Stand with Rand and lets dump the Patriot Act!

Funny to see a republican trying to destroy a republican program. It's like the republicans adding $12 trillion to the national debt, and then preaching Fiscal Responsibility after they destroyed the economy.
Not really. See people are individuals despite their party.
When you identify yourself with a party or a religion, you are buying into that dogma.
Funny to see a republican trying to destroy a republican program. It's like the republicans adding $12 trillion to the national debt, and then preaching Fiscal Responsibility after they destroyed the economy.
Not really. See people are individuals despite their party.
When you identify yourself with a party or a religion, you are buying into that dogma.
Religion yes. Political party no.
Funny to see a republican trying to destroy a republican program. It's like the republicans adding $12 trillion to the national debt, and then preaching Fiscal Responsibility after they destroyed the economy.
Not really. See people are individuals despite their party.
When you identify yourself with a party or a religion, you are buying into that dogma.
Religion yes. Political party no.
Hello in there.....being a republican is identifying ones self as a con. Being a democrat is identifying ones self as a lib. A conservative democrat is an oxymoron...a liberal republican is....well that's beyond ridiculous.
"Stand with Rand and lets dump the Patriot Act!"

Paul is a republican, belonging to the same party that enacted the PA, where a republican president signed the Act into law, the party that now controls both Houses of Congress – are you truly this naïve and delusional to believe a republican Congress is going to 'repeal' the PA.
A democratic president with a Dem majority in both houses extended it, remember....and broadened it

Yes. This disturbs me greatly.

I was against the Patriot Act in the form in which it was passed in 2001, and back then, people called me a traitor. I am still against it in this form.

From the Patriot Act WIKI:

On October 23, 2001, Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner introduced H.R. 3162 incorporating provisions from a previously sponsored House bill and a Senate bill also introduced earlier in the month.[4] The next day on October 24, 2001, the Act passed the House 357 to 66,[5] with Democrats comprising the overwhelming portion of dissent. The following day, on October 25, 2001, the Act passed the Senate by 98 to 1.[6]

Bush 43 signed that bill into law the very next day.

Again, the Bill was introduced on October 23rd, the next day, it was already passed.

The Bill was 340 pages long:

I bet that practically no one in the HOR or in the Senate actually read the goddamned thing, which is an absolute abomination in terms of civil liberties, the principle upon which our Union was founded.

That being said, who knows how many terror attacks have been averted because of the PA.
I remember a lot of early cases reporting of FBI foiling assorted plots but, strangely enough, never heard of their court cases or any further information
Funny to see a republican trying to destroy a republican program. It's like the republicans adding $12 trillion to the national debt, and then preaching Fiscal Responsibility after they destroyed the economy.
Not really. See people are individuals despite their party.
When you identify yourself with a party or a religion, you are buying into that dogma.
No, you're saying you identify best with that party, not that you accept everything the party says completely.
When I wrote to my congressmen and Urged them to vote against the U.S. Freedom Act (the Patriot Act renewal) act, I asked them both to reply to me and tell me how they voted. One said he voted for it and the other replied but didn't say whether he voted for it or not. However, I know that he was all for it and stood behind George W. Bush when he signed the Patriot Act. So now I know how both my congressmen will vote and I also know how I will vote when they come up for the next election. Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch.

Does anyone else know how their representatives voted on this?
So the outcome of Rand's stunt was that a portion of the Patriot Act expired for all of two days, in which time it would be absurd to think that the government stopped it's illegal activities, and then perhaps an even worse piece of legislation was passed to replace it.

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