Stand with Rand and lets dump the Patriot Act!


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
The House of Representatives (your leaders who are supposedly looking out for your best interests) just passed a sham bill entitled the USAFA (USA Freedom Act) that will extend the Patriot Act.

As we all know, the Patriot Act has authorized the Federal Government to spy on all of us and allow us to be treated as Terrorists without a trial if the they so deem us to be one.

Let's get rid of this worthless piece of crap legislation once and for all and contact our senators and let them know we don't want this. We need more senators to stand up against this worthless piece of legislation. Rand Paul is planning to filibuster reauthorization of the so-called "Patriot" Act.
That's nice. Rand filibustered Obama's lawless drone program a few years back too, but he recently turned around and praised a drone strike that killed some Americans even after the administration admitted they didn't know who they were targeting in the strike in the first place. Forgive me if I sit this one out.
The House of Representatives (your leaders who are supposedly looking out for your best interests) just passed a sham bill entitled the USAFA (USA Freedom Act) that will extend the Patriot Act.

As we all know, the Patriot Act has authorized the Federal Government to spy on all of us and allow us to be treated as Terrorists without a trial if the they so deem us to be one.

Let's get rid of this worthless piece of crap legislation once and for all and contact our senators and let them know we don't want this. We need more senators to stand up against this worthless piece of legislation. Rand Paul is planning to filibuster reauthorization of the so-called "Patriot" Act.

Government actually reducing its power in the name of freedom is rare, but it can happen (the 21st amendment being an example). I don't see many, if any, Congress members supporting this past the point of political grandstanding.
Because I am a Christian and an American and I'm opposed to all that ISIS and its backers stand for. I believe in our country (or what once was our country) and am tired of the globalist enemies of our country destroying our freedoms.

But, but ... infrastructure! science! facism!
Will you sit it out because you didn't like one of Rand's past decisions or because this particular issue is something you care nothing about? The fact that he is doing one thing right is good enough for me. I want the Patriot Act gone. If Rand is willing to do it, then at least someone is willing and I will back it.
Just type your senators name in your browser and find his site. From there you can send him and email. Let's flood their boxes!
Will you sit it out because you didn't like one of Rand's past decisions or because this particular issue is something you care nothing about? The fact that he is doing one thing right is good enough for me. I want the Patriot Act gone. If Rand is willing to do it, then at least someone is willing and I will back it.

I can sort of understand K's ambivalence. Grandstanding and political positioning is par for the course, I guess. But cheering for it makes me feel used and dirty.
It only takes a couple of minutes to stand up for our liberty! Do it this once.
It only takes a couple of minutes to stand up for our liberty! Do it this once.

I've already done it, actually. But it felt a little like my five dollar donation to the Jerry Lewis telethon when I was ten. Well intended, but pathetically not enough to matter.
I'm willing to give Rand whatever leeway he wants to get the Republican nomination. Once there, IF he jettisons the fundie/anti-abortion crowd, and comes out strong against our imperialistic foreign policy, our homeland police state and ACA --- AND avoids getting shot, I will definitely vote for him. But that's several long-shots in a row, so I'm not holding my breath.
"Stand with Rand and lets dump the Patriot Act!"

Paul is a republican, belonging to the same party that enacted the PA, where a republican president signed the Act into law, the party that now controls both Houses of Congress – are you truly this naïve and delusional to believe a republican Congress is going to 'repeal' the PA.
I don't condone the PA, but I don't outright dismiss all parts of it. Though the way it is implemented certainly calls into question ethics and human rights issues.

Is it the role of government to probe into the lives of citizens?

If so, how far does that extend into the home and workplace?

Lastly, is it the role of the state to be a morality police on internet and phone use?

Till we get clear answers, I think the PA or its equivalent has to further reformed or repealed (if it comes to that).
"Stand with Rand and lets dump the Patriot Act!"

Paul is a republican, belonging to the same party that enacted the PA, where a republican president signed the Act into law, the party that now controls both Houses of Congress – are you truly this naïve and delusional to believe a republican Congress is going to 'repeal' the PA.

It was passed by Neocon and Progressive scumlords, just like Neocon and Progressive scumlords (like Hillary) voted for the Iraq War.
The very fact that you'd push the false two-party partisanship deflection card (they are both really just one big tyranny party) and you always agree with the "middle right and left" establishment tells me you're just an establishment pig.

Molon Labe.

Stand with Rand.

Btw C_Clayton_Jones , what did you think of Obama's latest words of wisdom concerning society's lottery winners?
The House of Representatives (your leaders who are supposedly looking out for your best interests) just passed a sham bill entitled the USAFA (USA Freedom Act) that will extend the Patriot Act.

As we all know, the Patriot Act has authorized the Federal Government to spy on all of us and allow us to be treated as Terrorists without a trial if the they so deem us to be one.

Let's get rid of this worthless piece of crap legislation once and for all and contact our senators and let them know we don't want this. We need more senators to stand up against this worthless piece of legislation. Rand Paul is planning to filibuster reauthorization of the so-called "Patriot" Act.

The elephant in the living room being that the NSA could give a fiddler's fuck about the vote. The meta data studies are expensive and ineffective. The NSA has already largely abandoned them.
The House of Representatives (your leaders who are supposedly looking out for your best interests) just passed a sham bill entitled the USAFA (USA Freedom Act) that will extend the Patriot Act.

As we all know, the Patriot Act has authorized the Federal Government to spy on all of us and allow us to be treated as Terrorists without a trial if the they so deem us to be one.

Let's get rid of this worthless piece of crap legislation once and for all and contact our senators and let them know we don't want this. We need more senators to stand up against this worthless piece of legislation. Rand Paul is planning to filibuster reauthorization of the so-called "Patriot" Act.

Funny how we were called "Tin Foil Hats" back when we actually READ LEGISLATION. It took Snowden to expose it. The lesson here is READ LEGISLATION.

Corporations write it, Politicians openly say they didn't read it. Problem where?
The House of Representatives (your leaders who are supposedly looking out for your best interests) just passed a sham bill entitled the USAFA (USA Freedom Act) that will extend the Patriot Act.

As we all know, the Patriot Act has authorized the Federal Government to spy on all of us and allow us to be treated as Terrorists without a trial if the they so deem us to be one.

Let's get rid of this worthless piece of crap legislation once and for all and contact our senators and let them know we don't want this. We need more senators to stand up against this worthless piece of legislation. Rand Paul is planning to filibuster reauthorization of the so-called "Patriot" Act.

Funny how we were called "Tin Foil Hats" back when we actually READ LEGISLATION. It took Snowden to expose it. The lesson here is READ LEGISLATION.

Corporations write it, Politicians openly say they didn't read it. Problem where?
The part where parliamentary procedure is better than Congressional procedure. Meaning parliaments under the Westminster system have a first and second reading, then question time near the end of the day.

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