuclear sites in the US. Seriously, no, that is not at all a likely explanation. I am confounded that people would actually believe that nonsense. I guess you folks will believe any dribble you are told.
There’s military installations all over the country. No matter where it went, it’d be over something.

It’s a freaking balloon. Why would they send a balloon, which would obviously be noticed and intercepted when satellites exist.
Someone issued the order to allow that device to cross over from Alaska and enter the airspace of the US mainland, the list of such shot-callers is short, media states Biden inquired about splashing the bogie and was advised to not take it down due to fear of its payload plummeting to earth and mashing a kindergarten!

Were you in that room, no you wee not, nor was I, but I know who Biden would have consulted, and that would be Milley, doesn't matter that he is a traitor or an incompetent moron, he is still the psychopaths chairman of the joint chiefs, and that makes him the obvious source of the advice for the not to shoot order issued from Biden!

I might add, that the balloon could still easily be a weapon of some type, it does not need to be a nuke, it could be up there dispersing a biological agent across the entire United States right this very minute, and they allowed it in, that order had to have come from Biden, at the urging of Milley!

There is also no way they missed that thing, they knew it was coming, had to have seen it coming all the way from the Aleutians, they still chose to do nothing, why??? We are not being told the whole story of this thing, that device is on top of an extremely aggressive series of military encroachments upon Taiwan, we are not clued in to the true backstory on this device! :wink:
/——-/ It’s why we need a strong president like Trump, and not a poopy pants, corrupt, career politician like Dementia Joe.
Because not everyone is dumbshit like you...

Retired Col. Steve Ganyard, an ABC News contributor, said the balloon appeared to be a standard research vessel -- which would mean it was unpowered and drifted with the jet stream.
Spot on. There is more to this than it seems. For those who have McCoy's The Politics of Heroin, they can turn in the book to where the Corsican drug-trafficking plane lands near the leprosarium in South Vietnam. There, the Viet Cong kidnapped members of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

An exploding Japanese balloon in Oregon links to the Christian and Missionary Alliance:

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