Stacey Abrams and the kidlets

She ain’t the Governor, she’s a loser. Makes one wonder, why is she allowed to go into a school for a photo-op?
Why was she permitted to give the DNC Rebuttal
to Trump's 2019 SOTU address.The one where
Crazy Lady Pelosi tore up her copy in front of
Because Democrats not only have no shame but they
belong in some loony bin.
With NO VISITATION.Maybe allowed some peanuts in the
shell on certain weekends tossed in their caged bins.
God Bless Stacey Abrams!
She is so wonderful isn't she.

She still, to this day, refuses to acknowledge she lost her race for governor instead appealing to Kemp as stealing the election. She goes around school ignoring the mask mandates she claims to support while the kids are forced to wear them. So wonderful. She is even such a consummate politician that she thought this picture would play so well she released it herself. Fingers on the pulse of the nation, obviously.

No, we people with half a brain or more do not agree with you.
Stacy Abrams was wrong for being unmasked. She could have potentially exposed children, further, stupid people would attempt to persuade other stupid people that this photo is proof that common sense and scientific facts should be ignored.
Exposed children to something that they have almost no risk whatsoever from.

We should all be masked 24/7 around kids, pneumonia represents a larger risk to children THIS YEAR than COVID.
She and Whoopi are so gross they should be forced to wear bath towels over their faces. Lol.
Whoopi should have been sent to the dust bin when she was actively trying to justify raping underage girls.

The View is fucking disgraceful. It is telling that the cancel crowd leaves that garbage alone for the most part.

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