Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
We all know we love to cheer against sports dynasties….growing up, we loved to see the tough kid on the block finally bet his ass beat.

You fools are conflating “respect” of Biden with laughing at the US as we fall.

Of course the world prefers Biden to Trump. Trump was strong, Biden is feckless and compromised.
There is nothing a balloon can do that Chinese satellites aren't already doing, espionage-wise.
Actually that’s not completely true. Often satellites can not record data because of weather events. Balloons can get beneath those weather events and record data from a lower altitude. Also satellites are closely monitored and followed. They can’t evade detection. Sometimes these balloons can evade detection.

Satelites are very expensive to deploy and maintain. China has a limited number of surveillance satellites and they are not completely reliable.

Look for this type of activity to increase.
Ummm, does Biden work for Miley, or does Miley wotk for Biden. It seems te former is the case rather than the later.

Being quite familiar with US military capabilities (it being part of my job for 35 years until just recently), Miley is dumbass ans has no idea what he is talking about.

The US military has the capability to affect a controlled take-down of a balloon in a reasonable area of their choosing.

The concern over a balloon being brought down over US soil / populace is almost comical. It is, after all, basically a balloon - a large one of course, but not a massive meteor or falling space station / satelite.

His argument for continuing to allowCPn enemy CCP Intelligence collection craft to remain airborne over the US, collecting Intel over our most sensitive military sites is highly questionable.

(Has anyone checked Miley's finances / bank account for any foreign-made deposits?)
It is over MT. You could bring it down damn near anyplace in the state and it would be sparsely populated.
The world “respects” Biden because he makes us weak. Everyone else on earth wants a weak USA, including the entire left wing covid cult.

Any other President would have blown it out of the sky the minute it violated our airspace, and probably before.

I am very concerned about how this projects our weakened state to the rest of the planet.

We are in very dark times.

My God, this is stupid. Don't you think we spy on China?
Retired Col. Steve Ganyard, an ABC News contributor, said the balloon appeared to be a standard research vessel -- which would mean it was unpowered and drifted with the jet stream.
The Defense Department has said that China can control the direction. How much control they have, I don't know.
And you believe that?


Several years ago I worked with a military lab trying to resolve the problem of having no communications in the middle of Iraq once we went in (no cell towers, satelute jamming, comm planes unabnle to fly over Iraq...)

This brainy team of nerds had two options:

1. Release a weather balloon on one side of Iraq catrying a limited supply of classified, encrypted radio gear and let it float across Iraq to provide radio abolity, then dropping the limited number of highly classified radios from the balloon before it drifted into China.

- Limited # of these radios & dropping them from a balloon in the end
- Classified systems have to be controlled, requiring a US team to follow the balloon through Iraq in case it was shot down to secure the classified radios
- What if the classified rafios failed to drop before floating into China - would we go into China to recover them?
- Inability to control the direction of the balloon


2. 'The Whale': A huge satelite/remote controlled 'balloon' carrying comm equipment we could fly across Iraq. It resembled a blimp / unmanned Hyndenburg with no passenger-carrying secrion.

- It was massive, bigger than the Chinese balloon
- It woud be shot down& a team was required to follow it and revover the classified radios.

These guys were extremely intelligent but had no opetational experience - we went with a 3rd option I helped develop.

The point is the idea of it being able to be controlled and flown by the Chinese is not only possible but very highly likely.

This thing dod not float by itself up the Aleution Chain, up towards the US, deep into US space, happen to show up over US ICBM missile silos in Montana, hover there despite winds for 3- 4 days, and just now seems to be 'floating' to another / other strategis US bases.

If you think THAT is what happened / is happening you're an idiot.
Would Xi or Putin allow a US spy balloon to float over the interior of their countries?
Because not everyone is dumbshit like you...

Retired Col. Steve Ganyard, an ABC News contributor, said the balloon appeared to be a standard research vessel -- which would mean it was unpowered and drifted with the jet stream.
/——/ As long as you’re lapping that bilge up, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Ummm, does Biden work for Miley, or does Miley wotk for Biden. It seems te former is the case rather than the later.

Being quite familiar with US military capabilities (it being part of my job for 35 years until just recently), Miley is dumbass ans has no idea what he is talking about.

The US military has the capability to affect a controlled take-down of a balloon in a reasonable area of their choosing.

The concern over a balloon being brought down over US soil / populace is almost comical. It is, after all, basically a balloon - a large one of course, but not a massive meteor or falling space station / satelite.

His argument for continuing to allowCPn enemy CCP Intelligence collection craft to remain airborne over the US, collecting Intel over our most sensitive military sites is highly questionable.

(Has anyone checked Miley's finances / bank account for any foreign-made deposits?)
Someone issued the order to allow that device to cross over from Alaska and enter the airspace of the US mainland, the list of such shot-callers is short, media states Biden inquired about splashing the bogie and was advised to not take it down due to fear of its payload plummeting to earth and mashing a kindergarten!

Were you in that room, no you wee not, nor was I, but I know who Biden would have consulted, and that would be Milley, doesn't matter that he is a traitor or an incompetent moron, he is still the psychopaths chairman of the joint chiefs, and that makes him the obvious source of the advice for the not to shoot order issued from Biden!

I might add, that the balloon could still easily be a weapon of some type, it does not need to be a nuke, it could be up there dispersing a biological agent across the entire United States right this very minute, and they allowed it in, that order had to have come from Biden, at the urging of Milley!

There is also no way they missed that thing, they knew it was coming, had to have seen it coming all the way from the Aleutians, they still chose to do nothing, why??? We are not being told the whole story of this thing, that device is on top of an extremely aggressive series of military encroachments upon Taiwan, we are not clued in to the true backstory on this device! :wink:
And you believe that?

Yes of course I do... if it were driven merely by wind they would be able to tell... its a spy balloon not a weather balloon and it is being guided by the CCP and our military and Biden just allowed it to hover over numerous air bases and silos... an unheard of invasion of our most sensitive military assets and the document hoarder Biden let it do its thing....

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