Stabbings in Penn HS- Knives have no place in society

Suspect in custody after several stabbings reported at high school in western Pennsylvania | Fox News

Obviously knives have no place in civil society.

Knives can kill.

Anyone buying a knife should be registered.

Only a knife up to a 3" blade should be legal.

Background checks for all those people who buy knives should be instituted immediately.

We need to create Knife Free Zones- That will eliminate knife crimes.

Remember, people don't kill, knives do.

Interesting point

Maybe we should start to look at knives.....once they account for 2/3 of our murders like guns do

Interesting take away from yesterdays stabbings, No fatalities

How many fatalities would there have been if the kid was armed with a semi-automatic rifle and a 50 round magazine?

How many stabbiings would there have been if the kid only had a spit ball implement?

The NRA always tells me that a gun is just a tool

What we found out yesterday was that guns with high capacity magazines are much more effective killing tools than knives
It's far more easier to kill and maim scores more people with a knife than with a gun. Yet, somehow we're so worried about people with guns that we ignore people with knives...

This one needs another look. Stand back and admire it everyone. It is the work of a genius.
It's far more easier to kill and maim scores more people with a knife than with a gun. Yet, somehow we're so worried about people with guns that we ignore people with knives...

What method is "easier" is hardly the point, is it?

For that matter it's "easier" to inject poison gas into the HVAC system. But we don't have an injecting-poison-into-HVAC culture. we don't see people injecting poison gas into HVAC systems on every other TV show and movie and video game, and we don't have a legacy of inject-poison-gas-into-HVAC events to copycat. If we had all that, we'd have a problem. We don't have an epidemic of knife attacks either -- it happens, but it doesn't happen over and over and over and over and over.

The illogic here is the premise that the goal of the perp is murder, and the only question is what method to use. That's a faulty premise.

As is this entire topic, which is why I wasn't surprised somebody attempted it.

More to the point, neither the poison gas scenario nor knives, nor any other method, return the sensual "reward" that gun carnage does. That's what the gun carnagists are after psychologically -- which is not related to this story. Guns give you a remote control from which to make your victims dance. A gun gives a shooter a vantage point from which to inflict pain from a safe distance, even in a cowardly position out of sight. Guns give real-time sensual return of blood and guts from a distance where victims can do nothing but run in a panic -- which is also part of the sensual return. Gun carnage is all about psychological power. That's what they're all after. The idea that they're out for murder is just wrongheaded. The medium is the message here. That's exactly why it translates easily to video games. And movies. And every other TV show. It's an immediate and visceral appeal to our basest emotions.

That's why all these hackneyed analogies of knives and car accidents and poisons are bogus. They're not related to gun carnage just because they have murder in common. Gun carnagists are not out for murder -- they're out for carnage. Visual carnage. They're out for visceral emotional feedback. It's like a drug.
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