Staff...question about Disagree

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I haven't disliked anyone's post aside from the accidental one I gave to Ma since it seems seriously whiny. It is pretty funny to see someone vindictively serial dislike repeated posts by a poster that got under their skin. That's a meltdown no matter how you slice it.
Tell that to Dullian and Shartface
All of the sudden everything is so warm and personal !! :huddle:

Lemme tell ya.

Not everything.

My Lord, who gives a rat's ass about RedExes. Dey iz nuttin.

They are a little annoying. The thing about Neg Rep was you could only give out a limited amount of it and you had a 48 hour rule.

But a determined stalker can Red X you all day.

A determined Red X e-stalker?


Be vewwy, vewwy caweful.

I haven't disliked anyone's post aside from the accidental one I gave to Ma since it seems seriously whiny. It is pretty funny to see someone vindictively serial dislike repeated posts by a poster that got under their skin. That's a meltdown no matter how you slice it.
Tell that to Dullian and Shartface
That stung you I see.
I haven't disliked anyone's post aside from the accidental one I gave to Ma since it seems seriously whiny. It is pretty funny to see someone vindictively serial dislike repeated posts by a poster that got under their skin. That's a meltdown no matter how you slice it.
Tell that to Dullian and Shartface
That stung you I see.
In yer dreams maybe. :D
I've been kinda looking at them as little spanks, and Samson is now forever dubbed "Spanky" in my mind.

If we want to test it, I don't mind being the guinea pig. It makes no nevermind to me. Feel free.
Red is disagree. It shows -0 on everyone because it is disabled. So...the only ones having a hissy and taking it PERSONAL instead of just a disagreement to what they said are those that like to bitch about anything and everything.

DISAGREE means exactly that. There is no "I hate your fucking guts you moron, so take THAT and THAT!"...except in their closed minds.

Personally, I like the idea of Yup! and WTF? instead of Agree, Disagree.
People have been disagreeing with me and I've been disagreeing with people ever since my first word which my mom (msrip) told me (more than once) was "No!"

I just can't seem to whip up any enthusiasm about and over being disagreed with.

Moderation Message:

A lot of hooking up and finger gestures
goin on here. I think it's done. Toying with
putting up a poll about moving it to the FZone.

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