Spy Smearing Link Between Obama administration and Steele Found

What should be done to those involved in the attempted coup against President Trump?

  • Try conspirators and remove them from offices held or public media use.

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Remove traitors from all forms of governance and public speaking for life.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Let judicial persons recuse themselves if friendly to people being tried for treason

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Let the courts do what they have to do to make sure this never happens again

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Other (discussed below)

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.)

This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. Democrat operatives hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with.

The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could.

This Judicial Watch finding should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump were given lies to judge, and not the truth. Every bit of badmouthing you heard following Donald Trump's winning the Oval Office was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America.

The extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy (or pre-vetted) press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make life difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters with false narratives, outright lies, and enough repetitious conspiring to ensure that terrible lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room. It made President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when such a thing was untrue.

Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true. That was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base).

Today, words I heard lefties calling righties on how stupid we are, spinning diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied Obama Administration lies. Lies were leveled against Donald Trump hundreds of thousands of times on media repeated by online Democrat operatives, movie and television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the conspiracy of false propaganda in multiple newsrooms who cheerlead socialistic policies that smack of failed communist regimes.

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Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.) This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. They hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with. The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could. This should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump that every bit of badmouthing you heard following his winning the Oval Office--it was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America. And the extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters watch false narratives, outright lies, and enough repititious conspiring to ensure that the lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room to make President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when just the opposite was true. And Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true, and it was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base) is words I heard lefties calling righties this very day of how stupid we are, and diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied the lies the Obamas were putting out on him hundreds of thousands of times repeated by online suckers (or knowledgable Democrat operatives), television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the infomercial and propaganda for Democrat Party newsrooms.

You know, your posts would be much more readable if you used paragraphs.
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.) This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. They hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with. The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could. This should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump that every bit of badmouthing you heard following his winning the Oval Office--it was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America. And the extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters watch false narratives, outright lies, and enough repititious conspiring to ensure that the lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room to make President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when just the opposite was true. And Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true, and it was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base) is words I heard lefties calling righties this very day of how stupid we are, and diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied the lies the Obamas were putting out on him hundreds of thousands of times repeated by online suckers (or knowledgable Democrat operatives), television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the infomercial and propaganda for Democrat Party newsrooms.

You know, your posts would be much more readable if you used paragraphs.

And some common sense.
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.) This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. They hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with. The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could. This should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump that every bit of badmouthing you heard following his winning the Oval Office--it was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America. And the extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters watch false narratives, outright lies, and enough repititious conspiring to ensure that the lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room to make President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when just the opposite was true. And Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true, and it was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base) is words I heard lefties calling righties this very day of how stupid we are, and diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied the lies the Obamas were putting out on him hundreds of thousands of times repeated by online suckers (or knowledgable Democrat operatives), television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the infomercial and propaganda for Democrat Party newsrooms.

You might have missed my preferred option in your poll...

We need to take away the newly revived "domestic spying" allowances for ALL US Intel agencies except the FBI and put it back where it had been BANNED for decades... AND -- I'd take that new NSA toy out in Utah that was built and justified to "stop jihadist threats" to the US and use it spy on EVERYTHING that goes on within the bounds of the Washington Beltway...

And dedicate a CSPAN channel so that public can "analyze the intercepts"... That would be fun and helpful..

EVERY freaking time the Patriot Act renewal comes up -- you have virtually UNANIMOUS APPROVAL to pass it again without reforms.. That INCLUDES the super hypocrites on the REPUB side that KNOW AND SCREAM about how it was abused for political purposes against them...

How damn stupid is it to vote down citizen protection amendments to the Patriot Act renewal and then spend your TV face WHINING about how citizen's lives were ruined because the 702 system was HIJACKED by political fanatics??

Politicians love them too much that power that that system represents to them.. Needs to be WIDELY restructured or repurposed.....
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.) This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. They hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with. The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could. This should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump that every bit of badmouthing you heard following his winning the Oval Office--it was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America. And the extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters watch false narratives, outright lies, and enough repititious conspiring to ensure that the lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room to make President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when just the opposite was true. And Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true, and it was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base) is words I heard lefties calling righties this very day of how stupid we are, and diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied the lies the Obamas were putting out on him hundreds of thousands of times repeated by online suckers (or knowledgable Democrat operatives), television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the infomercial and propaganda for Democrat Party newsrooms.

You know, your posts would be much more readable if you used paragraphs.

Thank you, Muhammad. I have tried to fix the problem so others will not have the problem you had. I found an edit capability I failed to see when I first realized how redundant a long spiel is when lumped into a gigantic paragraph.
I believe that, government officials caught in the act of trying to overthrow the POTUS, should be hung. That might deter corrupt people from engaging in such behavior.
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.) This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. They hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with. The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could. This should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump that every bit of badmouthing you heard following his winning the Oval Office--it was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America. And the extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters watch false narratives, outright lies, and enough repititious conspiring to ensure that the lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room to make President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when just the opposite was true. And Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true, and it was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base) is words I heard lefties calling righties this very day of how stupid we are, and diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied the lies the Obamas were putting out on him hundreds of thousands of times repeated by online suckers (or knowledgable Democrat operatives), television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the infomercial and propaganda for Democrat Party newsrooms.

You might have missed my preferred option in your poll...

We need to take away the newly revived "domestic spying" allowances for ALL US Intel agencies except the FBI and put it back where it had been BANNED for decades... AND -- I'd take that new NSA toy out in Utah that was built and justified to "stop jihadist threats" to the US and use it spy on EVERYTHING that goes on within the bounds of the Washington Beltway...

And dedicate a CSPAN channel so that public can "analyze the intercepts"... That would be fun and helpful..

EVERY freaking time the Patriot Act renewal comes up -- you have virtually UNANIMOUS APPROVAL to pass it again without reforms.. That INCLUDES the super hypocrites on the REPUB side that KNOW AND SCREAM about how it was abused for political purposes against them...

How damn stupid is it to vote down citizen protection amendments to the Patriot Act renewal and then spend your TV face WHINING about how citizen's lives were ruined because the 702 system was HIJACKED by political fanatics??

Politicians love them too much that power that that system represents to them.. Needs to be WIDELY restructured or repurposed.....

I thank you if you fixed something that was broken, FlaCalTenn. I lack your knowledge because when I looked up "the 702 system," my browser found eleven different things it could mean, and the one that seemed closest to what you may have meant, I did not understand. I also did not realize the Patriot Act carried such terrible flaws that are deleterious to citizen protection. I hope you could furnish a link to someone who has suggested measures that would fix the problems it has created and a way to fix it that would be agreeable to both parties by illustrative examples of wrongs created against citizens by it in words laypeople Americans can understand. Thanks.
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.)

This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. Democrat operatives hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with.

The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could.

This Judicial Watch finding should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump were given lies to judge, and not the truth. Every bit of badmouthing you heard following Donald Trump's winning the Oval Office was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America.

The extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy (or pre-vetted) press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make life difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters with false narratives, outright lies, and enough repetitious conspiring to ensure that terrible lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room. It made President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when such a thing was untrue.

Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true. That was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base).

Today, words I heard lefties calling righties on how stupid we are, spinning diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied Obama Administration lies. Lies were leveled against Donald Trump hundreds of thousands of times on media repeated by online Democrat operatives, movie and television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the conspiracy of false propaganda in multiple newsrooms who cheerlead socialistic policies that smack of failed communist regimes.

Fantastic post, thanks!
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.)

This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. Democrat operatives hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with.

The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could.

This Judicial Watch finding should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump were given lies to judge, and not the truth. Every bit of badmouthing you heard following Donald Trump's winning the Oval Office was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America.

The extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy (or pre-vetted) press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make life difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters with false narratives, outright lies, and enough repetitious conspiring to ensure that terrible lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room. It made President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when such a thing was untrue.

Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true. That was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base).

Today, words I heard lefties calling righties on how stupid we are, spinning diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied Obama Administration lies. Lies were leveled against Donald Trump hundreds of thousands of times on media repeated by online Democrat operatives, movie and television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the conspiracy of false propaganda in multiple newsrooms who cheerlead socialistic policies that smack of failed communist regimes.

Fitton is very good at digging up the actions people have tried to hide. FOIA is a tool the bureaucrats hate most.

Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.)

This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. Democrat operatives hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with.

The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could.

This Judicial Watch finding should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump were given lies to judge, and not the truth. Every bit of badmouthing you heard following Donald Trump's winning the Oval Office was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America.

The extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy (or pre-vetted) press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make life difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters with false narratives, outright lies, and enough repetitious conspiring to ensure that terrible lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room. It made President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when such a thing was untrue.

Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true. That was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base).

Today, words I heard lefties calling righties on how stupid we are, spinning diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied Obama Administration lies. Lies were leveled against Donald Trump hundreds of thousands of times on media repeated by online Democrat operatives, movie and television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the conspiracy of false propaganda in multiple newsrooms who cheerlead socialistic policies that smack of failed communist regimes.

Fitton is very good at digging up the actions people have tried to hide. FOIA is a tool the bureaucrats hate most.


Our nation will be a better America on account of Mr. Fitton and all those who initiated and followed through with the Judicial Watch organization's findings on many wrongful abuses that need or needed repairs. FOIA used this time will alert information gatherers to avoid aligning themselves with those who don't play fair. I'm concerned that some who went wrong were the victims of some 900 files in the Clinton Presidency's White House in Mrs. Clinton's quarters of people associated in any way with her husband's competitors and their associates in elections he won, as well as certain partners in their business concerns. So many of the files were about his competitors, and people who accessed the names of the people were concerned that these people were potentially susceptible to revenge-taking and improper political manipulation considering how illegal snooping on citizens for their detriment is a serious breech of trust in citizen privacy issues. Considering that connections of Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State office was linked also in this matter that Tom Fitton uncovered, and the political bile that was delivered not only to President Clinton, but his Staff, Cabinet Members, and others Maxine Waters ordered her minions to harass, they were using address information to stalk the President's staff to discover where they ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there may be secret files in the FBI of just exactly those kinds of punitive measures Democrats dealt the members of the Trump Administration.

Maxine Waters committed an outrage when she played against the Trump Administration, and if we have FBI agents who are not corrupt, I hope they look into Maxine Waters' doings with a fine toothed comb and find out how her minions had such instant knowledge of the comings and goings of people they screamed at in public restaurants. That is so criminal I feel disgusted every single time I see Maxine Waters' nasty face spewing inanities at the President, which she does with utter abandon whenever she feels nasty, which I bet is daily, if this is investigated as it ought to be just to rule out further foul play. I didn't see the House Speaker calling for a written law against Congressional members harassing other Americans. In fact, I saw no action taken against this crimelike activity whatsoever, and I've heard Maxine Waters threaten the President with her bile since that time. Call the doctor! The woman has too much issue from her gallbladder.

And if Pelosi's information is known to contain what she knows about her Party's corruption and when she knew it, if she continued the outrage of lies against President Trump by a phony impeachment process, I hope she is disciplined by the courts and stripped of her responsibilities to be fair as Speaker of the House. And if fairness is not written into the job description, by all means, the House of Representatives has a responsibility to write specific rules learned from this mess about lawful and unlawful behaviors between members of Congress and other people in the government, since common courtesy and prayers were done away with by order of Nancy Pelosi in this particular class of Congress. Her incompetence demands immediate removal.

The removal and replacement of Maxine Waters for criminal activity engaged to discourage Presidential staff from time off for meals without health-destroying harassment by a failed human being who feeds on hate and not reconciliation sans habituation in an office held too long. She holds a national trust, and she should not be placed in charge of a single nickel, much less the entire US Treasury, the Social Security savings that belong to American Citizens, etc. She's a malicious doppelganger and does not belong in the service of the American people due to her corrupt behaviors and instructions to her own staff to harass the President's people and the people who are closest to him. How dare she do that.
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Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.)

This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. Democrat operatives hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with.

The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could.

This Judicial Watch finding should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump were given lies to judge, and not the truth. Every bit of badmouthing you heard following Donald Trump's winning the Oval Office was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America.

The extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy (or pre-vetted) press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make life difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters with false narratives, outright lies, and enough repetitious conspiring to ensure that terrible lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room. It made President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when such a thing was untrue.

Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true. That was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base).

Today, words I heard lefties calling righties on how stupid we are, spinning diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied Obama Administration lies. Lies were leveled against Donald Trump hundreds of thousands of times on media repeated by online Democrat operatives, movie and television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the conspiracy of false propaganda in multiple newsrooms who cheerlead socialistic policies that smack of failed communist regimes.

Fitton is very good at digging up the actions people have tried to hide. FOIA is a tool the bureaucrats hate most.


Our nation will be a better America on account of Mr. Fitton and all those who initiated and followed through with the Judicial Watch organization's findings on many wrongful abuses that need or needed repairs. FOIA used this time will alert information gatherers to avoid aligning themselves with those who don't play fair. I'm concerned that some who went wrong were the victims of some 900 files in the Clinton Presidency's White House in Mrs. Clinton's quarters of people associated in any way with her husband's competitors and their associates in elections he won, as well as certain partners in their business concerns. So many of the files were about his competitors, and people who accessed the names of the people were concerned that these people were potentially susceptible to revenge-taking and improper political manipulation considering how illegal snooping on citizens for their detriment is a serious breech of trust in citizen privacy issues. Considering that connections of Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State office was linked also in this matter that Tom Fitton uncovered, and the political bile that was delivered not only to President Clinton, but his Staff, Cabinet Members, and others Maxine Waters ordered her minions to harass, they were using address information to stalk the President's staff to discover where they ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there may be secret files in the FBI of just exactly those kinds of punitive measures Democrats dealt the members of the Trump Administration.

Maxine Waters committed an outrage when she played against the Trump Administration, and if we have FBI agents who are not corrupt, I hope they look into Maxine Waters' doings with a fine toothed comb and find out how her minions had such instant knowledge of the comings and goings of people they screamed at in public restaurants. That is so criminal I feel disgusted every single time I see Maxine Waters' nasty face spewing inanities at the President, which she does with utter abandon whenever she feels nasty, which I bet is daily, if this is investigated as it ought to be just to rule out further foul play. I didn't see the House Speaker calling for a written law against Congressional members harassing other Americans. In fact, I saw no action taken against this crimelike activity whatsoever, and I've heard Maxine Waters threaten the President with her bile since that time. Call the doctor! The woman has too much issue from her gallbladder.

And if Pelosi's information is known to contain what she knows about her Party's corruption and when she knew it, if she continued the outrage of lies against President Trump by a phony impeachment process, I hope she is disciplined by the courts and stripped of her responsibilities to be fair as Speaker of the House. And if fairness is not written into the job description, by all means, the House of Representatives has a responsibility to write specific rules learned from this mess about lawful and unlawful behaviors between members of Congress and other people in the government, since common courtesy and prayers were done away with by order of Nancy Pelosi in this particular class of Congress. Her incompetence demands immediate removal.

The removal and replacement of Maxine Waters for criminal activity engaged to discourage Presidential staff from time off for meals without health-destroying harassment by a failed human being who feeds on hate and not reconciliation sans habituation in an office held too long. She holds a national trust, and she should not be placed in charge of a single nickel, much less the entire US Treasury, the Social Security savings that belong to American Citizens, etc. She's a malicious doppelganger and does not belong in the service of the American people due to her corrupt behaviors and instructions to her own staff to harass the President's people and the people who are closest to him. How dare she do that.

Sorry, I couldn't digest all that at 2AM, you need to give us the Readers Digest version instead of the full novel. Not trying to be mean, just helpful. Good night.

Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.) This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. They hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with. The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could. This should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump that every bit of badmouthing you heard following his winning the Oval Office--it was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America. And the extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters watch false narratives, outright lies, and enough repititious conspiring to ensure that the lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room to make President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when just the opposite was true. And Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true, and it was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base) is words I heard lefties calling righties this very day of how stupid we are, and diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied the lies the Obamas were putting out on him hundreds of thousands of times repeated by online suckers (or knowledgable Democrat operatives), television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the infomercial and propaganda for Democrat Party newsrooms.

You know, your posts would be much more readable if you used paragraphs.

Thank you, Muhammad. I have tried to fix the problem so others will not have the problem you had. I found an edit capability I failed to see when I first realized how redundant a long spiel is when lumped into a gigantic paragraph.

Truth hurts pathetic brainwashed liberal scumbags doesn’t it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.) This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. They hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with. The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could. This should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump that every bit of badmouthing you heard following his winning the Oval Office--it was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America. And the extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters watch false narratives, outright lies, and enough repititious conspiring to ensure that the lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room to make President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when just the opposite was true. And Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true, and it was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base) is words I heard lefties calling righties this very day of how stupid we are, and diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied the lies the Obamas were putting out on him hundreds of thousands of times repeated by online suckers (or knowledgable Democrat operatives), television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the infomercial and propaganda for Democrat Party newsrooms.

You know, your posts would be much more readable if you used paragraphs.

Thank you, Muhammad. I have tried to fix the problem so others will not have the problem you had. I found an edit capability I failed to see when I first realized how redundant a long spiel is when lumped into a gigantic paragraph.

when i write blogs for my site, this is the biggest complaint the "grammar police" i have built in tell me. shorter sentences and paragraphs. :)
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.)

This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. Democrat operatives hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with.

The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could.

This Judicial Watch finding should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump were given lies to judge, and not the truth. Every bit of badmouthing you heard following Donald Trump's winning the Oval Office was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America.

The extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy (or pre-vetted) press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make life difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters with false narratives, outright lies, and enough repetitious conspiring to ensure that terrible lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room. It made President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when such a thing was untrue.

Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true. That was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base).

Today, words I heard lefties calling righties on how stupid we are, spinning diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied Obama Administration lies. Lies were leveled against Donald Trump hundreds of thousands of times on media repeated by online Democrat operatives, movie and television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the conspiracy of false propaganda in multiple newsrooms who cheerlead socialistic policies that smack of failed communist regimes.

Fitton is very good at digging up the actions people have tried to hide. FOIA is a tool the bureaucrats hate most.


Our nation will be a better America on account of Mr. Fitton and all those who initiated and followed through with the Judicial Watch organization's findings on many wrongful abuses that need or needed repairs. FOIA used this time will alert information gatherers to avoid aligning themselves with those who don't play fair. I'm concerned that some who went wrong were the victims of some 900 files in the Clinton Presidency's White House in Mrs. Clinton's quarters of people associated in any way with her husband's competitors and their associates in elections he won, as well as certain partners in their business concerns. So many of the files were about his competitors, and people who accessed the names of the people were concerned that these people were potentially susceptible to revenge-taking and improper political manipulation considering how illegal snooping on citizens for their detriment is a serious breech of trust in citizen privacy issues. Considering that connections of Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State office was linked also in this matter that Tom Fitton uncovered, and the political bile that was delivered not only to President Clinton, but his Staff, Cabinet Members, and others Maxine Waters ordered her minions to harass, they were using address information to stalk the President's staff to discover where they ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there may be secret files in the FBI of just exactly those kinds of punitive measures Democrats dealt the members of the Trump Administration.

Maxine Waters committed an outrage when she played against the Trump Administration, and if we have FBI agents who are not corrupt, I hope they look into Maxine Waters' doings with a fine toothed comb and find out how her minions had such instant knowledge of the comings and goings of people they screamed at in public restaurants. That is so criminal I feel disgusted every single time I see Maxine Waters' nasty face spewing inanities at the President, which she does with utter abandon whenever she feels nasty, which I bet is daily, if this is investigated as it ought to be just to rule out further foul play. I didn't see the House Speaker calling for a written law against Congressional members harassing other Americans. In fact, I saw no action taken against this crimelike activity whatsoever, and I've heard Maxine Waters threaten the President with her bile since that time. Call the doctor! The woman has too much issue from her gallbladder.

And if Pelosi's information is known to contain what she knows about her Party's corruption and when she knew it, if she continued the outrage of lies against President Trump by a phony impeachment process, I hope she is disciplined by the courts and stripped of her responsibilities to be fair as Speaker of the House. And if fairness is not written into the job description, by all means, the House of Representatives has a responsibility to write specific rules learned from this mess about lawful and unlawful behaviors between members of Congress and other people in the government, since common courtesy and prayers were done away with by order of Nancy Pelosi in this particular class of Congress. Her incompetence demands immediate removal.

The removal and replacement of Maxine Waters for criminal activity engaged to discourage Presidential staff from time off for meals without health-destroying harassment by a failed human being who feeds on hate and not reconciliation sans habituation in an office held too long. She holds a national trust, and she should not be placed in charge of a single nickel, much less the entire US Treasury, the Social Security savings that belong to American Citizens, etc. She's a malicious doppelganger and does not belong in the service of the American people due to her corrupt behaviors and instructions to her own staff to harass the President's people and the people who are closest to him. How dare she do that.

Sorry, I couldn't digest all that at 2AM, you need to give us the Readers Digest version instead of the full novel. Not trying to be mean, just helpful. Good night.


It ticks me off when the idiot Democrats carry their lies into the ground. I was unloading the ticks. All of them had DNC lies carved on their bellies. :rolleyes:
I'm not the only person who thinks Maxine Waters should be removed from Congress.​
Judicial Watch: In a search for the truth, Tom Fitton found and reported that the State Department Handler for Steel Used Personal Emails to Push Reports to the FBI, Cia,State Department, Defense Department, National Security agency, et al for use to commit subversive methods to immediately begin to bring a coup attack against President Trump as an insurance policy in case he won (and he did.)

This and only this is the reason chatter began directly after President Trump's election was declared the winner of the Presidential Race. Democrat operatives hoped to get rid of him right away, and developed lie upon lie to do it with.

The Steele Dossier was entirely a work of fiction, yet the Democrat Party, the Hillary Campaign, and the Obama administration along with their confederates in the FBI, the Cia, National Security, and Defense Department were brought in to do as much damage as possible to President Trump so that they could not only get rid of President Trump, but also to take over the House of Representatives in case they couldn't get rid of him, and obstruct his each and every attempt to help the american people they could.

This Judicial Watch finding should remove any doubt those who are critical of President Trump were given lies to judge, and not the truth. Every bit of badmouthing you heard following Donald Trump's winning the Oval Office was all lies and flim-flam to fool every person they could hook into hating the President of the United States of America.

The extremist Socialists in the Press were their firm promoters and allies, and did not do one single bit of checking up to see if there had been some error in the charges put out by the Democrat National Party. So the lazy (or pre-vetted) press rested on its laurels while the Obama administration did all that could be done to damage and make life difficult President Trump, his Family, his Staff, and his Supporters with false narratives, outright lies, and enough repetitious conspiring to ensure that terrible lies filled the ears of Americans who were horrified by the false salacious tales that were dreamed up by participants of the old Clinton War Room. It made President Trump look like the most corrupt human being on the face of the earth, when such a thing was untrue.

Nancy Pelosi was chosen as Speaker of the House because she knew how to keep the lid on all those lies. She has paid a price in stuttering and mispronouncing ordinary words, trying to keep all those lies in her mind, apart from what she knew was true. That was nothing near what she was trying to foist off onto a horrified American public, particularly her Democrat base, who at first were just gullible, and now claim that everyone (who didn't buy the farm of lies that effectively cowed their base).

Today, words I heard lefties calling righties on how stupid we are, spinning diatribes about President Trump being a liar because he denied Obama Administration lies. Lies were leveled against Donald Trump hundreds of thousands of times on media repeated by online Democrat operatives, movie and television stars, sitcom theater artists, former journalists who became eager participants in the conspiracy of false propaganda in multiple newsrooms who cheerlead socialistic policies that smack of failed communist regimes.

Fitton is very good at digging up the actions people have tried to hide. FOIA is a tool the bureaucrats hate most.


Our nation will be a better America on account of Mr. Fitton and all those who initiated and followed through with the Judicial Watch organization's findings on many wrongful abuses that need or needed repairs. FOIA used this time will alert information gatherers to avoid aligning themselves with those who don't play fair. I'm concerned that some who went wrong were the victims of some 900 files in the Clinton Presidency's White House in Mrs. Clinton's quarters of people associated in any way with her husband's competitors and their associates in elections he won, as well as certain partners in their business concerns. So many of the files were about his competitors, and people who accessed the names of the people were concerned that these people were potentially susceptible to revenge-taking and improper political manipulation considering how illegal snooping on citizens for their detriment is a serious breech of trust in citizen privacy issues. Considering that connections of Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State office was linked also in this matter that Tom Fitton uncovered, and the political bile that was delivered not only to President Clinton, but his Staff, Cabinet Members, and others Maxine Waters ordered her minions to harass, they were using address information to stalk the President's staff to discover where they ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there may be secret files in the FBI of just exactly those kinds of punitive measures Democrats dealt the members of the Trump Administration.

Maxine Waters committed an outrage when she played against the Trump Administration, and if we have FBI agents who are not corrupt, I hope they look into Maxine Waters' doings with a fine toothed comb and find out how her minions had such instant knowledge of the comings and goings of people they screamed at in public restaurants. That is so criminal I feel disgusted every single time I see Maxine Waters' nasty face spewing inanities at the President, which she does with utter abandon whenever she feels nasty, which I bet is daily, if this is investigated as it ought to be just to rule out further foul play. I didn't see the House Speaker calling for a written law against Congressional members harassing other Americans. In fact, I saw no action taken against this crimelike activity whatsoever, and I've heard Maxine Waters threaten the President with her bile since that time. Call the doctor! The woman has too much issue from her gallbladder.

And if Pelosi's information is known to contain what she knows about her Party's corruption and when she knew it, if she continued the outrage of lies against President Trump by a phony impeachment process, I hope she is disciplined by the courts and stripped of her responsibilities to be fair as Speaker of the House. And if fairness is not written into the job description, by all means, the House of Representatives has a responsibility to write specific rules learned from this mess about lawful and unlawful behaviors between members of Congress and other people in the government, since common courtesy and prayers were done away with by order of Nancy Pelosi in this particular class of Congress. Her incompetence demands immediate removal.

The removal and replacement of Maxine Waters for criminal activity engaged to discourage Presidential staff from time off for meals without health-destroying harassment by a failed human being who feeds on hate and not reconciliation sans habituation in an office held too long. She holds a national trust, and she should not be placed in charge of a single nickel, much less the entire US Treasury, the Social Security savings that belong to American Citizens, etc. She's a malicious doppelganger and does not belong in the service of the American people due to her corrupt behaviors and instructions to her own staff to harass the President's people and the people who are closest to him. How dare she do that.

Sorry, I couldn't digest all that at 2AM, you need to give us the Readers Digest version instead of the full novel. Not trying to be mean, just helpful. Good night.


Oh, one other thing. I was browsing youtube when I ran across the above video of Tom Fitton calling the House to remove Maxine Waters due to her fixation on removing Trump from power and the illegal things she said and did. She's still there. It's scary how the Democrats cover for each other's criminally-inclined actions because they can. They should have removed her from her control and use of the national purse. Instead, there were rumors Nancy Pelosi was using her to get at people's Social Security paid for by everyone who had a job for the last 50 years.

Does the Democrat Party have so much as even one person who doesn't lie, conceal the truth, and ignore ethics as their least important interest? Seems like one member abandoned the crooked party last month. Was he the last good guy, finally sick of all the lying they do every minute of every day?

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